My comments are included in curly {} brackets - Peter Kolb
TRANSLATION FROM: Pg. 198-220 {Source Not Given}
The Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Vital Processes of the organism (Chemical and Biochemical Aspects).
1. Forms of Carbon Dioxide
It is well known from the results of many investigations that carbon dioxide in the organism of Man and animals is not only a component of buffer systems and a regulator of respiration but is also a factor in the control of cardiac activity and of the vascular, hormonal, nervous and digestive systems.
At present, it can be said that carbon dioxide takes part in the control of many of the most important physical functions in the organisms of humans and animals.
When carbon dioxide is mentioned, often only one of its forms is implied, that is, the gaseous CO2 or carbon dioxide gas. When that is the case, what is being overlooked is that five different forms of carbon dioxide can be found in an organism:
{The following equilibrium equations adapted from an equilibrium diagram}
pCO2 + H2O <=> H2CO3
pCO2 + H2O <=> HCO3- + H+
pCO2 + R_NH2 <=> R_N_(H2+)_COO-
pCO2 + OH- <=> HCO3-
H2CO3 <=> HCO3- + H+
HCO3- <=> (CO3)2- + H+
The main source of carbon dioxide in an organism is indigenous carbon dioxide. The intensity of CO2 formation in tissues in the processes of metabolism can vary in a considerable range depending on various factors, but the normal CO2 concentration in blood and other biological fluids in a organism is not subject to any major fluctuations. As a rule, it is maintained at a strictly, defined level and any excess is immediately removed. This removal is ensured by the function of a complex system of mechanisms controlling the concentration. Of these the most important is the processes of neutralisation and rapid removal of excess CO2 from the tissues into the environment. This mechanism can be understood as follows.
The CO2 which forms inside cells penetrates into the extracellular fluid and then into the bloodstream. The mechanism of CO2 transfer through cellular membranes has not yet been fully established. All that is known is that membranes are more permeable to CO2 and H2CO3 than to HCO3-. As the CO2 permeates the interstitial fluid and then enters into the bloodstream most of it is transformed into HCO3-. This process is catalysed by the enzyme, carboanhydrase, (CA) of erythrocytes:
As a consequence of this process the pH inside erythrocytes begins to fall. At certain pH values the glyoxaline imidazole group of histidine and the amino group of valine, both situated on the chains of hemoglobin, begin to incorporate H+ ions which leads to the acquisition of a positive (+) charge. This charge stabilises the salt bridges which have the function of preserving the desoxystructure of hemoglobin. Apart from this process, another process of replacement of Cl ions by carbon dioxide takes place in the net of electrobathic interactions, thus leading to an increase in the stability of the quaternary structure of hemoglobin. Further, the carbon dioxide influences the binding of DPH and binds to -amino groups, which also stabilises the desoxystructure of hemoglobin (the Verigo-Bohr effect).
On account of the difference in concentrations of oxygen in erythrocytes and tissues, the oxygen diffuses into the tissues. As a consequence of the cooperative O2-binding effect, the separation of succeeding oxygen molecules is made less difficult.
The summary results of the two processes are the maintenance of a practically constant pH, which aids the diffusion of oxygen and the retention within the erythrocytes of K+ ions, which were neutralised by HbO2 earlier and are subsequently neutralised by the forming HCO3- ions.
As a result, the major part of CO2 which diffused out of the tissues into the erythrocytes transfers from capillaries into veins in the form of HCO3- ions contained in erythrocytes.
Due to this isoacidic shift, the ratio of HCO3- in erythrocytes (e) to HCO3- in plasma (p) is altered as a result of the HCO3- increase in erythrocytes. No longer is the ratio of HCO3-e/CL-e maintained at a level equal to the ratio of HCO3-p/CL-p which had been established through the manifestation of the Gibbs-Donnan effect.
The tendency of HCO3- to leave the cells rises and the
resulting loss of HCO3- ions is compensated by Cl- ions entering from the plasma until a new equilibrium is achieved. The final result of this process is the situation where a
major portion of the total amount of CO2 which had entered into the erythrocytes in the capillaries, is then transferred in the form of HCO3- into venous plasma.
It should be noted that the transformation of HbO2 into HbH+ and the resulting buffer action of this transformation does not influence the osmotic pressure due to the hemoglobin of
cells because the amount of hemoglobin does not change, but the total effect of the isoacidic and chloride shifts does result in an increase in the total quantity of anions and this does raise the effective osmotic pressure in cells. As a
consequence, water is redistributed between the cells and the plasma.
This process takes a reverse direction in the lungs. Because of the difference in pressures oxygen penetrates into erythrocytes and forms acid HHbO2. As a result of its dissociation H+ ions are formed which react with HCO3- forming H2CO3. H2CO3 splits into CO2 and H2O under the influence of carboanhydrase:
CO2 and H2O are released into alveolar spaces.
The release of CO2 leads to a shift in Bohr's reaction to the left side which results in a normalisation of pH and facilitates the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin.
While this process takes place in the lungs, the processes of carbonate splitting and of the transfer of proteins into a free state proceed at the same time.
