Ayurveda considers enema therapy a complete treatment for many diseases, including constipation, distention, lower back pain, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, nervous disorders, chronic fever, colds and flu, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, neck pains, hyperacidity, nervous headache, emaciation, and muscular atrophy.
There are 3 basic types of enemas:
Oil enema (a cup of warm sesame or other oil is used).
Decoction enema (an herb tea (whichever is indicated orally) is taken rectally).
Nutritive enema (composed of warm milk, meat broth or bone marrow soup).
The following is a formula for basic Ayurvedic anti-vata enema:
Water (1 1/2 qts)
Sesame oil (4 oz)
Honey (4 oz)
Castor oil (1 oz)
Anise seed (2 oz)
Rock salt (1 oz)
Boil the anise seeds and salt from 3-5 minutes in the water, strain, and stir in the remaining ingredients. When the liquid is lukewarm, pour it into the enema bag. Hang the bag so that it is not more than a foot higher than the syringe. While reclining on a mat on the bathroom floor, insert the syringe slowly into the rectum. Try to retain the solution for at least 30 minutes, or longer if possible.
Enemas are contraindicated if rectal bleeding or diarrhea are present. Oil enemas should not be given if the person has cough, shortness of breath, diabetes, severe anemia, chronic indigestion, the aged, or children below the age of seven years. Decoction enemas are contraindicated in cases of acute fever, cold, paralysis, heart pain, severe pain in the abdomen, or wasting diseases.
Formula called Hingashtak for the main herb (asafoetida, hing in Sanskrit)
Asafoedita (3 parts)
Atractylodes (3 parts)
Cumin seed (2 parts)
Caraway seed (2 parts)
Pippli long pepper (2 parts)
Black pepper (2 parts)
Ginger root (2 parts)
Dandelion root (2 parts)
Slippery elm (2 parts)
Green citrus peel (2 parts)
Rock salt (2 parts)
This formula is taken after eating, relieves gas, abdominal swelling, indigestion, and food stagnation.
Mucus, Allergies, Digestion
(Trikatu) warm and stimulate the internal and dry wet
Equal parts: Ginger root, Black pepper, Pippli long pepper, and Honey.
This formula has a hot, spicy energy and is dispersing and drying for damp conditions. Overcoming mucus makes it useful in treating allergies and colds, help reduce fat, aids digestion and circulation, warming internally. Should be taken in winter by nearly everyone and suspended in the summer months.
Dosage: 1 or 2 tablets 3 times per day. Be advised to cut down on fluid intake.
((Hingshtak) regulate and tonify digestive chi)
Atractylodes (chief herb)
Caraway seed (chief)
Cumin seed (chief)
Asafoetida (chief)
Black pepper (assisting and conducting)
Citrus peel (assisting and conducting)
Dandelion root (supporting)
Slippery elm (supporting)
Rock salt (supporting)
Ginger (conducting)
Has warm energy. This formula regulates chi, aids digestion, counteracts acidity and digestive weakness, eliminates gas and bloating and is one of the best formulas for hypoglycemia and candida albicans yeast overgrowth. It may be powdered and added to food to help digestion; or taken either before or after meals with warm water.
((Triphala) eliminate excess, clear heat and protect righteous energy)
Equal parts: Eblica officinalis, Terinalia belerica and Terminalia chebula
Triphala ("tri" three, "phala" fruits), consists of the combination of the fruit of the chebulic, beleric and emblic myrobalan trees (known in India as harad, behada and amla, respectively). Triphala is used as a laxative but also a rejuvenator. Harada and behada have warm energy, amla is cool. Triphala, therefore, is balanced, a useful formula for cleansing and detoxifying, blood purifier, strengthening of the eyes, counteracts many eye defects, and eliminates redness and soreness. Recommended for everyone, including more sensitive people and vegetarians.
Triphala will promote normal appetite, good digestion, increase red blood cells and hemoglobin, and aid in the removal of undesirable fat. Taken regularly, triphala promotes absorption and utilization of the B vitamins.
Dosage: As a blood purifier, reducing and cleansing agent, take 2 tablets 3 times per day. As laxative, take 2 to 6 tablets in the evening with a cup of boiled water. For eye problems, crush 2 tablets and steep in 1/2 cup of boiling water, cool, strain and use as an eyewash.
((Chyavanprash) warm and tonify spleen and stomach chi)
This is one of the most potent and delicious tonics known. In Ayurveda it is considered one of the best preparations used for rejuvenation and longevity.
