Looking Deeper

There is more involved in the vaccination controversy than may appear on the surface. Although we now have a better understanding of the vaccines, there is a need to obtain a better understanding of the background which led up to the present controversy, including aspects which make it such a crisis today.


Up to the end of the eighteenth century, smallpox was a particularly dreaded disease, not only because it was often fatal but also because those who recovered were permanently disfigured with pockmarks on their skin.

In the seventeenth century, people in Turkey began infecting themselves deliberately with mild forms of smallpox, in the hope of making themselves immune to severe attack. They would have themselves scratched with the liquid from blisters of a person who had a mild case. From this, some developed a light infection, and others heavy scarring�or death.

In 1718, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu learned about this practice when she went to Turkey with her husband, sent there briefly as the British ambassador. While there, she had her own children inoculated, and they managed to escape without harm. Since she was known to be somewhat eccentric, no one listened to her when she told fellow Britons back home about it.

Meanwhile in America a Boston physician, Zabdiel Boylston, inoculated 241 people during a smallpox epidemic, and a number of them died as a result. Heavily criticized for what he had done, his idea was also ignored.

Back in Gloucestershire, England, a country doctor, Edward Jenner, decided to try inoculating the people with cowpox in the hope it would give immunity to smallpox.

In 1796, Jenner inoculated an eight-year-old boy named James Phipps with cowpox, using fluid from a cowpox blister on a milkmaid�s hand. Two months later, Jenner deliberately inoculated young James with smallpox itself. The boy did not catch the disease. The rest is history.

Jenner called the process vaccination, from vaccina, the Latin name for cowpox. Vaccination spread rapidly throughout Europe.

Later, Louis Pasteur discovered that he could weaken (or attenuate) germs, either by heating them or treating them with chemicals. He used this as the basis for vaccines. That began the practice of injecting live germs into people.

In 1885, Pasteur tried his vaccine for rabies (hydrophobia) on a nine-year-old boy, Joseph Meister, who had been severely bitten by a rabid dog. The boy survived. The rest is more history.

But there is more to that history than is commonly told. In this book we are discovering a lot of it.

James Phipps, the eight-year-old boy initially vaccinated by Jenner in 1796, was revaccinated 20 times and died at the age of twenty. Jenner�s own son, who was also vaccinated several times, died at the age of twenty-one. Both deaths were caused by tuberculosis, a condition that some researchers have linked to smallpox vaccine.

Joseph Meister was inoculated by Pasteur and survived the dog bite. But, on the same day, several other people, including the dog�s owner, were also bitten�and all continued in good health thereafter. Other children were not so fortunate. Mathiew Vidau died after being personally treated by Pasteur. Also, another child, Louise Pelletier, died after receiving the Pasteur treatment. In the National Review for July 1890, Dr. Charles Bell Taylor gave a list of cases in which patients of Pasteur�s had died while the dogs that had bitten them remained well. In other words, the vaccine had clearly killed those people, for the dogs were not rabid after all.

A French postman, Pierre Rascol, along with another man was attacked by a dog supposed to be rabid. Rascol was not actually bitten, for the teeth had not gone through his clothing and he had no cuts. His companion, however, was severely bitten. What happened to the two men? Rascol was forced by the postal authorities to undergo the Pasteur treatment, which he did from the 9th to the 14th of March. Less than a month later, on April 12, severe symptoms developed. The pain was especially bad where the inoculations had been given. A historian, E.D. Hume, relates what happened next:

"On the 14th of April he died of paralytic hydrophobia, the new disease brought into the world by Pasteur. What wonder that Professor Michel Peter complained, �M. Pasteur does not cure hydrophobia; he gives it!� "�E.D. Hume, Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology, 1947, p. 198.

But what happened to Rascol�s friend, who actually had been bitten? He refused to go to the Pasteur Institute for his rabies inoculations, so he remained in excellent health!

Medical journals are replete with such stories. An article in The Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (January 1951) told of two patients who became paralyzed after they had been treated by the Pasteur vaccine for rabies. The Journal of the American Medical Association (January 14, 1956) detailed a meeting of the French Academy of Medicine in Paris. At that meeting, Korsakoff�s psychosis was discussed. It was noted that individuals who had received Pasteur�s rabies vaccinations�could, twenty years later, be afflicted with Korsakoff�s psychosis, a continuing state of delirium. At the same meeting, lists of patients who had died after receiving the Pasteur rabies treatment were examined and discussed. 

But discussion is about as far as it ever went, back then. Times have not changed much since then.


Each vaccine is composed of three different types of materials:

1 - Viruses. These are either dead or "attenuated." The dead-virus types of vaccines are only supposed to have killed viruses in them. The attenuated vaccines have live viruses which have been weakened by the addition of poisonous chemicals.

It is well-known that dead animals rapidly decompose and are dangerous to human health. Even the odors coming from them are not healthful. Germs rapidly develop in and around them. What about a dead animal which had been killed with poisons; would you want to eat it? Would it be wise for you to do so? Could eating it hurt you? That is what is in dead-virus vaccines.

Sickly animals are not good either. Who would want to eat a cow that was sick? No one. In fact, if known to be sick, the FDA would not permit it to be butchered and sold to the public. But would you want to eat a sick cow that is still alive? That would be no better. Yet that is what is in live-virus vaccines.

It is dangerous to eat an animal killed with poisons�with the poisons used to kill it still in and around the meat. That is what you get in dead-virus vaccines. But would you want to eat an animal that was so sick that it no longer could move about? That is what is in live-virus vaccines.

We have been speaking about eating such dead or damaged animals. But it would be far more dangerous to have part of the dead animal or the living animal injected directly into your bloodstream!

Viruses are animals also, although very small ones. It is viruses which are injected into the bloodstream during a vaccination. As you might already know, viruses are always more dangerous than cows.

