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In 1974, I wrote in Let's Live Magazine of the Great American Deception: The Swine Flu Vaccine: Hog Wash. Over 43,000,000 trusting Americans were innoculated with this makeshift vaccine rounded up for a non-existent epidemic. Over 128 died immediately from its effects. Untold numbers may have had their lives shortened. That's because the vaccine will probably remain in their bodies for their entire lives. Science magazine commented: There can be few graver opportunities for man-made disaster than the mass immunization campaigns that are now routine in many countries. Should the vaccine preparations become contaminated with an undetected agent present in the host cells, a whole generation of vaccines could be put in jeopardy. This, of course, is no science fiction writer's horror story--It has already happened once; millions of people have been injected with a monkey virus known as SV40, which was found in 1961 to be contaminating polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus causes cancer in hamsters; no one yet knows what it may do in man.
Drugs for Hypertension For many decades, physicians have been loading patients who have elevated blood pressure levels with countless drugs aimed at preventing heart attack and stroke. Comes now the latest study, as reported by the New York Times. Drastic reductions in blood pressure increase the risk of heart attack, even the treatment of high blood pressure does not reduce heart attacks. (Einstein Medical College, New York) Why is this so? Because the drugs produce countless side effects which are often relieved by drugs that produce other side effects, and by drugs to reduce those side effects, endlessly.
The Great Cholesterol Farce Now comes Thomas J. Moore in The Atlantic, a distinguished source of information for more than 124 years, to outline the real facts regarding The Cholesterol Myth. I have described it as The Great Cholesterol Farce in an Alacer Report (Feb., 1985). But it is more than that. It is truly a great medical Fraud on the American public that is costing millions of lives. However, what Moore tells you is not all new. It has been evident for some 30 years that cholesterol is not the real villain in heart disease and stroke. In 1962, The American Medical Association commented:
But in recent years, the AMA has been on the band wagon, advocating testing for cholesterol by physicians and all manner of treatment, including cholestyramine (Questran) which reduces cholesterol only about 6.7%, yet causes constipation, gas, heartburn, and bloating, even death. Another drug is clofibrate. In a five year trial, 162 deaths had occurred in the group taking the drug, only 127 in the control group. I suggest you get a copy of The Atlantic for September, 1989, and read the whole, sordid story, of this unscientific flim-flam, in which the AMA, a major drug manufacturer, the American Heart Association, Kellogg, and the media have all suckered the American public into believing that cholesterol is the problem. You have been persuaded to cut down on eggs, the best protein around, which is detrimental to your health. You have been misled into thinking that cholesterol control will save you from heart attack and stroke, which it will not. Millions of people will die prematurely because they have been "barking up the wrong tree", failing to do the right things. But it is a bonanza for the physician, who can scare you into a lot of testing and increase his income at least 30%. The whole ridiculous campaign has intensified, "as the world learned how much money could be made by scaring people about cholesterol", says Thomas J. Moore. Even health food magazines have been taken in by these big lies. And oat bran sales have increased 1,000% in this vain pursuit. Still, the cause of the problem is not being addressed. Most Americans are ingesting 20 to 38 times their requirement of salt. This throws some 70 trillion cells of their bodies out of order and speeds up the loss of the vital potassium. Countless studies show that Americans need less salt and more potassium. One 12-year study of 1959 residents of Rancho Bernardo, Calif., showed that those who had about 1,000 mg. more of potassium in their diet had no deaths from stroke at all. (New England Journal of Medicine) It’s all explained very well in The K Factor, by Richard D. Moore, M.D. Ph.D., and George D. Webb, Ph.D. Now offered by Pocket Books, it tells how potassium, (K), magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C help to protect the intima, the lining of our arteries. When we are short on these factors, a break can occur in the lining, which becomes the collecting point for cholesterol, calcium, and lipids (fats) to form in a matrix. Since nearly every cell of the body produces cholesterol, which is a vital precursor of bile to digest our food and of sex hormones, it well may be, says Dr. Richard Passwater (Super-Nutrition for Healthy Hearts) that the cholesterol does not come from the circulating blood... but from the very cells at the point of injury to the intima. You can save your own life by providing your body with the nutrients it needs for good health, especially the K Factors of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Chromium as ascorbates of Vitamin C.