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Part 3
Inside Information on Important Innovations in
BioScience and Technology

SBO's --- An Amazing New
Breakthrough in Immune Stimulation and Healing
" The soil-based microorganisms in EarthFlora
are thoroughbreds. Peter Smith discovered the original organisms, bred and
groomed them so to speak, and eliminated from them any possible
undesirable elements. When you take a capsule of EarthFlora, you are
taking a thoroughbred selection --- highly selected colonies of beneficial
soil-based organisms. Peter Smith bred these organisms to perfection,
where the production of undesirable elements is zero --- absolutely zero!
That's why I call him a genius." --- Dr. Peter Rothschild
As we mentioned above, a microorganism doesn't have to be
"native" to the human system in order to provide genuine and quite
dramatic health benefits to humans when ingested. In fact, today
scientists worldwide are studying hundreds of different species of
microorganisms that are non-native to the human body, in order to
determine which of them might, when ingested, provide profound healing
benefits to individuals afflicted with serious ailments ranging from
cancer to arthritis and much more.
Additionally, scientists are
working on "grooming" various non-native microorganisms to perform
specific tasks in the human body, such as destroying certain viruses, or
stimulating specific functions within the immune system. In several
instances, great strides have been made in these areas --- one of which
has been in the development and use of soil-based microorganisms
for promoting overall healing in the human beings, as well as for
stimulating powerful immune responses unlike anything ever reported.
In just a moment, as promised in the beginning of this report,
we're going to give you the inside details on a unique new
immunotherapeutic product called EarthFlora, which utilizes
soil-based microorganisms in its makeup. But first, here's a brief
explanation of what soil-based microorganisms are, and what they do.

What Are Soil-Based Microorganisms?
SBO's, or soil-based organisms, are tiny microbes that live in soil.
According to medical research scientist Dr. William C. Bryce, M.D., PhD,
among other functions SBO's produce and release powerful enzymes that
sterilize the soil of putrefactive organisms, and thereby help prepare the
soil to support new plant growth. Without SBO's, lush plant growth could
not take place because the soil would be too contaminated with yeasts,
molds, fungi, candida and other harmful organisms that are antagonistic to
plant growth and reproduction. The enzymes produced by the SBO's solve
this problem by helping kill off huge amounts of the harmful elements in
the soil.
Dr. Bryce points out that in addition to the above
function, SBO's also produce and release nutrients and growth hormones
which, when absorbed through the roots of plants, help stimulate the
reproductive cycle in the plants. For example, the growth hormones
produced by SBO's are biologically activated to stimulate seed maturation.
Simultaneously, these hormones also accelerate further numeric growth of
the SBO colonies themselves.
As the SBO colonies grow
exponentially thanks in part to their own growth-stimulating hormone
production, this then geometrically increases the amount of hormones
available to the plants in the surrounding area, which then accelerates
further seed development and plant growth. Scientists now believe that
this incredible, ongoing, self-stimulating growth process is responsible
for the rapid growth capability of plants, as well as for that of the
lifeforms that consume them, such as animals and humans!
In short,
SBO's produce and release powerful enzymes that prepare and purify the
soil to support plant growth, and they simultaneously produce and release
the specific nutrients and hormones necessary to accelerate plant growth
and stimulate plant reproduction.

SBO's In the Human
Most Americans don't realize it, but many forms of SBO's, as well as
their enzyme, hormone and nutrient by-products, are unknowingly ingested
into the human system --- with very beneficial effects --- when all fresh
raw fruits and vegetables are eaten. This was especially true in the 19th
century, when America was basically one large rural farming community, and
the ingestion of fresh raw fruits and vegetables --- often straight from
the fields, or directly from family gardens --- was commonplace.
Today however, human ingestion of SBO's and their beneficial
by-products is far less common. This is because modern agricultural
techniques (including the over application of powerful pesticides,
fungicides and germicidal agents) and heatbased food processing
techniques, tend to kill off SBO's on fruits and vegetables, as well as
destroy the beneficial enzyme, hormone and nutrient by-products normally
released by the SBO's and absorbed by the food plants as part of the
normal growth cycle. Nonetheless, SBO's and their beneficial by-products
still manage to find their way into the human system today, though in this
country with far less frequency than times past.
It is because of
this that a number of nutritionists working on the cutting edge of
orthomolecular medicine now speculate that the declining digestive intake
of SBO's and their enzyme, hormone and nutrient by-products is one of the
chief reasons Americans tend to experience far more bowel and digestive
system problems than do the people of other countries where modern
high-tech farming and food processing techniques have yet to replace
family farms and gardens. In other countries, SBO intake is markedly
higher via the intake of fresh raw plant life, and digestive tract
problems are correspondingly lower!

