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Common Names
Greek nuts Parts Usually UsedKernels
Description of Plant(s) and CultureThe almond tree usually grows from 10-20 feet high and has lanceolate, finely serrate leaves on thorny branches. The large flowers usually occur in pairs and are soft rose to whitish in color.
Where FoundCultivated, especially in California, southern Europe, and the Mediterranean countries.
Medicinal PropertiesDemulcent, emollient, pectoral
Legends, Myths and StoriesAlmonds are blanched by putting them in boiling water and then into cold water. The skins are easily removed after this procedure. Called As far back as 200 BC, the Chinese have used almond oil as a local anesthetic and muscle relaxer. Chinese name is If you find commercial soap products too drying for your face, check in your local health food store for facial soaps and cleansers derived from almond. The kernel from the almond plant provides us with one of the best face scrubs Mother Nature has to offer, as well as being an excellent emollient (softens skin). A recent study suggests that almond oil may help prevent heart disease. At the Health Research and Studies Center in Los Altos, California, almond oil was shown to lower serum cholesterol levels in people who consumed it in place of saturated fat. According to the study, almond oil was a more potent cholesterol-reducing agent than olive oil! More studies are needed to determine if almond oil should be part of a heart-healthy lifestyle.
UsesGood for facial scrubs and cosmetics. The oil derived from a bitter variety of almond has sedative properties and is sometimes used in cough remedies. The oil from a sweet variety makes a soothing ingredient in internal medications and is used externally as an emollient. Almond butter makes a rich protein substitute for peanut butter and is well tolerated by diabetics. Almond oil may reduce cholesterol when used instead of saturated fat. Oil of sweet almonds combined with powdered sugar is good for a dry cough or hoarseness, taken a little at a time. The early settlers in the America claimed that if 5 or 6 bitter almonds were eaten before partaking of alcoholic beverages, intoxication is slowed.
Formulas or DosagesA handful of almond meal makes a good face scrub. Oil: rub almond oil directly into rough areas of skin, such as hands and heels of feet.
Nutrient ContentIron, calcium, protein
How SoldNuts are sold in supermarkets
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