Chyavanprash is made with fresh Indian gooseberries, called amla or amlakis. These fruits are considered the major health-food herb throughout India. Highest known source of easily assimilable vitamin C.
Hundreds of fresh amla fruits are cleaned, washed and tied in a cloth, boiled in water slowly until reduced to 1/6 the original volume. It is then strained, seeds removed and discarded. the fruit is fried in sesame oil and butter and reduced to a paste. This paste is combined with the remaining decoction is further boiled and reduced with jaggury (crude brown sugar with molasses). Approximately 34 to 50 herbs, depending on which variant of Chyavanprash is used, are added in powder form. The preparation is well cooked and honey is added to complete the process of manufacture.
The ancient Sanskrit texts prescribe Chyavanprash regular use for weakness and debility of all kinds, including chronic bronchitis, allergies, immune weakness, feverishness, emaciation, chronic cardiac disorders, gout, disorders of the urinary tract, impotence and infertility. Safely used for young infants, the very old, debilitated or very thin. Because of its great nutritive value, it increases longevity and mental alertness, and promotes a glowing complexion, clarifies the urine and effects regularity of evacuation, removes parasites and toxins and cures anorexia, indigestion and dyspepsia. Regular use strengthens sexual strength and vigor in a man, a blood tonic for women.
Dosage: take 1/2 to 1 tsp. each morning followed by warm water, herb tea or warm milk to treat low blood sugar, anemia and dyspepsia, build tissues and cells, and strengthen the heart, liver, kidneys and the sense organs. Chyavanprash is truly the king of herbal food preparations.
(Guggula) clear channels, circulate chi and blood
Guggula is made from the resin of Balsaodendron Mukul; Sanskrit, guggullu, English, salai tree, gum gugal or Indian bedellium. Closely related to Myrrh. When fresh, it is moist, viscid and fragrant, with a golden color, it melts in the sun and emulsifies in hot water.
Helps alleviate an accumulation of cholesterol, thickened mucus and other materials in the aging process. Helps circulatory problems, including arteriosclerosis, arthritis, rheumatism, heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, and enlargement of the prostate.
Combined with Triphala, taken in the morning and evening, counteracts obesity, blood disorders, constipation, skin problems, chronic venereal disease, ascites and sores that are difficult to heal.
Yogaraj guggula is used in many disorders: sciatica, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, amenorrhea, obesity, painful menses or arrested menstruation, hemorrhoids, worms, fistula and impotence. It is a rejuvenator and blood purifier, promoting normal circulation, allays pain.
Dosage: about 250 to 500 mg. taken twice daily.
((Shalijit) tonify kidney chi, yin and yang, and overcome wasting)
The natural exudate of certain rocks and stones found in the Himalayas. Resembles and smells like asphalt, and black in color, which is the English name for it. In Ayurveda it is considered the urinary tonic par excellence. Naturally high in iron and other minerals, makes it helpful for all wasting, degenerative diseases: diabetes, chronic urinary tract problems, impotence and infertility. It promotes strong bones: good for healing fractures, osteoporsis, osteoarthritis and spondylosis.
Dosage: Shalijit usually is prepared as a paste, which is dissolved in a little boiled hot water or hot milk and taken twice daily.
(Lungs, Bronchioles and Sinuses)
To warm and clear the lung, tonify the spleen
Ma huang (chief herb)
Platycodon (chief herb)
Comfrey root (assisting herb)
Mullein (assisting herb)
Wild cherry bark (assisting herb)
Licorice (assisting herb)
Elecampane (supporting herb)
Ginger (conducting herb)
Cinnamon twigs (conducting herb)
Wild ginger root (conducting herb)
This formula is dispersing, decongesting; good for colds, flu, allergies, asthma and upper respiratory problems. It is excellent to help offset the harmful effects of smoking on the lungs. It has a neutral-to-warm energy.
Dosage: take 2 or more tbsp. 3 or more times daily with warm water.
Eliminate internal dapness and relieve heat from the urinary tract.
Cleavers (chief herb)
Uva ursi (chief herb)
Poria (chief herb)
Marshmallow (assisting)
Parsley root (assisting)
Dandelion root (supporting)
Ginger root (conducting)
This forula is dispersing, diuretic, harmonizes fluid metabolism; overcomes thirst, swelling, cystitis, and kidney weakness. It has a cool-to-neutral energy.
Dosage: for general fluid balance and elimination take 2 or more tablets 3 times daily with warm water. For urinary inflammation take 2 tablets every 2 hours with 2 echinachea tablets.
