At this point in 2020, would anything shock you? Well, the CDC recently released data showing that 94% of reported COVID-19 deaths may have been falsely reported. According to recent data from this government agency, only 6% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 can actually be attributed to the virus.
We’ve been told that the drastic measures which have destroyed small business, put millions out of work, and officially revoked religious freedoms are necessary. We’ve been told that this virus has killed over 180 THOUSAND Americans since March. But what if that number was lower? What if 94% of the 180,000 fatalities attributed to the disease had other causes of death?
According to the newly released CDC data, only 10,800 of those 180,000 can truly be attributed solely to the virus. The “pandemic” that has crippled our economy and society has been dramatically over-exaggerated. The CDC and our politicians know it. We said the same thing months ago. Millions out of work. Billions in tax bailouts. Suicides, hunger, and abuse skyrocketing.
And the numbers driving this devastation are 94% wrong.
Let’s repeat that:
Only 6% of COVID-19 deaths can actually be attributed solely to the virus itself.
Our government has lied to us, and that lie has been catastrophic. The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession. Substance abuse has increased. Mental health issues have increased. Suicides have increased.
In fact, a survey last month found that at least 40% of adults in the U.S are struggling with mental illness or drug abuse. In fact, 11% of those surveyed said that they have “seriously considered suicide” since the outbreak.
Domestic abuse is up. Defaults on loans and mortgages are up. Child abuse is up. Abuse of people with special needs is up. Americans are depressed, poor, isolated, and hopeless. And it’s exclusively due to false data and media lies.
This is going to be a long read, so we’ll break it into three main sections for you (feel free to bookmark or share this page and come back for the entire story).
First, we’re going to demonstrate that the mortality rate of the disease (and the narrative that hospitals are overwhelmed) is a lie. Second we’ll discuss the fact that masks, social distancing, and business closures are ineffective and extremely dangerous. Finally, we’ll talk about how the government and elite have used this fake pandemic to gain more control, steal more money, and wage a guerrilla war on liberty. Truth be told, almost every “fact” about COVID is actually a lie.
Everything You “Know” About COVID-19 Is A Lie
We’ve been told that COVID-19 is lethal. That it has killed nearly 200,000 Americans. That masks, social distancing, and the sudden shutdown of our economy are the only reason many more haven’t died. But there’s a big difference between dying FROM the virus and dying WITH the virus.
According to the CDC, only 6% of coronavirus deaths can be confirmed as having been caused by coronavirus. “For deaths with pre-existing conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” they say. (You can look at the official data here.)
So, for over 94% of reported deaths (the same deaths that have led to economic collapse and significant loss of life), there were almost 3 additional causes of death. People who have drowned, people with late-stage cancer, people involved in traffic collisions… ALL of these people we classified as COVID-19 deaths simply because they tested positive at the time of their death.
There are 3 fundamental truths that you need to understand:
- Reporting is Faulty
- Tests Are Faulty
- Most Patients Are Not Contagious
Reporting is Faulty
That’s really the headline here. 94% of reported fatalities had other causes of death. But it gets worse. Reliable data and information are essential to making decisions. You can’t plan a dinner party if you don’t know what’s on the menu or how many guests will attend. You can’t order parts to fix your car if you haven’t diagnosed the problem.
It follows that you can’t effectively implement drastic, global, “protective” protocols if you don’t yet understand the extent of the virus.
And yet that’s exactly what’s been happening. Scarce and unreliable data haven’t stopped entire nations from issuing “stay at home” orders and forcibly closing millions of businesses. A massive amount of the U.S. population is now out of work and quarantined in their homes despite virtually no reliable data to support the effectiveness of these measures.
Professor John Ioannidis (an expert in medicine, epidemiology, population health, biomedical data science, and statistics) may have summed it up best:
“The data collected so far on how many people are infected and how the epidemic is evolving are utterly unreliable. Given the limited testing to date, some deaths and probably the vast majority of infections due to SARS-CoV-2 are being missed. We don’t know if we are failing to capture infections by a factor of three or 300… This evidence fiasco creates tremendous uncertainty about the risk of dying from COVID-19. Reported case fatality rates, like the official 3.4% rate from the World Health Organization, cause horror — and are meaningless. Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.”
“The numbers are almost meaningless,” says Steve Goodman, a professor of epidemiology at Stanford University. There’s a huge amount of people who have mild cases and would not likely seek testing, he says. The rate of increase in positive results reflects a mixed-up combination of increased testing rates and spread of the virus.
It’s also worth mentioning that many COVID-19 cases are diagnosed without tests. If a person dies with COVID symptoms (which are common among MANY diseases), doctors may diagnose them without ever testing to confirm.
If a person dies and tests positive for the virus, they’re added to the body count. However, that’s scientifically irresponsible at best and criminally negligent at the worst. In Italy, New York, and other parts of the world where the outbreak has been most severe, the likelihood that many of these fatalities weren’t caused by the virus is high.
We know that COVID-19 is much worse for the older population. Those aged 0-64 make up about 84% of the U.S. population. But they only account for a little over half of the documented hospitalizations and about 20% of all deaths. Meanwhile, those aged 65-84 make up a little over 14% of the population but account for 36% of hospitalizations and 46% of the deaths. Those 85+ comprise only 2% of our population, yet they account for 9% of hospitalizations and a whopping 34% of deaths!
Now, we’re not saying that every life isn’t precious and ireplacable. Anyone who knows us (or our mission) can see that preserving every human life is our primary objective. But when you look at the numbers in context, things just don’t add up.
We know that this disease disproportionately affects the elderly. It also disproportionately affects those with compromised immune systems. But so does almost every disease known to man. Did you know that the median life expectancy in the U.S. is about 78 years? The sad truth is that people die every day… and older people die more often.
If an elderly person comes in with health issues, passes away, and is diagnosed with the virus, they are added to the number of people killed by COVID-19 – EVEN IF THEY HAD OTHER SEVERE UNDERLYING CONDITIONS!
To put that into perspective, there have been reports of people around the country dying from car accidents, drowning, or premature birth who have been counted among the coronavirus victims. But the testing has been notoriously unreliable, and the causation simply isn’t there. Just last month, it was confirmed that a positive test is no longer required to attribute a fatality to the virus.
Which brings us to point #2…
Tests Are Faulty
The U.S. government has mismanaged COVID testing so badly that we were both the slowest and the most inaccurate when it came to COVID testing. Rather than allow the free market to create testing kits, the government assigned the task to the CDC, who rolled out an inaccurate test, contaminated thousands of samples, and refused to test a patient in Northern California who turned out to be one of the first probable COVID-19 cases.
