Glossary | Medicinal Glossary
| Herbal Preparations
DefinitionThe victim of a snake bite may exhibit mild to severe symptoms. There
are many varieties of poisonous snakes and the strength of their venom
differs widely. All snakebites, poisonous or non-poisonous, should
be treated by a doctor immediately. Until professional help can be
obtained, the patient should remain as calm and still as possible.
SymptomsSwelling or discoloration of the skin, racing pulse, weakness, shortness
of breath, nausea and vomiting may occur. In extreme cases, there
will be severe pain and swelling, sometimes paralysis, unconsciousness
and even death may occur. The pupils will dilate, shock, convulsions,
twitching and slurred speech may occur. TreatmentEchinacea should be taken in tea and capsule form. Drink yellow dock
tea or take Poultices of white oak bark and leaves, comfrey, or slippery elm
have been used. Plantain poultice, plantain salves, or comfrey salves
are used. If you live in an area where there are rattlesnakes, eat
plantain, it grows near the rattlesnake dwellings, and will supply
some protection. Or if you have access to echinacea, the same applies.
With minor stings or bites from bees, mosquitoes, etc., one recommended
remedy is to rub the site with juice from honeysuckle vines, or herbs
such as rue, chamomile, aloe vera, or plain vinegar. Keep in mind
that prevention is easier than a cure. NutrientsAfter seeing the doctor, the following suggestions may relieve pain
and symptoms. Calcium Gluconate, Herbs
Back to Top RecommendationsIf medical help is not available, a constricting band should be applied
SuggestionsThe purchase of a one-handed pump could be a good investment if you
spend a lot of time outdoors. The pump is painless and can be used
with poisonous insects as well as snakes. The use of the pump on poisonous
insects, spiders, etc., gives extremely good results and greatly reduces
reaction to the poison.
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