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Vital Enzymes: Excerpts from Dr. Edward Howell (continued)

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  • Incriminating evidence indicates that cooked, enzyme-free diets contribute to a pathological over-enlargement of the pituitary gland, which regulates the other glands. There is research showing that almost 100% of the people over 50 dying from accidental causes were found to have defective pituitary glands.

  • I believe that food enzyme deficiency is the cause of the exaggerated maturation of todays children and teenagers. It is also an important cause of overweight in many children and adults.

  • Many animal experiments have shown that enzyme-deficient diets produce a much more rapid maturation than usual. Animals on cooked diets are also much heavier than their counterparts on raw diets.

  • Farmers use cooked potatoes to fatten pigs for market. They've found that pigs on cooked potatoes fatten faster and more economically than pigs on raw potatoes. This evidence shows the great difference between cooked calories and raw calories. Indeed, from my work in a sanitarium many years ago, I've found that it was impossible to get people fat on raw foods, regardless of the calorie intake.

  • So far, there's not much hard evidence on whether taking additional enzymes will extend lifespan. However, we do know that laboratory rats that eat raw foods will Live about three years. Rats that eat enzymeless chow diets will live only two years. Thus, we see diets deficient in enzymes caused a 30% reduction in Lifespan.

If this held true for human beings, it may mean that people could extend their lifespan by twenty or more years — just by maintaining proper enzyme levels.

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