Iain Davis

Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza.
The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.
The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.
COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness.
Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.
The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers.
In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into into disarray.
This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.
This was abject nonsense. There was no evidence that the asymptomatic infected anyone. Those at risk of severe illness were the small minority of people who already had serious comorbidities, often due to their age.
The mass house arrests (lockdowns) and other measures, such as wearing face masks, were then used to increase the infection risk, to reduce broad levels of population immunity and give the false impression of an extraordinary public health threat. The removal of health care for every other disease, including cancer and ischaemic heart disease, coupled with the health costs of increasing deprivation and immunosuppressant policies, were then exploited to bolster the illusion of a pandemic.
This does not mean that COVID 19 didn’t kill people but those who died of the disease were a small percentage of the total numbers claimed. COVID 19 had no discernible impact upon all-cause mortality. The increase above one of the lowest ever 5 year mortality averages was mainly caused by the withdrawal of health services, as increasing numbers of people died in their own homes or in overburdened care settings, without receiving normal medical attention.
Despite these efforts, mortality in 2020 was still only the 9th highest in the first two decades of the 21st century and one of the lowest age-standardised mortality rates in the last 50 years.
COVID 19 presented virtually no risk to those of working age an none at all to the young. There was no evidence that children were either at or presented any risk. The school closures were part of the pseudopandemic psy-op. They gave the misleading impression of an emergency and provided fraudulent justification for vaccinating children.
The pseudopandemic was planned to lead to the complete transformation of our culture and society. It has irrevocably changed our relationship with governments, has caused catastrophic economic disruption, shutdown global trade and saw millions become reliant on government subsidies. The pseudopandemic was the opening salvo in a global coup d’état.
The new pseudopandemic biosecurity apparatus is designed to control our behaviour as we are forced through a global transformation. Those behind the pseudopandemic intend to change the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) and establish global governance in the shape of technocracy. Technocracy is a neofeudal, totalitarian system based upon communitarian principles.
We will be offered the illusion of participatory democracy through our required participation and belief in “civil society.” Civil society will be a “stakeholder” in the Technocracy. However, civil society will only be allowed to pursue polices set at the global level.
Applied psychology was used throughout the pseudopandemic to fix our “choice environment.” We were conditioned to believe that following the rules was the responsible and moral choice. In reality our behaviour was being deliberately altered to ensure our compliance with the diktats of the biosecurity state, preparing society for the transition to technocracy.
The new global IMFS is built upon carbon trading and a $120 trillion carbon bond market is currently under construction. Assets are being defined in terms of their Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics which rate investments depending upon their environmental, social and governance (ESG) score.
These metrics have been established by the World Economic Forum working in partnership with the central banks, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other stakeholder capitalists, such as the investment firm BlackRock.
The global system of central banks, headed by the BIS, are “going direct” by directly funding government policy. They have linked monetary policy to fiscal policy which means ultimate control of all government spending by the BIS. The Financial Services Board of the BIS regulates ESG’s and determines the value of sustainable financial assets.
In this way, the global technocracy will facilitate the continuation of crony capitalism, as only the right stakeholders will receive the approved ESG rating. Those who don’t will not be able to raise the investment capital they need and will be forced out of business.
“Going direct” began before the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global pandemic. All of the economic and financial responses to the pseudopandemic, such as furlough and business support packages, were agreed as part of the “going direct” plan in August 2019.
The so called economic stimulus of Quantitative Easing (QE) is a fraud. It is based upon the unbridled monetisation of debt on an unprecedented scale. Going direct means that the toxic junk assets of the financial institutions have been taken on to the balance sheets of the central banks. Thus creating unimaginable levels of public debt that can never, and will never, be repaid.
The QE money, created out of absolutely nothing, has been pumped into the financial markets for the continued enrichment of the right stakeholders. The vast expansion of the money supply will shortly lead to hyperinflation. The mass unemployment that will occur as a result of the austerity, caused both by the staggering levels of debt and our transition to a new IMFS, will create stagflation.
The new net zero carbon economy will mean permanent austerity for the majority. The Technate will provide a universal basic income (UBI), or some variation of the concept, to be paid in Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC). This will mean that no one will have their own money, other than the chosen stakeholders, as all transactions will be monitored and controlled by the central banks.
Those who oppose the neofeudal authority of the corporate, stakeholder Technate and refuse to comply with the imposition of biosecurity obligations will have their CBDC restricted or switched off. The pseudopandemic has established the framework of the biosecurity state that will control all our lives. The vaccine passports are the gateway to full biometric identity for every citizen in the new normal Technate.
We will be required to show our biometric ID on demand. Access to goods and services will be monitored and restricted as desired by the Technate. UBI and CBDC combined with biometric ID will ensure our compliance. The central planners of the Technate will oversee the AI controlled system which will automatically limit the freedoms of those who defy the rules decreed by the stakeholder capitalists.
Money, as we currently understand it, is no longer required by those behind the pseudopandemic. The net zero carbon economy enables them to seize control of the “global commons.” This means that they will have dominion over all of the Earth’s natural resources. All land, the oceans, the atmosphere and even space is being converted into assets via Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics.
Not only will we have no money of our own, we will be unable to access the resources we need to survive without permission from the Technate. While this system of technocracy has been planned for more than a century, it was the financial collapse in 2008 that led the pseudopandemic planners to increase the pace of transformation. The monetisation of debt had long been the source of their authority but this IMFS was unsustainable. As all money was debt, its eventual collapse was inevitable. It passed the point of no return in 2008.
With their going direct plan in place, the stage was set for the pseudopandemic. SARS-CoV-2 provided the perfect opportunity and the core conspirators behind the pseudopandemic had trained extensively in readiness for the operation. We were then barraged by a mainstream media propaganda campaign and military’s information warfare units were deployed to control our “choice environment.”
Scientific and medical doubts were censored as the suspension of normal democratic processes was exploited to introduce the biosecurity state. Laws were passed to allow government to commit any crime it wished in pursuit of stakeholder capitalist sustainable development goals. Laws to end the right of protest and censor free speech are moving unopposed through the legislature as national governments, who are no more than stakeholder partners within the new normal technocracy, prepare us for the coming Technate.
For the core conspirators of the pseudopandemic this is the realisation of their long held dream of global governance. They are steeped in the mythology of eugenics and population control. Once they have total control of the global commons they will no longer need us as consumers and are intent upon significant population reduction.
As insane as this all sounds the evidence, explored in pseudopandemic, is overwhelming. We are facing global neofeudalism unless we act now. Herein lies our hope.
The core conspirators have no real power. It is an illusion that they are desperate to maintain. They invest billions in propaganda, hybrid warfare and security systems because they are terrified that we will realise what they are doing.
Their plan can only succeed if we believe their lies and comply with their orders. If we don’t there is nothing they can do about it.
We can reset the world.

Whatever the % of death actually due to Covid19, pseudo or actual pandemic this lockdown epidemic has sensitized the world’s population against any form of risky Faustian GOF experiments and their inevitable bio weapon offspring. That is a big plus of the Event.
If that’s your take than nationalism is the anti dote. Not the egoistic version but the cultural one, just like individuals can respecting each other. A multi polar world where each pole is 70% self sufficient can counter this global grab, be it of Anglo or Chinese origin. International trade can be in the 30% leftover, oil, big aircraft, processor chips, etc. Will need much more (benign)nuclear, natural gas and coal power though.
We want Justice and we want it Now!
Stone them to death.
That way everyone gets a turn.
I attempted to post a reference to the Iain Davis piece above on Craig Murray’s blog but it was moderated. Apparently he uses Akismet to reduce spam. He professes to support free speech and is a dedicated supporter of Assange but deletes comments that he doesn’t like. Know who your allies really are.
After a tussle with Philip Roddis who was at least willing to discuss the matter and a furtive bit of attempting to sneak in doubts to Craig Murray and the WSW, I no longer even bother to counter the COVID story on these sites. You may as well try and argue with the BBC.
It’s fascinating, George, how that is the case, isn’t it?
One thing we can be thankful for George is that the scamdemic pysops has revealed a whole plethora of treacherous rats masquerading as “anti establishment” or lordy lordy, even “socialist”. Are you reading this Louis?
I’m not even going to bother trying to wake anyone up anymore. If they haven’t worked it out for themselves in 14 months…
There is no exaggeration there is only a big fat lie. There is no evidence of isolation of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 and there is no evidence of the alleged virus or any other infectious agent causing the alleged COVID-19.
