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Yeast Infection
DefinitionYeast is defined as any of several unicellular fungi of the genus Saccharomyces, which reproduce by budding. They are capable of fermenting carbohydrates. When a fungus such as Candida Albicans multiplies in the body, particularly
in the vagina, the result is a yeast infection. CausesYeast infections are a common cause of vaginitis. Almost every woman will have a yeast infection sometime in her life,
and it is common during pregnancy when the acidity and sugar content
of a woman's vaginal secretions are altered. Using oral contraceptives
can also lead to the development of a yeast infection. Fungi such
as Candida albicans thrive in the presence of sugar, women with diabetes
will be more susceptible to yeast infections. Those taking antibiotics
may develop a yeast infection since antibiotics generally destroy
the "good" bacteria in the body, upsetting the vaginal environment.
SymptomsSymptoms include vaginal burning, itching, and discharge. The skin
around the vagina may become sore and appear red. NutrientsGarlic capsules, Herbs
Back to Top RecommendationsInclude yogurt and soured products in the diet. Yogurt and soured
products contain microorganisms called lactobacilli, normally present
in the bowel and vagina, which actually destroy the fungus. Because
the fungus multiplies in a sugary environment, reducing your intake
of refined foods can help alleviate symptoms. SuggestionsKeep the vagina clean and dry. To alleviate itching, open a
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