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The Sawyer mine is 5 miles northwest and the "Winning-ham, Slack, Winslow and Davis Mountain mines are from 2 to 5 miles southwest of Asheboro.
During 1895 the application of the cyanide process to the ores of the Sawyer was experimented with, but finally abandoned
The Hoover Hill mine is situated about 10 miles west of Asheboro and 17 miles east of south from High Point. The country-rock is a basic eruptive which is partially brecciated, the included fragments being hornstone. In part the rock is slightly schistose. The ore-bodies consist of belts in this porphyrite, which are pyritic and filled with reticulated quartz-veins from less than 1 inch to 12 inches in thickness. The strike of the belts is KE. and the dip 30°-60° S.E. The orebodies are intersected by pyroxenic dikes. The mine has been opened to a depth exceeding 300 feet. The so-called Briols shoot at this depth furnished ore worth $8 to $10 per ton. The mine was working in June, 1895. It was equipped with a 20-stamp mill in 1882.
The Wilson-Kindley mine is one-half mile southwest from the Hoover Hill, and the formation is similar.
The Jones (Keystone) mine is 18 miles east-southeast from Lexington. The country-rock is a very schistose phase of the brecciated porphyrite described at Hoover Hill. The strike is JN". 45° E. and the dip 80° !N"."W. The ore-bodies consist of separate belts, 12 to 15 feet wide, of the schists, impregnated with auriferous pyrites and quartz-stringers. The entire width of the ore-bearing ground is stated to be 50 to 110 feet. The ore is cheaply mined in open cuts by quarrying. A 40stamp mill stands on the property. The ore is stated to mill $2. Assay value $2 to $7 per ton. Pan concentrates run $22 per ton. Cyanide experiments have been made in a small temporary plant, and it is stated that several tests of sulphureted ores gave an extraction of 70 to 80 per cent. The mine is at present in operation. The Uharie river, 2 miles distant, is the nearest supply from which water could be furnished by pumping, for hydraulicking and sluicing purposes.
The Herring (or Laughlin), Delft and Parish mines are in the vicinity of the Jones. At the last-mentioned mine free gold is found in association with actinolite.
The Uharie mine is near the Montgomery county line on the Uharie river. The ore-bodies are similar to those of the Russell, which is a short distance southwest (see p. 52); but unlike that at the Russell, the work here has been underground, the depth of the shaft being 170 feet. A 10-stamp mill was erected in 1887.
The Lalor (or Allen), Loftin, Eureka and Black mines are situated from 2 to 3 miles southeast of Thomasville in the granite. The ores