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Tinnitus(ringing or buzzing in the ear)(Tinnitus aurium)
DefinitionTinnitus aurium is the ringing, tinkling, buzzing, or other sounds
in the ear. Found in certain diseases of the exterior, middle, or
inner ear. Also called sonitus. The sensation of noises in one or
both ears; associated with disease in the middle ear, in the inner,
or the central auditory apparatus. Pronunciation according to Taber's
Medical Dictionary: Tinnitus, CausesImpacted ear-wax; ear inflammation or infection, sound pollution, obstruction of the ear, hysteria are some of the causes. Also follows overdosage of drugs such as quinine and saliclylates including aspirin. Treatment of the underlying causes usually will stop the noises. Synonym: Sonitus TreatmentHerbs
Back to Top RecommendationsGinkgo biloba is reported by Earl Mindell's Herb Bible to relieve symptoms of tinnitus such as noises in the ear and vertigo (dizziness). With the sesame seed remedy, which is said to be very effective,
the seeds are thoroughly ground into a powder and mixed into a paste
with honey (the mixture is eaten as a candy called halva in the Middle
East) and Also, a recommended treatment for tinnitus is to combine oil of Roses
and oil of Savory, warm slightly and apply
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