The more data and information we have, the more we can make informed decisions. In this case, bad and missing data resulted in catastrophically terrible decisions. And testing today is still wildly inaccurate.
Earlier this month, shortly before Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine was due to meet President Donald Trump at a Cleveland airport, the governor tested positive on a rapid antigen test for the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.
Two follow-up tests, using a more accurate polymerase chain reaction, or PCR test, showed the governor didn’t have COVID. This kind of false positive with an antigen test isn’t an isolated incident.
Dozens of people who took a rapid SARS-CoV-2 test developed by biotech company Quidel at a Manchester, Vermont, clinic in July were told they had COVID. Subsequent PCR tests run by the state’s Department of Health found that only 4 out of those 65 were positive.
Testing is inaccurate. Patients are sometimes diagnosed without being tested. There are likely millions of infected people with no symptoms. And the death toll is a flat-out lie.
And even when tests are accurate, they can still be misleading.
Most Patients Are Not Contagious
The New York Times published a story on Saturday which looked at the accuracy of the most popular coronavirus tests currently in use. It found that the tests are designed in such a way that they are far too sensitive. The Times estimates that up to 90% of the people who receive a positive test are carrying such a small amount of the virus that they probably aren’t contagious; and only about 10% would need to consider isolating themselves.
The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus. We’ve known for months (based on the available data) that the coronavirus does not act like normal cough and cold viruses that we often catch from children. In a surprise to pediatricians, teachers and parents alike, the virus behaves the opposite of what we are used to. Children and adolescents do not seem to get sick with Covid-19 as frequently as adults. And children, especially elementary school-age children, do not seem to transmit it effectively to one another, nor to adults.
This has been documented in countries around the world, including Greece, Switzerland, and Australia. Even when schools are open, most children who get ill are found to have been infected by someone in their household, not from a school contact.
According to the CDC’s own data, people aged 0-24 account for 0.2% of documented COVID-19 deaths. And remember – only 6% of those are actually confirmed!
And since the vast majority of infections seem to be asymptomatic, there is an extremely high likelihood that there are thousands – even millions – of infected Americans who have not been tested or diagnosed.
So the tests are bad, the data is bad, and most people probably aren’t even carriers. But there’s one more lie we need to address before we move on. And it involves the fundamental rhetoric of “flattening the curve”.
Hospitals Are Not Overwhelmed (the U.S. is actually in great shape)
Despite the narrative you may have heard from the mainstream media, our health system (while riddled with flaws), was prepared for an event like this. While the federal government’s pandemic preparedness was sorely lacking, the fact is that America’s system of private medicine has left us far better positioned for today’s crisis than other nations.
As former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb explained in an interview, here in the United States, “we’re going to have a better experience [with COVID-19] than a lot of other countries because of how good our system is at delivering critical care.”
And while we hate to say it, Gottlieb is right. The United States has 20 to 30 intensive care unit beds for every 100,000 people, the most per capita of any country in the world. That is at least 75% more than in the United Kingdom, where the government-run National Health Service had a meager 5,900 ventilators before the pandemic struck.
Here’s some quick math:
- Ignoring false positives and misdiagnoses, the U.S. has seen 6,212,174 cases.
- The official number of deaths due to COVID currently stands at 187,742
- The U.S. population is about 331,002,651
- This means that the percentage of the population diagnosed with the virus is about 1.9%
- The WHO estimates that around 20% of infected patients will require hospitalization
- This means that the number of hospitalized patient in the U.S. is roughly 1,242,434
- About 0.37% of the U.S. population needed hospitalization
- The vast majority (about 75%) of hospitalized patients do not require intensive care
- This means that about 0.09% of the U.S. population required intensive care
- That figure amounts to 9 in every 10,000
And while that number may seem high at first, remember that the CDC confirmed that 94% of reported COVID deaths were accompanied with other morbidity factors. As we’ve already mentioned, cancer patients, people injured in car accidents, drowning victims, and people with existing heart or respiratory disease were routinely counted among the death toll for the virus.
Admittedly, the virus may well have exacerbated some preexisting conditions. It would be unfair to claim that 94% percent of cases weren’t caused – at least in part – by the virus. But the reality is that people go to the hospital all the time.
Approximately 4 million patients are admitted to the ICU each year. Given that 94% of patients had other illness or injury, it may well be that the number of ICU admissions for COVID-19 is around 12,424. That number, while serious for patients and their families, barely registers against the 4 million ICU admissions normally seen each year.
And as usual, the U.S. government found a way to squander millions of dollars responding to a threat that never really existed. Early this spring, the Army Corps of Engineers mobilized in the U.S., hiring private contractors to build emergency field hospitals around the country.
The endeavor cost more than $660 million, according to an NPR analysis of federal spending records. But nearly four months into the pandemic, most of these facilities haven’t treated a single patient. In fact, of the 13,727 beds made available, only 1,177 patients were ever even used.
The majority of these field hospitals saw exactly zero patients. That’s $560,747.66 per patient.
But squandering money on unnecessary field hospitals is not the only mistake the government made in response to the virus.
Safety Measures Don’t Work
In a knee-jerk response fueled by faulty data (or, in many cases, no data at all), the U.S. government shut down business and began mandating mask use. But do masks work? The CDC says that even simple face coverings are better than nothing in order to “slow the spread” and limit the transmission of coronavirus.
Let’s go over the FACTS about masks and COVID-19.
Here are 12 FACTS that we KNOW…
- No studies have been done to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on the transmission of COVID-19. As a matter of fact, research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on the first of April indicated that “both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19.”
- In a February 2020 meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials involving 9,171 patients, there were no statistically significant differences in preventing influenza or viral infections using N95 respirators and surgical masks.
- A May 2020 study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask.
- In a 2008 study of surgical masks worn by 53 surgeons, researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly, creating a condition known as “hypoxia.”
- A 2015 study indicated that hypoxia inhibits T-lymphocytes (the main immune cells used to fight viral infections) by increasing the level of a compound called hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). In other words, wearing a mask, which has been shown to cause hypoxia, may actually set the stage for contracting COVID-19 and make the consequences much worse.
- Hypoxia promotes inflammation which can promote the growth, invasion and spread of cancers. Hypoxia is also a significant factor in atherosclerosis, thus it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.
- Those who wear masks are constantly rebreathing the viruses and raising the concentration of the viruses in the lungs and nasal passages. By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves, and can travel into the brain.
