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measurements, with three compartments, the ladder-way being in the center. The timbers (10 by 12 inches, white oak) are placed in square sets, with 5 feet centers. The cost of timber is $7 per thousand. The cost of the shaft (including timbering) was estimated at $10 per foot for the first hundred feet, $12 for the next hundred, and $15 for the last fifty feet. Cost of labor:
Mine foreman (who also does the framing)........12-hr. shift, .SI.50
Helper to same................................. ■' ■•       1.00
Blacksmith .....................................10-hr. "       1.00
Underground men.......................12-hr. shift, 75 to So cents.
The Ceowell mine is situated near the Parker. The ore-body is a pyritic belt in the country slate, from 4 to 7 feet in thickness, with a narrow pay-streak. The strike is N. 10° AT., and the clip 45D X.AV. The mine has been worked to a depth of 125 feet.
The Little Feitz (formerly the Culp) mine is situated near Gladstone. Some prospecting wTork has lately been in progress here, and an Elspass frictional roller quartz-mill was erected.
The Baebinger mine is situated 4 miles southeast of Gold Hill. The gold is associated with limestone, and very rich ores are stated to have been mined here.
mines in mooee county.
The mines are situated in the northern and northwestern parts of the county. The Jura-trias sandstone, the eastern limit of the Carolina belt, passes in a southwesterly direction through the central part of the county, near Carthage.
The Bell mine is situated 8 miles north-northwest from Carthage. The country-rock is a garnetiferous chlorite-schist, striking X. 55° E., and dipping 75° N.AY. The ore.-body consists of a 4-foot belt in the schists, containing a small percentage of finely disseminated pyrite and intercalations of siliceous seams from -J- to 4 inches in thickness. The entire vein-matter is said to run $12 a ton. It is stated that the paystreak, 4 to 8 inches thick, lay against the foot-wall, and that about 2 feet of the material on the foot-wall side was mined and milled, yielding as much as $30 a ton. The mine has been worked to a depth of 110 feet and for a length of 800 feet.
The Grampusville mine is 3 miles southwest of the Bell.
The Buens mine1 is situated 11 miles west-northwest from Carthage, on Cabin creek. The country is sericitic and chloritic schist, in part silicified. The strike is 1ST. 20° E., and the dip 55° X.Yf. The ore-
1 See article by H. M. Chance, Eng. and Min. Jour. vol. Ixi, p. 132, ISOti.