Clear gall bladder and urinary heat and eliminate stones
Turmeric root (chief herb)
Gravel root (chief herb)
Parsley root (chief herb)
Marshmallow root (assisting)
Licorice (assisting)
Dandelion root (supporting)
Ginger root (conducting)
This formula has a cool energy and is pain-relieving, dispersing, detoxifying and diuretic for both kidney and bladder stones. Since it helps to regulate blood sugar, it can also treat diabetes.
Dosage: take 2 tablets 3 times a day; for acute conditions take 2 tablets every 2 hours and less often as the symptoms subside. Not recommended for pregnant women.
Clear heat, remove dampness and tonify the prostate
Saw Palmetto (chief herb)
Echinacea root (assisting)
Goldenseal (assisting)
Gravel root (assisting)
True Unicorn root (assisting)
Uva ursi (assisting)
Marshmallow root (supporting)
Cayenne (conducting)
This formula has a mild-to-neutral energy. It is detoxifying and dispersing, treats prostate problems, promotes the reproductive cycle and strengthens male potency.
Dosage: as a tonic, take 2 tablets 3 times a day. For acute conditions take every 2 hours and less often when symptoms subside.
Tonify blood and yin, regulate chi (pre-ovulation)
Dong quai (chief herb)
Lovage (chief herb)
False unicorn (chief herb)
Rehmannia, cooked (chief herb)
Crampbark (assisting)
Paeonia alba (assisting and conducting)
Atractylodes (assisting)
Blue cohosh (assisting)
Moutan (supporting)
Poria (supporting)
Ginger (conducting)
A blood tonic for women, this formula moves blood, regulates the menstrual cycle for deficient blood, and increases estrogen. It has a warm nature and is good for all menstrual disorders: amenorrhea, mennorhagia, and dysmenorrhea. Specifically it is a tonifying pre-ovulation formula, take after menstruation and before ovulation, while the formula with chaste tree berries should be used for post-ovulation.
Dosage: As a tonic, take 2 tablets 3 times daily. For acute conditions, take 2 tablets every 2 hours with warm water. This formula generally is not recommended for pregnant women.
Tonify blood and regulate chi (post-ovulation)
Chaste tree berries (chief herb)
Squaw vine (chief herb)
Dong quai (assisting)
Crampbark (assisting)
Cyperus (supporting)
Poria (supporting)
Ginger root (conducting)
This formula alleviates menstrual problems and helps to regulate the female hormones. Chaste tree regulates progesterone, helps regulate and smooth liver chi, regulates chi, calms the mind, increases B12, adds calcium, is a diuretic, clears the liver and neutralizes excess hormones. It has a cooling energy and also helps with cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), moodiness and anxiety. For difficult, chronic menstrual problems, take this formula after ovulation and until menstruation.
Dosage: as a tonic, take 2 tablets 3 times daily. For acute conditions, take 2 tablets every 2 hours with warm water. This formula generally is not recommended for pregnant women.
Feverfew (chief herb)
Seen Viticis (chief herb)
Notopterygium root (chief herb)
Ligusticum (chief herb)
Angelica (chief herb)
Sileris (assisting)
Cyperus (assisting)
Licorice (supporting)
Schizonepeta (conducting)
Tea (conducting)
This formula relieves nervousness, headache, colds and flu. It has a warm energy.
Dosage: take 1 or 2 tablets with boiled warm water every 2 hours or as needed. Avoid during pregnancy.
Relieve heart blood circulation, tonify chi and calm spirit.
Hawthorn berries (chief herb)
Salvia ilthiorrhiza (chief and conducting)
Dong quai (assisting)
Tienchi ginseng (assisting and conducting)
Motherwort (assisting and conducting)
Polygala (assisting and conducting)
Borage (supporting)
Juniper berries (supporting)
Codonopsis (supporting)
Longan berries (supporting)
Acting on the heart and spirit, this formula calms the mind from excessive thoughts, nourishes blood and yin, and assists circulation. It has a warm circulating energy and is useful for arteriosclerosis, restlessness, low energy, palpitations, heart pains and most other heart problems.
Dosage: as a tonic, take 2 tablets 3 times daily. For acute conditions, take more as needed. Not recommended for pregnant women.
Reduce and reove excess heat and damp, calm spirit and tonify the stomach-spleen.