Along with the dead viruses, part of the poisons used to kill them are also mingled into the vaccine. The result cannot be likened to poisoned beef chunks, but rather to beef stew with poison in the beef and the surrounding broth.

In the case of the weakened viruses, we have tiny animals that are not merely weak�but are half dead! An animal that is half-dead is either diseased or soon will be. But there is more: "Attenuated" viruses are a combination soup. Part of the soup has dead viruses in it; part has nearly dead viruses; part has damaged viruses which will soon recover. Some will become very strong and vigorous, and some will remain sickly, yet will live and reproduce.

We are discussing not a single animal, but millions of animals�for that is what is in the sizeable amount of fluid injected into a person�s arm. This is why there is such a variety of dead, half-dead, and recovering viruses in the mixture.

Now you can see why a person taking a polio vaccine could come down with polio! Polio viruses in the vaccine recovered and rapidly multiplied in his body.

Bacteria and viruses multiply very, very rapidly! There is nothing in the world which multiples as fast�without exception!

But there is also more in that mixture.

2 - Other viruses and bacteria. Do not think that only one type of virus is in the vaccine. Because of the source the medical laboratories extract it from, that mixture contains a surprisingly wide variety of bacteria and viruses. The lab workers take the serum from the pus of monkeys, cows, pigs, and other animals. Then they try to "refine" it. But, since they are working with such small creatures, there is no economical way they can screen out most of the foreign substances and life-forms in that extracted fluid. Do not think that only one type of virus is in the vaccine. Because of the source the medical laboratories extract it from, that mixture contains a surprisingly wide variety of bacteria and viruses. The lab workers take the serum from the pus of monkeys, cows, pigs, and other animals. Then they try to "refine" it. But, since they are working with such small creatures, there is no economical way they can screen out most of the foreign substances and life-forms in that extracted fluid.

In fact, they do not work directly with a small amount by hand. Before mass-producing the product for sale to physicians, they must develop a way to mechanically produce large quantities of the serum in vats. So do not imagine that it has been "checked over" first. Only small samples from the vats are examined.

Now you can see why a person who is given a pertussis vaccination, could, instead of getting whooping cough�become paralyzed. There were other germs in that vaccine, beside the pertussis viruses.

But there is still more in that mixture.

3 - Poisonous chemicals. In the laboratory, one or several poisonous chemicals were stirred into the brew of viruses in order to kill or weaken them.

As for the dead viruses, it would be difficult to later fully extract the toxic chemicals used to kill them. But, as for the "attenuated" viruses, the poisons have to remain there in order to keep the viruses half dead!

"Besides introducing foreign proteins, and even live viruses into the bloodstream, each vaccine has its own preservative, neutralizer, and carrying agent, none of which are indigenous to the body. For instance, triple antigen DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) contains the following poisons: formaldehyde, mercury (thimersol), and aluminum phosphate (Physician�s Desk Reference, 1980). The packet insert accompanying the vaccine (Lederle) lists these poisons: aluminum potassium sulfate, a mercury derivative (thimersol), and sodium phosphate.

"The packet insert for the polio vaccine (Lederle) lists monkey kidney cell culture, lactalbumin hydrolysate, antibiotics, and calf serum. The packet insert (Merck Sharp & Dohme) for the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine lists chick embryo and neomycin, which is a mixture of antibiotics. Chick embryo, monkey kidney cells, and calf serum are foreign proteins, biological substances composed of animal cells, which, because they enter directly into the bloodstream can become part of our genetic material (World Medicine, September 22, 1971, pp. 69-72; New Medical Journals Limited, Clareville House, pp. 26-27, Oxendon St., London, J.W. 1X4 EL1 England. Reprinted in part in The Dangers of Immunization, published by the Humanitarian Publishing Company, Quakertown, Pennsylvania, 1979, pp. 20-31).

"These foreign proteins as well as the other carriers and reaction products of a vaccine are potential allergens and can produce anaphylactic shock."�W. James, Immunization: Reality Behind the Myth, p. 10.

Next there is the problem of the fast-flowing blood vessels. Blood is pumped rapidly throughout the body. So, when the whole conglomeration is injected into the body, the viruses are quickly separated from the poisonous fluid surrounding them. Within a few seconds, both have gone from veins, through capillaries, into arteries�and have entered the large artery. From there, they pass through the heart and out into the vena cava. Now, fully separated, the chemicals and viruses enter various body tissues where they begin working damage.

The chemical poisons weaken the body�s immune system, as it begins fighting these strange substances (such as formaldehyde, which is embalming fluid).

Meanwhile, the viruses have found cells to enter, and they are using the cell�s DNA and RNA to multiply themselves. Foreign bacteria and viruses were also in that injection, and they are also setting up light housekeeping in body cells while they multiply.

The result is that the viruses, when they multiply enough, can attack the body weakened by the toxic chemicals. The rest of the story is found throughout the book you now have in hand.

Why can there be so many different things�and so much of them�in a single shot of vaccine? First, because we are talking about such small things! viruses, bacteria, and chemicals. Second, because each of those substances is so extremely toxic in the human body. Third, because�once placed in the bloodstream�the viruses and bacteria multiply so rapidly. Therefore, it only takes a small amount of recovering virus to work great harm in the human body. Fourth, they have been placed directly in the bloodstream, where they can quickly go to work multiplying. They have sidestepped the guardian gates of the stomach and intestines.


The purpose of the vaccination is to get the body to produce antibodies which will provide immunity for a time against a certain disease. In 1949-1950, the British Medical Council carried out an extensive investigation to determine the degree to which anti-diphtheria antibodies, produced by vaccinations, helped the public resist diphtheria. Since the disease was epidemic at the time, the government had a large number of cases to work with. In their official 1950 report, they disclosed that the presence of antibodies were of no help of any kind in resisting diphtheria. Some people developed the disease who had high antibody count while others with low count were highly resistant (British Medical Council Report, #272, May 1950).