This alleged pandemic is, in fact, a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a “live” pandemic exercise pushed out as a real event.
Pompeo told us, “We’re in a live exercise here.”
Cuomo told us, “This is not a government exercise that we’re doing here. This is a social exercise.”
Jacinda told us, “We drum in that messaging around the dangers of COVID pretty diligently for a full two weeks of sustained propaganda.”
Some people don’t think it matters whether there’s a real illness or not. I do. I think it’s essential to recognise the complete Emperor’s-New-Clothes nature of the psyop. Surely, it must be because in their big psyops they spend enormous amounts of money hiding an essential truth about the operation while curating certain secondary-level truths and in this case I don’t believe a single one of the controlled opposition agents actually says there’s no virus. Why wouldn’t they if it wasn’t so important?
Actual Death Rates From The Lethal Injections
What is the true number of COVID vaccine-related deaths? Is the CDC altering the figures? | Opinion | Lifesitenews
The article states the horror and deceit in such a matter of fact way. But the book seems to have been pulled from amazon for now.
Sorry, my mistake, the books are available.
Plrase don’t buy anything from Scamazon.
Terrific article again, Iain Davis! I am re-reading 1984….. So prescient.
So are the powers that be, except they use it as an Instruction Manual.
Once again little Covey shows he’s an intelligent little bugger… He started his “mysterious outbursts”: campaign just about when the kids were to have some school holidays, guessing correctly the Government would compel mum and dad to stay home and look after them ! What a damn clever little bugger ! (it’s as if he works for the government !)
One night i nearly got caught having a smoke while at work in a large supermarkets bakery… and smoking in the bakery was a sackable offence…It happened thus:
At the start of my shift i’d gotten all my prep done, then had a quick fag before starting any mixing… as the bakery was exposed to the view of customers i squatted behind the main bench out of sight while smoking… What i didnt know was that sometime during the previous two days – my weekend – a spy camera had been installed high over the side entrance to the bakery, and it was pointing straight at where i was, and i was being recorded… (i only became aware of the camera because one of the boys from fruit’n’veg had called my attention to it while i was having the smoke.)…
Furious that i was gonna be spied on while working i got a ladder and large black garbage bag which, with an end stuffed into a hole in the ceiling, blocked the spy cameras view. (i’d the wits to not interfere with the camera itself, for such would most likely have gotten me sacked.)…
The baker on my off-days, also a smoker, got caught on film, got called to The Office, and
denied that he smoked in the bakery… A Blatant Lie ! But the company couldnt sack him, for the company’s use of spy cameras was illegal…
In the 1970s there was a handbook which contained details on how to attach a can of spray paint to one end of a brookstick, and a simple mechanism to press at the other end of the stick to enable you to squirt paint into any spy-cameras lens… and there werent that many of those spycameras around in Those Days…and there were no 5G antennas in Those Days either….
Excellent summary Iain and good luck with the book.
I recall some years ago working out how much a certain CEO got paid and tried to understand what he did with his $27,600 per week.
Buy another car,fly first class to Paris, maybe buy another house….oops here’s another $27,600 gosh what to do.
These problems arise when you try to analyse the “mindset” of Sociopaths. Those are people who care nought for other individuals . Its a pscychotic disease and we elect these people because no intelligent person would wander into politics, so we should not be surprised by outcomes.
I find this is the only possible rationale to explain the modus operandis of the people daily involved in this pseudopandemic.
I find no solution to this problems because, being a student of history, it has happened over and over again. That small section of human beings who know nothing but destruction.
I have an open mind on other reasons why. It doesn’t depress me it just stuns me similar to the picture below prented by “S Cooper”. I genuinely believe this will probably happen.
The surplus money is invested. There is a tsunami of offshore capital looking for a quick return from a big investment: Anything Goes as long as it’s not social infrastructure for the proles.
Here we go again, more lockdowns in Australia for the least deadliest virus in history (if it even exists) . The objective of course is to encourage you to take the only thing about this scamdemic that is real namely the eradication sorry vaccination. Jesus I’m sick of this idiotic horseshit!!!
Jesus was sick of the same idiotic practices, and tried to do something about it. He cleaned out the temple, and before the week was out the regime had him arrested, tried and executed. They did the same to Dr.David Kelley, RIP. They are doing the same to Julian Assange but it is taking them a lot longer.
Until the sheeple revolt, individual action is a matter of saving one’s soul; it has little effect on the body politic.
But sometimes a single cry can galvanize the herd to move in the right direction. By all means go out in your town square and shout: “Jesus I’m sick of this idiotic horseshit!!!”.
I’m not so sure about David Kelly’s story, Nick. You can never underestimate how much controlled opposition is out there – it’s absolutely massive.
Look at his bio – very, very straight down the line.
So he was an authority on biological warfare.
“The department had only a small number of microbiologists when he arrived, and most of their work involved the decontamination of Gruinard Island, which had been used for experiments during the Second World War with weaponised anthrax.”
Really? Where do we remotely have any evidence of anthrax being used as a biological weapon? The post-9/11 anthrax attacks are a complete joke. They certainly didn’t happen.
His story reminds me of Bruce Ivins’ who was blamed for the hoax 9/11 anthrax attacks and who also supposedly committed suicide but whom skeptics believe may have been murdered. No! His role, if he even were the person alleged by the few sketchy photos shown to us, was one of patsy. If he were a real live person he simply would have been given a new identity or else the “Bruce Ivins” identity was just pushed out for the attacks.
I believe it’s the same for David Kelly.
“It appears he ingested up to 29 tablets of co-proxamol, an analgesic drug, then cut his left wrist, severing his ulnar artery, with a pruning knife he had owned since his youth.”
When I got to “pruning knife he had owned since his youth” I burst out laughing and knew 100% this was a psyop – of course, it could be a psyop where they murdered him but my feeling is he was simply given a new identity. He would have been around retirement age and is now maybe living it up on a Greek island.
They’re always PUSHING OUR BUTTONS and fearmongering.
I wonder if there is such a thing as a biological weapon (certainly there are chemical ones of course).
I believe there are probably no biological weapons of any kind and I see no reason to believe in nuclear weapons either.
Absolute horseshit isn’t it? Masks I hear, in Brisbane. Probably QLD wide. I dunno. I NEVER read or listen to or watch the news. I only hear snippets from this site or my family.
Not all of the state as it’s not where I am. I don’t know the exact or number of areas as I avoid TV/radio.
Up as far as Townsville….waiting for them to arrive bit further up…woolies has issues advice t customers re needing to register when you go into the shops south of here etc…I am figuring time has come to stock up and avoid supermarkets door a bit…all this gets very boring..
Fantastic synopsis. Look forward to reading the book.
Yep, my comment was deleted. I merely asked who the “core conspirators” are. And whether we were allowed to speculate.
Does Britain have an Anti-Defamation League and are Off-Guardian so cowed by it they dare not tolerate even speculation?
… nor even the mention of speculation? Perhaps it is now an an offence to even contemplate speculating.
You know … about that topic. Wink, wink. The one that threatens to bring down human civilization if it is ever permitted into the open.
Argh … this did not appear where I wanted. Sorry.
And the vaccine is a pseudovax: CDC stopped counting the very numerous break-thru covid cases unless they resulted in hospitalization. Nevertheless, UK & Israel report nearly half of all new cases are fully vaxxed. How useless is that? It’s mostly the Delta (Indian) variant & 76% are over 65.
CDC reports 4,115 fully vaxxed hospitalized, of which 750 have died.
Ironically, Celebrity cruise ship bragged it was the first fully vaxxed cruise, and already has two test-positives.
“UK & Israel report nearly half of all new cases are fully vaxxed.”
I reminded people of this from the start: You can’t stop a Corona flu epidemic with a vaccine. Every poultry farmer knows that, but who goes to a farmer for medical advice? Every GP knows that they cannot stop the annual flu epidemic by injecting with people with the annual WHO vaccine, but how many dare say it?
Plutocrats are taking off their masks and laughing in our faces (see OffG on recent WEF jolly).
Opposite of Zen until
we stop this.
Hit all the bases. I would give it a 6. 🙂
6 out of 5.
Reminds me of the lion tamer, the lion doesn’t realize he has all the power.
Regardless of origin? How about existence?
Covid-19 is very much shown to be a disease of attribution to other causes.