Bicarbonate, which has entered the blood reacts with carbonic acid and forms the pair HCO3-/H2CO3 which is a component of the main buffer system in extracellular fluid. The need for the existence of precisely such a buffer is determined by many reasons:
As in all buffer systems, the pH does not depend on the absolute concentrations of the buffer components but on their ratios (Tables 1, 2, 3 from the book: Robinson J.R. Grounds for the Regulation of an Acid-Alkaline Equilibrium. Moscow, Meditsina, 1969).
dCO2 mm Hg | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 |
H2CO3 m.-equiv/l | 0.3375 | 0.675 | 1.35 | 2.7 | 5.4 |
HCO3- m.-equiv/l | 27 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 27 |
HCO3-/H2CO3 | 80 | 40 | 20 | 10 | 5 |
pH | 8.0 | 7.7 | 7.4 | 7.1 | 6.8 |
dCO2 mm Hg | 40 | 40 | 40 |
H2CO3- m.-equiv/l | 1.35 | 1.35 | 1.35 |
HCO3- m.-equiv/l | 54 | 27 | 13.5 |
HCO3-/H2CO3 | 40 | 20 | 10 |
pH | 7.7 | 7.4 | 7.1 |
dCO2 mm Hg | 80 | 20 | 10 |
H2CO3- m.-equiv/l | 2.7 | 0.765 | 0.3375 |
HCO3- m.-equiv/l | 54 | 13.5 | 6.5 |
HCO3-/H2CO3 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
pH | 7.4 | 7.4 | 7.4 |
However, it should be noted in Table 3 that although the pH is kept constant, the buffer capacity of the plasma is decreased. The effectiveness of the HCO3- buffer system increase considerably in the presence of erythrocytes.
The described combination of buffer properties, where one of the components is a gas and where automatic self regulation is achieved by means of intracellular Hb, lead to a remarkably stable pH being maintained in blood plasma.
In addition, the organism uses two other stabilising systems, the respiratory system and the kidneys which correspondingly control (H2CO3) and (HCO3-), and thereby produce additional possibilities for the maintenance of a constant pH in extracellular fluid.
3. Control of CO2, HCO3- and H+ Levels in the Tissues of Animals.
As distinct from HCO3- (fixed anion concentration), (H2CO3) is determined solely by one parameter: the partial pressure of CO2 in the gaseous mixture in equilibrium with extracellular fluid as present in alveolar air. This pressure in turn depends on the rate at which the CO2 passing out of the blood in the lungs is diluted by atmospheric air and so it depends on the depth and the frequency of breathing. The character of respiration is regulated by a respiration centre in the nervous system; apparently this centre is sensitive to pH and dCO2 in the extracellular fluid. When the pH of the extracellular fluid falls below a normal value because of a decrease in HCO3-, respiration is stimulated which leads to a lowering of alveolar dCO2 and consequently of extracellular (H2CO3).
This restores the ratio of (HCO3-)/(H2CO3) to the normal value of 20: 1 and leads to the return of pH to the normal value. The resultant fall in CO2 pressure in plasma acts in an opposite direction upon the regulating nervous centre, so the compensation would never be completed if only this regulatory mechanism was functioning.
At high levels of plasma pH the frequency of respiration falls and alveolar dCO2 and therefore (H2CO3) in plasma rise which then shifts the pH down to a normal value. In this case full compensation is not achieved because the elevated plasma (H2CO3) acting on the respiratory centre produces an effect opposite to that of increased pH. if the frequency of respiration is considerably lowered, a decrease in dO2 will stimulate an increase in respiratory activity.
At the time when the respiratory mechanism compensates for deteriorations of acid-alkaline equilibrium by means of H2CO3 regulation in extracellular fluid, kidneys participate in pH control by regulating HCO3-. Kidneys counteract the decrease in extracellular pH, caused by the increase of alveolar dCO2 or by the decrease in HCO3-, by the two ways available to them, namely, by liberation of H+ in the form either of undissociated acid or NH4+.
Renal compensation, under the conditions which could bring about an increase in extracellular pHi is accomplished by means of a decrease in HCO3- of extracellular fluid.
There is evidence that simultaneously with these mechanisms which compensate for extracellular pH fluctuations the "potassium-sodium pump" also comes into action. Muscular tissues, epithelial cells of renal ducts, and, possibly, all other cells have an ion-exchange mechanism which carries out exchange of either K+ or H+ or both of these ions for Na+ through the cell membrane. Due to this exchange, the cell content can participate in maintaining extracellular pH.
With increase in extracellular HCO3-, Na+ enters the cells in exchange for H+ and K+. Protons react with extracellular HCO3- and the CO2 formed is removed with exhaled air, K+ is removed with urine together with the equivalent amount of HCO3-. With the decrease in pH, Na+ leaves the cell and H+, K+ ions enter it.
By direction of shift of active reaction of blood all changes of acid-alkaline balance are divided into acidosis and alkalosis, and due to the reason causing changes in pH of blood they are divided into metabolic and respiratory.