The Making of
In the late 1970's a reclusive scientist by the name of Peter Smith was
on a trip overseas. While hiking through a pristine area of a foreign
country [which, to this day, he won't name --- Ed.] he spotted some large
clumps on the ground, which he recognized as huge colonies of soil-based
microorganisms. Smith was intrigued by the unusual nature of what he saw,
and brought some of the organisms back into the United States for research
and experimentation. Later, he returned several times to the original
location to obtain additional samples.
For the next few years,
Smith conducted phased studies of the soil-based microorganisms he had
discovered. Phase #1 was to identify the various strains of SBO's found
living in the clumps he had discovered. Phase #2 was to determine if the
SBO's were toxic or pathogenic. Phase #3 was to ascertain what, if any,
beneficial value these soil-based bacteria might be able to impart to
living things, particularly animals and humans.
After considerable
painstaking and detailed research the specific strains of soil-based
bacilli Smith had discovered were identified. Toxicity tests proved
negative on fingerling fish. In fact, far from being harmed, the fish
began rapidly increasing in size when taking the bacteria. Then, toxicity
tests were carefully conducted on rodents and other members of the animal
kingdom, with equally positive results. There was nothing toxic to animals
in the bacteria. At the same time, extensive botany tests were conducted,
which showed that the bacteria were amazingly beneficial to plants and
Soon, Smith became the first human being to use the
bacterial culture himself --- first using it topically on open wounds, and
later ingesting it. Again there were no toxic reactions to the bacteria,
and there were no harmful side effects. In fact, the bacteria seemed to
give increasingly positive health results as more and more of the
organisms were consumed.
According to the source material we were
able to obtain for this report, Smith's research was conducted in the
laboratories of several major California universities. He collaborated
with top professors and other research experts, and was able to utilize
the facilities of the laboratories freely, as well as the computer data
In the course of his research and experimentation, Smith
and his laboratory co-workers were able to perfect a process for
selectively breeding superior strains of the tiny microorganisms, as well
as for "grooming" them until they had a culture that, when ingested by
humans, produced very specific and quite startling healing and
immune-stimulating results, with absolutely no toxic effects, or other
unwanted side effects. The combined corporate effort of Smith and his
university colleagues ultimately resulted in the development of the
amazing EarthFlora food supplement product.
EarthFlora is manufactured as a gray-black powder. The
powder, which is composed chiefly of a broad array of specific
micronutrients and phytoplankton, acts as a substrate for the live
soil-based microorganisms. Through a special process, the SBO's are kept
in a dormant state within the powder, and do not become active until
introduced into an aqueous solution such as water, juice, etc. Because of
this, EarthFlora boasts a shelf-life of over five years at room
temperature, and even longer if refrigerated.

In the course of our research on this product, we discovered that Smith
holds no patent to EarthFlora, nor to the various processes he
developed in order to selectively breed and "groom" the soil-based
microorganisms. Nor has he patented his technique for putting the
organisms into the dormant state which gives them such an unusually long
shelf life. According to our sources, this is because he wants to prevent
his product from being duplicated or stolen.
To this day, Smith
will not even identify the original soil-based organisms he discovered,
nor discuss his processes for selectively breeding and grooming the
superior strains from the original cultures.