There is evidence of DELIBERATE harm in our care homes and these deaths were used as the core fear justification for early shutdowns and government mandate policies
I can’t believe we are not screaming about what happened to our elderly last year (and continues to happen with vaccine injuries now covering up care home and other deaths). It is obscene
UK Media Diverts from Elderly Nursing Home Euthanasia Scandal w Matt Hancock Video, London Protests
There is plenty of screaming about that in the book I promise you. Please grab a free copy from my website https://in-this-together.com
Does your book cover the area where the rubber hits the road in terms of law? Like being issued a mask fine or refusing to be locked up in quarantine. Are there strategies that exist where you can successfully decline to contract with or “understand” contract with corporate police agencies that are probably issuing internal company “policies” as opposed to law as the layman may know it? Look forward to reading your book.
“Now a message from your Corporate Fascist Masters (and Owners):TRUST THE QUACKERY… OR ELSE!”
all these mocking memes….demonstrating the peoples mental derangement and masochistic acquiescence to abusive authority – interesting aren’t they…..does make me wonder, what would they be like without the drum beaters influence, say it just happened, right now, their dominating daddy – gone…what would they find to fill it’s place, or would they turn on each other ?
Bloody brilliant, can’t stop laughing.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-06-29. We should be hesitant of EUA + immunity f/ liability. IVM approved by 8/m Slovakia vs 216/m UK
I got palpitations while reading through this.
The problem is we, the few who are the refuseniks, have no critical mass to tip the scales towards freedom. I’m at a loss and finding life scarier with every new day.
Remember this:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
True.. because of that im trying to have a spiritual approach..
Major flaw with your approach.
“We the refuseniks”. Here you are putting yourself in a coffin and getting the whole thing nailed shut. We are everybody that exists on this planet and ever have done since time began. Refuseniks is a word that doesnt exist out of manufactured propaganda campaigns to usher in new language for people to use to etch the narrative firmly into their lives at every level. It means nothing. It is literally a fiction. It might as well be pages out of a thriller.
What does mean something though is coming down off your perch and realizing that the only way we can remedy the many problems we have in our world is to understand it involves everybody. Not everybody who belongs to your gang or clique or cult, and you have created your own cult by inferring you are an exclusive membership group that is cut off from the rest of society. Everybody as if in EVERYBODY.
That means connecting with people.
That means making effort to understand another and seek to find a way for all parties to live together and to come together to make that happen.
That means choosing to be a human and not a primitive ape and using your abilities developed over thousands of years to live with others and to communicate in the best ways possible.
All these posts about this group or that group. Its nonesense. These groups dont exist and neither does the disconnection from everything connected outside of these political narratives. That has always been the case.
But if you think otherwise, you have been duped into building the world you see forming around you and so long as there is division and hostility towards others, there will always be corrupt wars and always be perfect opportunities to exploit the primitive nature of man to act like warring chimps and to forget their value and potential.
If you are going out to seek to reinforce the belief there is actually a division between people that exists outside of this prolonged operation, arent you the problem and the one preventing change from happening?
You are dealing with humans, not robots.
Many people are waiting for the opportunity to rebuild broken bridges. Its within our nature to do. But this requires there is an oppurtunity to reach out and be heard in the first place. Nobody wants to make that step. Everybody wants to keep entertaining the freak show going on around them like it is actually universal and written into the fabric of our existence. It is not but what is is the ability to regain our humanity.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but there is a point beyond which humanity can no longer be regained. For starters, we know – I repeat: we know – that those who dreamed up this madness and actively perpetuate it have so thoroughly renounced their humanity that they cannot reclaim it – even if they wanted to.
Add to that handful of humans those who willingly conspire against others in order to advance their own interests
Add to that by now considerable group of humans those who have become so obsessed with their personal safety that they have shut their minds to anything which even remotely questions the narrative woven to ensnare them.
Which leaves only a few remaining to try and straighten everything out and make it right and regain a modicum of what has been lost.
The fact that so many have consented to be “vaccinated” when all the evidence screams to them to avoid the “vaccine” like the plague shows just how far and wide the madness has spread.
Ah Howard, come on man. I hate to be corny, but don’t underestimate the human spirit. We might be as malleable as all get out, but when we want, we also have a spirit that won’t quit. There are enough of us with that spirit.
Meanwhile shows like Black Summer continue the social engineering…human beings are savage, selfish beasts who will stab you in the back just as soon as look at you.
Thomas Hobbes would be proud.
“The Scamdemic, the Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot Cull Juice Jab and the Great Ripoff are issues of Humanity’s survival. The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Psychopaths intend to cull many of us and enslave the remainder.”
Some suggestions that may be helpful VT, tho I’m the first to admit this is easier said than done, and yes, I’ve slipped up on these points as well, and ended up reacting to the anger I was feeling.
Try and detach emotionally from your surroundings, including all the masked people you see. Practice unconditional love (something I could practice a bit more myself). Try and let go of your fear, and instead go about your business with confidence and without complying with the covid directives. Live in the moment. Have faith in something greater than yourself, whether its the Universe, God, Buddha, or whatever works for you. Take time out for you – mental self care. And lastly connect with Nature.
Know you’re not alone, that there are a lot of us in the same boat…
Wife has advised Woolworths is demanding muppet masks be worn by shoppers.
Tomorrow I’m going to push the envelope and go in without.
Coles has QR thingies now so will go there too and demand pencil and paper (to enter fake details) as I don’t have a smartphone.
Bog the fuckers down with detail.
There are more of us than you think. Every journey starts with a first step. The important thing is to not let the buggers grind you down. People Power!
I understand why many posters feel despair at the way things are going.
I’ll just say that I was traveling across Romania in 1989. Romania, under President Ceaușescu, was one of the most totalitarian countries in eastern Europe (by the way, Ceaușescu was feted by the West, because he hated the Soviet Union). The revolution started in Timișoara, in the west of Romania (I was there). Cut a long story short, it all culminated in a now famous speech given by Ceaușescu in December 1989, during which he was roundly booed. If interested you can find this historical event here:
Ceaușescu and his wife Elena were put up against a wall and shot dead on Christmas Day 1989.
No one predicted it.
Likewise, a relatively small demonstration (less than 100,000 people) in the city of Liepzig, in what was then East Germany, in October 1989, was what really set things alight. The East German government ordered the army to open fire on the protestors. The army refused orders, which led to a domino effect (although it really started the year before, when Hungary opened its borders to the West). One month later the Berlin Wall came down and we had the total collapse of the Soviet Union.
Once again, it was unthinkable. No one predicted it.
So take heart. History is often very unpredictable.
romania was just another yugoslavia
how is romania doing now
no one predicted it
yet the bbc was all over it
just like they was all over gadaffi and saddam when captured
division of the spoils chatham house projects
standardization globo homo
Romania was the bread bowl of eastern/southern Europe, until the maniacs took over the country.
If OffG are reading this I’d be delighted to do a piece about Romania under Ceaușescu. The parallel is just how totally mad a country/society can become.
We are all living this now.
I’d be very interested.
Judith, here’s a small taste of what went on in Romania…
The curfew, which was enforced right across Romania, was on the orders of Nicolae Ceausescu. It was supposed to ensure that people went to bed early, so that they would be fresh for their 12 hour shift the following day. It also, no doubt, had something to do with Ceausescu’s radical plan to expand the population. This campaign to build a stronger socialist Romania began in 1966, with the decree “The fetus is the property of the entire society. Anyone who avoids having children is a deserter who abandons the laws of national continuity.” Abortion, divorce and birth control were banned. Every few months women under the age of 45 were rounded-up at their workplace and taken to clinics, where they were examined for signs of pregnancy. This was done in the presence of government agents who were dubbed the ‘menstrual police’. A pregnant woman who failed to “produce” a baby at the proper time could expect to be summoned for questioning. Those who miscarried were suspected of arranging an abortion. Women who did not have children, including those who could not have children for medical reasons, were made to pay a ‘celibacy tax’ of up to 10% of their monthly salaries.
This really happened.
That’s amazing. And was not Romania the country with the horrible situation with orphans?
(I say “that’s amazing” in that old fashioned way of thinking “gosh, that would never happen here”)
Good Grief that’s appalling ! Tyrants usually come to a bloody ending those responsible for the Plandemic should take note!
I’ve seen that speech of Ceausescu’s a few times Rob, and you’re spot on, no one predicted his downfall would be so swift.