Triphala (chief herb)
Spirulina (chief herb)
Kelp (chief herb)
Cleavers (chief herb)
Astragalus (chief herb)
Cascara (assisting)
Chaparral (assisting)
Echinacea (assisting)
Gambir (assisting)
Rhubarb (assisting)
Watercress (assisting)
Atractylodes (assisting)
Stephania (assisting)
Ma huang (assisting)
Semen Zizyphus (assisting)
Mustard seed (assisting)
Licorice (supporting)
Fennel (conducting)
Ginger (conducting)
This formula gently opens the channels of elimination and assists in a balanced detoxification. It aids assimilation and in satifying hunger. It has a slightly cool, dispensing energy and is good for general detoxification and weight reduction.
Dosage: 2 to 4 tablets 3 times a day. It is excellent taken with a diet of warm soy milk for weight reduction or a tea of cleavers and fennel seed.
Remove liver stagnation, smooth and regulate chi, tonify liver yin.
Bupleurum (chief, assisting & conducting)
Milk thistle seeds (chief and assisting)
Dandelion root (chief herb)
Oregon grape root (chief herb)
Angelica (assisting)
Lycii berries (supporting)
Cyperus (conducting)
Fennel seed (conducting)
Ginger (conducting)
A relatively balanced energy, this formula regulates liver metabolism and dredges and detoxifies the liver while supporting liver yin (blood). It is useful for hepatitis, chest pains, colitis due to liver irregularities, constipation, cirrhoses, gynecology, and general blood detoxification. Unlike many other cholagogues, it also helps tonify liver blood, making it especially good for deficient conditions with blood and yin deficiency.
Dosage: 2 tablets 3 times daily with warm water.
Liver chi regulation, smooth the process of digestion, detoxification, and glycogenesis in the liver.
Bupleurum (chief herb)
Cyperus root (chief herb)
Magnolia bark (chief herb)
Chaste tree berries (chief and assisting)
White peony root (assisting)
Bitter orange peel (assisting)
Lovage root (assisting)
Crampbark (assisting)
Wild yam root (assisting)
Poria mushroom (assisting)
Atractylodes (assisting)
Dong quai (assisting)
Gastrodia root (assisting)
Pinellia root (assisting)
Licorice root (supporting)
Ginger root (conducting)
This formula regulates liver chi and relieves abdominal and chest pains caused by an impaired flow of vital energy and blood.
It is useful for relieving depression, stagnation, nervousness, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), uneasiness, chest pains, digestive upset, abdominal distention, bloat, belching, gas, indigestion, candida symptoms and constipation.
Remove damp heat from the lower warmer.
Echinacea (chief herb)
Yellow dock (chief herb)
Gentian root (chief herb)
Goldenseal (chief herb)
Bupleurum (chief and assisting)
Poria (assisting)
Wild yam root (supporting)
Marshmallow root (supporting)
Myrrh gum (conducting)
This formula has a cool energy and is detoxifying. It disperses damp heat from the lower warmer (the pelvic cavity), making it useful for acute and chronic venereal diseases including herpes, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), leucorrhea, gonorrhea, syphilis, and general skin eruptions. It is good for blood purification and helping to resolve inflammation and pus.
Dosage: 2 to 4 tablets 3 times daily with warm water. While taking this formula, patients should be warned not to use any stimulants, including drugs, alcohol, coffee, sugar and acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus.
Clear heat
Echinacea root (chief herb)
Goldenseal (chief herb)
Chaparral (chief herb)
Honeysuckle flowers (chief herb)
Forsythia blossoms (chief herb)
Sarsaparilla root (chief herb)
Yellow dock root (chief herb)
American ginseng (supporting)
Ginger root (conducting)
Cinnamon twigs (conducting)
This blood-purifying formula has a cool detoxifying energy. It is useful for inflammatory conditions, skin eruptions, fevers, toxicity of blood and lymph, boils, sores, and cancer. It is effective for both bacterial and viral infections.
Dosage: 2 to 4 tablets taken 3 times daily with warm water. For the treatment of flu, take 4 tablets with warm water 2 to 3 times a day. Follow a simple diet, avoiding heating, dispersing and denatured foods, drugs, stimulants, peppers, sugar (including fruit juices and fruits), alcohol and excess meat.
Clear heat, remove dampness and soften and eliminate tumors
Pau d'arco (chief herb)
Echinacea root (chief herb)
Chaparral (chief herb)
Red Clover blossoms (chief herb)
Poria (assisting)
Grifola (assisting)
Kelp (assisting)
American ginseng (assisting)
Cool-natured and dispersing, this formula is a mild diuretic, helping to resolve tumors, cysts and lymphatic congestion. It is specifically useful for chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, but good also for other chronic conditions. Used with formula #23, it helps offset some of the negative side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This formula may be combined with good results with formula #21.
