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imperfectly interlaminated in the schists and often cutting the same at low angles. The quartz is usually saccharoidal. The mine has been opened to a depth of about 108 feet and, so far as is known, was last worked early in 1894.
The Portis mine is situated near Ransoms bridge in the northeastern corner of Franklin county. The country-rock is diorite. The orebodies lie in two intersecting belts of reticulated quartz-veins, each about 9 feet in total width. Xo work further than prospecting has been done on these. Small irregular quartz-stringers occur promiscuously Throughout the country-rock, and the saprolites in general are stated to be auriferous. The only work of any consequence done here was surface sluicing and hydraulicking to a depth of 15 to 30 feet. Sufficient water supply and head are difficult to obtain. It is stated that 1000 cubic yards, washed in one of the sluice lines, yielded 1018 pennyweights of gold, the loose vein-rock obtained in this mass assaying about $8 per ton.
Granville, Person, Alamance, Orange, and Chatham counties are included in this belt, being at its northern extremity; but little work of consequence has been done here. A newly discovered belt of veins has been recently opened three or four miles east of Oxford (Chatham mine); another in the northern part of Granville county, near Adoniram and Yenable; and still another near the northwest border of the county, in the copper belt (Holloway mine).
Among the principal mines are the Fisher Hill, AFillis Hill, Hodges Hill (Hodgins), Fentress (North Carolina), Twin, Gardner Hill, Jacks Hill. Xorth State (McCullough), Lindsay, Deep Fciver, Beason, Harland and Beard, situated from 3 to 10 miles south and southwest from Greensboro in a general direction -towards Jamestown. The countryrock is granitic.
The Fisher Hill and Millis Hill mines are five to six miles south of Greensboro. There are two systems of parallel veins, the first running north and south and the second northeast and southwest. The aggregate length of the veins on this property is stated to be 8 or 10 miles. The vein which has been most extensively worked varies from 10 inches to 4 feet in thickness and has been successfully operated at several points. The mill consists of ten stamps and was running in 1886 and 1887.
The Hodges Hill (Hodgins) mine is two miles east of the Fisher Hill. The ore is quartz and chalcopyrite, in a flat vein from 6 inches to 12 feet thick.