Bechtler. and it is the most artistic of all the 5-dollar coins. C. Bechtler also coined 5-dollar gold pieces stamped ' Georgia Gold '; a very few pieces are stamped ' August 1, 1834,' which date marked a change in the U. S. standard gold coin. The presumption is that all the Bechtler gold coins prior to this date were bought up at a premium, and recoined at a profit of nearly 7 per cent. The denominations coined were §1.00, of quite various patterns, and 2y2 and 5-dollar pieces; the dollar pieces ranged from 27 to 30 grains. The coins were generally stamped with the carat, 20 c. being the lowest observed. The character of the stamping varied greatly, that of the dollar pieces being very poor, and these were extensively counterfeited. The alloy was silver and the coin had a pale brassy look. Some coins were specifically stamped ' North Carolina' gold; others merely ' Carolina Gold ' or ' Georgia Gold.' "
In Table No. 3 the totals found in Table No. 2, from the years 1880 to 1896, are distributed among the various States.
of Gold and Silver Produced
Southe'rn States; Deposited at the United States Mint and
In the Census Report for 1880, vol. xiii, can be found statistics concerning gold mining in the Southern States tabulated under the following headings: Directory of deep mines; Means of handling water in deep mines; Cost of supplies in deep mines; Directory of ditches; Cost of ditch plants; Grades and dimensions of ditches; Length of water season; Placer directory; Tunnels in placer mines; Stamp batteries; Amalgamating mills; Arrastras; and Roasting furnaces.