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Mononucleosis(Infectious Mononucleosis)
DefinitionMononucleosis is the presence of an abnormally high number of mononuclear
leukocytes in the blood. Infectious Mononucleosis is an acute infectious
disease that affects lymphoid tissue primarily. Characterized by enlarged,
often tender, lymph nodes and enlarged spleen with great increase
of atypical or abnormal mononuclear leukocytes in the blood. Abnormal
liver function test will be found in about 90% of cases. CausesThe disease is associated with the SymptomsBlood contains heterophile antibodies. There is no specific therapy, but for serious complications (for example: anemia, pharyngeal swelling interfering with swallowing), cortisone is indicated. This infectious viral disease affects the respiratory system and the lymph tissues and glands in the neck, groin, armpits, bronchial tubes, spleen, and liver. Symptoms include: fever, sore throat, swollen glands, fatigue, headache, jaundice, and generalized aching. Often mistaken for the flu. Bed rest is essential during the acute phase. Antibiotics are of no use unless there is a secondary infection. Adequate rest, exercise, and good nutrition are essential in prevention
of mononucleosis. Protein is needed to stimulate formation of antibodies,
which protect against jaundice and hepatitis that may complicate mononucleosis.
Nutrients Germanium, 100 mg. twice a day, is essential for the immune system.
Acidophilus, taken as directed on the label, provides "good" bacteria,
especially while taking antibiotics. Proteolytic enzymes, Herbs
Back to Top RecommendationsPlenty of rest and proper diet are essential for rapid healing. A
diet of 50% raw foods in recommended. SuggestionsAvoid sugar, processed foods, soft drinks, stimulants, coffee, tea,
and white flour products. They often are toxic and depress the immune
system. Drink
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