I take some heart that I’m regularly meeting covid sceptics who know its all a load of bollocks, and I also hear from others who are also meeting people who know something is very wrong.
A FB friend last night recounted to me how he spoke to two elderly ladies volunteering in an Op Shop who were deeply suspicious of what is going on.
I refuse to give up on the sliver of hope I have, and I refuse to comply with any of the covid directives. That’s just how it is. I will not be complicit in this crap.
I might be wrong, but it is my observation that it is the millennials and younger (snowflakes) who are driving this fanaticism. It is the Greta Thunberg phenomenon. Why would 12 to 17 yr olds line up for an experimental procedure which is creating injuries and destruction of futures? There is some sort of contagious panic about death, whether for themselves, or for family members. Anyone whose parents survived WWII, migrants who have experienced authoritarian regimes, are much more discerning and robust.
Yep… in my observations on the street, it’s the hipster crowd and white collar yuppie types who are most on board with the covid cult followed by your ordinary conservative minded suburban couples who are much more psychologically invested in the status quo and the establishment and more prone to believe media propaganda.
With the hipsters and yuppies my feeling is its the whole PC culture – identity politics thing that has made them very prone to groupthink, and as I’ve said before, I’ve seen self proclaimed “socialists” and “anarchists” who lap up the covid cult propaganda and believe it to the point of religiously following the covid directives and even wearing masks outside. I note that these ones also seem to belong to the hipster milieu.
It’s weird Glenda, and I’m sure someone has written a really good article analysing this – just why are the millenials so on board with this??
But definitely, without doubt, what is driving this is a fear of death coupled with a deep lack of spirituality and a lack of connectedness with themselves and their surroundings.
I believe they are very lost, almost rudderless people, and clinging to the covid cult gives them a feeling of belonging to something.
Maybe I’m wrong on this, but fear of death is the elephant in the room here.
“Woke” and “progressive” and “keeping you safe” are the mantras. So virtuous in our embrace of all the minorities we feel blessed and spreading the love.
Hipsters are the spoilt spawn of yuppies, they are arrogant and think they are entitled to their wealth and massive luxurious comfort zones. These types are massively in denial and cannot possibly conceive of the collapse of their civilisation as they know it. Aye Geezah fear of death is also a huge problem for these cowardly cockroaches.
I just know someone somewhere has done a really good analysis on this phenomenon, but yes, I agree most of them are essentially spoilt brats who have had (usually) a very nice, comfortable upbringing and very used to getting their own way.
I’m generalising here but perhaps that’s why they can’t handle people disagreeing with them and thus fly off the handle (snowflakes).
Hipsters generally live in trendy well appointed inner city warehouse apartments conversions. Iv’e secretly fancied living in one at times.
There may be many for sale cheap when the prats die from the poison stab.
WEll we hated boomers went through a number of quarantines as kids, we know countries did not close down over measles, mumps, rubella or chicken pox, by the way these jabs are causing major shingles outbreaks because the vector is herpes , I am shocked by the number of ignorant little fools who think if they get a jab they are protected yet in Australia 1 old person died of so called covid this year yet 320 are reported from the jabs.
Perhaps it’s because they instinctively know they have no future anyway. They’ve known for decades that the whole shit show has been going down the drain – but here comes covid and they see it as a “photo shoot/ job opportunity”. Something to do to “get with it”.
Covid has destroyed actual jobs to make way for pseudo-jobs which, in a way, might seem easier. There are folks now employed to go round with disinfectant wipes and to “monitor” vaccine centres. It’s a handy way of moving resources away from where they are needed to effectively flush them down the drain – but in the meantime, the actual movement generates a spurious excitement.
If you watch the films of the recent London Freedom Rallies there is a fair number of younger people taking part. The Freedom to Dance Rally which took place on Sunday in London was amazing, not my sort of gig as I can’t stand Rave music, nevertheless the kids were well into it, so all is not lost. I just hope they refuse to be injected!
But Gezzah, one case of nothing in Australia has to be screeched from the roof tops, I am in twitter prison again for daring to mention the fucked up Pandremix mania from a decade ago. younger pple have brought into the whole vax scam with fervour and the ABC might as well be called the Bill Gates propaganda machine.
But almost no baby boomers buy into any of it.
Again I’m generalising, but it seems the older baby boomers and perhaps younger people from more working class backgrounds aren’t buying the scamdemic propaganda. I’ve met several young people in the last week under 25 who know its all lies.
Romania, in terms of how quickly things developed is a very good analogy with what ultimately could happen here. I remember watching his last speech, the boos and then his reign over. Yes, its very unpredictable, particularly when events of this magnitude have occurred and essentially a war on all of us. When more wake up and realise their government is at war with them, one spark, somewhere in the world could cause an unstoppable momentum.
Along those lines, there was supposed to be a protest in New York City on June 26. Advertised on different sites this past month or so.
I have seen nothing about it. Has anyone else?
Did anyone here attend?
The problem with applying that example to our modern predicament is that Ceaucescu’s bubble included mostly himself and his wife.
But our bubble has Biden, Ardern, Johnson, Macron, Trudeau, Merkel – well, actually there is no public representative who is not in our bubble (which tells its own extraordinarily weird story – you’d think the basic law of averages would rule out such an eventuality…).
Also Ceaucescu’s downfall was dramatic and public.
But how do we get all of our current criminals into one town square to lie to us together in chorus and to hear our boos…?
They only appear in press briefings these days. They know about Ceaucescu, and they know how to dodge a similar fate.
Ceaucescu sealed his fate when he abandoned the Soviet Union for the siren song of Western promises (aka lies). Had the bankers et al wanted him to remain, he would still be there today. It’s that simple.
He opened Romania to the west. He was no longer needed. End of story.
History, is also….artificial.
My brother’s wife is from former East and her account of those times parallels yours.
An article from you would be a most insightful read, RobG.
I believe we are being lied to, but, I’m wanting to be able to get on an airplane and leave my country to take up a position I was offered in 2019 and because of the ‘restrictions’ on International travel I can’t leave and I hear that probably won’t change until 2022! Then my leaving will probably only be allowed if I have a ‘valid vaccine visa’.
If I don’t follow the dictates of my Government I will only dream of my new job, so pray tell me how do we become independent and how do we beat them at this deadly crossroads?
The vaccine contains viral DNA strands. This is not in dispute and openly admitted. I wonder if people realise that a few deadly viruses lie dormant for months or years before they manifest themselves. One has been in in use in Gene therapy labs for many years and it’s “perfect” if your plan is depop. So the clock is ticking which is why you will note in countries with low vaccination rates you have this almost endless loop of idiotic lockdowns. The clock is ticking.
Look at all the injuries from regular vaccines.
Autoimmune diseases in children have skyrocketed since 1989
I would not be surprised if many of the medical issues we have (every age that’s been vaccinated) are due to the vaccines we got as kids.
Do people realize there are even diseases which are inherited grandmother to grand-daughter? i.e., skips a generation? I think this happened w mice & infertility. However I doubt TPTB are so patient.
Not in Ireland. We have a high uptake of the experimental injections and an endless loop of idiotic lockdowns. Plus almost universal mask-wearing indoors.
Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% Of ‘Verified Cases’ Died Of Covid, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed
Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports AndreDias.net. According to the ruling, the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries. All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive. “We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions,” wrote Dias. “If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”
by Mordechai Sones
Covid is an acronym, it’s meaningless, it has not signs nor symptoms
Covid’s a vascular disease, unlike other respiratory diseases, and is characteristically a clotting disease, often affecting the heart directly. Also a quite high percentage are affected neurologically. Some reports say as high as 80%.
Of course that’s only for an established infection. Most people’s immune systems knock it down w little or no symptoms. Certainly nothing to shut down schools or the economy about. Probably fewer established infections than most flu infections during flu years.
You are being deceptive. ‘Covid’ is not a ‘vascular disease’. It’s a boring coronavirus that produces mild cold symptoms in the vast majority of those infected and more severe flulike illness in a minority.
Anyone who gets ANY infection badly enough might also acquire clotting issues as a side effect. It’s a minor risk that is not a unique feature of ‘Covid’ over and beyond media fear porn.
Far be it from me to argue, but there are a number of doctors who have stated that whatever it is it appears to be a vascular issue.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Zac Bush, both outspoken from the beginning of the plandemic about the issues of mask, lockdown, etc, expressed their opinion that it was more of a blood disease than simply respiratory.