- Anthony Fauci, head of the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), did an interview on 60 Minutes where he stated that “People shouldn’t be walking around wearing masks.”
- The World Health Organization says that there is no need for healthy people to wear face masks. They recommend that healthy people only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with COVID-19.
- Surgeon General Jerome Adams advised against the general public wearing face masks, saying they were “not proven to be effective” in preventing people from contracting COVID-19.
- Although the CDC recommends wearing masks, they admitted that they do not have data to confirm that wearing a mask reduces the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.
The World Health Organization’s guidance about when to wear a face mask may seem confusing to Americans, who have been advised by the CDC to wear cloth face masks in public to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
“If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19,” the WHO guidelines read. And at first, the CDC agreed. After months of maintaining that healthy people didn’t need to wear masks in public to prevent the coronavirus, the country’s top public health officials reversed their position, recommending that everyone wear a face mask in public places where social distancing is difficult.
It’s a stark change from the early weeks of the outbreak, when the CDC said only two groups of people needed to wear masks: people who were showing symptoms and people who were taking care of someone who was sick. Sound familiar?
And the fallout of shutting down our economy will be far more severe than the virus itself.
Economy and Public Health
One of the most common attacks we’ve heard on those who support reopening our economy and salvaging our liberties is that we care more about the economy than human life. But the truth is that the two are invariably intertwined.
The more damage we do to our society and economy, the higher the death toll will be. In fact, there will almost certainly is and will be more loss of life from the reaction to coronavirus than from the disease itself. Reuters summarized a few of them beautifully:
Domestic Violence
Trapped at home with their abusers, some domestic violence victims are already experiencing more frequent and extreme violence, said Katie Ray-Jones, the chief executive officer of the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
Domestic violence programs across the country have cited increases in calls for help, news accounts reported – from Cincinnati to Nashville, Portland, Salt Lake City and statewide in Virginia and Arizona. The YWCA of Northern New Jersey, in another example, told Reuters that its domestic violence calls have risen up to 24%.
“There are special populations that are going to have impacts that go way beyond COVID-19,” said Ray-Jones, citing domestic violence victims as one.
Vulnerable Students
Students, parents, and teachers all face challenges adjusting to remote learning, as schools nationwide have been closed and online learning has begun.
Some experts are concerned that students at home, especially those living in unstable environments or poverty, will miss more assignments. High school students who miss at least three days a month are seven times more likely to drop out before graduating and, as a result, live nine years less than their peers, according to a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report.
Among the most vulnerable: the more than 6 million special education students across the United States. Without rigorous schooling and therapy, these students face a lifetime of challenges.
Special needs students “benefit the most from highly structured and customized special education,” said Sharon Vaughn, executive director of the The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at the University of Texas. “This means that they are the group that are most likely to be significantly impacted by not attending school both in the short and long term.”
For example, in New Jersey, Matawan’s Megan Gutierrez has been overwhelmed with teaching and therapy duties for her two nonverbal autistic sons, eight and 10. She’s worried the boys, who normally work with a team of therapists and teachers, will regress. “For me, keeping those communications skills is huge, because if they don’t, that can lead to behavioral issues where they get frustrated because they can’t communicate,” Gutierrez said.
Furthermore, we can’t even begin to imagine the effect of these dramatic changes on the mind and mental health of students. How will they be permanently impacted by living in fear and masks; by oftentimes literally studying in plastic boxes?
Soaring Suicides
In Europe and the United States, suicide rates rise about 1% for every one percentage point increase in unemployment, according to research published by lead author Aaron Reeves from Oxford University. During the last recession, when the unemployment in the United States peaked at 10%, the suicide rate jumped, resulting in 4,750 more deaths. If the unemployment rate increases to 20%, the toll could well rise.
“Sadly, I think there is a good chance we could see twice as many suicides over the next 24 months than we saw during the early part of the last recession,” Reeves told Reuters. That would be about 20,000 additional dead by suicide in the United States and Europe.
Less than three weeks after extreme suppression measures began in the United States, unemployment claims rose by nearly 10 million. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned the rate could reach 20% and Federal Reserve economists predicted as high as 32%. Europe faces similarly dire forecasts.
Some researchers caution that suicide rates might not spike so high. The conventional wisdom is that more people will kill themselves amid skyrocketing unemployment, but communities could rally around a national effort to defeat COVID-19 and the rates may not rise, said Anne Case, who researches health economics at Princeton University. “Suicide is hard to predict even in the absence of a crisis of Biblical proportions,” Case said.
This week, the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, relaxed its strict social isolation policies after the apparent suicides of two cadet seniors in late March. (This reported by the Gazette, a Colorado Springs newspaper.) While juniors, sophomores, and freshmen had been sent home, the college seniors were kept isolated in dorms, and some had complained of a prison-like setting. Now, the seniors will be able to leave campus for drive-thru food and congregate in small groups per state guidelines.
Public Health Crippled
Typically, local health departments run programs that treat chronic diseases such as diabetes. They also help prevent childhood lead poisoning and stem the spread of the flu, tuberculosis and rabies. A severe loss of property and sales tax revenue following a wave of business failures will likely cripple these health departments, said Adriane Casalotti, chief of government affairs with the National Association of County and City Health Officials, a nonprofit focused on public health.
After the 2008 recession, local health departments in the U.S. lost 23,000 positions as more than half experienced budget cuts. While it’s become popular to warn against placing economic concerns over health, Casalotti said that, on the front lines of public health, the two are inexorably linked. “What are you going to do when you have no tax base to pull from?” she asked.
Carol Moehrle, director of a public health department that serves five counties in northern Idaho, said her office lost about 40 of its 90 employees amid the last recession. The department had to cut a family planning program that provided birth control to women below the poverty line and a program that tested for and treated sexually transmitted diseases. She worries a depression will cause more harm.
“I honestly don’t think we could be much leaner and still be viable, which is a scary thing to think about,” said Moehrle.
Job-loss Mortality
Rises in unemployment during large recessions can set in motion a domino effect of reduced income, additional stress and unhealthy lifestyles. Those setbacks in income and health often mean people die earlier, said Till von Wachter, a University of California Los Angeles professor who researches the impact of job loss. Von Wachter said his research of past surges in unemployment suggests displaced workers could lose, on average, a year and a half of their lifespan. If the jobless rate rises to 20%, this could translate into 48 million years of lost human life.
Von Wachter cites measures which he believes could mitigate the effects of unemployment. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act approved by the White House last week includes emergency loans to businesses and a short-time compensation program that could encourage employers to keep employees on the payroll.
