Energy Slim - What's In It For Me?
Logo-h2k.jpg (2287 bytes)         Chromium Polynicotinate + Maca = Macagenics

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Experience Macagenics

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The smooth alternative to Metabolife. Macagenics is the combination of thermogenic herbs with the powerful adaptagen herb, Maca. The result is a smooth energy without the usual nervousness associated with plain thermogenic products. Once you have tried Energy Slim you will probably agree, Macagenics is the finest natural energy and weight management enhancement combination you have tried.


Maca is most commonly used to increase energy, stamina and endurance in athletes, promote mental clarity, treat male impotence, and help to correct female hormonal imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue syndrome. European doctors have prescribed Maca for a variety of health-related illnesses and weight management for more than a decade and have found it more helpful than synthetic western medicines. Maca is growing in world popularity due to its energizing effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities.

Maca is a nutritional powerhouse especially rich in iodine. It is a reliable protein source containing significant amounts of amino acids. The protein and calories in Maca are stable even after years of storage. It is also rich in complex carbohydrates and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. It contains vitamins B-1, B-2, B-12, C, and E and is a source of glycoside steroids.

Weight lifters and body builders are turning to Maca as a natural and safe alternative to anabolic steroids. The rich and diverse nutrient content of Maca explains its many traditional uses and why it is sought after today.

Maca is an "adaptogen", meaning it helps to restore balance or homeostasis to the body. Rather than addressing a specific symptom, adaptogens are used to improve the overall adaptability of the whole system. Maca has been used traditionally to increase energy and to promote improvement in both stamina and endurance in athletes. Unlike caffeine, Maca is a healthy choice for increasing energy because it is not a stimulant.

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The steady enhancement of both physical and mental energy makes Maca an ideal supplement for students, professionals, writers, athletes, and anybody else who needs a lift. The fact that Maca contains no stimulants, but obtains its benefits from vitamins and minerals, makes it especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Many people who use Maca also report increased mental clarity.

What Is Chromium Polynicotinate?

Chromium polynicotinate consists of pure niacin-bound chromium, identified by United States Government researchers as the active component of true GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor). GTF is responsible for binding insulin to cell membrane receptor sites. Without GTF, insulin is useless. Chromium polynicotinate has been shown to possess greater biological activity and is safer than other chromium supplements. Chromium polynicotinate's ability to potentiate the effects of insulin and to help overcome insulin resistance in overweight people, make it a powerful weapon in the fight against fat.

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The effects of chromium polynicotinate on insulin are important because insulin is a potent hormone involved in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and participates in physiological control mechanisms such as: appetite control, curbing sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and fat burning.

Other Ingredients

Niacin (as Niacinamide) - Maintains normal function of skin, nerves, digestive system. Reduces cholesterol levels. May improve poor digestion and offer protections from toxins and pollutants.

Guarana Extract - A high energy source.

MaHuang Extract (ephedrine) - A good source of energy, improves blood circulation, and stimulates BAT activity (the burning of stored white body fat).

Cayenne Pepper - Stimulates circulation, useful in sinus and respiratory ailments, helps digestive system.

Fo-Ti - Lowers cholesterol and strengthens the body.

Siberian Ginseng - Stimulates mental and physical vigor.

Gotu Kola - Reduces high blood pressure, mental fatigue and senility. Helpful for skin disorders.

Hawthorn Berry Extract - Is historically considered as a powerful tonic for the heart and aorta and modern testing has linked much of its effect to protecting the heart from free radicals.

Echinacea - A blood purifier. Helps build up the supply of large white blood cells. Improves resistance to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. Good for prevention of colds, flu, and blood poisoning.

Ginkgo Biloba - An antioxidant that increases circulation, and reduces premature memory loss and senility.

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Gilbert - Before and After FOR MOR

Bladderwrack - Contains natural iodine to promote a healthy thyroid. It also stimulates blood circulation and eases obesity.

White Willow Bark - Helps insomnia, reduces pain, and is an anti-inflammatory.

Reishi Mushroom - Helps stimulate liver activity, cleanses the blood, helps lower stress, and helps beautify the skin. It also strengthens the immune system.

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Sylvia - Before and After.

Green Tea Extract - Antioxidant and detoxifier.

Ginger Root Powder -

Saw Palmetto - Diuretic. Extracts from these berries are reported to help normalize the function of the prostate gland. Saw palmetto berries contain a variety of fatty acids and phytosterols. Phytosterols are plant sterols that have been shown to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that plays a role in the enlargement of the prostate. Saw palmetto extracts contain bio-active sterols such as beta-sitosterol that are reported to be a nutritional aid to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. Studies have shown that plant derived extracts of beta-sitosterol are helpful in normalizing urine flow & residual urinary volume.

Piperine - Consists of a 98% piperine extract from the black pepper fruits. This piperine extract holds enhances bioavailability and absorption. Highly concentrated piperine is readily available for assimilation without first having to be broken down and extracted by the digestive process.

Energy Slim is produced by ForMor International. It is sold in the US at retail outlets and mail order. To order by phone call 1-888-270-4793, get the wholesale price give referral number 47742 -Butler Health Systems, Inc. (BHSLabs)


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LOOK AT THE ABOVE PHOTOS OF WEIGHT LOSS! This product works better than a Melaleuca Candy Bar! This weight loss is better than, Melaleuca, Melabalife and all others!