I have read others who state the same. The issue is not that people cannot breathe, the issue and danger is that hemoglobin is prevented from doing it’s job which eventually leads to the lungs collapsing and organ break down. It’s to do with hypoxia.
I think this makes a lot of sense given how some people did die.
It also makes sense given how Doctors like Zelenko and McCullough, among others, treated it.
Pierre Kory, MD, points out in a video interview of several weeks ago, now disappeared from youtube (but I think I recall he was appearing on a Dr. Been show):
– At around minute 18: “only 20% of severe covid had pathological viral changes to the lungs” (–> My comment: so it’s NOT a viral disease!);
– and at around hour:minute 1:53 “… [this disease as observied is] NOT a viral pneumonia, it’s an organizing pneumonia which is a non-infectious pneumonia…” (my comment: again, NOT a viral disease!)
My overall comment to the video: they act like they don’t know what triggers this over-response in the lungs. Well, how about ADE from prior anit-flu jabs? That would seem to fit the observed symptoms.
That is not true, it’s a scarey acronym invented by WHO to make it sound real, there is no virus, ergo no disease attached
COVID = Certificate of Vaccination ID
It’s quite clear now isn’t it?
That’s a silly urban myth.
0.9% of 17000 is 1530
Check your calc … do you mean 153??
My calc is fine, my brain isn’t!
Nope, 153 in actual terms but 152 in actual ”deaths”
FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns « Jon Rappoport’s Blog (nomorefakenews.com) this adds to the lunacy, and in Yemen the UNHCR is giving refugees poison jabs instead of fucking food and housing,
No, covid 19 didn’t kill people. It doesn’t exist. This is exasperating!
I was walking out today, when a man jumped from a hedge, screaming -“giant seagulls are dropping exploding red onions on us, take shelter, run home and hide” – I told him, ” I see no giant seagulls, and neither am I seeing red onion fragments covering the land, so will continue to my destination, bye-bye” – at which he replied, ” haven’t you seen the news ? ” – I shook my head, thinking, “the man is sadly delusional”, as I imagined millions the like of him, under the spell of the same deranged fantasy, spreading and accepting the deception, secure under a collective illusion of perverse lies, the hell of it – anyway, there’d be little use reasoning with this mass psychosis, that one, is for the therapists….large scale treatment centres, in sports stadiums perhaps.
Chicken Little.
So this all means that practically every single head of state in every single country is in on this scam?
That´s a hard one to swallow!
Is it really harder to swallow than every country blindly following WHO’s completely goofy ‘pandemic’ guidlines, no questions asked? I mean, they are doing that…. so you have your mechanism right there. A2
I found the plan on their website, it was written in 2005 and they first tried it on in 2009
Damn joed if this one is hard to swallow for you imagine others…
Its not so hard when you understand the people and organisations behind them pulling their strings. I struggled initially with the same doubt, but once you study these groups, their agendas (which are not hidden) and examine what has happened over 16 months, every crazy measure, every lie, it all makes sense. I would say alot of the evidence is circumstantial but collectively is overwelming.
Evidence wise there is no doubt they are ushering in a new world order. Only questions which remain for me, is exact circumstances of release of a virus, assuming it exists, and what the hell is the so called vaccines and main motive behind it, and are they deliberately intended to harm us. They are not designed for our health, so what are they for.
Same as last year James, profit.
Oh, and the feel-good factor of having overcome the terror to the point of allowing them to stick a needle in you.
Makes you feel grown-up…
Sweet Lord…
Power over the plebs. That is their goal. Let’s face it if we should ever decide to come together we could destroy these people – that is their fear and why we should be culled, keeping enough of us to do their bidding to keep the machinery oiled. My husband related the story of when the Black Plague erupted in Medieval England and something like a third of the population was wiped out. Of course this caused the Elites a huge problem because there wasn’t enough workers to farm their lands and for the first time good workers could name their price! I don’t think these psychopaths have thought it through. They are pushing ahead with a diabolical plan to enslave the people without thinking of consequences. What is important is we must not give in but resist them at every turn.
The couple head of states who are not into teh scam suddenly died of hear failure or have a color revloution on their hands all of a sudden.
The WHO declared the international health emergency with covid.
194 countries are members of WHO.
When you sign on, implicit in the constitution, you will follow all WHO directives.
This is a great interview that will explain WHO. Reiner Fuellmich and Astrid Stuckelberger. She was very involved with WHO. Really calls them out
If you can’t link from this just search bitchute Reiner Fuellmich WHO Whistleblower.
joked., yesterday i read an online piece about Australia’s Much-Loved-by-the-MSM Prime Minister Bob Hawke. From official cables it’s learned that he was a USA “intelligence asset” of long standing. That is – an agent for a foreign government.
I was not surprised by the news, as suspicions had been reported in fringe media over the years, but never even hinted at by the MSM… They protect their own.
And the only heads of state not in on the scam …have been bumped off…(except the one in Belarus – and his days are numbered.)
Wikileaks exposed that along with the scale of clowns here who are shills for Israel, Hawke, Shorten, Gillard, Roxon are just a few
Hawke was a Rhodes scholar was he not? With all the implications of being one of those…
joed, many countries owe money to TPTB. Some heads of state owe their positions to TPTB. Others were duped initially about the extent/numbers of the illness & now find it hard to backtrack since their populations are all effectively propagandized by the same machine that’s terrified the public in our countries, too.
It would be hard to swallow if one were not old enough to have experienced at least four decades of build-up towards the current gross fraud.
That’s time for a whole generation of youngsters with psychopathic parents to have been brought up with delusions of grandeur and soulless sociopathic aspirations.
Haven’t you noticed that everybody who works in public office these days is a type?
We no longer encounter any officials or ‘authorities’ with a character of their own.
They all read from the same script, and coincidence doesn’t explain such a thing happening on this scale.
I swear, when I was a young man, everybody was different, and that made meeting them interesting.
Not any more.
It’s getting hard to find a good friend who doesn’t remind you of a character in a crime series on TV. The script is everywhere.
Pick one from column A or one from column B: World Bank or IMF. A billion dollar loan is not very hard for a head of state to swallow.
Not really when you take into account the power of the UN. and WEF and W.H.O.
Assuming this analysis is largely correct, one is nonetheless left with Lenin’s question: “What is to be done?” Precisely what are the five [or any number you may select] steps, defined in detail, by which “we” (whoever “we” are) can successfully refuse to comply with “their” orders?
All well and good, same things I’ve been hearing since the sixties. And the closer we come to complete Orwellian totalitarianism, the more those of us who resist will be forced to take these and other measures. The question should be what is to be done about these psychopaths who want their New World Order, or Great Reset, or whatever people want to call it. Just running away to a commune in Montana might help you and yours avoid the worst, for awhile, but it isn’t going to stop these people. We have to organize outside the political processes to take down the oligarchies. We have to control our political systems, not them.
We have to arrest or otherwise neutralize them. Its the only way. They will never stop.
Exactly, they will never stop. They die as we all do, new ones replace them, and they go on. It’s been that way since the it all began. Reading quotes from Socrates, Aristotle, on up to the present, it’s all the same, always the same.
It may be an impossible task, but yes, they, or this human problem (which is different from the human problem they see) has to be addressed once and for all. It seems we are at that point.
who are the them – Dude….the scattering of jokers – or billions of submissive toadies ?
Not all the minor players in this drama are submissive toadies.
Huge numbers of them are simply ignorant, and not bright enough to see their own ignorance, or the necessity to remedy it either.
Which is certainly one of the reasons Billo wants them gone, along with many others.
Where he has miscalculated, however, is in wanting those of us who can think gone too.
Any kind of ‘new normal’ which furthers the incestuous propagation of its own kind and excludes thinkers from outside is bound to suffer the same fate as all incestuous propagation suffers:
It creates seriously abnormal pathological mutations and dies out.
I hope to see the day.
… and OUR resources!
Their power only exists because people believe in their authority. It is an illusion. Without that belief all they have left is violence. The only way to defeat them is to create our own decentralised systems and stop using theirs. Our opinion really matters to them. Hence all the propaganda and censorship. So clearly we have unrealised power, but we will never be able to exert that power using their system which is designed to rob us of it. For me this strongly suggests that the solution lies in not using their system as much as possible.
The most effective way the masses could resist would be to have electronic device blackouts on a weekly basis. Every week or several times a week everyone switches off their tv, computer, phone. This gives them zero tracking, feedback, and brain washing.