Dr. Wenddel Belfield, of San Jose, California, explains the mystery:

"Antibodies are not needed when the primary immunological defense [leukocytes, interferon, T-cells, etc.] is functioning at maximum capacity . . Antibody production appears to occur only when the ascorbate level, in the primary defense components, are at low levels, thereby permitting some viruses to survive the primary defenses."�W. Belfield, M.D., quoted in Drs. G. Dettman and A. Kalokerinos, "A Supportive Submission," The Dangers of Immunization, 1979.

"It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus . . into a little child and in any way improve its health . . There is no such thing as immunization, but we sell it under the name �immunization� . . If we could by any means build up a natural resistance to disease through these artificial means, I would applaud it�but we can�t do it. The body has its own methods of defense. These depend on the vitality of the body at the time. If it is vital enough, it will resist all infections; if it isn�t vital enough it won�t and you can�t change the vitality of the body for the better by introducing poison of any kind into it."�William Howard Hay, M.D., quoted by Usher Burdick in the House of Representatives, 1937; printed in the Congressional Record, December 21, 1937.

The strange act of introducing weakened disease germs into the body, which we call "vaccination," can produce abnormal conditions in the body which, years later, can erupt in something terrible. In a landmark book, Dr. Richard Moskowitz explained that the unnatural process of vaccination can put slow-acting viruses into the body. These, he says, can later produce nearly incurable chronic diseases (R. Moskowitz, "Immunizations: A Dissenting View," Dissent in Medicine: Nine Doctors Speak Out, 1985, pp. 133-166).

Vaccines go directly into the body and are "not censored by the liver," according to Dr. William Albrecht. Aside from the antibiotics and germ-deadening chemicals in them, vaccines are primarily composed of foreign proteins from animals. Normally, proteins, chemicals, and other substances which are eaten, are processed in the liver to protect you. But vaccination sends these foreign substances directly into the bloodstream.

"If you take water into your system as drink, it goes into your bloodstream directly from the stomach. But if you take fats, they move into your lymphatic system. When you take other substances like carbohydrates and proteins, they go into the intestines, and from there are passed through the liver, as the body�s chemical censor, before they go into the blood and the circulation throughout the body. Most of your vaccination serums are proteins, and are not censored by the liver. Consequently, vaccinations can be a terrific shock to the system."�William Albrecht, M.D., In Organic Consumer Report, December 4, 1962.

This is why vaccines do not really give the body immunity�yet that is why they were injected in the first place. Marian Tompson found that, when immunity to a disease is acquired naturally, the possibility of reinfection is only 3.2%. But when it comes through vaccination, the reinfection rate is 80% (Marian Tompson, "Another View," The People�s Doctor, Vol. 6, No. 12, p. 8).

"Just because you give somebody a vaccine, and perhaps get an antibody reaction, doesn�t mean a thing. The only true antibodies, of course, are those you get naturally. What we�re doing [when we inject vaccines] is interfering with a very delicate mechanism that does its own thing. If nutrition is correct, it does it in the right way. Now if you insult a person in this way and try to trigger off something that nature looks after, you�re asking for all sorts of trouble, and we don�t believe it works."�Dr. Glen Dettman, interviewed by Jay Patrick, and quoted in "The Great American Deception," Let�s Live, December 1976, p. 57.

Ordinarily, diseases which enter the body are filtered through an elaborate network of body defenses. But vaccines�because they are injected directly into the bloodstream�seem to slip by many of those defenses. Walene James, in Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, says that a vaccine, placed directly into the blood vessel, is able to gain immediate access to all the major tissues and organs�and bypass the immune responses that might otherwise have destroyed it (1988, pp. 14-15). Research by Drs. Kalokerinos and Dettman discovered that, since the vaccine viruses have been successfully acquired by other immunity factors, when the T-cells encounter them in the blood, they assume the strange, new viruses must be friendly. So the T-cells adjust for this factor and henceforth let them live and slowly multiple.

Does all this remind you of AIDS? If you have followed research studies on AIDS and the T-cells, you will recognize that the similarities are frightening. That point needs discussing.


An ongoing controversy surrounds the AIDS virus. How did it get into humans�when they never before had it? Well, some believe you need look no farther than the polio vaccine.

Scientists call it SV-40. That is the innocent-sounding code name for an extremely dangerous virus which is found in monkeys. In 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk developed a killed-virus polio vaccine. That means, he found a way to place dead polio viruses in humans. Then, in 1959, Dr. Albert Sabin devised a way to place weakened polio viruses in people. He called it the "live-virus (oral) vaccine against polio."

As soon as the Sabin vaccine came on the market, it was pushed to the front and Salk�s vaccine was set aside. Governments urged that everyone take the oral vaccine. Millions of people swallowed the weakened polio virus. But they also swallowed something else.

There is far more in a vaccine than merely the weakened virus; there are other foreign proteins, germs, and viruses which were in the drug company culture vats, in which the specific vaccine virus grew.

In the case of the Sabin oral polio vaccine, there was also SV-40. This is a powerful and very dangerous virus which had never before been placed in human beings. The only way you can get it is by eating a freshly killed, uncooked African monkey. When research scientists developed those polio cultures, which were given to millions in the form of vaccinations, they made a little mistake: Those cultures were contaminated with SV-40 viruses, which were in the monkey kidney cell cultures used in making the vaccines. Yet, with the techniques then available, the scientists did not realize it was in the cultures of chopped monkey organs in their laboratories. It was not until the 1980s that they discovered what they had been injecting into people for over 20 years.

This undetected new virus, which passed into the bloodstreams of millions of people during the 1960s and 1970s, later became the focus of serious research. The implications were also serious. SV-40 is a virus which acts as an extremely powerful immunosuppressor; that is, it greatly weakens the natural immune system.