Dramatic Healing
Nonetheless, in spite of all of the secrecy surrounding
EarthFlora, the product has enjoyed over 12 years of continuous ---
albeit very quiet --- use by the relatively small number of people who
have been fortunate enough to hear about it. In that time, no toxic side
effects have ever been reported. What has been reported over the
course of the past 12 years are dramatic cases of remission from some of
the most serious illnesses and chronic degenerative diseases known to
What's more, users of EarthFlora are reporting numerous other
ongoing health benefits, such as virtual immunity from colds and flu,
stronger digestive capabilities, elimination of constipation and other
chronic digestive disorders, increased and/or stabilized metabolism,
increased energy levels, increased physical strength, greater resistance
to infections, quicker healing of wounds, increased mental clarity, and
much, much more.
We were able to examine the results of specific
tests, as well as scientific laboratory analysis performed on the product,
which revealed the specific actions through which EarthFlora is
able to stabilize the metabolism in human beings, radically boost
nutritional assimilation, and simultaneously amplify the human immune
system to such a degree that illness and disease can be warded off
indefinitely, and even reversed if already in progress.
information gives a startling insight into what makes EarthFlora
such a remarkable therapeutic product. We'll give you some of the specific
details in just a moment, but first, here's a basic outline of how
EarthFlora works when taken orally, as well as a brief description
of the five main functions of of the SBO's contained in EarthFlora.

How It Works: A
Basic Outline
When EarthFlora is ingested, it moves from the
stomach to the intestinal tract and forms colonies of beneficial SBO's
along the way, which attach themselves to the intestinal wall. Then, as
food works its way through the gastro-intestinal system, it drags some of
the bacteria from these colonies further "down the line", these bacteria
also attaching to the intestinal wall. Within a short period of time, the
microorganism attachment to the intestinal wall encompasses literally the
entire length of the gastrointestinal tract.
The SBO's in
EarthFlora grow and multiply into large colonies wherever they
attach to the intestinal wall. Once established, they quickly begin
producing an environment which dramatically stimulates the body's ability
to absorb and utilize crucial nutrients, while simultaneously ridding the
intestinal tract of both putrefaction and pathogenic (i.e.,
disease-causing) organisms. Here are five of the main functions conducted
by the SBO's once they are integrated into the human intestinal system
through ingestion as a food supplement:
Function #1: Once
the SBO's have established their colonies in the digestive tract, they
immediately begin eliminating all accumulated putrefaction in which
harmful pathogenic organisms thrive. The SBO's have the ability to get in
behind putrefaction that has stuck to the walls of the colon and other
areas of the intestinal tract, and devour it away. Excess putrefaction is
dislodged by the SBO's, and then flushed out of the intestinal tract by
normal eliminative processes.
#2: The SBO's also go to work breaking down hydrocarbons. With
this unique ability, all foods are broken down into their most basic
elements, allowing almost total absorption through the digestive system,
and thereby dramatically increasing overall nutrition, and rapidly
enhancing cellular growth and development. This process also vastly aids
the digestive system in the process of elimination, because of the
unusually thorough and complete manner in which all foods are broken down
by the SBO's. As a major side benefit, constipation is eliminated almost
Function #3: While in the digestive tract, the
SBO's produce specific proteins which act as antigens. These, in turn,
stimulate the immune system to produce huge quantities of antibodies over
and above that which the immune system would normally have available for
use. This vastly increased antibody output dramatically amplifies the
immune system's ability to ward off disease and illness. Plus, it enhances
the immune system's ability to battle virtually any disease or illness
already afflicting the body. Because of this factor, which we'll explain
more in-depth in just a moment, many individuals using EarthFlora
have reported amazing healing results from diseases.
Function #4: The
SBO's are extremely aggressive against pathological molds, yeast, fungi,
and viruses. They quickly engulf and ingest harmful microbes such as
Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Penicillium frequens,
Penicillium notatum, Mucor racemosus, Aspergillus niger and many
others, which would otherwise infect the body and cause serious illness
and even chronic degenerative disease. In eliminating pathogenic microbes,
the SBO's end up allowing the over-worked immune system to rest and gain
#5: The SBO's work in a symbiotic relation to somatic
cells. They metabolize proteins for the cells, and simultaneously help rid
the cells of toxic wastes, thereby dramatically boosting the normal
cellular functions which are the very basis of all human health.
It is chiefly because of these five specific functions of the
SBO's contained in EarthFlora that such dramatic healing and
immune-stimulation results are being achieved for people around the world
who are quietly using this unique and exclusive new therapeutic food. But
the truly fascinating immune-stimulating effects of the SBO's can only be
fully realized when one looks at the data produced by the ongoing
laboratory tests being conducted by some of the world's top scientists and
immune system experts. In the following section, we'll take a closer look
at some of this exciting data, which helps more completely explain the
how and why of EarthFlora's incredible effectiveness
as a powerful immuno-stimulator for the human body.
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Part 1
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