I totally respect people who take time to protest in the street and am not suggesting this should stop. However, there are downsides to this. 1. They are always infiltrated by rent a mobs dressed like lunatics and this is what’s broadcast by media. 2. Who organizes them? From what I’ve seen they appear to be organized with guest speakers like david ickie, again making us all look like lunatics. 3. Not everyone has the courage to protest in the street, so numbers will always be limited. 4. Who are we protesting to, Parliament? These are the ones enforcing the problem.
Again I’m not having a stab at the brave guys taking time to march, i just believe there are more effective ways in which many more could take part. Why not do both.
Further, I believe this is the fundamental reason for covid, the implementation of mass surveillance. This were 5G comes in. To track n trace and download the data for everybody every day takes bandwidth. The fry your brain idea is another thing to make us look stupid.
We all use our computers and devices, I’m doing it now, but we need to limit it. Stop giving them DNA samples, tracking and data. You can start this today,
You can temporary switch some of these setting back to make a vid call, but only do it temporary.
Think this is too inconvenient? Think about the current situation.
The devices are the most important thing they have on us. They could not have pulled it off 20 years ago because they did not have the data. To lock us down they would have had to send us all a letter, this would not have worked. Imagin if we had no device, nobody would know the updated restrictions, protocols, lock downs. We are not obligated to carry a device.
Put a sticky over your laptop camera… and who still watches TV?
You can’t take the FB app off the phone – I tried years ago. So I just never opened it. In Mexico people are obsessed with WhatsCrap and use it for everything.
It makes life trickier not to engage – not to mention people think I’m a lunatic – you can’t miss the smirk.
I’m reading a lot of books written during/just after WWI and the parallels are interesting between us and the conchies. And just how many Brits insisted the fight went on to the ‘last man, last shilling’.
Brainwashing is getting old.
And the problem with the ‘heart-warming’ tales of resistance from the 80s is that – now the tech is in place to decimate all resistance. Which is why it’s safe for them to allow the little street parades.
My phone is not connected to the internet. I have no apps. False info can be entered in venues so no track and trace. I do not go to the doctor and have opted out of all Public Health lists for tests. I have opted out of FB and twitter. It is not at all inconvenient.
My husband and I are already discussing moving to a remote area … there are some ‘alternative’ communities in our country. However, this too seems a passive measure to ward off immediate consequences of this control agenda.
What happens when they take down the internet and grant only the vaccinated (or chipped) the privilege to access the net for work-related tasks, for information, for banking transactions and for ordering via delivery services?
“What happens when they take down the internet and grant only the vaccinated (or chipped) the privilege to access the net.”
if your living in that “remote area”….free from prying mouse click nibblers etc – then, why would it matter to you ?
What a stupid and needlessly belligerent question.
Going off grid is appealing but to make it work you need to be in a group of like minded people with different skillset. However I don’t know how you could have a bank account or driving licence without the authorities knowing where you are.
Good luck with the Pseudopandemic book!
If you live in Batley and Spen please support Jonathan Tilt who is standing as a Freedom Alliance candidate.
Freedom Alliance is the only political party whose full message is to defeat this nonsense. You can join here.
The conversation I have with most people is as follows
Me:. Do you trust the media?
Them:. Hell no!
Me: Do you trust the government?
Them:. Hell no!!!!!
Me:. I don’t think Covid is real
Them:. Why would they lie to us about it? Better take off your tinfoil hat.
In Australia I have posted the official propaganda website hundreds of times and still get told I wear a tin foil hat
The ABC Marilyn? I just boycott the lot of them. And I can’t even look at the comments section coz it’s like a deranged asylum full of cult members…
The Australian science media centre, https://www.smc.org.au/ The dirty little playbook used by Australia, Canada and New Zealand with the fact checkers all from pro big pharma, you will note all our media, universities and government are signed on
I just had this short conversation on Saturday:
me, (while looking at a local newspaper): “Corporate censorship is overwhelming, even in our local rag.” (article reports very little of Dr Francis Christians statement to the press)
an associate: “It’s not as bad as your making it out to be… you don’t believe in CoVid?”
me: “The virus has not been irrefutably isolated, the PCR test is not a diagnostic test and never should have been used…”
an associate: “So… You are not getting the vax?”
(long pause)
me: “I’ll take a bullet before I take the vax!”
LOL! It’s true!
when it gets all to serious! i look at the past and now .
Come on! “Covid 19” is nothing new its all made up! If you still believe in that entity you are trapped in their fake reality, go deep search about terrain theory, Stefan Lanka, David Crowe… many others.
What we desperately need now plasos is a solution to the situation that we are now in. Most people here have got the message re germ theory vs terrain theory.
If you care to read most of what’s on this thread there’s still plenty of analyses and opinions on the ins and outs and why’s and wherefores of vaccines and Covid but hardly anything forthcoming by way of putting an end to the scam.
From a psychoanalytic perspective it’s as if people now have become fixated with a critical analyses of the problem but are at a loss when it comes to finding solutions. That suits the perpetrators of the scam fine and they would like to keep it that way.
Good point, I’ve observed that as well. As a long time antiwar/anti-imperialism activist, it’s very similar to how that’s treated. Alot of debate and discussion about the why’s and who’s but hardly any about what to do about it. But this is much bigger now and it’s clear we have to stop the people responsible.
Absolutely Correct Big al. I think this is just another form of Imperialism this time round it’s total.
When I ask what can we do about the situation most people become dumbstruck and ignore the question.
I am seriously coming to believe that they either believe that the problem will eventually go away by criticising it here or it will go away simply by mass demonstrations. That’s not going to happen and it’s already gone too far.
We desperately require a workable strategy, and effective organization for anything to work otherwise the show is over before it starts.
Its nothing complicated or some grandiose reason. Its pretty simple. People are trying to solve these issues as if they cannot be solved by coming together and trusting in one anothers innate capacity to listen, empathize, connect, to seek mutual resolutions, to build trust and to express ourselves on a meaningful and personal level.
All we have done is taken the humanity out of humanity and said that is the solution. Obviously it cannot be done and while everyone is pretending we are useless robots incapable of coming together and fixing things, the role everybody is playing as useless robots devoid of meaning and purpose is distracting them from realizing they are not what they think or are told they are.
So of course people are going to look outside of themselves for the solutions. The answer is somewhere else entirely because being human and having all these gifted abilities to do all the things we do is not good enough.
Switching off peoples ability to utilize their own potential and their innate inner resources to resolve social issues will get people running from an intellectual state of mind. Intectuallizing is a common defense mechanism in human behaviour to avoid something that is profound and personal to us in order to avoid dealing with it effectively.
I wonder if rescreening Brazil worldwide would help. People could start a cult fan club like they did with the Blues Brothers. Perhaps revisiting the world of 1984 will resonate with some?
Why do you choose to believe a handful of people like Stefan Lanka, David Crowe, Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell, Sam Bailey, David Icke etc. who all have books to sell (some of whom have no virus expertise) that viruses don’t exist than the millions of doctors, scientists, virologists, epidemiologists and various other experts including people from alternative/conspiracy media like Iain Davies the author of this article who all agree that viruses do exist and that SARS-CoV-2 is real?
Yes Covid-19 has been totally over exaggerated to bring in nefarious measures against humankind but it doesn’t mean the virus is not real.
It’s not about trusting who to believe. It’s about seeing for yourself, VIA those people. Once you understand how the germ theory came about, what its basis is, and that it’s never been proven, you realise it’s a giant fucking scam.
Real but not isolated, Schrodinger’s virus ?
It’s kind of like those that say planes did not fly into the twin towers. I can’t really buy that either but it makes no difference as to what I think of the situation. It’s still obviously all based on lies for nefarious motives, a supreme criminal act in history whether they LIHOP or MIHOP. Without clear evidence, it can serve to distract and alienate.
Do you know what it would be if it existed? A fucking cold
Need the reasons why viruses have never been proven in scientific practice see the answers on these threads going back to when this crap about alleged pathogenic viruses first started. It need not be repeated again ad infinitum.
This isn’t a question of ‘believing’ those people. It’s a question of listening to everybody and of noticing that when this ‘handful of people’ say something, it tends to resonate with one’s own intelligence, experience and education – lizards aside…
When ‘experts’ don’t say anything that resonates with a normal instinct for recognizing both honest people and liars, one will tend to ignore them.
