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Common Names Parts Usually UsedBark of the root Description of Plant(s) and CultureSassafras officinale is a small tree with green twigs and large simple or lobed leaves. Leaves have spicy odor when crushed. Yellow flowers appear on twigs before leaves and are followed by dark, shiny blue berries. In places it is also grown as an ornamental. The stem of sassafras albidum, which is usually 10 to 40 feet high
but sometimes reaches 125 feet, is covered with rough, grayish bark.
The leaves alternate, downy on the lower side, and variable in shape
from ovate to elliptic, entire or three-lobed. The small, yellowish-green
flowers grow in racemes, blooming before the leaves appear. The fruit
is pea-sized, yellowish-green drupe, turns blue-black with 1 seed.
Where FoundSassafras is a native North American deciduous tree which can be
found in woods from Ontario to Michigan, and south to Florida and
Texas to east Kansas. Grows in poor soils. Medicinal PropertiesAromatic, stimulant, alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, antiseptic. The bark of sassafras root contains a volatile oil, resin, wax, camphor,
fatty matter, albumen, starch, gum, lignin, tannic acid, salts, and
a decomposition product of tannic acid known as sassafrid. Legends, Myths and StoriesColumbus is said to have sensed the nearness of land from the strong scent of sassafras. There is an old story that tells of the scent of sassafras carried out to sea by the wind; it helped Columbus to convince his mutinous crew that land was near. The crew found the Native Americans using the bark of the root for beverage, medicine and flavoring. This new flavor had an appeal and for more than 200 years it was exploited in disease-ridden Europe as a panacea for many ills. At one time Sir Walter Raleigh controlled a monopoly of all imports on this new botanical. Later, the Creoles adopted this flavoring for soups and sauces. The tree and tales of its values, learned from the Indians by Spanish explorers in Florida, were carried to Europe. Sassafras became one of the first commercial exports from the new land. When the Europeans first settled North America, sassafras was a major export. The Plymouth colony was in part founded on speculation of the sassafras exports. The Encyclopaedia of Arts and Sciences wrote in 1798, "Some people boil sassafras with beer which they are brewing, because they believe it wholesome. For the same reason, the bark is put into brandy either whilst it is distilling or after it is made." "Swedes wash and scour the containers in which they intend to keep cider, beer or brandy with water in which sassafras root or its peel has been boiled; which they think renders all those liquors more wholesome." This from Travels Into North America, by P. Kalm, 1772. In making green tea, drop in a piece of sassafras root and see the good taste it makes. Good iced, too. The Pennsylvania Dutch place a piece of sassafras root with their applesauce or applebutter when they cook it, to enhance the flavor and aroma. Many housewives try to keep dried fruit for winter use, but the worms often got into it. Then they learned to put a piece of sassafras root in among the dried fruit and the worms never bothered again. In this way, the dried fruit may be kept for years. A handful or two of the bark mixed with a bushel of dried fruits to keep out insects, also will add flavor to the fruit. American Indians, it is said, used an infusion of sassafras root to bring down a fever. Also, they smoked, in a pipe, the bark of the root, which is highly aromatic. The oil of sassafras is used in the cosmetic and perfume industry. One old herbalist physician advised, "those who wish to break themselves of chewing tobacco, will find the pith of sassafras an agreeable substitute." Wonder if this would work for smoking tobacco as well. Buyer beware: sometimes sassafras is sold that is the inner wood,
which is worthless. Resembling lumber shavings and is very light in
color. Good sassafras has a deep red color, agreeable odor and a rich
flavor found only in the peeled outer bark of the root. To get this
outer bark of the root entails considerable labor and expense. Be
sure you know what to buy. Quality goes much further. UsesHot infusion of dried root bark has been used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and as a wash for skin irritations, eczema, acne, and ulcers. Tea of the bark of the root was used by old timers as a spring tonic, to cleanse the blood. Good to flavor other herbs that have a disagreeable taste. Will relieve gas, ague, and colic. Taken warm, it is remedy for spasms. Good wash for inflamed eyes. Oil of sassafras is good for the toothache. Used as a wash, good for varicose ulcers. The bark of the roots contains a volatile oil that has anodyne and
antiseptic properties. Formulas or DosagesTake no more than a week at a time. Infusion: steep 1 tsp. bark of root in 1 cup of water. Take 1 cup per day. Tincture: A dose is 15 to 30 drops. A remedy for skin disorders such as eczema:
How SoldTincture WarningDoubt has arisen as to the safety of sassafras since it is thought
to contain potential carcinogens. Safrole, found in the oil of sassafras,
is the carcinogenic property. Banned by FDA. Yet the safrole in a
12 oz. can of old-fashioned root beer is not as carcinogenic as the
alcohol (ethanol) in one can of beer. Bibliography |
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