Young People Suffer
Young adults entering the job market during the coronavirus suppression may pay an especially high price over the long term. First-time job hunters seeking work during periods of high unemployment live shorter and unhealthier lives, research shows. An extended freeze of the economy could shorten the lifespan of the 6.4 million Americans entering the job market by an average of about two years, said Hannes Schwandt, a health economics researcher at Northwestern University, who conducted the study with Von Wachter. This would be 12.8 million years of life lost.
Thousands of college graduates will enter a job market at a time global business is frozen. Jason Gustave, a senior at William Paterson University in New Jersey who will be the first in his family to graduate from college, had a job in physical therapy lined up. Now, his licensure exam is postponed and the earliest he could start work is September.
“It all depends on where the economy goes,” he said. “Is there a position still available?”
Even the U.N., which has vigorously supported the draconian suspension of industry, society, and freedom, says that “hundreds of thousands of children could die this year due to the global economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic and tens of millions more could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the crisis”
Every day that our country remains closed, more people around the world will die. And that fatal decision has been made by a few public servants who would fancy themselves omnipotent overlords.
And as Americans suffer, the government and the extremely wealthy are taking advantage.
The Elite Class is Scamming Us
The powers that be – billionaires, the tech and pharmaceutical industries, and governments around the world – have used fear as a means to seize the very freedoms that define our society. Many of us are at the mercy of these authorities. Businesses are failing, citizens are hurtling towards financial ruin, and the rights enshrined in the constitution have been stripped.
Practicing safe habits as a virus spreads is important. Supporting your immune system, practicing proper hygiene, and taking care of those most vulnerable among us is of paramount importance. But the oppressive measures taken against us will cause far more damage than this virus ever could.
The government has quietly stripped us of our freedoms and they will start demanding concessions before they return them. Increased taxes. Bailouts for mega-corporations. New vaccine requirements. Medical tracking and registration. Communist-era social surveillance. If we comply with their demands in exchange for our liberty, we are acknowledging that our liberties are subject to the whims of a few self-important government officials and the corrupt corporations that support them.
The inevitable conclusion to this chapter of our history will be a bargain: comply with government orders and they will return to you your freedom. But conditional freedom is no freedom at all. And it’s time we sent that message loud and clear.
The $2 trillion stimulus package approved by the government is intended to help ease some of the strain the country is feeling, but a closer look under the hood reveals an unsatisfactory distribution of funds for a potentially cataclysmic crisis.
Here’s a quick breakdown:
- Individuals: A direct deposit of around $1,000 in cash into the average American’s bank account.
- Big Business: Airlines are expected to be the largest recipient of this pie with about 15% of this chunk.
- Small Business: $10 million loans to small businesses to help make rent or make payroll.
- Public and Health Services: The $100 billion going to healthcare providers is allotted to help them make up for lost revenue coming in from elective surgery.
Red flags run through the entire stimulus. Any cash deposit is always welcome, but a mere $1,000 is not going to sustain most Americans through to the other end of the economic recovery. And why are private airlines the largest recipients of the Big Business pool of money?
Even now, as Congress is attempting to pass a new stimulus bill, the two parties are in a deadlock. Both sides are using this bill to force their own agendas which unrelated to the current economic crisis. A crisis they caused in the first place.
Americans are literally being held hostage and used as bargaining chips in a political showdown between the two parties.
As it turns out, all of this is the result of faulty data and lies. Artificially inflated statistics are responsible for the economic and social collapse which we’re currently experiencing. Enough is enough.
Politicians are supposed to work for us. They should use our tax dollars sparingly and responsibly, and they should protect our constitutional rights instead of stripping them away. Our governments have crossed a line that they cannot uncross. They have taken freedom hostage. They’ve used lies and fear to force America into the most severe economic recession in history. Soon, they will offer vaccines and other concessions as the terms for its release. It is of paramount importance that we do not accept their terms.
Susan Schiller says
Can you get a copy of the article regarding the CDC over inflation of vivid cases to President Trump? He needs good information to get this country fully opened again.
432Purple says
They can’t because here they are the ones manipulating the facts. If someone with other conditions, which didn’t kill them before, gets Covid and dies, it doesn’t mean he didn’t die from Covid. Deaths from Covid aren’t only the people who died from Covid alone!
Steve says
The CDC data table is based on an analysis of death certificates that mention COVID-19 as a cause. For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned, the CDC notes.
The other 94% list COVID-19 and other conditions together. Among those deaths, there were, on average, 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death, the public health agency said.
As of Aug. 26, the CDC said, there were 161,332 deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate. Social media users over the weekend posted an older screenshot of the data that showed 153,504 deaths. The posts used the 6% figure to claim the U.S. death toll was much lower — 9,210.
“CDC just backpedaled (quietly) and adjusted the U.S. COVID deaths from 153,504 to 9,210. Admitting that their numbers are so (expletive) that they are off by a whopping 94%,” said a post being shared on Facebook Monday.
BUT SUCH CLAIMS MISREPRESENT THE DATA. A death isn’t excluded from the COVID-19 tally just because the person was obese or had diabetes or dementia. Someone with heart problems can still be killed by COVID-19, and the death certificate could mention both as contributing.
Experts say it’s not surprising that so few people who died from COVID-19 had no underlying conditions listed on their death certificates. It is rare for people not to have multiple medical issues at death.
“The underlying cause of death is the condition that began the chain of events that ultimately led to the person’s death,” Dr. Robert Anderson, who oversees the CDC’s death statistics work, said in a statement. “In 92% of all deaths that mention COVID-19, COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause of death.”
Raymond Obomsawin says
The Pandemic has only one foundation for its widely believed legitimacy, and that is the relevance, accuracy and reliability of the Reverse Transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) testing procedure ubiquitously employed to diagnostically confirm infection of persons with SARS CoV-2.
In a nutshell:
The RT-PCR test:
i. Has no RNA from the virus its supposed to test for;
ii. Is incapable of identifying or isolating any type of virus;
iii. Doesn’t provide RNA sequences of viral pathogens;
iv. Offers no baseline (gold standard) for comparison with patient samples;
v. and Cannot determine an infected from an uninfected sample.
Dr. Kary Mullis, the scientist who discovered RT-PCR technique, and was awarded the Noble Prize in chemistry for doing so, clearly held that this is clearly a non-diagnostic tool, and is thus useless for determining whether a person is infected with any given virus.
The CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel effective as of 07/13/2020, concludes: “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms… This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens ”
Moreover, the instruction manuals of manufactured PCR tests state that they’re not intended as a diagnostic test, e.g. the tests made by Altona Diagnostics, as well as Creative Diagnostics. In the LightMix Modular Assays produced by TIB Molbiol (distributed by Roche) we read: “These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection.”
Prominent virologist Dr. Charles Calisher, was quoted in Science as affirming that that “modern virus detection methods [like] “Polymerase Chain Reaction [PCR]… tell little or nothing…. [It’s] like trying to say whether somebody has bad breath by looking at his fingerprint.” In May of 2020 Dr. Casher admitted he has yet to see any evidence that the COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) virus had been isolated and purified, meaning definitive proof of its actual existence is yet to be confirmed.
Early in this calendar year four, (4) different scientific teams produced the relevant research papers commonly referred to as proving the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Each team – including individual members – were asked for proof of whether the electron-microscopic photos as depicted in their in-vitro experiments showed purified Novel Corona viruses. Not a single team could answer “yes” to this most basic and important of questions — and no one would say that purification is not an essential step in verifying the existence of a new virus. No proof was given that the origin of the virus genome was viral-like particles, or cellular debris, pure or impure, or particles of any kind. So, the existence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA is based upon faith, and not fact
A high-profile European pathologist and member of the Advisory Board of the European Society of Pathology, Dr. Stoian Alexov, reports that he and his colleagues across Europe have not found any evidence of any deaths from the novel coronavirus on that continent. He referred to the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “criminal medical organization” for creating fear and chaos worldwide without providing objectively verifiable proof of a Pandemic.
At their May 8, 2020 Webinar The European Society of Pathology observed that:
1. No antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 have been found by pathologists. Logically, then, doctors are unable to confirm if the virus was ever present in the body.
2. Autopsies conducted in several European countries do not show any evidence that the virus is deadly, i.e. no-one has actually died because of the virus.
3. There is no scientific proof that the RNA sequences [deemed to match that of the novel coronavirus] are causing what is called SARS-CoV-2, so do we know if the disease actually exists?
4. Therefore, there is simply no basis for a vaccine, a serology test, nor an immunity certificate.
5. The WHO is prohibiting virtually all autopsies of people allegedly dying of the disease;
6. People who die allegedly with the disease must be listed as a SARS-CoV-2 death, which is putting immense pressure on pathologists to produce inaccurate work.
7. Pathologists in several countries are now distancing themselves from the WHO guidelines.
Steve says
COVID testing is not the only means of determining the impact this virus is having.
Estimates of excess deaths can provide information about the burden of mortality potentially related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including deaths that are directly or indirectly attributed to COVID-19. Excess deaths are typically defined as the difference between the observed numbers of deaths in specific time periods and expected numbers of deaths in the same time periods. This visualization provides weekly estimates of excess deaths by the jurisdiction in which the death occurred. Weekly counts of deaths are compared with historical trends to determine whether the number of deaths is significantly higher than expected.
The information is available from the CDC if you search Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19.
The all causes excess deaths to date for the United States stands at 190,912, starting from February 1, 2020 to present.
Camille Hodnett says
When are we Americans going to speak out? In a BIG way. Talk about a reason to protest! This has been a corrupt agenda beginning way back I am certain. Corruption is not a strong enough word for what this is.
Jo says
I am now living under the tyranny of a radical governor, in Virginia. It has already been proposed that ALL citizens in this state will be required to take a vaccine for the COVID-19. My 93 year old mother is with me now, I will not leave her in a nursing home. So, I feel like we are both trapped here, vulnerable to all that is coming down by the radical officials.
I have never taken a flu shot, and managed NOT to get the flu but once in my life – and I was working a heavy schedule, out in the public mostly. I did keep my body healthy, and my immune system in top shape. I believe in these methods, and I would like to live free and have a choice as to whether I want to take a vaccine. I am now undergoing much stress and uncertainty for the future. I am a Christian, and pray each day about this country and what is happening.
Amber Taft says
I also live in Virginia. I have 3 young children and strongly oppose forced vaccinations. I’m trying not to fear what these people are doing and trust that God will protect us..but it’s still quite scary
Skylar says
This is a mutating virus. A vaccine will not cure it! They will need a vaccine for each strain. Just like HIV/AIDS mutated into thousands of strains. A vaccine would not work. Also not enough testing to know what the side effects will be in a year or so. kill, mame, steralize, attack health, brain, cause birth defects, growths, cancer? Remember the 1950’s babies world wide from medication that cause babies with no limbs? No testing done. Fauci & Gates have a company to push a vaccination. Gates has already killed babies, and sterilized 3rd world people. Because the laws don’t make pharmaceutical companies responsible for what they give you, they give bad meds or junk meds. It is on records about Gates. They both are for depopulating the world. Gates wife wears an upside down cross. Fauci sent the virus to China with millions of tax payer $$ when told to stop working on it. Goes deeper than that. Gates sent money to China lab also. Why would yrs before President Trump took office would Gates say the new President would be dealing with a pandemic? Sounds like they were setting this up. There is a photo of Obama, Fauci and Gates wife in the USA Labs around 2016 or so.
Nancy Detweiler says
I, too, am from Virginia and was very concerned to read:
I sent the above URL to President Trump, the U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, and the Surgeon General of the U.S. Vice Admiral Jerome M. Adams, M.D., M.P.H. asking them not to allow the Covid-19 vaccine to be made mandatory in Virginia. Others could do the same.
Listen to: as his medical colleague, Dr. Carrie Madej reveals her concerns over the vaccine being created.
Randolph Frodsham says
Thank YOU for ALL you’ve done so far. I am cancer-FREE not because of, but in spite of, the AMA and conventional medicine.
In 2012, at the age of about 63, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The VA say me down with a surgeon and the first words out of his mouth (I don’t believe he had even introduced himself yet) were “I should have been cutting on you yesterday.” (I would say he didn’t have the best of a bedside manner.) The very next sentence out of his mouth was “You are at least 4 years into a 7-year cycle when the cancer will fully metastasize and spread throughout your body and into your bones.” (To me it was obvious that he was trying to scare me onto the table so he could cut, viz.: if you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail – or maybe he had some bills to pay and needed quick money.)
It is now 2020 on my calendar, and my last three biopsies have been totally negative, though my PSA remains elevated.
Between a lot of prayers (He always gets TOP billing.), what I learned from the original TTAC series and and my own study of certain “superfoods (e.g.: turmeric and ginger), and me taking personal responsibility for the one human body he made me 100% personally responsibile for, I know I’m VERY BLESSED.
Admin says
Hi Randolph!
