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When only one narrative on a subject is allowed, and reasonable debate based on scientific evidence is disallowed, it is clear that someone is attempting to stifle free speech and democratic processes. The closely controlled narrative and censorship being implemented by mainstream media (television, radio and newspapers) and ‘big’ tech corporations, such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, indicate that they are being used as propaganda outlets by the Global Elite to further their interests at the expense of the rest of the population.
‘Big’ tech corporations also collect people’s private data in the service of corporate interests.
How do users/consumers give these institutions and corporations the message that they are not willing to put up with this situation? By refusing to listen to, watch or use them (thereby filling our minds with unverified and deliberately manipulated information), and by withdrawing our dollars and participation, impacting advertising and data collection revenues.
If they won’t let us tell the truth through them (even in debate), we need to withdraw our support.
The following sites provide alternatives that support free speech, reasoned debate and privacy:
Truthful news and information sites:
Private browsers: &
Private email providers:
Private messaging apps:
Private and encrypted cloud storage providers:
Free speech-friendly video sharing platforms:
Private document-sharing: CryptPad
Further information:
‘The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media’, see this.
‘Facebook Insider Morgan Kahmann Joins Candace Owens to Discuss Decision to Come Forward to Veritas’, see this.
Boycott Corporate & Government Media!
Don’t pay for misinformation and censorship!
Choose free and truthful media & social media!
Resist the Great Reset!
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Featured image is from OneWorld
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