Researchers in the 1980s�confronted with the new disease, HIV, reexamined SV-40�and found it was clinically indistinguishable from fully matured HIV, which is AIDS.

Because of these facts, there are scientists today who believe that the placing of the SV-40 virus in people, from 1960 onward, laid the foundation for a terrible scourge we now have: Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV), the precursor to full-blown AIDS. SV-40 not only begins the weakening process of the immune system, which HIV builds upon, but SV-40 appears to act as a trigger to get HIV started.

First, however, the HIV virus has to enter the body. That requires certain activities which only certain people care to do. But once in the body, the weakening effect of the SV-40 virus enables HIV to set to work�without being quickly destroyed by the body�s natural defenses. This virus, in its function as a powerful immunosuppressor and trigger for HIV, was the virus which introduced AIDS into humans.

Does this mean that only polio-vaccinated people can get HIV? Apparently not. Once the SV-40 virus was placed in enough people, it could be transferred, under certain circumstances, to others. Additional research is being made on the SV-40 virus. But it is a little like examining Pandora�s box after it had been opened.

The SV-40 virus has been found in leukemia, brain tumors, and other human cancers. It has also been found in people with HIV.

Dr. Hilary Koprowski, a leading polio researcher, in testimony before a congressional committee, said: "An almost infinite number of monkey viruses can contaminate polio vaccines" (Tom Curtis, "The Origin of AIDS, "Rolling Stone, March 19, 1992, pp. 58-59). It should come as no surprise that a wide variety of viruses can and are found in vaccine cultures. The polio vaccine contains monkey kidney cell culture and calf serum. MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is cultured in chick embryos. There are scores of other vaccines. For example, the foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine is prepared "either of inactivated virus from infected cattle tongue epithelium or, more recently, of live virus attenuated by embryonated egg or mouse passage and propagated in tissue culture" (Stedman�s Medical Dictionary, p. 1680).

Would you imagine that all those organs are virus-free? After treatment, they are placed, essentially raw, into the human bloodstream. Keep in mind that viruses are the smallest living thing known to mankind. Also keep in mind that, back in the 1960s and 1970s, scientists still had no way to recognize minute quantities of many of those viruses. Thus, it would be easy for a wide range of foreign viruses to get into the human race through "safe vaccinations." Tests to determine the existence of extremely small amounts of some of these viruses were not developed until the mid-1980s.

W.S. Kyle, in the British medical journal, Lancet (March 7, 1992), mentioned two significant points: First, the oral polio vaccine was used experimentally in the mid-1970s, to treat recurrent herpes. Second, the vaccine could have been contaminated by a number of retroviruses (slow-acting viruses). HIV is a retrovirus. Such treatment could easily place the SV-40 virus and the HIV virus in the general population, where it could then be transferred most easily by the two groups in America who, by their practices, keep their bodies in a continually weakened state: homosexuals and drug pushers.

Prominent AIDS researchers are not ignorant of these facts. In fact, some of them go beyond the polio vaccine�and implicate other vaccines as causal agencies of AIDS. Dr. Robert Gallo is the leading AIDS researcher at the National Cancer Institute. He was the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus. On May 11, 1987, the London Times quoted him as implicating the smallpox vaccine as an AIDS trigger: "The use of live vaccines, such as that used for smallpox, can activate a dormant infection such as HIV." That statement is worth remembering; it was made by the most knowledgeable AIDS researcher in America.

Although much research has been done on the close similarity of SV-40 to HIV, it appears that Eva Lee Snead, M.D., was the first to note the connection between SV-40 and vaccinations. Following extensive research into medical literature on SV-40, she came across the following citation:

"Excretion of SV-40 virus after oral administration of contaminated polio vaccine."�B.L. Horvath and F. Fornosi, Acta Microbiologica Scientaria Hungary, 1964-1965, pp. 271-275.

In common language, that means that researchers found that, after the oral polio vaccine was given, SV-40 viruses were found in the bowel movements. That could only happen if SV-40 had been in the oral vaccine (although it was not supposed to be there)�and if the SV-40 was healthy enough to multiple fast enough to be found in the feces shortly afterward! What a discovery! Yet it was made�and reported�as early as 1965.

At this juncture, you might wonder why SV-40 was reported as being in the stool of a polio vaccine recipient back in 1965, yet Western scientists did not find it in the polio vaccine until the 1980s. The reason is simple enough: Multiplied millions of the virus were found in human excrement within a few days after the polio vaccine was received, but the extremely small amounts of the virus in the polio culture were not discovered until more than 15 years later. Yet that only raises another question: If scientists knew that large amounts of SV-40 were in the body a few days after the vaccine was taken�why then did the Western pharmaceutical industry continue churning out batches of polio vaccine afterward?

"The 1964-1965 article reported that SV-40 was recovered [via the stool] from 10 to 35 children vaccinated orally with polio vaccine.

"Foremost virologists studying AIDS, including Dr. Gallo of the U.S.A. and Montaignard of France, agree that SV-40 is closely related to the AIDS virus. The SV-40 has been extensively studied since 1960 and its clinical manifestations in laboratory animals are similar to the so-called AIDS virus. It has also been linked to tumor growth and birth defects.

"According to sources cited by Dr. Snead, cells from the African green monkey have been used since 1953 as a growth medium for the polio vaccine. The use of the polio vaccine, contaminated with this virus, she speculates, is responsible for the current epidemics of childhood cancer, leukemia, birth defects, and AIDS. These diseases coincidentally increased dramatically after the introduction of the polio vaccine 30 years ago, she said.

"No one knows how many batches of polio vaccine have been contaminated with SV-40, but exposed individuals may number into the millions."�H.E. Buttram, M.D., and J.C. Hoffman, Vaccinations and Immune Malfunction, 1987, p. 64.

