Famous diamonds—(Continued)
Excelsior, 58
Florentine, 166, 167, 168, 219
Hope Blue, 319-222
Jubilee, 58
Pigott, 196, 197, 198
Porter-Rhodes, 58
Red Cross, 59
Regent, 208-211 Shah, 114, 115, 116, 219
Stewart, 2x9
Tennant, 59
Tiffany Yellow, 59, 219
Tiger-Eye, 59
Victoria, 58 Fashion Group, London, 187 Fashions in jewelry, 144, 145, 169-179, 180, 181, 189-195
in Austria, 181
in England, 181
in French court, 169-179
in Prussia, 180
in Rome, 180
in Russia, 180
United States, 189-19; Federal Trade Commission requirements, 226, 232
Flaws in diamonds, 229, 230 Florentine diamond, story of the,
167, 168 Fluorescent qualities, 13 Fontenay, 146 Forminiere, the, 66
Fortune Magazine, 105 Forty-seventh Street, 123, 124 "Four Hundred,"
193 France, designing in, 144, 145, 146
use of diamonds in, 170 Francis Joseph, Emperor, 181 French court, jewelry fashions in,
169-179 Friedlander & Sons, 161 Funclc-Brentano, Frantz, 173, 176
Cemological Institute of America,
162, 163, 164 Genesis of the Diamond, The, 59,
215, 216, 217, 218
Germany, 102, 103, 104, 238 attempt to accumulate industrial
diamonds by, 238 control of trade by, 102, 103, 104
Gestapo, 119
Giuliano, 145
Glass cutting, use of diamond in, 248
Godavari River, 151, 152, 153
Golconda, 22, 151
Gorham, Chicago store, 159
Gorham, Jabez, 155
Granat Brothers, 159
Gravity, specific, 7
Greenleaf-Crosby, 159
Guard, "Bill," 191
Hamilton, Lady, 183, 184, 185 Hamilton, Sir William, 183, 184,
185 Hamlin, A. C, 203 Hardness of the diamond, 6, 7
6 Harper's Bazaar, 191 Hart, Emma, 183, 184, 185 Henrietta Maria,
Queen, 182 Henry III of France, 138, 139 Hoeffer, Howard, 146, 147 Hope
Blue diamond, the, 219-222 Hope, Henry Thomas, 221 Hudson, J. B., 159
Hyderabad, 151, 152, 153
"I.D.B.'s," 36, 44
Igneous rocks, 28.
Imports in 1940 and 1941, 131, 132
India, 21, 22, 23, 24
superstitions about diamonds in, 204, 205 .Industrial diamonds, 238-251
as a force for war, 239, 249
colors of, 241, 242
consumption of, 245
distribution of, 240
imports of, 244, 245
types of, 245-248
uses of, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244 Infanta Marie Theresa, 171