Dosage: 2 to 4 tablets 3 times daily with warm water or red clover tea.
Tonify wei (immune system), whi and yin and clear heat
Pau d'arco (chief herb)
Echinacea root (chief herb)
Astragalus (chief herb)
Suma (chief herb)
Siberian ginseng (chief herb)
Reishi mushroom (chief, assisting & supporting)
Schizandra berries (assisting)
Ligustrum fruit (assisting)
Chaparral (assisting)
Goldenseal (assisting)
Garlic (assisting & conducting)
Tonifies both yin and yang as it clears deficient heat, protecting the righteous energy or the immune system. It is to be considered in the prevention and treatment of general weakness, colds, flu, candida albicans yeast overgrowth, cancer, AIDS, and immune-deficiency diseases generally.
Dosage: for prevention take 2 tablets once or twice daily. For treatment 2 tablets 3 times daily with warm water or mild licorice tea.
Clear toxic heat and promote healing
Pure extraction of: Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea palida and Echinacea purpurea.
Cool and detoxifying, this formula counteracts inflammatory conditions of a solid and excess nature. It is useful only as an adjunctive for deficiency heat consitions. Echinacea tonifies the surface immune system, aiding the process of anti-body production. It may be used as an herbal antibiotic, alone or in combination with formula #21.
Dosage: for acute conditions take 2 tablets at least every 2 hours and less frequently as the symptoms subside. Continue to use 3 times daily for a week or 2 after all symptoms have disappeared. If there is no improvement within the first 3 days, the inflammation probably is due to a deficient condition. In such cases, also use a small amount of ginseng.
Warm and disperse
Ginger root (chief herb)
Cinnamon twigs (chief herb)
Cayenne (chief herb)
Cloves (chief herb)
Bayberry bark (chief & assisting)
White pine bark (assisting)
Marshmallow root (supporting)
Licorice root (supporting)
This formula has a warm, dispersing and drying energy. It is similar to the well-known Composition Powder of early American herbal medical practice. It is a very useful herbal first aid remedy for treating the first stages of colds, flu, congestion, overeating, bloatedness, diarrhea, and stagnant circulatory conditions. It may also be used for stimulating hot baths and foot-baths to treat the conditions above. Chiefly, an acute remedy for occasional use, this formula is not recommended for chronic inflammatory conditions with deficient heat.
Dosage: take 3 to 4 tablets with warm water or ginger and honey tea at the first sign of cold or flu. Repeat as needed.
Balance hormones, tonify blood and yin and clear heat
American ginseng (chief herb)
Dong quai (chief herb)
Chaste tree berries (chief herb)
Saw palmetto berries (chief & assisting)
Sarsaparillo (assisting)
Black cohosh (assisting)
Kelp (assisting)
Goldenseal (assisting)
Wild yam (assisting)
Licorice (supporting)
Ginger (conducting)
This formula has a neutral-to-warm energy, is a general glandular tonic, counteracts aging, preserves youthfulness, is good for pubescent children, helpful in cases of retarded growth and menopause, strengthens hormone function, tonifies both yin and yang, and counteracts impotency and frigidity.
Dosage: as a tonic take 2 to 4 tablets 2 to 3 times daily.
To aid fasting, neutralize acids and alleviate hunger
Dandelion root (chief herb)
Violet leaves (chief herb)
Black pepper (chief, assisting & conducting)
Cleavers (assisting)
Fennel seed (conducting)
Cardamon seed (conducting)
Drink this formula during fasting to help alleviate hunger pangs, promote detoxification, neutralize stomach acids and help dissolve fat.
Dosage: steep 1 to 2 tsp. in a cup of boiled warm water. Honey may be added. Take as often as desired.
Herbal food
Combine powders of roasted barley, soya protein, yeast, bee pollen, spirulina, astragalus, imperatae herb, wheat germ, psyllium seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, kelp, rose hips, amla, suma and wheat grass concentrate.
This mixture may be eaten freely. It contains complete and balanced herbal protein, vitamins and minerals as naturally found in wholesome food. It can be used fasting, as an emergency food when traveling and simply as a whole herbal food supplement.
Dosage: add warm water to 2 or more tbsp. of the powder to the desired consistency.
Lubricate dryness and promote bowel elimination
Equal parts: Psyllium, Flax and Chia seeds.
Soak 3 to 4 tbsp. overnight in a cup of black cherry juice. Drink and eat it in 3 portions throughout the following day.