"Over 30 years ago, I remember reading �horror� stories of the slaughter of thousands of monkeys to make Salk vaccine and now I was reading of �a recently discovered virus, unwittingly put into hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of doses of early Salk vaccine.� The unknown virus is, of course, SV-40 and the publication is Science Digest, 1963. Arthur J. Snider was the author of the article."�W. James, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, 1988, p. 101.

And that turns our attention to smallpox vaccination campaigns. Thanks to the "enlightened civilizations" of North America and Europe, a massive effort has been underway for years to inoculate the peoples of other nations with various vaccines. There are seven countries in central Africa which have the highest AIDS infection rates: Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zaire. As reported in the London Times (May 11, 1987), World Health Organization (WHO) statistics show those to be the African nations with the greatest number of vaccinated people. According to WHO, Brazil was the only South American nation included in the smallpox campaign. It has the highest rate of AIDS patients on that continent.

(Here are several sources on this topic, for your further study: Arthur J. Snider, "Near Disaster with the Salk Vaccine," Science Digest, 1963. B.L. Horvath, et al., "Excretion of SV-40 Virus After Oral Administration of Contaminated Polio Vaccine," Acta Microbiologica Hungary, 11, pp. 271-275. William Bennett, Atlantic Monthly, February 1976. E.L. Snead, M.D., "AIDS: Immunization Related Syndrome, "Health Freedom News, July 1987, p. 1. "Division of Biologics Standards," Science, March 17, 1972. Walter S. Kyle, "Simian Retroviruses, Poliovaccine, and Origin of AIDS," Lancet, March 7, 1992, pp. 600-601. W.C. Douglass, M.D., "Who Murdered Africa?" Health Freedom News, September 1987, p. 42. Tom Curtis, "Origin of AIDS," Rolling Stone, March 19, 1992, pp. 54-56.)


There is yet another factor which should be considered, as we note possible links between vaccines and HIV: the genetic mutation factor.

Because vaccines contain a variety of foreign viruses, when these enter the entire human body (by being injected directly into the bloodstream), they have the ability to interact with, and become, part of human tissue. Viruses are so small, that they do not compete with human cells�they enter them! Viruses have the ability to transfer genetic imprints from one host to another. Because they contain pure genetic material (RNA and DNA), they can transfer it to invaded cells of the new host.

For example, the polio virus contains monkey kidney cells and calf serum. The combination of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is prepared in chick embryo. Monkey kidney, calf serum and chick embryo are all foreign protein cellular material. Instead of passing through the stomach, they are injected directly into the bloodstream in their raw state. Because of this, they are able to change our genetic structure.

"According to Dr. George Todara, director of Oncogen, a bio-technology company in Seattle, and Dr. Raoul Benveniste, a virologist at the National Cancer Institute, RNA retroviruses can approach a cell�s DNA, create their own viral DNA versions of themselves (like a negative of a photograph), and insert the viral DNA into the cell (Ponte, Lowell, "Jumping Genes": Reader�s Digest, April 1987, pp. 132-137). If the viruses are carrying genetic material from other species (culture media for viral vaccines include monkey kidneys and chick embryos), they will engraft this material as well."�Harold E. Buttram, M.D., and John Chriss Hoffman, Ph. D., Vaccinations and Immune Malfunctions, 1987, p. 55.

These are very serious matters. The above writers go on to say this:

"The recognition that viral vaccines may be sowing seeds of disease is not new. In 1975, Dr. Robert W. Simpson, of Rutgers University in New Jersey, raised the question whether immunization programs against influenza, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella may be seeding humans with RNA to form �proviruses,� later manifesting in such diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and cancer (Nelson Harry, medical writer for The Los Angeles Times, as reported at a science writer�s seminar sponsored by the American Cancer Society in St. Petersburg, Florida, April 1976).

"Such an effect has been documented in at least one instance: In a study of 19 children with chronic rheumatic disease, rubella virus was isolated from cells of 7 children, but it was found in none of the controls. The majority of the children had received the live rubella vaccine (Chantler, Janet K., and Others, �Persistent Rubella Virus Infection Associated with Chronic Arthritis in Children,� New England Journal of Medicine, October 31, 1985, pp. 939-948)."�Op. cit., p. 56.

It is well-known that it generally takes several years (usually five) before a person with HIV comes down with full-blown AIDS. But the New England Journal of Medicine cites an incident in which it occurred with extreme rapidity. Physicians at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., prepared the report, which was then discussed in the May-June 1987 issue of Infectious Diseases Capsule & Comment.

A nineteen-year-old army recruit was classified as normal when he took his physical examination. Two months later he was immunized against adenovirus, measles, rubella, influenza, smallpox, and others. Within two or three weeks he came down with full-blown AIDS!

The later report decided he was asymptomatically infected when he entered the service (because of prior contacts with prostitutes). But he did not have HIV until after the vaccinations�and then that changed into AIDS within a few weeks.

Biological (or genetic) engineering is a bad word today. It stands for changing and warping cells�into something very different. People fear it, and for good reason. Yet vaccinations have been doing it for years. Joshua Lederberg, of the Department of Genetics at the Stanford University School of Medicine said this in 1967: "We already practice biological engineering on a rather large scale, by use of live viruses in mass immunization campaigns" (J. Lederberg, Science, October 20, 1967, p. 313). He also said that "live viruses are . . genetic messages used for the purpose of programming human cells" (ibid.). It is possible to produce new diseases within mankind through the use of vaccinations.

One individual, after reading the manuscript for this book, made this comment: "How much longer will this go on? How much longer will vaccinations be given to little children? How much longer will parents not be told what is taking place within the bodies of those who are injected with these viruses? Is civilization going crazy? Not even savages in far-off places methodically kill themselves, so that eventually no one is left alive!"