4. Shifts of Acid-Alkaline Equilibrium Respiratory Acidosis: This is characterised by the following factors: dCO2> normal rangel; pH< 7.36; (HCO3-)..normal range or above it. These states are observed, with the inhibition effect on the respiratory centre by morphine, during inhalation of gaseous mixtures containing a high percentage of carbon dioxide, in severe cases of pneumonia, oedema and emphysema, during spontaneous arrest of respiration, with asthma and suffocation.
Respiratory Alkalosis: Factors:dCO2 Metabolic Acidosis: Factors: PH [ normal range; (HCO3-)[ normal range; dCO2 [normal range. Metabolic acidosis develops in
cases of origination of excessive amounts of non-volatile acids in extracellular fluid which shows itself: Metabolic Alkalosis: Factors: increase in PH; (HCO3-)> normal
range; dCO2 >normal range. Metabolic alkalosis develops in the case of loss of non-volatile acids or in the case of loss of
K+ (this results in excessive elimination of H+ by the kidneys). Extensive distribution of the above mentioned states of the organism of animals and man became a main reason for numerous
investigations carried out since the end of the 19th century up to the present time. These have been devoted to the study of characteristic properties of metabolism in tissues during various conditions of alkalosis and acidosis. However,
approaches to the study of this problem and explanation of obtained results, for a long time, in the majority of cases, were based solely on the role of change in concentration of hydrogen ions and hardly any attention has been paid to the
important metabolic meaning of change of various forms of carbon dioxide in tissues under these conditions. In recent years interest in clarification of the metabolic meaning of carbon dioxide has increased. It has been
established that CO2 takes part in regulation of numerous key points of metabolism and respective physiological functions of an organism. In particular, it has been shown that the
intensity of biosynthetic processes of basic organic components of animal tissue is directly proportional to the intensity of carbon dioxide fixation processes (reactions of carboxylation). 5. Reactions of Carboxylation
Only recently has it become known that processes of carbon dioxide fixation lie at the basis of all important metaboIic and primarily biosynthetic processes in tissues. Up to thepresent a number of reports has been published on these
topics. Summing up accumulated data, it is possible to conclude that a great number of reactions exists in tissues of an organism, which depending on the source of used energy can be divided into three groups:
a) reactions taking place at the expense of energy of ATP(these are reactions of carboxylation of propionyl - CoA, pyruvate, acetyl CoA, -methyl-crotonyl-CoA, geranyl-CoA, urea and formation of carbomylphosphate). Here fixation of carbon
dioxide is preceded by its activation, whic is accomplished by its relationship with ATP. An important role in this case is assigned to biotin a prosthetic group of almost all carboxylases catalysing ATP - dependent reactions of carboxylation.
These process of carboxylation using biotin can be represented by the scheme: {Modified after scanning} enzyme - biotin + HO-CO-O-PO(OH)2 <==> enzyme - biotin CO2 + ADP + Pi
The formed complex enzyme-biotin-CO2 is able to transfer carboxyl group; b) reactions proceeding at the expense of the energy of the reduced forms of pyridinenucleotides (this is a reaction of
carboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate, pyruvate, ribulose-5-phosphate, serine, glutamate, acetate); c) reactions not requiring energy from outside (5-aminoimidazole-ribotidecarboxylase, phosphoenylpyruvate-carboxylase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy -
transphosphorylase reactions belong to this group of reactions.) Analysing the data on CO2 fixation in all three types of reactions, a number of factors influencing this process can be
indicated. Of these, the main factors are the following: The first is the most universal from all indicated ways of the
effect on the carbon dioxide fixation because in all reactions of carboxylation dCO2 and HCO3- are substrates. Concentration of the substrate in enzymatic reactions can even play a
certain role in intensity of the process of its transformation. It was shown in many experiments under the conditions of normal pH of incubative medium the intensity of carbon dioxide fixation in tissues IN VITRO increased as its
concentration increased. Thus, it can be concluded that the intensity of carboxylation reactions in many instances is determined by concentration and by magnitude of dCO2 and HCO3-
ratios in tissues. Under the conditions of constant pH the possibility exists for considerable increase in intensity of the carboxylation processes by increasing carbon dioxide concentration up to a certain level in tissues.
It has been established in many investigations that metabolic importance of carbon dioxide is not limited by the above mentioned suggestions. It was found that when changing carbon dioxide level in tissues, the activity of a wide variety of
enzymes of glycolysis, tricarboxylic cycle and nitrogenous metabolism changed and the formation of some hormones, etc.increased. 6. Role of Carbon Dioxide and Regulation of Reactions of Tricarboxylic Acids Cycle (TAC).
{Diagram of the Tricarboxylic Acids Cycle omitted} Considering the role of carbon dioxide in the regulation of reactions of tricarboxylic cycle the following should be noted. Many biochemists elaborated the erroneous idea that
the cycle of tricarboxylic acids was only a mechanism of oxidation of acetyl-coenzyme A. For this reason, such names as "energy-mill", "kettle", etc. were secured for TAC, and almost all biochemistry textbooks and even in many
monographs, TAC was presented as a sequence of reactions with the process occurring only in a clockwise direction. In consequence often the question is raised: What is the role of carbon dioxide in providing normal functioning of the
cycle, in the sense that in one cycle in the reactions of carboxylation two molecules of CO2 are formed, but only one CO2 is used in the formation of oxaloacetate (carboxylation
of pyruvate). Further, because during a cycle the oxaloacetate is again regenerated, then it is sufficient that once a molecule of oxaloacetate has been formed it will constantly maintain the cycle in a functioning state. An
impression can be had that the carbon dioxide is not practically required for the functioning of the cycle. Such suggestions are fundamentally erroneous. The error of these notions is as follows.
1) Almost all reactions of TAC are reversible. They proceed in both directions in a cell. At reverse direction (in an anti-clockwise direction) the carbon of carbon dioxide will not be liberated but used in the reactions of carboxylation
for build-up of a carbon frame of a number of organic compounds, this means then that carbon dioxide should come from outside. In this case, the concentration of bicarbonates
and CO2 in a cell will greatly influence the rate of these reactions and as a consequence the state and function of TAC. 2) TAC plays an important role by providing the basis for
oxidising and biosynthetic processes where it serves as a mechanism for generating numerous substrates used in the synthesis of many amino acids and of the nitrogenous bases of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides for carbohydrates and lipids.
3) A considerable number of TAC metabolites are used in the process of transmembrane transport of various anions and other substances. There is a view that about 40% of the TAC metabolic pool is consistently removed and used in various
biosynthetic processes. If this view is right, then normal functioning of TAC is possible only when the means for continuous formation of its metabolites are not disrupted. Because 4 of the 9 metabolites (oxaloacetate, malate,
succinate, isocitrate) are formed as a result of the carboxylation of pyruvate and, phosphoenolpyruvate, propionyl-coenzyme A, alpha-ketoglutarate, functioning of the cycle is impossible without constant inflow of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide.
Summarising the results of various experiments in this respect (Adler et al., Ostberg et al.), it can be said that the activation of TAC is determined largely by the magnitude of pH of biological fluids and by the level of bicarbonates
and CO2 contained. At the same time, under the conditions of constant pH of biological fluids, the activity of TAC also increases if their concentration of carbon dioxide increases.
The experimental results of Berri, Kun and Werner are among convincing confirmations of the importance of carbon dioxide and the processes of its fixation in the regulation of oxidation processes of organic substances in the cell. These
experiments showed that during incubation for 40 minutes of the isolated liver cells of rats in a medium containing bicarbonate, the concentration of malate increased approximately 7 times in comparison with the concentration in
a medium without bicarbonate (phosphate buffer), although pH of the media were the same. Thus it can be concluded that carbon dioxide, being one of the basic final products of metabolic reactions of TAC,
appears as one of its powerful regulators. The results of the latest investigations confirm that the mechanism of regulatory effect of carbon dioxide on the functioning of TAC is not only in the fact that it is one of the components of
carboxylation or decarboxylation reactions. The fact is that the activity of certain enzymes, which are not related to the processes of carboxylation and decarboxylation, can be substantially changed at-constant pH of the medium depending
on the changes in HCO3- and CO2 concentrations in the medium (even in the ranges of physiological fluctuations). Apart from this the obtained data show that the level of
carbon dioxide determines not only the intensity of functioning of the indicated reactions, but also influences the level of biosynthetic processes in an organism, which also are in continuous dependence on the functioning of
tricarbonic cycle processes of metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleotides and nucleic acids belong to such processes. 7. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Processes of Biosynthesis
Biosynthesis of Amino Acids: Synthesis of such amino acids as glycine, serine, citrulline, glutamic and aspartic acids and respectively of their amides, glutamine and asparagine, almost fully depends on the intensity of carboxylation of the
corresponding substrates: Biosynthesis of Nitrogenous Bases of Nucleotides Biosynthesis of purine nucleotides: The first important data from biosynthesis of purine bases were obtained by Beaukenen who fed animals with various
labelled precursors and determined spots of inclusion of the labelled atoms in the purine ring. These experiments were carried out on birds whose nitrogen is liberated mainly in the form of uric acid, which represents a derivative of purine. It
was found that two nitrogen atoms N (3,9) of the purine ring were derived from the amide group of glutamine, the third nitrogen atom (1) was derived from aspartic acid and finally, the last (7) had its origin in glycine. The fourth and fifth carbon atoms also had their origin from glycine. Thus, glycine molecule gave three atoms enclosed in a frame. The second and eighth carbon atoms originated from
formate, and the sixth carbon atom came from CO2.
The second carbon atom of pyrimidine is formed only at the expense of carbon of the CO2 molecule. Thus, this suggests that without carbon dioxide, biosynthesis of such compounds is
not possible. Considering that in biosynthesis of nitrogenous bases amino acids such as aspartate, glycine and glutamine participate, whose formation depends on the corresponding reactions of carboxylation, it can be said that biosynthesis
of these bases, and also of nucleic acids is directly dependant upon the carboxylation reactions. Biosynthesis of Lipids: When studying the destiny of the labelled carbon atoms of the CO2 molecule in liver extracts
which synthesised fatty acids with a long acetate chain, Wakephil and other authors observed that carbon atoms were found in one of the carboxyl groups of malonyl-CoA. Malonyl-CoA is formed during carboxylation of acetyl-CoA
CH3CO.CoA + CO2 + ATP <== Mg2+ ==> CH2 + ADP + P
and is an immediate precursor of two carbon units in synthesis
of fatty acids.
Biosynthesis of Carbohydrates:
The majority of stages of well studied biosynthetic course of
the glucose formation from pyruvate is catalysed by enzymes of
glycolytic cycle, and, thus, they represent reversal of the
reactions forming in the process of glycolysis. However,
three irreversible stages exist in the normal glycolytic
course which cannot be used during conversion of pyruvate into
glucose; the biosynthesis proceeds by by-passing these stages
using alternative reactions which favour the synthesis
One of them is the change of pyruvate into
phosphoenolpyruvate. Usually this reaction does not proceed by
means of direct application of pyruvatekinase reaction.
Phosphorylation of pyruvate is achieved using an indirect
succession of reactions:
It is very important to emphasise that carbon dioxide
fulfils the catalytic function both in lipogenesis and
gluconeogenesis because its carbon in these reactions is not
directly incorporated into either fatty acids or
phosphoenolpyruvate. However, the importance of these
reactions is high because they are limiting (reactions) in the
indicated processes.
Taking into account the participation of carbon dioxide in all
basic biosynthetic and oxymethylic processes in a cell, it can
be proved that without CO2 life is absolutely impossible.
1. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Regulation of Activity of the
Nervous System
It has been known for a long time that an increase in the
level of CO2 in inhaled air has a narcotic effect on the
organism of humans and animals. An inhalation of gaseous
mixture containing 10% CO2 produces a dazed state in people
and at higher concentration they even lose consciousness.
Under the conditions of increase in bicarbonate and CO2
concentration the synthesis of acetycholine in the nervous
tissue intensifies and transmembrane potential of nervous
cells changes because of the transfer of negatively charged
hydrocarbonate ions through conjugated membrane according to
the concentration gradient: from cell to medium or from
intermitochondrial space to cytoplasm, and also according to
the electrical potential. In this case, a discharge of the
transmembrane and of energy potential of the cells occurs. To
maintain its stability, consumption of ATP is required. When
CO2 is added to the medium (addition - of carbonate and
hydrcarbonate) the gradient of HCO3- concentration will
decrease and if pH of the medium is higher than pK of carbonic
acid, the. transmembrane gradient HCO3- will decrease more
considerably than the gradient CO2 and H2CO3. This means that
the rate of transfer of HCO3- ions is reduced according to the
concentration gradient, the discharge rate of the electric
potential of the transmembrane and the use of ATP for supply
of energy to the cell membranes.
Apart from participation in the function of the nervous
system, carbon dioxide plays an important role in the activity
of the regulation of hormonal, cardiovascular and digestive
systems in humans and animals.
At the present time data are available on the change in
intensity of functioning of the individual endocrine glands in
animals when the level of bicarbonates and CO2 in their
tissues changes. A number of authors obtained interesting
results on the effect of change in the hormonal status of an
organism on the character of carbohydrate metabolism depending
on the concentration of HCO3-, CO2 and H+. For example, Kaplan
et al. observed the stimulation of parathormone formation in
sheep after the intravenous injection of NaHCO3 solution. The
other investigators noticed the rise in epinephrine formation
in dogs and rabbits during conditions of acidosis.
It has also been reported that carbon dioxide increases
sensitivity to insulin, through the processes of galactose
transfer through cell membranes of myocardium in rats and that
extracellular bicarbonate and CO2 have a stimulating effect on
the secretion of insulin by cells of pancreas in rats.
3. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Regulation of
Cardiovascular System.
It has been found that under the conditions of hypercapnia
increase in blood volume per minute, reduction in frequency of
heart contractions, some increase in blood pressure and change
in tone of cerebral, coronary and peripheral vessels take
It is of interest that the indicated effect of CO2 on the
vascular tone can be twofold: the reflex when hypercapnia
increases the excitability of the vasometer centre and brings
about stenosis of peripheral vessels and the local effect when
the increase in concentration of CO2 in lumen of vessels
causes dilation of vessels. Thus, the final effect of CO2 will
be determined by the reaction of these two processes. In
particular, it has been shown that during hypercapnia the
vessels of the brain, heart and intestines are dilated and the
vessels of skeletal muscles are considerably constricted. In
addition, in the experiments using volunteers, whose levels of
bicarbonate and CO2 were increased in the blood of one of the
humeral arteries (without pH change), a considerable
vasolidating effect of the carbon dioxide was observed.
4. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in the regulation of the
Digestive System
The data from the effect of the level of bicarbonate and CO2
in tissues on the activity of the system of digestive glands
of animals and humans are very interesting. It was shown that
the concentration of CO2 in a medium had an important
significance in the regulation of hydrochloric acid formation
(linear relationship). The linear relationship is also
observed between the intensity of gastric secretion and the
level of CO2 in contents of the duodenum in man.
5. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Regulation of the Immune
The data which confirm the suggestion that the change in
carbon dioxide content affects the activity of the immune
system have been accumulated in the literature. Some of them
are illustrated as examples.
In 1980, several authors in the article "Differential
Reactions for Stimulation of Lymphocytes by Mitogens in
Healthy Persons and in Patients with Lesch-Nyahan Syndrome:
the Effect of Bicarbonate Buffer System" noted the rise in the
proliferative reaction of lymphocytes which were deficient in
hypoxanthine - guanine - phosphoribotransferase in response to
the action of the polyclonal activators in the case where
lymphocytes were cultivated in an atmosphere containing 5% CO2
in the bicarbonate buffer system, the proliferation of
lymphocytes in patients with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome was damaged
under the influence of some stimulators of the T-cells (PHA
(phytohemagglutinin), ConA (concanavalin A),
streptokinase-streptodornase). The authors of this paper
assume that the obtained data indicate a decisive role of DNA
denovo biosynthesis in the mitogenic stimulation of
Additionally, the increase in total carbon dioxide (HCO3 and
CO20 content in blood of chickens reportedly stimulated
biosynthesis of antiplague by 12-21% in comparison with
control, this is explained by the increase in biosynthesis of
protein and biopolymers, also including antibodies (I. N.
Zhuravski et al).
At the same time a great deal of information is available
about the role of pH in the process of binding of the antibody
with the antigen. A deviation of the pH to the side from a
certain optimum results in a decrease in the affinity and
therefore in the weakening of the immune reaction. Further,
reports have been published on the change in specificity of
antibodies as a result of the change in pH.
Thus, for example, Arepalli S. Rao with other authors during
the study of precipitation reaction of human macroglobulin
IgM-WEA using polysaccharides Klebsiella K30 and K21 showed
that IgM-WEA, which precipitates at pH 7 with polysaccharide
K30 and does not react with polysaccharide K21, was losing its
specificity when pH changed down to 4-4.5. At pH 4-4.5,
IgM-WEA reacted with the polysaccharide K21 in the same manner
as with the polysaccharide K30 at pH 7, but at pH 4-4.5 the
reaction of IgM-WEA with polysaccharide K30 was considerably
weaker than with the polysaccharide K21.
Thus, it can be said that, at least, three factors which
depend on the CO2 concentration produce a substantial effect
on the activity of immune system.
1. The Purpose of the Invention
The significance of K.P. Buteyko's invention resides in the
fact that at deep respiration, an excessive removal of CO2
takes place from an organism, resulting in the change of
homeostasis which is partially neutralised by various
compensating mechanisms. The developing disruption of
homeostasis, accumulating for a long time (in fetus through
mother's respiration) brings about the disruption of the
above-mentioned biosynthetic and other processes. The state of
health of people who suffer from shortage of carbon dioxide is
impaired by defensive reactions of the organism displayed in
the form of disruption of the processes of respiration and
hemodynamics. However, it should be noted that if these
defensive reactions which aggravate the health state of sick
persons had not existed, these people would perish much
2. The First Statement of the Theory
The deep respiration during which the rate of CO2 exhalation
from the organism somewhat exceeds the rate of its
accumulation in the tissues, develops into a respiratory
alkalosis characterised by the decrease in CO2 and the
increase in pH.
The respiratory alkalosis is accompanied, as a rule, by the
state of oxygen deficiency which develops as a result of the
inhibition of Verigo-Bohr effect, this brings about an
occurrence of surplus of incompletely oxidised products of
metabolism in the blood and therefore a development of the
metabolic acidosis, which somehow compensates the deviations
of pH caused by the respiratory alkalosis. However, it should
be noted that this compensation is not fully adequate. As a
result of these processes in the organism the following
changes develop:
1) a shift occurs in the electrolytic composition of the
extracellular fluid;
2) a shift occurs in pH of the extracellular fluid;
3) a shift of pH occurs in the cells as a consequence of
the participation of cells in the reaction of pH normalisation
of the extracellular fluid;
4) as a result of the renal activity in the elimination of
HCO3. which is connected with a tendency of the
organism to normalise the ph, a depletion of the buffer
capacity occurs in plasma;
5) owing to the chanqe in ratio HCO3- cell/HCO3- plasma the
diffusion rate of HCO3- changes from cell to blood plasma;
6) efficiency of the process is disrupted
HbO2 + H+ <====> HbH+ + O2
because there is little CO2 and no other acid can act
similarly to H2CO3 in the metabolic reactions of oxygen;
7) disruption of the processes of synthesis: amino acids,
nitrogenous bases, fats and carbohydrates.
The effect of all these changes is as follows:
1) a disruption of the formation: of proteins and peptides, of
nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates;
2) a disruption in the work of enzymes originating as a result
of the change in pH, a change in the carboxylation intensity;
3) a disruption in the metabolizable energy of the organism (a
decrease in the formation of ATP).
Because of the above-mentioned disruptions the changes
originate in various systems of an organism. At the decrease
in dCO2 and [H+] which develop as a consequence of deep
respiration, the respiratory centre adapts to these
concentrations with the result that an accommodation of deep
respiration occurs. Later when CO2 concentration becomes
sufficiently low, the organism will feel acute shortage of O2
and will start to react, not on the excess CO2, but on the
shortage of O2 by depressing the respiration. As a result of
this process, a positive reverse bond originates which will
bring about an increase in the intensity of work of the system
and in our case will even more depress the respiration up to
the advance of an untimely catastrophe.
It is quite natural to assume the presence of certain
defensive mechanisms which prevent excessive exhalation of CO2
from the organism. Such mechanisms can be : stenosis of blood
vessels, change in heart activity and constriction of
respiratory pathways.
It is assumed that a choice of the defence method depends on
the individual characteristics of the organism as well as on
the intensity and breadth of processes leading to the
depression of respiration. Because of this in a number of
cases the constriction of lumen of vessels in a certain organ
preferably takes place against the background of less
noticeable constrictions of lumen of the remaining vessels and
respiratory pathways of the organism, and in a number of cases
a radical change in the respiration and (or) circulation takes
3. Comparison of Theoretical Conclusions with the Experimental
Let us consider how these conclusions of Buteyko's agree with
the facts. In the book: " Introduction to Clinical
Biochemistry " edited by Prof. I.I.Ivanov, Corresponding
member of the- Academy of Medical Sci. of the U.S.S.R. (1969),
it is quoted that patients having mitral defects of the heart
show a clear relationship between the degree of development of
the pathological process and the state of myocardial
metabolism. During IV - V stages of the disease (according to
the classification by Bakulaev) a decrease in the use of
oxygen and succinatede-hydrogenase activity is observed in the
muscle of auricula of the left atrium and the concentration of
creatine phosphate decreases; additionally the intensity of
glycolysis rises and the content of inorganic phosphate
Also there is indicated that in 1963 Karsanov found a decrease
in the total amount of actomyosin in the extracts from
myocardium of persons who had died from chronically congested
heart deficiency which originated as a result of defects,
hypertony in systemic and pulmonary blood circulation and
cardiosclerosis. The greater the decrease in the content of
actomyosin in the extracts from from various heart sections,
the higher the deficiency of the heart contracting function.
In particular, in the composite mitral defect the actomyosin
decreases preferably in the extracts from the atrium, right
ventricle and right atrium. In the heart diseases resulting
mainly in the deficiency of left ventricle, the decrease in
content of actomyosin in the extracts from the left ventricle
prevailed over its decreas in the extracts from the right
F.Z.Meerson and T.Ya Zeyats (1960) assume that the disruption
of constricting function of myocardium during chronic heart
deficiency can be connected with the deterioration of protein
synthesis in the myocardium and the exhaustion of plastic
reserve of cells.
In rabbits with stenosis of the aorta, F.Z- Meerson and G.P.
Ramenskaya (1960) observed a considerable decrease in DNA
content in myocardium.
It is well known that one of the most characteristic
pathological processes in the nervous tissue which develop
as a primary damage or are accompanying other functional
disorders of the nervous system, is the demyelinisation
process. The nature of this process consists in the
disintegration of structural, well-regulated on the molecular
level, protein-lipid complex which forms myelin sheaths of
grey matter nerves. It is thought that the demyelinisation
process is connected with the change in the enzymic activity
of lipid metabolism.
R.N.Phil'kevich in the article "Change of Protein Metabolism
in Patients with Dermatosis" (Collection of Sci. Reports of
the Central Committee Viral Institute, MZ U.S.S.R., 1978,
No.22) indicates the presence of disproteinaceous shifts
during the investigations of the protein fractions of blood
serum using electrophoresis.
V.S.Shchelkunov et al. in the article "The Effect of Unloading
Diet Therapy on the Protein Metabolism, Dynamics of the
Exchange of Circulating Blood and Extracellular Fluid in Acute
Pancreatitis" (Acute Pancreatitis. Biochemical Aspects.
Leningrad, 1978) showed that considerable protein-volemic
disruptions developed in patients with the edematose form of
acute pancreatitis.
There is a great amount of data on the disruptions of
protein metabolism in ulcer disease and atherosclerosis, etc.
There is little need to mention the enormous amount of
literature published in connection with the metabolic change
of fatty acids and the decrease in absorption of O2 in the
heart during ischemia.
I think, it is worth noting the article by I.I.Zhuravasky et
al. "The Effect of the Change in Carbon Dioxide (HCO3- and
CO2) Level in the Blood on the Biosynthesis of Antibodies in
Chickens" (Reports of the U.S.S.R- Academy of Sci., 1981,
NoB), in which particularly it is confirmed that the
origination of metabolic acidosis in chickens inhibits the
formation of antibodies by 12.7 - 32.6% in comparison with the
In the article "Cromolin and Bronchial Spasm Induced by Deep
Respiration", Pneumonologie, 1975, 153 (1), Messerlich et al.
write about the development of bronchial spasm caused by the
deep respiration. Kilham H. et al. in the article "Running,
Walking, Hyperventilation Causing Asthma in Children" draw a
conclusion that the hyperventilation brings about asthma in
Finally, in order to have a full picture, I would like to
mention the article of Chr. Marinov "The Change and Some
Mechanisms of the Disruption in Acid-Alkaline Equilibrium in
Acquired Heart Defects", where it is, noted that in the study
of 76 patients with the acquired heart defects and heart
deficiency of various degree, the presence of respiratory
alkalosis accompanied by metabolic acidosis was established.
It can be said that the obtained data are in full agreement
with the conclusions made on the basis of Buteyko's theory.
Namely, in various diseases both the changes in pH just in the
direction predicted by the theory, and the changes in
biosynthesis of polymers as well as in the absorption of
oxygen by tissues have been noted.
Thus, the theory being developed on the basis of the internal
logic, results in a number of deductions which do not
contradict the independently obtained experimental data. This
means that the developed theory has the right to be considered
suitable for the explanation and structuring of the existing
experimental material in reference to the process of origin of
the diseases.
4. The Second Statement of the Theory
According to the first statement of Buteyko's theory two
components can be indicated in the concept "disease":
1) a disease as the change of functions in the organism owing
to the deficiency in CO2;
2) a disease as the defensive reaction of the organism to the
removal CO2.
Because the second component follows from the first component,
according to Buteyko's opinion, it is sufficient to eliminate
the disease connected with the deficiency of CO2. The effect
of this will be the elimination of the disease connected with
the defensive reaction of the organism to the removal of CO2.
The reverse process of the reaction is possible because all
the discussed biochemical ways are reversible, if not
directly, then via the stages.
Thus, Buteyko's discovery makes it possible at least to stop
the course of the disease and improve a patient's state of
health by intensifying various metabolic reactions and other
processes and thus to reverse the course of the disease up to
its complete regression, restoring the initial status of the
It should be noted that at the present time in a majority of
cases the main efforts of doctors are directed to treat a
disease connected with the defensive reaction of the organism
to the deficiency of CO2 (this represents a search and use of
all available spasmolytics, activators of heart activity,,
etc.) . According to Buteyko's idea this makes the basic
disease connected with the deficiency of CO2 worse, and never
leads to curing the second disease, since the symptoms of the
basic disease being Just somehow suppressed in one place can
start developing in another place.
5. The Method for Intentional Cessation of Deep Respiration
For elimination of the basic disease K.P Buteyko offered the
method for intentional cessation of deep respiration (ICDR).
On decrease of deep respiration less oxygen enters the lungs,
CO2 is accumulated and the respiratory centre becomes adapted
to its high concentrations. As a consequence of intensified
Verigo-Bohr effect the oxygen from the blood enters more
actively into the tissues, this leads to better oxidation of
the substrates and therefore to the decrease in the
concentration of incompletely oxidised products. The increase,
in [H+] caused by ICDR method is eliminated by the function of
kidneys, which, on the one hand, intensify the removal of H+
ions and on the other hand, slow down the removal of HCO3-. As
a result of this process, the concentration of non-volatile
acids decreases and the buffer capacity of plasma increases.
This together with the restoration of all above mentioned
processes culminates in the destruction of the basic disease.
6. Conclusion
The main statements of Buteyko's theory are based on the
enormous amount of experimental material on the role of carbon
dioxide in the processes of an organism activity and on the
concepts of reversibility of biochemical processes, involving
the regressive changes in the development of diseases, which
were repeatedly verified during the approbations in Moscow and
{diagram modified}
pyruvate + CO2 + ATP --------------->|
phosphoenolpyruvate + CO2 + GDP ---->|
pyruvate + CO2 + NADP.H2------------>|
propionyl -CoA + CO2 + ATP---------->|
|--> oxaloacetate + NH3 ---> aspartate + NH3 ---> asparagine
| (acetyl CoA)
|---> citrate
|--> isocytrate --> succinate
| --> glyoxylate --> glycine
|-> alpha-ketoglutarate ---> glutamate ---> glutatmine
serine + CO2 + H3 + NAD.H2 ------> 2 glycine + NAD+
CO2 + H3 +ADP ---> carbomylphosphate
|===> citrulline -----> arginine
{diagram modified}
--- C ===
| |
| |
9 N 7 N
(asparate) (formate) | | (CO2)
=== N ----- C ===== N ----- C ===== C ----- C ====
|| 1 2 3 4 5 6 ||
|| ||
3,9 amide nitrogen of glutamine
4+5+7 glycine
Biosynthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides
Carbomylphosphate + aspartic acid <====>
alpha carbomoylaspartic acid <========>
L-dihydro-orotic acid <==========> orotic acid
{Adapted from Diagram}
1 2 3 4 5 6
NH ---- CO----HN3-----CO-------CH-----C(COOH)---
| |
pyruvate <------------------- phosphenolpyruvate <==> glucose
| -->
| |
CO2 | |-------------------> CO2
| | +Mg2+
2. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Regulation of Hormonal