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to a much lesser degree than in the South mountain rocks. The depth of the saprolites in the Georgia belt reaches a maximum of about 100 feet.
Diabase dikes, such as are common in the Carolina belt, are not found in the Georgia belt. Granitic dikes are, however, not uncommon in the Xaeoochee region.
Tlie accompanying sketch (fig. 2) represents a small pegmatite dike at the Thompson mine, 4 miles west of Xacoochee, showing the development of normal faulting. Similar granitic dikes have been found in Cherokee county, near the Franklin mine. In the Dahlonega district, although no unquestionable well-marked dikes are seen in place, Mr. Becker1 calls attention to the possibility that some of the unusually sharply marked sheets in the gneiss might be intrusive.
Certain bands of the gneisses and schists have been fissured and filled with gold-bearing quartz and sulphurets. These fissures are in the
1" Heconnoissance of the Gold Fields of the Southern Appalachians," Sixteenth Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, 1894-5, part iii, p. 296.