We feel so blessed and honored to have been able to bring you truth and health. Thank you so much for sharing your story! It’s because of you that we do what we do.
Blessings, Brianna
Stephanie Cassano says
Hello., Love your story, I’m reading exactly what i been thinking, There was no way everyone has Covid 19. There is to many of them and to many mentioned everday. What about heart attacks., stroke, cancer,ect. You never hear that. Because no autopsy.
are done. They just get zipped up in a bag and thrown in a truck.
Sid Nash says
Thank you for this report. I don’t doubt that what you’ve said about CDC stats is correct. However, you have not provided the math from which you’ve come to this conclusion: “According to the newly released CDC data, only 10,800 of those 180,000 can truly be attributed to the virus.” I looked at the CDC stats, using your link, but I’ve not figured out how you came to the number 10,800. Please clarify…
432Purple says
CDC gives a percentage and they figured out the number. In any case Ty and Charlene (whom I love!) are wrong here because they are trying to say that only deaths from Covid alone count as deaths from Covid. There are plenty of people with conditions they didn’t die from until they got Covid…
T Bowman says
Those people who died would’ve likely died from any typical flu strand as well though. Just something to consider.
Francis Hornak says
Maybe that is right, but it means that Covid-19 is merely the catalyst that proves the straw on the camel’s back and is not a fatal disease in itself for the vast majority of us. In fact it is particularly mild for most and I would suggest that it could not be fatal for an otherwise healthy person in the absence of some other complicating factor. e.g. inappropriate treatment in the form of ventilator use or overly strong toxic anti-viral drugs. Or indeed their vaccination status, the influenza vaccination having been particularly implicated in exacerbating a subsequent Covid-19 bout.
Dave Walling says
When I read it, I see they are talking about the cause of death being “Directly” the cause. They do not appear to mention whether it has a contributing factor which would be another equation. Then there would be the percentage it contributed to the death so would be extremely hard to determine. However, there are many instances of people dying from alternative causes such as “Alcohol Poisoning” or from a “Car Accident” that have recorded covid19 due to “Having” it or “Had” it. It was also stated clearly that if any patient without a positive identification dies that they be registered as cause of death as “Covid”. These are what need to be explained and looked into so we get a clearer picture. Sid Nash, the figure is a simple 6% of the 180,000 deaths which were directly related to covid which is 10,800 being the real figure.
Halfbreed says
6% of 180,000=10,800
Jeff says
The lame stream news is already running stories that the numbers are high and anyone who says any different is “misinterpreting” the data.
Anna says
Where are the references for all of these claims?
Admin says
Hi Anna!
If you scroll down to the bottom of the article and click on the tab titled ‘sources and references’, you’ll find all of our sources carefully commented.
Blessings, Brianna
Joyce Gehrke says
Thanks so much for all the information. I won’t wear a mask unless I have to to get into a business. I wonder how much of this socialism junk will go away after the election unless the Democrats win. Pray they don’t. Love Ya’ll Joyce
Lisa says
I feel like Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi are the Americans “parents” that are in a bitter divorce and using their children as pawns.
Paris Sethi says
Hi !!
Can you please source your data and findings? I would share if I had this. Or the links in cdc website or elsewhere to add credit. If you provide this I will share beyond belief!! I am a PhD psychology candidate and I think in terms of citing and referencing. 😉
Thank you kindly
Paris Sethi
[email protected]
Admin says
Hi Paris!
If you scroll down to the bottom of the article and click on the tab titled ‘sources and references’, you’ll find all of our sources carefully commented. Thank you so much for your support! We really appreciate you sharing this vital information.
Blessings, Brianna
Jim W says
I’ve looked at the data on the CDC page you cited but I don’t see where you get get the 6% number of actual cases. I have no doubt the number is low, I just don’t see where you got that from the data presented.
Stephen T Machutta Sr. says
Great job on this report. I forwarded it to over 100 people.
Guy Faux says
I told ya so!
James Musson says
Almost all death certificates show more than one cause of death. All USA deaths to date this year are about 200,000 above the same time last year. The pandemic is real, but poorly managed in USA whose public health systems have been short changed. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
432Purple says
Perfect response! I’m not sure why Ty and Charlene want to put their credibility in doubt. I love the work they did about cancer and vaccine. Now they look like they’re just standing against this as stubborn children manipulating data to support the outcome they’re looking for. Kind of what they accused others of doing regarding cancer and vaccines. I’m not sure why they feel like they can’t accept some of what those in charge say is true sometimes. It’s all or nothing for them this time. A shame, I like them.
432Purple says
Perfect response! People who lived with other health conditions that didn’t kill them until they also got covid absolutely can be counted as died from covid! I’m not sure why Ty and Charlene want to put their credibility in doubt. I love the work they did about cancer and vaccine. Now they look like they’re just standing against the establishment as stubborn children manipulating data to support the outcome they’re looking for. Kind of what they accused others of doing regarding cancer and vaccines. A shame, I like them.
Caryn says
If you like them, then start researching the long list of sources and references at the bottom of the article, come to an educated opinion yourself, and then share your disagreement respectfully with them instead of just commenting negatively over and over. Do the legwork and you may have a leg to stand on!
Susan E Smith says
Posted and with in % minutes was fact check for false info!
darren jewell says
The last round of ‘stimulus’ was not just $2.0T. The advertised package was $2.2 and there was an additional $4.0T that Trump signed that went to the Federal Reserve to ” Loan and disperse at their discretion.”. I saw Trump say this live as he signed the paper.
That $4.0T was then created out of thin air and “loaned” to the US government which will have to pay it back, with interest.
The FED is not federal, they are a private, for profit bank owned by foreign interests. They are the only for profit corporation that is immune to scrutiny and it is actually illegal (by congressional order) to attempt to audit them in any way. They pay no taxes and provide no service.
This was the single largest crime ever perpetrated on the American people and represents approximately $12,121. dollars for every man, woman, and child in the US. They returned approximately 10% of this to the people in the form of stimulus checks and we all stood up and cheered while they stole our livelyhood.
Sad state of affairs that needs end.
VoteWithYourDollars says
It is my understanding that the Fed was now part of the US Treasury – can anyone comment on this or support it with references?
Frans Langenkamp says
Very true! This mechanism of money making has to be revealed to the large public, as soon as possible! It is the biggest ripp off in history.
julie says
So what are we to do about this scheme to fundamentally transform our nation and the world? Facts don’t matter. What honest doctors say doesn’t matter. What true research says doesn’t matter. Good is called evil and evil is called good. Your articles are excellent. Your political PAC is great but it’s obvious we need to do more, but what is that? If everyone would stop acquiescing to the policies and dictates of the emperors we are living under this would all end today. The emperors won’t give in unless we rise up as a overwhelming group. Unfortunately, most people are too afraid or bought into the lies to act. How do we change this?
