Health Notes #27
The Essential Fibers
In Health Notes #2 we discussed fiber in the diet
and why it is needed. Now lets get a little more specific and learn just what
foods are best to give us more of that helpful fiber.
Fiber, simply put, is that part of your food that passes through the small
intestine undigested.
The average American diet contains most of its calories from non-fiber types
of foods as the following:
- 20% = Meat sources
- 20% = Refined Cereals
- 18% = Visible Fats (oils)
- 17% = Sugar
- 12% = Milk
- 2% = Eggs
- 2% = Alcohol
- ___________________________
- 91% of calories with little fiber
The U.S. Department of Agriculture tells us that our ancestors ate 12gms. of
fiber daily. Today we average less than 0.1gm. Food-as-grown is more
nutritionally balanced. However refinement strips food of most of its fiber and
nutrients. For instance, strip seven pounds of sugar beets of their bulk, fiber,
and nutrients, and you get one pound of "pure" sugar!
Fiber is found only in legumes, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. 5
slices of whole wheat bread equals 40 slices of white bread in fiber content.
Its presence in the large intestine is very important. Fiber attracts and binds
water in the large bowel. As a result the fecal mass is large and soft and
passes quickly through the colon instead of hard and small from low fiber. Fiber
acts as a broom to sweep out cancer-causing substances from the bowel.
Here is a list of some fiber foods:
- High Fiber Foods: peas, beans, mature legumes, some nuts, wheat bran.
- Moderate Fiber Foods: cereals and whole grain flours, yams, kale,
broccoli, blackberries, peanuts.
- Less Fiber Foods: most fruits and vegetables.
To insure getting enough dietary fiber, eat a good variety of fruits,
vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains, and eliminate or use sparingly those
foods that contain little or no fiber.
The effort in making the transition will be worth it in the way you will
feel. Give it a try!
Since beans are so high in fiber here are a few of my favorite recipes.
(Check Notes #16 and 22
for two others.)
This is an interesting and delicious, fun way to serve beans and salad in the
same dish. An all-in-one meal.
To serve: Place corn chips or croutons on a plate. Spoon pinto beans on top.
Then layer with the following: shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, finely diced
onions, chopped black olives and cheese sauce.*
Add or subtract items, be creative, make it a family project, each having a
different ingredient to get ready.
- 2 c. water
- 3 T. lemon juice
- 1/4 c. tahini
- 1/2 c. yeast flakes
- 1-1/4 tsp. salt
- 1 T. onion pwd.
- 1/4 tsp. garlic pwd.
- 1/3 c. pimentos (opt.)
After blending all ingredients on high for one minute start adding cooked
rice or potato as you continue blending until it is the consistency you want.
For haystacks it should be like a thick salad dressing. This may be used also as
a salad dressing, over vegetables, or spread on bread and toasted in the oven.
- 2 c. cooked garbanzos
- 5 T. lemon juice
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. garlic pwd.
- 1/3-1/2 c. garbanzo juice or water
- 1-1/4 tsp. onion pwd.
- 1/2 c. tahini
Blend all ingredients on high until creamy. A delicious spread or dip. For a
dressing, double the liquid.
- Pinto Beans
- Celery
- Onion
- Lemon Juice
- Mayonnaise
- Relish
- Salt as needed
Mash desired amount of beans. Blend all of the above or just the items your
family likes, adding mayonnaise for the right consistency.
The quickest way I have found to cook my beans is in a pressure cooker. To
make it doubly easy I put 1-1/3 c. beans in each of 7 quart jars, fill it with
water and soak overnight. In the morning I drain off the water and fill it with
fresh to 1/2 inch of the top. Add 1 tsp. of salt then add a lid and jar ring.
Put the seven jars into the pressure cooker. These beans can be a variety, black
beans, garbanzos, soy, navy etc. Pressure the beans at 10 lb. for about one
hour. Open whenever needed for a quick main dish.