Developmental Neurobiology Contraindicates Vaccine Paradigm


The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines

by Val Valerian

The Myelin Sheath

An important part of human brain development involves the process of myelination. A nerve is a conducting channel for electrochemical impulses. The nerve can only conduct pulses of energy that a succession of leaps along the fiber. Like insulation on an electric wire, the fatty coating of myelin helps keep the pulses confined.

Brain Myelination Processes

Vaccines, Neuroallergic Reaction and Brain Damage

I submit that the process of increased sensitivity was a normal occurance - it could only be seen as abnormal if the connection between the vaccines and the sensitization process, which by then should have been obvious with the research conducted, was deliberately ignored. The fact of the matter is that it is a matter of record that it was known that vaccinations produced encephalitis since 1926. The sensitization of the population was being enhanced by vaccination programs. Someone had to know, since the connection was a matter of record.

We can see that the assocition between post-encephalitic syndrome and either demyelination or incomplete myelination of the brain is pretty straight forward. In might be mentioned at this point that polio, or poliomyelitis, involves a breakdown of the myelin shealth, which causes paralysis. We also know that encephalitis, whether caused through disease or as a result of vaccination, can cause demyelination of the nerves, and that this has been known since the 1920's. SInce the developmental neurobiology of the human brain has not changed, but the AMA statement has, we can only conclude that they are deliberately and knowingly, at the top levels connected in bed with the pharmaceutical companies, allowing brain damage to be continually perpetrated on the population in order to provide the basis for long-term medical profit treating subsequent medical and neuropsychological results. If so, why? For the answer to that, consult more of the menu choices on the main vaccine page.

Dipartimento di Biologia Molecolare, Universita di Siena, Italia.

[Medline record in process]

Active immunisation with rubella vaccine has not been commonly associated with neurological complications. We report the case of a 23-year-old woman who developed a mild, distal demyelinating neuropathy after immunisation with the live attenuated RA 27/3 rubella strain. Post-immunisation immunologic studies carried over 24 months showed the presence of antibodies to the RV proteins, particularly to the capsid antigen, and to the myelin basic protein (MBP). A similarity between a C antigen motif and a sequence of the MBP was found by computer analysis. The cross-reactivity was confirmed by immunising mice with a synthetic peptide derived from the MBP, which developed a strong humoral response to RV and MBP. This finding raises the possibility that a virus-induced immune response could lead to an autoaggressive reaction responsible for demyelination.

PMID: 10321986, UI: 99253903

From: Sebastiana <[email protected]>

Children's Health

Pesticides, Fertilizers and Your Child's Health
by Lara Pullen

If you live in an agricultural community, you're familiar with the sight of farmers working in the fields and the promise of
fresh produce. A recent study from the University of Wisconsin has demonstrated, however, that there is a down side to
this cultivation of life. The mixture of pesticides and fertilizers that seep from the fields to the groundwater may have a
significant impact on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems of the people who drink the water.

Dr. Warren Porter, lead investigator of the study, anticipated these results: "I am not surprised that the combination of
chemicals can be so much worse than individual chemicals. This has already been demonstrated in cancer research."

Amy Mucha, an environmental health scientist at U.S. EPA Region 5, is also not surprised: "I think it [the study] is very
welcome. Not many people have been able to do the work in a systematic way. It would be great to see more
information in the area."

While the experts aren't shocked about the results, you may be. Dr. Porter found that the combination of pesticides and
fertilizers that can be found in well water in agricultural areas around the country could alter thyroid hormone levels,
suppress the immune response and increase aggression in mice.

Since the EPA regulates chemicals individually and does not consider the potential combined effects of the chemicals,
these potentially harmful levels in the water are considered acceptable. Dr. Porter's study is unusual because, unlike most
toxicology studies that examine the effect of high levels of a single chemical on a single health endpoint, Dr. Porter
studied low levels of several common chemicals that are frequently seen together.

The study design was very complicated, but Dr. Porter believes that this more complicated approach better represents a
typical human exposure to chemicals. "It is very important for people to think broadly rather than be focused on a single
source of contamination," he says.

Dr. Porter is also concerned that pesticides that have been previously considered "safe" by the EPA and passed
traditional toxicological tests may turn out to be harmful when the effects are measured in combination with other
common chemicals. He explains, "It is important for people to realize that all pesticides are almost certainly biologically

Amy Mucha suggests that people respond to this new research by perhaps modifying their own exposure to pesticides.
She explains, "Find out as much information as you can. Make the decision based upon information, not fear. If you
want to be prudent, then reduce exposure. I would be more concerned about reducing exposure to [especially
vulnerable populations such as] children or women of child-bearing age."

That is exactly what Ross Thomas plans to do, who grew up on a farm in southern California. He has always bought
some organic produce, but now he plans to seek it out even more, "Now that our son has been sick [frequent bouts of
strep throat], we are more concerned about pesticides. I worry about the effects on the immune system."

If you would like more information, please contact:

Dr. Warren Porter
University of Wisconsin

Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs

Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical or legal
advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you implement that decision is
yours and yours alone.

From: Sebastiana <[email protected]>

Orlando Sentinel: Beware Trend Toward More Mandatory Vaccinations

There is a growing trend to make more vaccinations mandatory. This is quite profitable for the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines, but it is not a good idea. In the first place, health treatment should always be a personal decision of the patient or, in the case of children, the parents. Vaccines are not risk-free. Some people die from them; others suffer bad, but not immediately fatal, side effects.

There has been, according to a newsletter published by Physicians for Civil Defense, an as-yet unexplained rise in diabetes, asthma, autism and attention deficit disorder. At least in some quarters people are beginning to think there may be a link to vaccines or to certain kinds of vaccines.

A health official from Missouri told Congress in written testimony that there had been a significant increase in the number of children entering school with developmental disorders. "There is only one common thread we can identify with all these children: They are the children who received the first trial hepatitis B injections as newborns in the early 1990s."

Establishment medicine, such as the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatricians, strongly supports mandatory vaccination, but you should remember the powerful influence pharmaceutical companies have in these organizations. Both are very much politicized. For example, while the official line is "the most common
side effect of hepatitis B vaccination is soreness where the shot is given," Physicians for Civil Defense found that to be false. Getting the data, they found that injection-site pain occurred in 605 cases but that prolonged screaming occurred in 631 cases. Altogether, more than 4,600 cases involved a first-listed side effect indicating central-nervous-system involvement.

About 24 percent of the reports and 85 percent of the deaths involved children 2 years old and younger. Your best bet for sound advice is from a personal physician, preferably one with whom you and your family have a longtime relationship. Thanks
to government interference, it has become increasingly difficult for people to find physicians able to establish that kind of relationship. Medicine, like corporate hog farms, has become an industry of mass production. And physicians haven't had much say in the matter. One source of information you may wish to check out is the National Vaccine Information Center (
