
Ch. 6: Mining, Milling, ... of Sulphurets

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pounds (if salt per ton are added to the charge to change the carbonate of lime present to chloride.
Chl'U'ination of the roasted concentrates is carried on in a one-barrel ehlurinarinii plant, the arrangement of the same and the method pursued being identical with that at the Haile mine (see p. 137;. The tailings from the chlorination run about 60 cents per ton, giving an extraction of over 95 per cent.
Labor. Costs, etc. At the time of our examination about 90 men were on the pay-roll of the company, when work was going on at full capacity. The force of men is variable, however, depending upon the output and the amount of development work. The wages paid were as follows:
Per day.
Drill runners..............................................St.55
Helpers .................................................... t.00
Muckers ..........................................75 to Sit cents.
Trammers ................................................. l.oo
Blacksmiths ................................................ 2.25
Carpenters ................................................. 2.50
Three men were employed on each 12-hour shift in the mill and concentration house at the following wages:
Per day.
Amalgamator ..............................................$1.40
('uncentrator ............................................... 1.35
Helper .....................................................To
Boasting. Two men on each shift, at $1.25. Cost of roasting, per ton of masted concentrates, $2.
ClTlorination. One man on each shift. Cost of chloridizing per ton of roasted concentrates, $1.18.                                 '
Supplies. Timber, $'J per 1000 feet. Cord wood, $1.25 per cord, 8 cords used per day.
Cost per ton of ore mined:
Mining, crushing and tramming to mill...................$2.05'
Milling, roasting and chlorination..........................(io
Total ..................................................S2.70
The Haile mine is situated 3 miles northeast of Kershaw in Lancaster county, S. C. It is the property of the Haile Gold Mining Company (Xew York office, 17 Maiden Lane), Capt. A. Thies, superintendent and general manager.
1 This figure includes all development work. The average value of the ore and the concentrates cannot be given tor private business reasons.
2 Written in co-operation with Mr. A. Thies.
Ch. 6: Mining,  Milling, ... of Sulphurets Page of 172 Ch. 6: Mining,  Milling, ... of Sulphurets
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