It’s the same reason I’d listen to you if you had anything interesting to say.
Again, it isn’t a question of whether or not the covid creature from hell exists, but a question of what has been done to disguise the common cold and influenza as a new nightmare which merits its own special name, “covid”.
This is all documented to death, and it takes a lot of stubbornness from anybody who has come here more than a couple of times to refuse to acknowledge the widely available data.
The covid is but a scapegoat for decades upon decades of mismanagement, fraud & corruption. The same people who are telling us to forgo our rights due to this virus of theirs, are the same people who have destroyed the financial systems and our economies.
Perhaps western gov’ts want their hospitals free from the elderly tax payers to make way for those with injuries sustained from the coming war the western powers intend to start with Russia & China?
Lockdown is just martial law lite. It has been used in prisons for a long while. The people are being trained for slavery or war, whichever comes first.
Yep that is what has annoyed me most..the greed and corruption is being covered by a common cold scam…apparently perfect as you just keep changing its name because apparently the cunning little bastard covey can change his spikes…unlike the bankers/politicians who never change their stripes…
part of me just wishes they would get on with crashing the system because until they do we get to live in this agonising limbo for much of the population and it is hard to ignore same…even when one lives in an isolated area subject to few of the madness outbreaks…
“Like Dah! Although that was not the only for reason for the Scamdemic.”
“Passports? We don’t need no stinkin’ passports”

Covid always seems to be presented like a rather unappetising pizza.
“Some moron needs a new hobby.”

Yep, its the vaccine not the ”virus” that’s the problem.
Why can’t the anti-vaccine movement win with its evidence?
Because vaccination isn’t a science…
Vaccination is a ritual, and ritual trumps data, facts and evidence.
Food for thought: what ritual does the anti-vaccine movement offer in place of vaccination?
We have the bible. The bible is the ritual with “religious” exemption.
Thats why they hate religion and Christianity and create Preachers who says vaccine is good.
The answer to your first question, “Why can’t the anti-vaccine movement win with its evidence?” is simply that we are not in anything like a court of law, where evidence actually counts for something.
Our wannabe lords don’t play by normal rules, just like those who take drugs in sports, or those who bribe smarter people to cheat their exam papers for them.
Evidence means nothing when you live in a mental ward whose security systems are designed to keep sanity out.
This is good – we live in the best of all possible worlds.
This is where the anti lockdown movement needs to start getting creative – we can’t argue on the basis of facts – I mean facts and “the truth” are important but this isn’t what’s going to swing it for us. We have a situation where the majority of people are driven by primal instincts. The most likely way we swing it is by urgently creating and strengthening community and spreading love and support while educating within these networks. Part of the reason lockdowns happened is because western societies have continually isolated individuals for years – this leads to a sense of insecurity and people are more fearful in this situation and will be more susceptible to fear mongering. It mainly boils down to security and you feel more secure when you’re part of a strong community. That’s why it was so important for them to isolate us during lockdowns.
I’m feeling quite worried about what’s coming quite soon for the first time really worried although of course I’ve been veering from optimism to dread and back over the last 16 months.
In Spain where it is no longer Mandated to wear the mask outside many still do so it was quite depressing to see yesterday whole families including young children wearing the masks many full on n95 ones. These people will turn against us at the drop of a hat. I sense it. I worry for my mum who has refused the vax and is being openly rejected and mocked in public by some of her “friends”. I worry about the winter.
My mum instinctively knew from the beginning that this was like a religious belief she continually surprises me.
We must build loving communities, offer humble and kind leadership and educate this has never been more important. Humanity depends on it.
John Wilmot, the Earl of Rochester wrote a jolly poem
A Ramble in St. James’s Park
no mention of chris witty
how much is witty worth ?
50 million and he cannot pay for his own security
it should be noted the selfie assault video has a police van in the background
everything is fake
really weak ritual
Meh, Covid is small potatoes. What if the Spanish Flu wasn’t the flu ?
That was proven long ago. long enough ago that Fauci et al wrote a paper in 2008 that 95% of 1918 deaths were bacterial not viral pneumonia.
And yeh it started out of military base in Kansas. And yeh so did the bacterial vaccines at the same time.
Came across this a few months ago and filed it under too good to be true, see what you think – https://fort-russ.com/2020/05/did-psychopath-rockefeller-create-the-spanish-flu-pandemic-of-1918/
Such a liberal goodie doodie man like Rockefeller could never have done that. Killing people for profit? My and Bart Simpson’s Government would have protected us.
I was just starting a deep dive into Spanish Flu! Soldiers were barraged with vaccines. Also check this out … https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/06/19/germ-theory-the-clues-in-the-title-its-just-a-theory-and-has-never-been-proven/
Too bad the article, which I agree with, does not carry references and citations for the claims made.
This would make it more ‘authentic’ to any Progressive that may wish to begin acceptable the truth of this criminal debacle.
Totally agree. No sources re hospital closures and de-staffing, or mortality caused by lockdown, or masks, or anything. While I agree with most of the sentiment, I can’t pass it on to anyone because of lack of sources.
We have plenty of pieces which include sources. I’m sorry if this peace isn’t quite right for your needs but, and forive me for sounding bleak, will it make much difference? In my experience, at this stage of the game, if people want to start questioning they will, and a few missing links won’t matter too much – save to provide someone who’s in denial, who choses to abdicate all personal critical responsibility, the opportunity to evade and quibble. If so, chances are they’d do that anyway. So, let them 🙂 A2
Well then again, I’ve always hated using their playbook. That was the first thing I thought of when I read the part about the “overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels”. As someone who knows a little about that, I wondered where he got that information to be so certain in his generalized assertion. I’ve long felt truth is on our side and there is no need to exaggerate, obfuscate, or otherwise do anything but state facts based on evidence. But you know, it all shakes out in the wash I suppose.
It’s bleeding obvious that there would be significant mortality from house arrest of huge swathes of the population, untreated illnesses, mental health problems, off the back of the fear that’s been installed in joe public systematically for more than a year.
PHE published information that up to 30+% of hospital staff were absent due to test and trace or self diagnosis after a cough or whatever. I personally visited two local general hospitals in my area last spring at the height of the initial frenzy and they were deserted, one had the staff kicking a ball around outside in their blue or green outfits.
ICU’s in England overall were never more than at 85% capacity, again, from Public Health England’s own data.
Why are you quibbling what is quite obvious? This far into this greatest “sting” of all time you’re still not convinced – go get the jab if you’re still sceptical and good luck with that roll of the dice.
What can we do as individuals? At least lead by example in defiance of the nonsense, lead your life as normally as you can, do not wear their masks – nobody has the right to question your medical details just do what I do and say “exempt” if challenged at all, rare now, and I do feel exempt as the things are a danger to me imho, which is one of the Home Office criteria for not wearing them. Vernon Coleman’s site has a free download that illuminates this.
Otherwise, share what you believe in despite the apparent wall of indifference or lazy ridicule.
Finally, do not underestimate the power of numbers and try to join the demonstrations, they can’t ignore it forever and the more that join the safer from the police and security services they’ll be. Personally I think the demos should aim at blockading the main MSM sites, BBC central offices, Sky HQ etc – they can hardly resist being the centre of their own headlines.
Apathy from those of us who have seen through the nonsense is unforgivable and there may well be a time when you will have to answer to your conscience about what did you do to try and stop this. If nothing else then peace of mind may be your only comfort.
Try the book
You want citations about something that doesn’t exist? There’s no Covid literature to accurately cite because there is no COVID.
easy enough to do.
Get at it.
Please grab a free copy of the book form my website. All the evidence is cited an explored in the there.
You are very kind to make the book available at no charge. Thank you so much!
where, please?
I take that back. Subscribed – thanks very much.
Sources or not it’s still a mighty task opening the eyes on anyone, “progressive”, or not.
I have been attempting to wake the zombies up re the MOSSAD/CIA/Deep State attack in NYC since the 12th, Spet. 2001. I have converted 5% I reckon.
Half of the remainder think I’m mad, the other half don’t give a shit.
Links and sources are not proof just opinions of others that agree with the posted article in almost all cases ? They usually result in infinite regress type arguments .
The ‘disappearance’ of influenza despite death from winter illnesses being at a five year high and the bogus methods describing the ‘isolating’ and ‘sequencing’ the supposed novel SC virus point to the fact that it doesn’t exist…Apparently, these methods are standard practice in immunology and amount to be little better than a voodoo science.