Bonnie n Levine says
We are up against enormously powerful elites with mega billions and control of our media censoring dissent taking down truthful information that gets in the way of lies, fed by greed, profit, and absolute control (and Big Pharma is their biggest advertiser and calls out what should be or shouldn’t be on the tv) , our health organizations (cdc, who, nih, etc.) who were supposed to protect and serve us, but have been corrupted by profit/BIG money/royalties from ownership and sale of billions and billions of these rushed to market never proved safe vaccines with disease and death causing side effects (as shown over years as Gates gave these to girls and young women (causing sterility) in Africa, India, and other third world populations with poor or no consent and lawsuits following and Gates thrown out of
India, etc) vaccine patents (Gates and Faucci and Big Pharma, etc.) and Faucci controls Billions of taxpayer’s (our) money to give or withhold as he alone sees fit and he is a very corrupt self-serving psychopath, and Gates is among other things a eugenicist and likely satanist wife Melinda wears an upside down cross (hello?), the public thinks he is a philanthropis, but everywhere he’s given $, he’s gotten partnerhips for financial gain and admitted himself that
his contribution are magnified enormously by the profits and power that he gets back. Don’t trust me, got to Robert F Kennedy, Jr, a most trusted and proven fighter/attorney/researcher/
and defender of children’s health other dozens of years (Childrens’Health Defense Organization) the proof is in the lawsuits hundreds he has won against Big Pharm and a recent lawsuit won proved that NONE of the vaccines over the last 32 years has been tested and proven safe or effective, which they contain mercury, aluminum, heavy metals, glyphosate,
aborted baby fetal tissue, and now nano-materials that among other things can genetically modifly our human DNA i.e. turn us into trans-humans and more. Finally, reliable data from
around the world proves that this “virus” is about as lethal as a seasonal flu, that children are almost zero vulnerable to covid-19 and the schools should never closed, the world should never had to close down and Faucci and others are responsible for the lies that caused this
joan esclamado says
It is so sad how many people react to the CDC new numbers. I know people who think it is misinformation. This is so sad. They don’t know who to believe and they are confused and overwhelmed. It helps so much that there is a global community growing who listen to your truth, and to other doctors who also talk about truth. Otherwise, I would not know how to move forward!
thank you!!
Beatriz A Pereda says
So what exactly are we supposed to do? Seems we are powerless against them.
Nelson says
Wonderful Article!
Well Done!
However, please have a professional read and review this article to make several changes to some mistakes that I noticed in the format and the grammar. There are several errors that need to be corrected. It’s fairly obvious that you were in a rush to get this published. I personally love your content and information, but you should make sure that the errors in the article don’t provide “anyone” the ammunition they need to refute / belittle the information.
Brent says
I love what you guys are doing, keep it up. One suggestion. Hyperlink all your sources of info so people can go directly to the science and see it. I only saw one hyperlink.
Nanette P Perkins says
Before believing what this site tells you, be sure to look it up completely! There have been more than one occasion where I’ve seen false information posted on this site. I want to believe they are not doing this just for attention. If the cdc admitted they lied about the covid deaths, then why not put a link to this so we can see it for ourselves. I went to the CDC website and saw NOTHING that said they admit they were wrong. Again, this is not the first time so it makes me sad because now I have to investigate what they say so see if it is the truth. My recommendation is that they put up links when they make claims like this.
Ty Shlackman says
Go to Table 3.
Biljana says
The CDC will NEVER openly admit that they made a mistake, but the numbers are there for those who understand them, to discern what they mean. The issue of co-morbidity is a big deal and it can’t be swiped under the rug, as some would like to think possible though a so-called “massaging” of the data. Again, about admitting a mistake: Did the Inquisition ever apologize for the families of those they burnt on the stake? Did they ever apologize to the astronomers who knew that the earth was round, not flat? The answer is no, and the CDC will find a way to fit in the numbers into whichever narrative they want to promote. It is sad that all those people who died alone and did not have a proper celebration of their life, are part of the statistic and falsely so.
Michelle Dudley says
Thank you!! Thank you for all this information!!! This is so much information to comprehend and allot to read! I love all of it because it is the truth!!
Thank you for sharing and caring!!
krista zweck says
Great article ! I have been trying to tell people all these points and everyone just looks at me like I am crazy. Love what you do! Thank you!
Jane E Sample says
Facebook keeps deleting my posting of this information claiming it’s false. How frustrating.
432Purple says
Quit facebook! It’s evil!!
Donna says
Post on Brighteon… They won’t delete it.
Nancy Miller says
I really appreciate your encouragement and prayers and Solid advice you give through in-depth research and find it very helpful and brings peace of mind in the midst of all the stress and pressure we all face. God bless you for all you face to share with us
Silvia Logan says
Many people even here in Canada are calling the coronavirus a hoax.
Sarah says
Yes !
This wont be over until “we the people” say that it is over.
So rise up and claim back our country.
Stand up for God and for our Freedom.
Linda says
God bless you for all your hard work in compiling this info & freely sharing it with those “with eyes to see and ears to hear.”
Jon says
Holy cow! So where do we go from here?
jb says
Don’t comply to the lie!
jan says
We need to show up like they are in London and Berlin and show our resistance. We are many, they are few. We are at a tipping point in history.
Mike says
Thank you for this fine article!
There is so much false information. it is nice to find the truth.
KH says
Question: does that mean other countries inflated their death counts too?
Ty Shlackman says
Yes of course it does especially in those countries that have mass testing and have an agenda of imposing compulsory vaccinations. Medical authorities worldwide serve Big Pharma and most political authorities worldwide also serve Big Pharma. That’s why government authorities worldwide promote or mandate vaccinations.
432Purple says
I love your work on cancer and vaccines. Why is it so hard for you to accept the covid is real? Why do you think that people who had other health conditions which they were living with (didn’t die) until covid was added and then they died are not covid deaths? Things are not always so black and white. You don’t have to always be 100% against everything the main stream says.
Also, why are you only showing replies you posted to comments? Where are other people’s replies?
Admin says
Hi Miriam!
We show all replies except those which are hateful and abusive. I’m sorry that you don’t agree with our position on COVID-19.