(For additional information on genetic changes possible through viruses, read S. Kumar, et al., "Effects of Serial Passage of Autographa California Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Cell Culture," Virus Research, 7 (1987), pp. 335-349. H.E. Buttram, M.D., "Live Vaccines and Genetic Mutation, "Health Consciousness, April 1990, pp. 44-45. G. Blanck, et al., "Multiple Insertions and Tandem Repeats of Origin-Mins Simian Virus 40 DNA in Transformed Rat and Mouse Cells, "Journal of Virology, May 1988, pp. 1520-1523.)

Then there is the "virgin soil" problem. By introducing�through vaccinations�so many new strains of infectious organisms into people, we are placing modern civilization at risk of a variety of brand new diseases. And that is most dangerous, as two physicians explain:

"There is indirect, circumstantial evidence that immunizations may predispose to the onset of AIDS in �virgin soil populations,� that is, in those populations that have not historically been subjected to the common diseases of Western civilization. When diseases endemic in Europe for many hundreds of years, such as measles and influenza, were introduced into populations where these diseases were previously unknown, devastating epidemics often resulted.

"In 1983 deaths from AIDS were reported of seven Haitian immigrants, none of which had a history of the known risk factors for AIDS (homosexuality, drug abuse, hemophilia, or blood transfusions) (Moskowitz, "Unusual Causes of Death in Haitians Residing in Miami," New England Journal of Medicine, 150:1187, 1983). In 1984, a similar report appeared concerning eighteen previously healthy Africans who developed AIDS while residing in Belgium (Clumeck, "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in African Patients, "New England Journal of Medicine, 310:492, 1984).

"These persons also lacked a history for the risk factors of AIDS. However, both groups did have two things in common: AIDS appeared or was diagnosed following international travel, which presumably required multiple vaccines (there is no mention of vaccines in the articles). Both groups were, relatively speaking, given to �virgin soil populations.� "�The Immunization Trio; H.E. Buttram, M.D.; and J.C. Hoffman, Ph. D., 1991, pp. 58-59.


Earlier, under the section on DPT vaccinations, we discussed the brain damage which can result from certain injected vaccines. Learning disorders can also result from inoculations. Drs. P. Landrigan and J. Witte, in their research study, "Neurologic Disorders Following Live Measles Virus Vaccination" reported that a variety of learning disorders�from the mild to very serious�can follow childhood vaccinations (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1459, March 26, 1973). We know that, of every eight children born in the United States, one of them will grow up with some form of mental retardation (Better Nutrition, June 1982, p. 32). Are we now learning a key reason for this alarming trend?

Research into the long-term effects of vaccination has revealed that psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections. Research studies on this topic include the following: T.J. Crow, "Is Schizophrenia an Infectious Disease?" Lancet, 1983, p. 17. D. Steinberg, et al., "Influenza Infection Causing Manic Psychosis," British Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, pp. 531-535. Halonen, et al., "Antibody Levels to HSV-1, Measles, and Rubella Virus in Psychiatric Patients," British Journal of Psychiatry, 1974, pp. 461-465. H.E. Buttram, M.D., "Live Virus Vaccines and Genetic Mutation," Health Consciousness, April 1990, p. 45.


When a person is vaccinated at the time that his body is fighting a disease in that vaccine, he may suddenly be overwhelmed by an even worse attack of the disease. That is called the "provocation effect of vaccines." Sir Graham Wilson, former director of the Public Health laboratory Service for England and Wales, wrote this in a book published by the Oxford University Press:

"When a vaccine is injected into the tissues during the incubation period of a disease or during the course of a latent infection, it may bring on an acute attack of the disease. That is to say, the incubation period is shortened, or a latent infection that might have given rise to no manifest illness is converted into a clinical attack. The two diseases in which this so-called provocation effect has been most studied are typhoid fever and poliomyelitis, but evidence exists to show that it may be operative in other diseases."�Sir Graham Wilson, M.D., Hazards of Immunization, 1967.

Quite obviously, that fact opens up a whole new avenue of suffering, permanent damage, and premature death for innocent people.


Vaccinations not only can have immediate effects on those who receive them, they can also have long-term effects. These are physical problems which develop years later.

"Most of the degenerative diseases are going to be shown to be due to X-rays, drugs, and polluted food, additives, preservatives and immunizations."�Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., Interview, Public Scrutiny, March 1981, p. 22.

"It is dangerously misleading and, indeed, the exact opposite of the truth to claim that a vaccine makes us �immune� or protects us against an acute disease, if in fact it only drives the disease deeper into the interior and causes us to harbor it chronically, with the result that our responses to it become progressively weaker, and show less and less tendency to heal or resolve themselves spontaneously."�Richard Moskowitz, M.D., The Case Against Immunizations, reprinted from Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, March 1983, p. 13.

The problem here is due to changes within tissues and organs�which can take place due to RNA and DNA modification caused by the substances in the injected vaccines. The special offenders are the foreign viruses in those vaccines.

Dr. Wendell Winters, a virologist at UCLA, said this at a 1976 meeting of the American Cancer Society:

"Immunization may cause changes in the slow viruses, changes in the DNA mechanism, as being studied by Dr. Robert Hutchinson at the University of Tennessee in Nashville."�W.D. Winters, M.D., quoted in R.S. Mendelsohn, M.D., interview, The Herbalist New Health, July 1981, p. 60.

As mentioned earlier, because they are injected directly into the bloodstream and so bypass the body�s natural immunity defenses, vaccines are able to trick the body into accepting them as natural substances which should not be destroyed. The virus is placed directly into the blood and thus permitted to multiply and invade blood cells and tissues.

Live viruses, injected into the body, are able to live in latent form for years in the human body. Then, decades later, they can begin reproducing and causing changes in body tissues and organs. They do this by attaching their own genetic material as an extra particle (called an "episome") to the host cell�s genome, which is the half-set of chromosomes and their genes, found in every body cell. Then the virus replicates itself as the host genome replicates (in order to make a new cell). While the host cell continues most of its normal functions, additional coding is added by the virus.

