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What does Rhodiola rosea do?


Increases  Mental Alertness
Possesses anti-Depression Properties
Increases  Mental Sharpness & Clarity
Reduces or Relieves the Intensity of Parkinson's
Useful for Alzheimer's
Inhibits Hypoglycemia 


Rhodiola rosea - After 35 years of intensive clinical studies, Rhodiola rosea arrives as the newest cutting edge nutraceutical for mood elevation, mental alertness and sports performance.

What Does Rhodiola rosea do?
     There are nearly 200 species of Rhodiola, however, Rhodiola rosea possess several unique properties only specific to itself!  Clinical research suggests that it possesses the following characteristics:

Possesses anti-depression & adaptogenic properties.
Prevents emotional stress.
Improves endurance levels.
Shortens recovery after prolonged muscular workouts.
Helps maintain energy levels.
Reduces or relieves intensity of Parkinson's.
Improves indicator of protein metabolism.
Increases attention span.
Increases memory & mental performance.
Increases strength & mobility.
Prevents the development of hypoglycemia.
Increases blood supply to the brain & muscles.
Optimizes serotonin & dopamine levels as well as other neurotransmitters.
Helps maintain high levels of creatinine phosphate in the mitochondria.
Activates lipase in long distance runners & swimmers.

What is Rhodiola rosea?
     It  is an adaptogen that comes from the Polar Artic regions of Eastern Siberia. Commonly called "Golden Root" or "Artic Root", Rodiola rosea, now trademarked as Rosavin™, is one of the more fascinating plant species in the world today and is largely unknown in the United States.
     This herb has extraordinary medicinal benefits in a number of curative categories. Rhodiola rosea has been shown to: 

  • increase longevity, physical endurance, 
  • decrease depression 
  •  increase resistance to high altitude sickness.

History and Science

     In Siberia, it is still said, "people who drink Rhodiola tea will live more than 100 years." Very little research has been performed on Rhodiola rosea until 1931. At that time Russian Botanist and nutritionist DR. L. Utkin discovered that this plant increases sexual potency. And in 1947 Russian scientist Professor Lasarev found that Rhodiola rosea helped increase the body's natural resistance to different environmental stresses.
     In fact, all test subjects showed an improvement in their general physical & mental states after taking only 100mgs a day. It was found that all the patients with pronounced depression states, of varied origins, had a positive therapeutic effect.

Is It Safe?
     Rhodiola rosea was found to be four times less potentially toxic than Korean ginseng even in high doses. The recommended dosage is 100mgs to 300mgs per day.

Does It Have Side Effects?
     They found that the following side effects could occur in doses above 800mgs a day in some cases: Irritability, insomnia and unpleasant sensations. No other effects were observed which makes it an excellent choice.

Who Should Use Rhodiola rosea?

  • Anyone who is subject to the "blues," depression or anxiety.

  • Anyone who must increase mental alertness.

  • Anyone who has or is prone to Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

  • All athletes or those involved with sports activities.

  • Anyone who wishes to increase their sexual stamina.

    Rhodiola rosea comes in bottles of 60 / 100mg  capsules. Dosage: 100mg to 300mg a day as a dietary supplement. Retail Price $18.95
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The information on this site is for informational purposes and is not a substitute for medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are  not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure disease.