The steady enhancement of both physical and mental energy makes Maca an ideal supplement for students, professionals, writers, athletes, and anybody else who needs a lift. The fact that Maca contains no stimulants, but obtains its benefits from vitamins and minerals, makes it especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Many people who use Maca also report increased mental clarity.Experience MacagenicsThe smooth alternative to Metabolife. Macagenics is the combination of thermogenic herbs with the powerful adaptagen herb, Maca. The result is a smooth energy without the usual nervousness associated with   plain thermogenic products. Once you have tried Energy Slim you will probably agree, Macagenics is the finest natural energy and weight management enhancement combination you have tried.Maca.Maca is most commonly used to increase energy, stamina and endurance in athletes, promote mental clarity, treat male impotence, and help to correct female hormonal imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue syndrome. European doctors have prescribed Maca for a variety of health-related illnesses and weight management for more than a decade and have found it more helpful than synthetic western medicines. Maca is growing in world popularity due to its energizing effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities.Maca is a nutritional powerhouse especially rich in iodine. It is a reliable protein source containing significant amounts of amino acids. The protein and calories in Maca are stable even after years of storage. It is also rich in complex carbohydrates and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. It contains vitamins B-1, B-2, B-12, C, and E and is a source of glycoside steroids.Weight lifters and body builders are turning to Maca as a natural and safe alternative to anabolic steroids. The rich and diverse nutrient content of Maca explains its many traditional uses and why it is sought after today.Maca is an "adaptogen", meaning it helps to restore balance or homeostasis to the body. Rather than addressing a specific symptom, adaptogens are used to improve the overall adaptability of the whole system. Maca has been used traditionally to increase energy and to promote improvement in both stamina and endurance in athletes. Unlike caffeine, Maca is a healthy choice for increasing energy because it is not a stimulant.What Is Chromium Polynicotinate?Chromium polynicotinate consists of pure niacin-bound chromium, identified by United States Government researchers as the active component of true GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor). GTF is responsible for binding insulin to cell membrane receptor sites. Without GTF, insulin is useless. Chromium polynicotinate has been shown to possess greater biological activity and is safer than other chromium supplements. Chromium polynicotinate's ability to potentiate the effects of insulin and to help overcome insulin resistance in overweight people, make it a powerful weapon in the fight against fat.The effects of chromium polynicotinate on insulin are important because insulin is a potent hormone involved in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and participates in physiological control mechanisms such as: appetite control, curbing sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and fat burning.Other IngredientsNiacin (as Niacinamide) - Maintains normal function of skin, nerves, digestive system. Reduces cholesterol levels. May improve poor digestion and offer protections from toxins andpollutants.Guarana Extract - A high energy source.MaHuang Extract (ephedrine) - A good source of energy, improves blood circulation, and stimulates BAT activity (the burning of stored white body fat).Cayenne Pepper - Stimulates circulation, useful in sinus and respiratory ailments, helps digestive system.Fo-Ti - Lowers cholesterol and strengthens the body.Siberian Ginseng - Stimulates mental and physical vigor.Gotu Kola - Reduces high blood pressure, mental fatigue and senility. Helpful for skin disorders.Hawthorn Berry Extract - Is historically considered as a powerful tonic for the heart and aorta and modern testing has linked much of its effect to protecting the heart from free radicals.Echinacea - A blood purifier. Helps build up the supply of large white blood cells. Improves resistance to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. Good for prevention of colds, flu, and blood poisoning.Ginkgo Biloba - An antioxidant that increases circulation, and reduces premature memory loss and senility. Bladderwrack - Contains natural iodine to promote a healthy thyroid. It also stimulates blood circulation and eases obesity.White Willow Bark - Helps insomnia, reduces pain, and is an anti-inflammatory.Reishi Mushroom - Helps stimulate liver activity, cleanses the blood, helps lower stress, and helps beautify the skin. It also strengthens the immune system.Green Tea Extract - Antioxidant and detoxifier.Ginger Root Powder -Saw Palmetto - Diuretic. Extracts from these berries are reported to help normalize the function of the prostate gland. Saw palmetto berries contain a variety of fatty acids and phytosterols. Phytosterols are plant sterols that have been shown to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that plays a role in the enlargement of the prostate. Saw palmetto extracts contain bio-active sterols such as beta-sitosterol that are reported to be a nutritional aid to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. Studies have shown that plant derived extracts of beta-sitosterol are helpful in normalizing urine flow & residual urinary volume.Piperine - Consists of a 98% piperine extract from the black pepper fruits. This piperine extract holds enhances bioavailability and absorption. Highly concentrated piperine is readily available for assimilation without first having to be broken down and extracted by the digestive process.Energy Slim is produced by ForMor International. It is sold in the US at retail outlets and mail order.

To order by phone call 1-888-270-4793, to get the wholesale price give referral number 47742 -Butler Health Systems, Inc. (BHSLabs) This is safer than Melaleuca, Melabalife and all others. This is priced better than Melaleuca, Melabalife and all others. This pay plan beats both Melaleuca and Metabolife! Attention Melaleuca distributors you have a chance to join a real cutting edge company! Now Melaleuca distributors can join a real weight loss company. Now Melaleuca and Metabolife distributors can join a real weight loss company and it is not Metabolife or Melaleuca! This product is rated better by BHSLabs than Melaleuca, Melaleuca Inc., Jenny Craig,,, metabolife 356, chromium picolinate,, and weight watchers.