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Dear readers, give the extraordinary coercive Covid vaccination program a moment of thought.
What explains the emphasis, even the use of tyrannical methods in free societies, to force vaccination on populations when even Big Pharma and the corrupt medical establishment only claim a short-run and steeply declining protection from the vaccine? According to the medical establishment itself, double-vaxxed is no longer protection. Booster shots are needed every six months for the rest of your life.
This is especially puzzling when we consider the known facts that
(1) The mortality of Covid is very low. It kills mainly those with co-morbidities and those who are untreated or wrongly treated.
(2) The vaccine reduces our natural immunity.
(3) The vaccine causes a large number of adverse reactions including deaths and lifelong disabilities. The CDC and WHO admit that the adverse reactions reporting system vastly underreports deaths and adverse reactions from the vaccine. No vaccine or medicine ever before in history has been kept in use that produced even a tiny fraction of the reported deaths and injuries.
(4) The vaccine causes variants that are immune to the vaccine and to the weakened immune system of the vaccinated. New vaccines are needed to deal with the new variants, producing still more new variants.
(5) The medical establishment has blocked to the extent of its ability the treatment of Covid with two known, safe, effective, and inexpensive medicines–Ivermectin and HCQ. Doctors who have saved lives with these medicines have been fired for using them.
(6) Distinguished and renowned scientific and medical experts, including Nobel laureates, have been censored and deplatformed for warning about the dangerous vaccine and advocating effective treatment instead.
(7) The media speaks with one lying voice that vaccination is our only hope.
(8) Evidence from a number of countries (I have reported it) demonstrates that Covid cases and deaths rise with vaccination and that the majority of cases and deaths for most age groups are the vaccinated.
(9) The science is clear that the vaccinated spread the virus as easily, or more so, than the unvaccinated.
(10) Indeed, the evidence is clear that the unvaccinated relying on natural immunity are better protected than the vaccinated.
With these known, established scientific facts, what is the justification for mass vaccination? Why the emphasis on vaccinating children when it is known that the spike protein attacks ovaries and testes unless the plan is to reduce fertility? Why can ignorant talking heads on TV who can barely spell their own name feel secure attacking renowned scientists who are telling us the truth?
There are certainly many sound reasons to conclude that the “Covid pandemic” is an orchestrated plot.
What are the obvious elements of the plot?
(1) Profits forever for Big Pharma, the medical school recipients of Big Pharma grants, the profits of patents shared with NIH and NIH personnel, campaign contributions for Senators, Representatives and presidential candidates.
(2) The use of fear to remove civil liberty protections and extend control over people. These two elements are obvious.
The third element of the plot is almost as obvious but much harder for many people to believe–population reduction. Before scoffing, ask yourself:
(1) why vaccinate children, who are essentially unaffected by Covid, with a vaccine known to attack the reproductive system and to cause abortions.
(2) Why vaccinate anyone when there are known, safe, and inexpensive cures?
(3) Why attack these cures as dangerous and strive to prevent their use? How can the medical establishment claim safety and caution for blocking Ivermectin and HCQ when it has unleashed a dangerous experimental vaccine on the world’s population?
(4) Why suppress the warnings of renowned experts? If the vaccine was the only solution or even a solution, it could stand public discussion.
Consider that the World Economic Forum has had a half century to indoctrinate and brainwash business and other leaders.
Founded January 24, 1971, the annual meeting in Davos has become a prestigious event. Leaders compete for invitations as attendance is a sign of prestige. The World Economic Forum is financed by 1,000 multi-billion dollar global corporations whose leaders have been sold on the “Great Reset” comprised of population reduction and the termination of national sovereignty and human autonomy. The “Great Reset” is a prescription for tyranny.
The orchestrated push for universal vaccination is so extreme that countries formerly considered part of the “free world” are now totalitarian states–witness Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Italy. The effort to extend the tyranny into France and Germany is meeting with strong public resistance. In America the main resistance comes from nurses and other medical-related personnel who have witnessed the devastating impact of the vaccine on those injected.
Every person needs to consider the implication of silencing independent experts who know the truth while ignorant talking heads dictate the official narrative.
When truth is murdered, so is all freedom, all morality, all justice. Are you just going to sit there and let it happen?
The PCR “Covid Test” Was Used to Create the Appearance of a Pandemic
Nobel Prize Laureate Kary B. Mullis was the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technique, which is analyzed in this article.
Dr. Kary B. Mullis, who passed away on August 7, 2019 at age 74, stated emphatically that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the PCR-RT.
“PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick. … The measurement is not accurate”.
Mullis described the PCR-RT as a “technique” rather than “a test”.
7,200 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior, read here.
57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations, read here.
A Letter to the Unvaccinated, read here.
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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published.
He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense