Health Notes #18
The average person, to be able to function at their very best, needs seven to
nine hours of sleep. But a regular bedtime has a lot to do with the best sleep.
The old adage, "Early to Bed, Early to Rise" is very true. Studies
have shown that going to bed two to three hours before midnight is much better
for optimum health and efficiency in the next days activities.
What does sleep do? This is the time that the building and repair crew swings
into action. A series of hormones is produced for repairing the body tissues, so
that brain, bone, and muscle, as well as other parts, are ready to spring into
action with the new day.
Sleep is the time that the stomach should rest from digesting food and have
the time to get a supply of digestive chemicals all ready for breakfast.
We sleep better and deeper when the stomach is resting. We also sleep more
refreshed if the room is quiet, dark, and on the cool side with a window
partially open. If it is cold outside, then open a window in a nearby room such
as a bathroom adjoining your bedroom.
Sleep provides time and opportunity to discard waste products of the days
work and replace them with fresh, energy-packed vitality to start the new day.
It provides more potential for success and happiness. Depression takes a
Improve your quality of sleep by trying one or more of the following
- Take a leisurely walk before bedtime to unwind.
- Avoid heavy meals late in the day. Eat your last meal light and at least 4
hours before retiring.
- Do some hard physical work during the day, especially if you have a
sitting job. Muscle activity actually is a sedative.
- Maintain a regular time for retiring. Preferably earlier than 10:00 PM.
- Take a good soak in a tub of comfortably warm water, just warm enough to
produce drowsiness and not so warm that it stimulates you instead. Stay in
long enough to relax you. Go to bed immediately.
- Lastly, a precious conversation with God in prayer, reviewing blessings
received during the day prepares the way for peaceful, re-creative sleep.
Dribble 1/2 T. oil on top and sprinkle with salt, yeast flakes or other
creative seasoning and serve with fresh or canned fruit. You may eat it with
milk as a cereal.
In a blender blend: 2 frozen bananas (cut up into chunks), with pineapple or
apple juice to cover. Add frozen fruit (raspberries, strawberries, peaches,
etc.) To the bender until the mixture is the consistency of soft ice cream. Try
adding peanut butter to alter the flavor. You can put this in a bowl and
sprinkle nuts, sunflower seeds, crushed pineapple, date pieces, shredded coconut
raisins or peanuts on top.
- 1 c. apricot nectar;
- 1 c. orange juice;
- 1 c. pineapple juice
- 2 bananas cut into pieces, (fresh or frozen).
Blend on high for one minute.
Toast and fresh fruit salad.
(Health Notes #1) with
Smoothie Ice Cream on top.
Put cut up pieces of drained peaches in a casserole up to the half way mark. Sprinkle with raisins or date pieces. Cover
and pack with granola. Cover with foil and bake at 350o F for 30
Serve with favorite milk or smoothie.
Combine 4 T. minute tapioca in 1 cup fruit juice over low heat until clear.
- 5 c. raspberry-apple juice (or your favorite)
- 2 T. lemon juice
- 4 cups canned cubed pears
- 1 cup fresh grapes
- 3 cups strawberries
- 2 diced apples
Chill thoroughly, or serve immediately with toast or crackers as a hot fruit soup. May
slice bananas into soup just before serving. Use whatever combinations your imagination can put together.
Fruit is better for the last meal because it digests faster so that your stomach can rest when you rest.