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[IMG]z - Dana_1844_t.jpg 84K
[IMG]z - Dana_1844_p3.jpg101K
[IMG]z - Dana_1844_p2.jpg 94K
[IMG]z - Dana_1844_p1.jpg 89K
[IMG]z - Dana_1844_b.jpg 54K
[IMG]z - Dana_1837_t.jpg 90K
[IMG]z - Dana_1837_p3.jpg 66K
[IMG]z - Dana_1837_p2.jpg119K
[IMG]z - Dana_1837_p1.jpg 82K
[IMG]z - Dana_1837_b.jpg 61K
[PDF]The System of Mineralogy - James Dwight Dana 1911 A.O.pdf228M
[PDF]The Geological Story Briefly Told - James Dwight Dana 1895 A.O.pdf 23M
[PDF]Structure and Classification of Zoophytes - James Dwight Dana 1846 A.O.pdf7.4M
[PDF]Science & The Bible - James D. Dana 1856.pdf 20M
[PDF]Rudimentary Treatise on Mineralogy - by Delvalle Varley & James Dwight Dana 1859 A.O.pdf6.8M
[PDF]Manual of Geology - James Dwight Dana 1880 A.O.pdf275M
[PDF]Dana's Manual of Mineralogy - James D. Dana & William E. Ford 1912 A.O.pdf 41M
[PDF]Corals and Coral Islands - James Dwight Dana 1875 A.O.pdf 24M
[PDF]A System of Mineralogy; Descriptive Mineralogy - James Dwight Dana 1868 A.O.pdf149M
[PDF]A System of Mineralogy; Descriptive Mineralogy, James Dwight Dana 1892 A.O.pdf155M
[PDF]A System of Mineralogy; Descriptive Mineralogy, Appendix - Edward S. Dana & William E. Ford 1909 A.O.pdf 21M
[PDF]A System of Mineralogy - James Dwight Dana 1837 GIA Sinkankas Library A.O.pdf110M
[PDF]A System of Mineralogy, Third Appendix to the 5th ed. of Dana's Mineralogy - by James D. Dana 1882 A.O.pdf 23M
[PDF]A - The Life of James Dwight Dana at Yale University - Daniel Gilman 1899 A.O.pdf 20M
[DOC]A - Dana, James Dwight 1813-1895 - Annotated Bio.docx415K