I expect my comment will be treated as “spam” and only “unspamed” in a few hours. surprising since I have made several comments which have proven not to be spam…If that must continue to be the case, instead just kindly delete my comment and cease any pretence of non-censorship, de facto or otherwise. Many thanks.
Great read.
I wrote to a friend a while back about the ‘Rona BS and the stupid mAsses.
“As a species, this was a test of our worthiness to live. We failed”
speak for yourself please.
I didnt fail. I passed the test. All your property and gold are now mine…………..LOL.
Anyone wanting to make a difference and reach people would be wise to look at the Telegram channel https://t.me/ivermectincampaign
There are some very direct and commonsense approaches.
The late great Dr. Shiv Chopra on why vaccine-by-injection disrupts normal biological function:
Vaccines and the Basics of Biology
Anyone knowing the basics of biology should know:
1. That all vaccines by their very nature are antigens and that every antigen by definition must be a foreign protein or a substance attached to one’s own or some other foreign protein;
2. That no foreign protein can be absorbed into the blood stream unless it is digested in the alimentary canal into its basic amino acids;
3. That it is these amino acids which after being absorbed into the blood stream are reconstituted into one’s own proteins and it is these proteins which distinguishes every being of existence into self and non-self.
4. That any interference or tampering with these laws of existence can bring calamity to the being in which it occurs such as by causing auto-immune conditions like autism, etc.
This is precisely what may be occurring due to vaccine injections in people. Surprisingly, I am presently the only scientist who is reminding others about this phenomenon of existence. If I am wrong, I would like to be corrected by those claiming to possess better knowledge of same.
The foreign proteins in vaccines originate from not only the infectious organisms against which one wishes to produce infection-fighting antibodies but also the artificial media in which these organisms are grown. Contained in such media may include one or more of the following materials: bovine serum, horse serum, chicken egg, monkey kidney, insect cells and even human fetal cells.
Apart from the foreign proteins, vaccines may also contain other harmful substances, including mercury, aluminum, formalin, oily adjuvants, etc., plus untold number of stray viruses with the potential to cause cancer, HIV, serum-hepatitis and so on.
Meanwhile, evidence indicates that except for smallpox, no other infectious disease, e.g.: tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid, anthrax, measles, mumps, rubella, DPT, polio, influenza and others, has been eradicated and that this continues to be so despite the decades of vaccinations against each of these diseases. Also, during the same period, the incidence of many previously uncommon diseases, such as autism, diabetes, allergies and cancer has been increasing in pandemic proportions.
I feel that it is time to demand a moratorium on, at least, the compulsory vaccinations for children, health care professionals and military personnel until such time that these issues are reviewed and discussed in an open and transparent manner with the due involvement of the public.
~ Dr. Shiv Chopra
These are truly exciting times to be alive in. Everyone must be familiar with that corporate pep talk bullshit re: “We must modernise!”, “We must move with the times!”, “We believe you must be all you can be!”, “We demand the utmost achievement from all – and we refuse to hear about disabilities which are just an excuse for not committing yourself!”, “Where do you see the service going in a couple of hours’ time?”, “Why aren’t you considering invading Poland?” etc.
All of these were just the eternally recycled noises that justified cuts, shortages, brutal downsizing etc. BUT NOW – they have a new lease of life! “It’s covid time! Don’t you know with this devastating plague, there is now truly no excuse to linger in those unrealistic hopes of a decent life? It’s no longer a case of modernising but of life-and-death self-castration!”
Actually, the covid bullshit is just an update on the old modernisation bullshit. Both species of bullshit were about imposing the unacceptable via …. well, bullshit. The only thing the rulers ever had in store for the masses was population wide buggery. Did you honestly think that you mattered in the grand scheme of things? You puny little nonentity! You are only here to serve your masters! Of course, they can’t just come out and say that – thus … “modernisation”, “terrorist threats”, “godless communism”, Islamofascism” – and now the “undeniable deadly life annihilating virus”!
And there was only ever one solution to these threats: Drop your pants, lube up your arsehole, and get down on your hands and knees! It’s for your own good!
Spot on and well said. Visceral. There is also the eco argument that can be used to bash us into shape. Oh, and the UAPs. We have to keep up with them aliens.
I was just thinking that today, looking at old once-busy premises, rotting away to nettles and decay: happened alongside the admin class proliferation and managers wages trebled, were incentivised. Straight old asset stripping. Poverty inducing cnts think they’re fucking entrpeneurs and geniuses, ffs.
Perfect tweet from one “alex g”:
“Covid rules were never supposed to make sense. Governments used fear and isolation to get people to abandon their own values, mental independence, and capacity for reason. The more absurd restrictions became, the more compliance signaled loyalty. The lack of logic was the point.”
It’s a gas gas gassssssss!
That’s why there was never any point – and indeed it was self defeating – to get into scrapes over the germinal thyroidal coagulation of furry photon neuronical plasma. All was also its own opposite, everything could be asserted and then denied, any amount of mind annihilating non-sequitur bullshit could be spouted.
It was all about trying to get you to lose your mind! To mistrust your very own powers of reason, to in fact utterly abolish all reason, cut yourself off from all previous loyalties and generate doubt in your most immediate and irrefutable experience.
After all, the aim was to create a pseudo-reality, an Alice-in-Wonderland realm where any rules could be imposed and then rescinded at will.
Yeas the covid measures (often contradicting and illogical) were torture to break people.
Yep and the major influence operating from the planets is neptune in difficult aspect to the eclipse points of the last year and Into the immediate future…this was always going to guarantee gaslighting…as the eclipse points cover Gemini and Sagittarius…thus communication and thinking was going to be totally confused and full of bullshit….last time they did it we had aids virus…it too was going to wipe out humanity….we had the grim reaper ads…and we also had faucci so he knows well how to direct the game…
this time it has been combined with a collapse of the financial system holding the $…
I guess we all find our way of attempting to sort out what the shit is happening…we can theorise about it, apportion blame, even go get injected but until the crazy influences stop being the predominant factor here little will change…sadly they are going on for a little longer yet..
More pseudo shuffling from Beeb:
“More pupils sent home as Covid disruption soars
There has been a sharp rise in pupils sent home from school in England because of Covid, according to the latest official figures. They showed that more than 375,000 pupils – about one in 20 – were out of school for Covid-related reasons, up by more than 130,000 in a week.”
So let’s have a little breakdown:
“15,000 pupils at home who are confirmed Covid cases”
i.e. confirmed asymptomatic cases i.e. perfectly healthy.
“24,000 suspected cases”
i.e. suspected of being perfectly healthy.
“279,000 self-isolating due to potential contact in school”
i.e. potential contact with nothing at all.
“57,000 self-isolating due to potential contact in the community”
i.e. self isolating in case they come in to contact with another human being who may be a potential something or other.
“5.1% of pupils absent from Covid, up from 1.2% on 10 June”
“from Covid” meaning “from something or other, yeah whatever”.
“13% absent in total, including non-Covid”
Yeah, might as well include non-Covid since there is no difference between Covid and non-Covid.
I understand pupils have worked out that orange juice creates a false positive.
It appears to me that the general public has become far too gullible to resist such abuse. While they are completely aware that all of government is inhabited by the very best professional liars, they will nevertheless believe them. Because its more convenient to do so.
Might have something to do with being paid to not go to work too.
the belly of the beast. the dark reality of society today.
I’ve read watched researchers,I’ve read books,These Elites or whatever they are have been implementing this agenda for centuries,Do you think they are going to stop because people are waking up?They have put a lot of money and effort into this,They have their minions in every organisation,I have no easy answer to this situation we are in,If we get nasty they will have plan B.
So what you reckon? Roll over?
Come on Annie, you’ve got more in you than that – give it full beans and full flap – as much as you can muster.
Don’t give up, it’s what “ they” figure everyone will do.
No I’ll never give up I’ll fight for my family and I’ll fight for my fellow man believe it or not I do love thy neighbour.
…”or whatever they are”…The million dollar question.
Centuries is a grievous underestimate. They have been doing it for ages.
It may surprise you, but it is they who have been waking you up – waking up the perspicacious.
The answer to this situation is what they are providing. It is up to you to understand the situation – properly. At the moment it may seem that the answer is unconscionable, but then that’s because you don’t yet understand the situation. You cannot change their answer, but you can change your understanding.