One gland which is particularly affected is the thymus gland, whose secretion, thymosin, is necessary for the maturation and function of T-lymphocytes throughout the body. Abnormalities in the function of the thymus gland result in a variety of immuno-deficiency, autoimmune, and neoplastic diseases. It is known that patients with leukemias, cancers, and rheumatoid arthritis have impaired thymus-dependent immune systems.

Interestingly enough, the thymus gland degenerates more rapidly in Americans than in people in India, where few vaccinations are given.

"Spontaneous cancer development in old age may also be related to declining thymus function and immune responses in old age, at least in those instances in which the cancer cells contain foreign antigens." �Drs. Kalokerinos and Dettman, "A Supportive Submission," The Dangers of Immunization, Biological Research Institute, Warburton, Australia, 1979, p. 49.

"Although the body generally will not make antibodies against its own tissues, it appears that slight modification of antigenic character of tissues may cause it to appear foreign to the immune system, and thus a fair target for antibody production."�Peterson and Good, Postgraduate Medicine, Special issue: Connective Tissue Diseases, May 1962, p. 422.


Elsewhere in this book we have noted a number of important factors in maintaining good health, such as: cleanliness, proper sanitation, adequate ventilation, outdoor exercise, and a wholesome diet focused on fresh greens, vegetables, and fruits. (Some authorities also recommend alfalfa tablets and garlic as helpful preventatives of childhood disease.)

"The major contributing factor toward improved health over the past 200 years has been improved nutrition [and sanitation]. Nearly 90% of the total decline in the death rate in children between 1860 and 1965 due to whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization against diphtheria."�Dr. Powles, quoted in The Dangers of Immunization, 1987, p. 51.

If your child comes down with whooping cough, diphtheria, mumps, measles, etc., he is far less likely to have a severe bout with the disease if he has been on such a good dietary and lifestyle regime.

However, nutritionists tell us that a key factor, in shortening how long the child has the disease, is related to the amount of vitamin C the child is getting.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 90 children with whooping cough were treated daily with 500 mg. of vitamin C for one week. The children were well again in 15 to 20 days, depending on whether they received intravenous or oral doses of the vitamin. But children treated with vaccine averaged 34 days duration. (Very likely, the vaccine helped them not one bit; and, if a third group, given no special treatment, had been tested also, it probably would have recovered as quickly�or quicker�than the vaccine group.)

The well-known writer, Adelle Davis, used much higher potencies of vitamin C, and gave them orally. She found that children, thus helped, only had the sickness for one day, with no nausea, no vomiting, and no irritability. She gave 1,000 mg. of vitamin C every hour for the entire day. (Fifty 500-mg. tablets of vitamin C were dissolved in a cup of boiling water. One-fourth cup of fruit juice such as pineapple, apricot, or orange was then added. Each teaspoon of the resultant solution contained 500 mg. of vitamin C.) Later she discovered that, when calcium and pantothenic acid (a B vitamin) were included, smaller amounts of vitamin C could be given.

Polio requires special care, and you are referred to other books on the subject. However, it is known that potassium iodide, calcium, and magnesium are important in successfully treating polio. (As you may recall, in the polio vaccine section of the present book, it was highly refined sugar products which stripped the body of calcium, so that polio germs could attack the nerves.) One physiologist recommended that, as soon as polio occurs, the patient should be placed in a warm bathtub, with only his head out of water�and kept there for hours at a time. That helped the leukocytes fight the polio virus. High-level vitamin C dosages were also recommended.

As mentioned earlier, one result of vaccination can be long-term changes in various body structures. Because organs are weakened by the viruses and other foreign proteins, chronic and degenerative diseases later develop. In 1976, Dr. Robert Simpson of Rutgers University said this to a group of science writers at a seminar of the American Cancer Society:

"Immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, polio and so forth, may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form latent proviruses in cells throughout the body. These latent proviruses could be molecules in search of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Parkinson�s disease, and perhaps cancer."�R. Simpson, M.D., quoted in Richard Moskowitz, M.D., "The Case Against Immunizations," reprinted from the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, March 1983, p. 10.

Vitamin C consistently is noted in the medical literature. Not only is it needed to ward off infection from vaccines, but it is also children lacking in vitamin C in their meals�which tend to be the most damaged by the vaccines.

In order to understand this better, we will turn our attention to the work of Glen C. Dettman, Ph. D., and Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., two Australian researchers. In the 1970s; they led out in Australia in a full-fledged campaign to stop government vaccinations.

Until their efforts ceased, they virtually eliminated extremely high infant mortality among the native tribes of northern Australia. Kalokerinos, a medical doctor, had worked among those tribes for a number of years; and he found that many deaths were the result of nutritional/ immunization interactions. By this is meant the dangerous combination of vaccinating a child who was already on a poor diet, low fruits, greens, and other sources of important nutrients. When vaccinated, such a child would enter an "immune paralysis" reaction, in which his immune system had become so burdened down in an effort to throw off the dangerous substances in the vaccine�that he lost all resistance to simple, common infections. Soon he died.

Dr. Kalokerinos found that many of these infants were suffering from scurvy with acute vitamin C deficiency. Immunizations of such infants, often with colds at the time, brought on death.

After instituting a program of improved nutrition, with regular vitamin C supplementation for native children, the mortality was virtually wiped out. For two years, not a single infant died. This, obviously, was a startling change in the situation.

Kalokerinos later wrote a book about his experiences. In it, he described how he came to a realization of the underlying cause of the problem:

"Returning from the United States in August 1971, I threw myself for a few weeks into a problem that had been presented to me shortly before. Ralph Hunt, a grazier in the Collarenebri district, and been appointed Minister of the Interior. As such he was responsible for the administration of the Northern Territory and partly responsible for the health of its Aborigines. A tour of the area horrified him. The infant death rate had doubled in 1970, gone even higher in the first six months of 1971, and looked as if it would reach, in some areas, 500 per 1,000. Authorities in the Territory claimed that the problem had no quick solution . .

