i have converted another book by Gerson - ready for 'text to speech'!! i have not heard it yet, but thought of sharing it asap. ------------------------ My editor had ok'd the story, "The Unveiling of a Quack," and now I faced the man whom the power of the press would squash like a bug. "Five times," he said in response to my question, "the Medical Society of the County of New York sent a committee here to investigate my methods. I let them see patients, X-rays, records, everything." "And what were the results of those investigations?" "I do not know," Dr. Gerson replied. "They have never revealed them." I left Dr. Gerson and wrote the Medical Society of the County of New York, as follows: "We have no feeling one way or the other concerning Dr. Gerson's treatment except that of public responsibility... Is there any way we can be advised of the nature of your findings?" Their reply was to embark me on the strangest, most frustrating story of my life... the story of a man who by absolute record had cured people of cancer, including children, and his incredibly courageous and lonely fight against the forces of organized medicine. - S.J. Haught ----------------------------- also attached is a good book i have just finished listening to, 'Ghislaine Lanctot - The Medical Mafia'. i converted it but obviously did not keep the figures/diagrams - refer to the pdf for them. if anyone has the second book, please share. -------------------- THE MEDICAL MAFIA IS ALL-POWERFUL * Competition is being eliminated. Researchers are being reoriented. Dissidents are imprisoned or being shown up and reduced to silence. The alternative products that are profitable are being recuperated by multinationals thanks to the legislation of the Codex of the WHO (World Health Organization) and the patents of the WTO. * Cunningly stoked by the authorities and the media that serves them, a fearful panic of sickness, of aging and of death is haunting the population. The obsession to survive at all costs makes the international traffic of organs, blood and human fetuses prosper... also at all cost. * Food is irradiated, milk pasteurized, genes modified, water is contaminated, and the air is poisoned. Children receive 35 vaccines before entering the school system. Whole families are drugged; the father on Viagra, the mother on Prozac, and the children on Ritalin. Soon, their security, their normality, and their happiness will be assured by the implantation of the micro chip, as we do with animals. In fertility clinics we produce, by artificial insemination, triplets and quadruplets, and a good quantity of embryos are being stock-piled. Human cloning is around the corner. You have gone mad, the cows cry at us. * During this time, costs are rising and services diminishing. The health system is drowning in a profound chaos that only privatization can save. Financiers are coming to the rescue, the same people who have conceived, put in place and then killed the health system. It had to be first adopted as a public monopoly to be able to then transform the system into a private monopoly. Well done, Dr. Rockefeller and your associates of the Trilateral Commission. Yet... --------------- 'Corporate crime in the pharmaceutical industry' by John Braithwaite 1984 - another good book. (not yet converted). ********************* 'The herbal pharmacy' A brilliant program allowing you to search for the health benefits of various herbs. it allows u to search by herb name, illness or by the different body systems (ie cardiovascular, reproductive, etc). I find it useful as a stepping stone to what should be used, then get more detailed info from the net. note that the information from 'Kickass.nfo' states that u need to apply a patch. i have simply run 'setup.exe' and it works fine on XP. so i don't think u need a patch. ***************** By: Hale Software, Inc. © 1997 Photography by Martin Wall Botanical Services Herbal Preparations by Diana Drummer, Herbalist Introduction & Research by Brigitte Mars, Herbalist CD List Price: $39.95 For anyone looking to enhance their health, herbs are definitely worth looking into. Over thousands of years herbs have been used as important drugs and as simple medicinal remedies. Modern research has analyzed the plants and established sound scientific basis of much herbal medicine. Contents The Herbal Pharmacy has collected about 300 of the most widely used herbs and listed their medical applications, along with: * their common and alternate name * the family each herb belongs to * parts of the herb used * their properties * internal applications, topical uses and topical applications * culinary uses * energetics (bitter, cool, dry) * chemical constituents * contraindications * comments How Easy Is The Herbal Pharmacy To Install? The CD requires Windows 95 or later, 4 mb hard disk space and 32 mb RAM. Contents can be viewed using the brower that comes on the CD. Installation is pretty basic, but viewers will need to know how to install a program or someone who does. The CD could use more instruction on its packaging for those who've never installed a CD program before. Ease of Use Once installed, moving around is easy. The program is organized and helpful. Finding specific information is a snap. Viewers will love the cross-referencing and links. A small Tool-Bar is provided with these options: Introduction - The Introduction to The Herbal Pharmacy by Brigitte Mars who welcomes viewers and prepares them for their journey through the CD, advises them to use it as a guide, alerts them to the Bibliography and gives information about herself. Search - Helps viewers find what they're looking for. Herbs - Viewers type what they're looking for or can scroll through the list. Formulas - Around 100 recipes for multiple listed needs. Setup - For changing colors, font type and size. About - The Herbal Pharmacy is by Hale Software, Inc. © 1997 VI.20.0 Exit For more examples of The Herbal Pharmacy: Another handy icon is a clipboard/notepad, a place to save notes and paste information. An informative Tip Box pops up each time the CD has been started too. It can either be closed or explored for more tips on things such as how to change colors or inform viewers about other useful features. Usefulness For anyone who's read a lot of herb books and knows how and what herbs can do to help aide in sickness and in health, most of the information provided may be familiar. For most though, reading through the Herbal Pharmacy could be enlightening. Either way this CD will be cherished for its ease of maneuverability, links and quickness in cross-referencing. It's neatly organized alphabetically, the instructions on how to use herbs clear, it gives advisability against particular remedies or treatments and Brigitte Mars states, "Some plants should be used with professional council and many avoided during pregnancy." There are even 300 helpful pictures in color of the herbs at each site. A larger view of them can be seen by clicking on the image. The Herbal Pharmacy is an easy to use, informative guide to the use of herbs and their healing properties. An asset to any home library. A comment received at botanical.com from an Herbal CD user: The Herbal CD is fantastic. My daughter was able to get some organized information to use in her science fair project. Due credit was given in her references. We find out tomorrow (Thurs) how her project did. Her project was entitled "Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Herbal Extracts". Thanks again. We are very happy with the CD. - Iris Just an update. My daughter won 1st place from the United States Navy/Marine Corp for her project. "Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Herbal Extracts" during the Appalachina Science Fair and has been invited to go to participate in the Nationals. Thanks again. Iris *************** finally, i recommend visiting http://www.drcarley.com/ for an excellent source of info, regarding vaccines - how they really affect us and most importantly - how to cure/reduce the damage caused by them and other sources. Dr. Rebecca Carley is a qualified doctor who worked in emergency department of hospitals, and she has been banned from being able to treat people. listen to her radio shows (on her website) and read about another victim of 'big pharma'