Notes on Getting Started on the Incurables Program

Use "Distilled" or "High grade reverse osmosis" water only, for all teas, enemas, colonics, etc.

Begin a juice fast immediately, using 8-10 ounces of fresh juice an hour (that is one gallon a day) for at least 14 days minimum, and 30 days, if you are willing. (That is one gallon, 5000 calories, of pure, raw, liquid food and nutrition daily!) After the fast, then going to raw fruits and vegetables, with little being cooked or steamed, while continuing to juice, along with plenty of "Super food" and green drink daily, always doing your drinks between meals only!

Castor oil packs on and around the afflicted area, or areas, a minimum of three nights a week.

A five-gallon colonic every other day, made up of 1/3 chaparral, 1/3 Oregon grape root, 1/3 red clover tea, as a minimum for the first 2-3 weeks. (Very simple, and is only 7-10 sessions total.)

Purchase a "shower wand" and do a minimum of two (three would be better), hot and cold showers a day, also concentrating over the afflicted area for a total of sixty days, then going to a minimum of one a day. If the person is too weak to stand, simply give the treatment with them lying in the tub.

One "Cold sheet treatment" every 7-10 days for the first four months, then going to two treatments a month for the rest of the year.

Cancer/virus/immune tea, 3 Tbl. chaparral, 3 Tbl. red clover, 2 Tbl. echinacea, 2 Tbl. Pau d'arco, 1 Tbl. lobelia. Bring 3 quarts of pure H2O to a boil, remove from heat, put in contents with lid on, and let steep till cool enough to drink. Always steep and let cool with the lid on

Six times a day put two dropperfuls of "black walnut tincture" in anything you are drinking.

All "water" consumed is to be in tea form, and anytime you just want to sip on a simple cup of tea, use "red clover" with a very small amount of raw honey, if desired.

Be sure to get some exercise. With a walker, or otherwise, move around as much as you can!

For fresh oxygen, be sure to sleep with your bedroom window either wide open during the summer, or cracked during the winter, sleeping and living only in clothing and bedding that breath (100% cotton, wool, linen, silk, or a combination of one of these four only!)

For herbs and supplies: Pacific Botanicals is one of the finest for organic bulk herbs to make the formulas yourself, at (541) 479-7777. Southern Botanicals makes and sells Dr Schulze's herbal formulas using high quality, organic or wildcrafted herbs. You can reach them at 727-461-5455.

The above is work, but is also very simple and will get you started. All you have to do is just begin, so just do it! Follow this program, and happy trails! For as you do, you will be absolutely amazed!

Basics of Natural Health   �    Beyond Basics: Incurables
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