"It happened to be a beautiful night as I drove back to the hotel in which I was staying. People who know Sydney will know Rose Bay and the loveliness of the waterfront. I compared it with the desert around Alice Springs where I would be in less than twenty-four hours. I thought of Ralph Hunt and how he had tried to help . . Then suddenly it clicked. �We have stepped up the immunization campaigns,� Ralph had said. My! I had known for years that they could be dangerous, but had I underestimated this? Of course I had. There was no need to go to Alice Springs. I knew. A health team would sweep into an area, line up all the Aboriginal babies and infants and immunize them. There would be no examination, no taking of case histories, no checking on dietary deficiencies. Most infants would have colds. No wonder they died. Some would die within hours from acute vitamin C deficiency precipitated by the immunization. Others would die later from �pneumonia,� �gastroenteritis,� or �malnutrition.� If some babies and infants survived, they would be lined up again in a month for another immunization. If some managed to survive even this, they would be lined up again. Then there would be booster shots, shots for measles, polio, and even T.B. Little wonder they died. The wonder is that any survived.

"The excitement of this realization is difficult to describe. On one hand, I was enthralled by the simplicity of it all, the �beautiful� way by which the pattern fitted everything I had been doing. On the other hand, I almost shook with horror at the thought of what had been, and still was going on. We were actually killing infants through lack of understanding . .

"I have no doubt that some so-called �cot deaths� are in fact acute vitamin C deficiencies, and these can occur even if the diet is adequate . . and their response to vaccines against these infections is not always good. First, there is an increased utilization of vitamin C, and this, particularly when associated with dietary deficiency or failure of intestinal absorption, may precipitate a deficiency. This deficiency lowers immunity, and the immunizing agent adds to this temporary lowering. An infection such as pneumonia or gastroenteritis is likely . . thus an infant may die a few days or a few weeks after being immunized."�Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Every Second Child, 1974.

Obviously, the children of the Aborigines of Australia�living as they did under the most primitive conditions out in the desert�were far more fragile than regular children. In their case, death rather quickly followed vaccination.

"When our observations first forced us to examine the possibility of immunization being a health hazard, under certain conditions at least, it seemed rather absurd and very puzzling to us. However, the facts were before us here in closed Australian Aboriginal populations where children and adults were found suffering all too often with severe and even fatal immunological accidents. As scientists we found ourselves taking a second look at the history of microbiology in order to better understand what we were seeing with our own eyes as a consequence of mass immunizations of Aboriginal populations."�Glen Dettman, Ph.D., and Arcivides Kalokerinos, M.D., "Second Thoughts About Disease: A Controversy and Bechamp Revisited," Journal of International Academy of Preventative Medicine, July 1977.

With other children, we have found that, instead of a quick death, an extended life�but with serious infections, paralysis, brain damage, or some other problem, may result.

Yet, as we consider the Australian tribes people, we learn why earlier good nutrition and vitamin C in their diets�are so urgently needed by children or adults who receive vaccination. The stronger their bodies are, the more likely they will be able to resist the deadly substances in the vaccine! Yet, in the process of trying to overcome the vaccine, their built-up immunities, vitamin C levels, etc., are greatly overtaxed.

How much better it is to not take the vaccine in the first place!

"Dr. Viera Scheibner, of the Australian Association for Prevention of Cot Death, who also studied cot death (SIDS) infants, reported in 1990 that a detoxifier is necessary to relieve symptoms of stress caused by noxious substances, such as vaccines. The most effective, common, and natural detoxifier, she said, is vitamin C."�H.E. Buttram, M.D., and J.C. Hoffman, Ph.D., The Immunization Trio, 1987, pp. 30-31.

The best way to build natural immunity is to keep the body healthy by a proper diet and lifestyle. Eat a diet of fruits, grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts. The food should preferably be organically grown, preservative-free, and in a natural unprocessed state as close to nature as possible. Eliminate all refined sugar, white flour products, all animal products including meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. Fresh air, exercise, plenty of rest and trust in God are essential for good health. This is the only effective way to build good immunity and resist disease. Bacteria and viruses do not attack a healthy body, just as insects and plant diseases do not attack healthy plants.


Vaccines can also introduce allergies into the system. An allergy is a reaction of the body against a foreign protein, and vaccines are primarily composed of foreign proteins. They have been called "potential allergens," because they introduce undigested proteins into the bloodstream. People afflicted with allergies will recognize the truth of this, since well-known allergens, such as goldenrod, are simply non-split proteins which have gotten into the bloodstream. Normally, the digestive tract splits proteins in the diet into their building blocks: amino acids. But, when a complete, non-split protein is absorbed into the blood, it can produce allergenic reactions.

"The fact that human infants are born with an undeveloped immune system magnifies their vulnerability to vaccinations. Nature, however, compensates by providing a rich source of antibodies from the mother�s breast: colostrum (Hanson, "The Mammary Gland as an Immunologic Organ," Immunology Today, 3[6]:168-172, 1982). If the mother continues nursing her infant for some months, the infant is provided with an ideal form of sustenance until its digestive system is matured to the point that it can begin to digest and utilize other sources of food. If, on the other hand, this pattern is broken and the infant is started on commercial formula feedings (which contain foods that are much more difficult to digest and assimilate than the mother�s breast milk), the immune system of the infant is stressed and often sensitized by these foods. A lifelong pattern of food allergy and food sensitivity may be initiated."�The Immunization Trio; H.E. Buttram, M.D.; and J.C. Hoffman, Ph.D., 1991, p. 62.

Chapter 7 <>  Chapter 9



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