Candida Program

Use of Amino Acids Supplements in the Treatment of Candida Albicans

     Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, the basis of life itself. Proteins are one of the major categories of both the structure and the chemistry of living things. Amino acids may be linked together almost indefinitely to form more than 50,000 different proteins. A healthy body is continually breaking down proteins into individual amino acids, and assembling them into amino acid complexes as needed. The primary function of amino acids is not to supply energy, but to furnish the essential material for duplication of genetic code, for cell division, and for forming muscles and connective tissue. Amino acids are involved in the metabolism of hormones, neurotransmitters and the enzyme system.

     The body requires approximately twenty-two amino acids in a special pattern to make human protein. All but nine of these amino acids can be produced in the adult body. The nine that can not be produced are called “essential amino acids” because they must be supplied in the diet. In order for the body to properly synthesize protein, all the essential amino acids must be present simultaneously and in the proper proportions. If just one essential amino acid is missing, even temporarily, protein synthesis will fall to a very low level or stop altogether. The result is that all amino acids are reduced in the same proportion as the amino acid that is low or missing.

     There is a fundamental difference between vitamins or minerals and amino acids. Vitamins and minerals are needed in small amounts. Amino acid complexes comprise one of the major categories of both the structural and chemical machinery of living things. In fact the body has about 20 times more amino acids than vitamins and about 4 times more amino acids than minerals.

     Free form amino acids are individual amino acids in crystalline form, already broken down for better absorption by the body. They are different from predigested proteins or protein powders, where the protein is still present in the form of connected amino acids and is not efficiently broken down metabolically. Also, the powder may contain other factors that may further interfere with absorption of amino acids. Vegetarians are advised to take an ample amount of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) and Methionine as these aminos are not available in any combination of vegetables and legumes.

     It is important to know that when any single or combination of amino acids is used, the Amino Blend or “Pure Form Blend” should also be taken. Without the “Pure Form Blend”, the delicate balance of amino acids is altered and may reverse the desired effect of the single or group of single amino acids. In my Candida program, the “Pure Form Blend” is always included with other amino acid supplements.

     Perhaps the major difference between my program for treatment of Candida albicans and other programs is the use of amino acids. If only Candida eradicators are used, the body does not build up a protein base, thereby prolonging the time to complete the clearing of excess Candida and returning the immune system to normal operation. By enhancing the protein levels at the same time as treating the Candida, the time involved is considerably shortened from one and a half to three years to four to five months.

Standard Amino Acids Used in Dr. Mac Farland's Candida Program

Branched Chain Amino Acids
     A combination of three amino acids, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine. BCAA aids in healing wounds and helps encourage muscle buildup. This amino blend is successfully used in body building programs. (Note: Vegetarians are advised to take ample amounts of BCAA as these aminos are not available in any combination of vegetable or legumes).

     Glycine is effective in the treatment of hypoglycemia, muscle atrophy, and hyperacidity. It makes up a third of all the constituents in collagen, giving this fibrous protein the rigidity and strength it needs to structure our bodies and hold the cells together. In periods of high stress and anxiety, Glycine helps to control jerky, exaggerated movement and sometimes even spasticity.

     L-Histidine is known as a “natural antihistamine”. It is effective for sinus distress and “stuffy nose” syndrome. It acts as a neurotransmitter, reducing the intensity of beta waves in the brain and encouraging the growth of alpha wave levels. Histidine is known to diminish acidity of gastric juice, relieves pain during gastrointestinal operations, relieves burning sensation in the stomach, and is necessary for healthy sexual function. It also helps with conditions such as indigestion, anxiety and morning sickness (nausea associated with pregnancy). Histidine is useful in the treatment of anemia because it accelerates the formation of erythocytes (red blood cells) and leucocytes (white blood cells) and also the intake of iron into the living body. It is used for the treatment of allergic diseases and for the treatment of cardiac circulation system, angina pectoris, aortitis and cardiac insufficiency. In high doses, it has been found to be effective in the treatment of either definite or classical rheumatoid arthritis.

     Lysine helps in the formation of collagen, and is present in bone cartilage and connective tissue. It is most widely known for its suppression of herpes virus. Together with L-Methionine, it manufactures L-Carnitine which transports fatty acids into the mitochondria (the power center of each cell) where the fatty acids are then utilized as fuel for energy.

     This sulphur-based amino acid works by improving the health of your body tissue, thus improving the pliability and tone of the skin, conditioning hair, and strengthening brittle or soft nails. It is known to be a constituent of hemoglobin, tissues and serum and has a function in spleen, pancreas and lymph activity, and helps to lower blood histamine. L-Methionine, choline, inositol and betaine prevent excessive build-up of fat in the liver, and promote the production of lecithin in the liver, which keeps cholesterol deposits from forming and detoxifies the liver.

     One of the most abundant amino acids in the body, Taurine is found in high concentration in the excitable tissue, as well as the central nervous system. Most of the research on this amino acid focuses on its function in nerve tissue and its inhibitory action on epilepsy. Researchers have also found that Taurine is involved in the regulation of membrane excitability in heart tissue and has an anti-arrhythmic effect.
Two Special Formulated Amino Acid Blends for clearing conditions of excess ammonia and malabsorption.

Special Formula “H”
     A blend of three amino acids known to clear ammonia from recirculating from the liver into the serum (blood): L-Citruline, L-Aspartic Acid, and L-Threonine. Ammonia is the end product of our food chain. It is normally discharged by the liver to the kidneys and bladder, and then excreted through the urine. The term Hyperammonemia means that ammonia, instead of being discharged by the liver, is recirculated into the blood stream. It is apparently caused by a deficiency of the amino acids listed in this section. Many people suffering from Candida experience this problem.

Special Formula “A”
     This blend of three amino-acids, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Cysteine HCl and L-Proline helps to reduce metabolic demand for alcohol and nicotine and other drugs. It is the primary formula to clear Alcoholemia (malabsorption), and to augment the Hyperammonemia Formula in multiple sclerosis and allergic symptoms of some foods.

Other Amino Acids often used in the treatment of Candida albicans:

     Actually a product of the essential amino acids L-Lysine and L-Methionine, Carnitine's function is to carry fat into the cells where it is burned to release energy, improving fat metabolism into the heart, thus playing an important role in weight reduction. It has also been found to reduce blood triglycerides and cholesterol.

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
     GABA is not a constituent of protein. Yet, GABA is essential for brain metabolism. GABA plays an important role in the central nervous system, where it acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Epilepsy is generally thought to be due to a shortage of GABA and it has been used in drugs for epilepsy, brain disorders, brain hemorrhages, and high blood pressure.

     This amino acid is needed to build protein such as insulin, papain, and melanin. It is involved in eliminating waste, and has a kidney and bladder function. Its most important role may be as the raw material that produces several compounds known as neurotransmitters that control the basic process of impulse transmission between nerve cells. They are responsible for an elevated and positive mood, mental arousal, alertness and ambition; and is a natural remedy for depression and mental fatigue. L-Phenylalanine is also useful as an appetite suppressant.

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Bruce R. MacFarland, Ph. D., CCN
P.O. Box 2683,
Gardnerville, NV 89410
Tel. (910) 793-4152

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