Glossary | Medicinal Glossary
| Herbal Preparations
DefinitionNormal exfoliation of the epidermia of the scalp in the form of dry, white scales. May be worse in diseased condition. Sometimes due to seborrhea.
CausesCaused sometimes by dysfunctional sebaceous glands in the scalp. When these glands secrete abnormally, the scalp forms scales that may itch and burn.
Over-the-counter ointments can do more harm than good. Consult the doctor. A dermatologist may possibly prescribe lotions that cleanse and dry with sulfur and resorcin or Deprosone cream.
SymptomsItching, burning, scales that are white, and scalp irritation (often from scratching during sleeptime).
NutrientsKelp tablets, 5 tablets per day, supplies needed minerals, especially iodine, for better hair growth and healing of the scalp.
Unsaturated fatty acids, taken as directed on the label (primrose oil and salmon oil help relieve pain and inflammation).
HerbsBack to Top RecommendationsAvoid fried foods, dairy products, sugar, flour, chocolate, nuts, and seafood. Diet should consist of 50% to Don't pick or scratch the scalp. Avoid irritating soaps and greasy ointments and creams. Make sure to wash the hair frequently and use non-oily shampoo. Try using a hair product that does not contain chemicals. Some people find that the sun helps clear up dandruff, but others that this is a problem, the dandruff becomes worse after sun exposure. If antibiotics are used, be sure to take acidophilus or Megadophilus supplements to replace the "good" bacteria that are destroyed by antibiotics (antibiotics kill all bacteria, good and bad kinds). Also be sure to take extra
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