Blessings, Brianna
Ty Shlackman says
Everyone with co-morbidities will eventually die from their co-morbidities unless they take action to heal themselves. Coronaviruses are flu viruses which like many other things weaken immunity. Flu viruses can trigger pneumonia which is caused by strep and chlamydia bacteria. Coronaviruses are like the HIV virus. They can weaken your immune system but they won’t directly kill you but because your immune system is weakened you become more susceptible to other pathogens like streptococcus bacteria and herpetic viruses which can cause many diseases and can sometimes be fatal.
Ernie22 says
To 432Purple: You are correct that some people with co-morbidities who died after contracting COVID-19 are properly attributable to COVID-19 as “a” cause of death. And the article did in fact acknowledge that fact (albeit after beginning the article by implying that COVID-19 wasn’t a factor in 94% of the deaths):
“Admittedly, the virus may well have exacerbated some preexisting conditions. It would be unfair to claim that 94% percent of cases weren’t caused – at least in part – by the virus. But the reality is that people go to the hospital all the time.”
However, it is also inaccurate to claim, as you imply, that none of those 94% would have died had they not contracted COVID-19. Since the vast majority were advanced in age and had an average of 2.6 other serious health conditions, it’s reasonable to infer that a significant number (we can’t know the exact percentage) would have died anyway from their other illnesses. So Ty and Charlene are correct when they point out that the statistics have been seriously inflated.
What we CAN say for certain is that COVID-19 is serious for the elderly when combined with other illnesses. But not for the younger population (in contrast to typical flu impacts)–especially not for children.
Furthermore, many of the excess deaths (2020 over 2019) can be attributed to an over-the-top response on the part of government (mostly state governors; the federal government had/has relatively little say in terms of shutdowns & other mandates, though they actually did quite well in ramping up PPE production and distribution, though you wouldn’t know that from the mainstream media).
Bottom line: the COVID-19 “crisis” is mostly a myth; serious for a vulnerable subset of elderly folks with other serious illnesses, but it never justified the huge economic disaster foisted upon us by the shutdowns and other unreasonable measures that have made the cure much worse than the disease.
September 2, 2020 at 1:13 AM
Hi, I just listened to former Congressman Ron Paul, who is an MD (OB/Gyn). The end of the talk is dedicated to financial recommendations (which I can’t take advantage of) but at the beginning he discusses COVID.
Being a health care professional for decades and practicing the same infection control protocols since 1965, I have to agree with him. I am an alien, and therefore a non-voter, I could care less about politics but am alarmed about how politicians and media are using the pandemic:
Deborah says
I can’t see this on the official cdc web page. Where did you get this info from? If the source can be revealed then I will share the hell out of this article as I truly don’t believe in a ‘pandemic’
Cindy Hauffe says
Can anyone tell me (even w/the inflated figures) what percentage of the U.S. population has actually died from COVID to date?
Shelley Perlman-Azran says
Immediately just as I posted to Facebook – Facebook Censored the article!
bionaze says
I want to believe they are not doing this just for attention. If the cdc admitted they lied about the covid deaths, then why not put a link to this so we can see it for ourselves. I went to the CDC website and saw NOTHING that said they admit they were wrong. Again, this is not the first time so it makes me sad because now I have to investigate what they say so see if it is the truth. My recommendation is that they put up links when they make claims like this.
Elias E Agredo-Narvaez says
Yeah but even after knowing this if tomorrow they say that the death numbers are spiking and that the CDC made a mistake on that report and that is necesary for people to lockdown again, people will willingly and voluntarily lock themselves. And even if the governments of the world openly admit that it was all fabricated, most people will stil be wearing a mask whereever they go.
maaaaaaaaa, maaaaaaaaa, maaaaaaaa,
larrywinfield says
Man made Vaccines are stark evidence…No human has the ability or knowledge to:: bring together any elements directly from earth or: elements contained in a tree or plant and mix them together to make a concoction and inject it into a human being as a Vaccine medicine. Only the designer and creator of the human frame…the authenticity of life…can know such intricate knowledge.
Zoe says
Please comment on this article that says your article facts are incorrect:
COVID FACT CHECK: There have been over 223,000 EXCESS DEATHS in America this year so far, above and beyond the flu and all other causes of death COMBINED..
Susan G Robbins says
What Do You Realy Expect To Be Done About These Real Statitics ?? Do You Believe That President Trump Knows What’s Really Going On?? How Can He Not? I Realy Hope And Pray Dr Fauci And Debra Brics Is Held Accountable For Thier Blatant Lies . Could You Please Keep Us Updated Thank You For Your Excellent Data
Ty Shlackman says
How come in this article you say COVID-19 is a very real disease but in a previous article you stated the virus has never been isolated and proven to cause the symptoms associated with COVID-19 and violates all of Koch’s postulates needed to prove that a pathogen both exists and is the cause of disease symptoms.
Hi, I was never a conspiracy theorist, but I woke up one morning thinking “why are we divided into “essential” people (workers) and non-essential (those who stay home). In addition, as a health care worker who practiced the same infection control procedures for 45 years and took care of people with everything from leprosy to “flesh-eating” disease, who worked through the hysteria of the AIDS epidemic, who got coughed on regularly, who took a blood splash full face, I have been bemused by all the over-the-top infection control protocols – such as my hairdresser wiping my seat after I had my hair cut – when everyone was wearing a mask and no one coughed or sneezed (a procedure not followed at my local medical center.
So now I am going to take you down a conspiracy rabbit hole: Today, I saw a video of an elderly, well dressed Italian gentleman, who says “don’t get tested” because a cascade of things will happen afterward. He says the tests are unreliable and could give a positive, from fragments of COVID and other coronaviruses in your system. He says a positive will require you, and the family, to take a vaccination on penalty of – being denied travel, going to the grocery store, movies etc. He says the French (and other countries) are requiring all students to be tested – with the same outcomes if the vaccine is refused.
He believes COVID is an acronym for a program aimed at depopulation. He reads from a document which says the vaccine, especially in individuals previously vaccinated, will weaken immune systems.
I was sent this via ‘Messenger’. and don’t know how to share it. Most of my contacts will tell me I got sucked in. Can any one give me tips about how to check out the source of the video? Thanks.
Wendy says
Gets worse. I’m friends with a retired RN that still keeps tabs with some active nurses. A woman with “covid-like” symptoms was admitted, given a covid test, and died before the results came back. They put “COVID-19” on her death certificate. Then the results came back: negative. Her death certificate STILL says “COVID-19.”
Then there was the motorcyclist that came in with unsurvivable injuries. CoD? “COVID-19.”