
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines

Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Page of 172 Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Text size:minus plus Restore normal size   Mail page  Print this page
Honeyeut rein. Gold Hill. X. C......58. 59
Hoover Hill mine, N. C..............40. 47
Horner mine, Ga........................SO
Horns Peak mine, Ala...............89. 00
Howell mine, X. C..................63. 64
Howes, Amos, referred to................58
Howie mine, X. C.......................63
Howland mill ...........................35
Huddleston' mine, Md....................71
Hughes mine, Va....................75, 76
Hunt mine, Ga..........................84
Hunt and Douglas process............39, 51
Huntington mill .....................35, 36
Huntsville ore zone .....................19
HuntsTille placer mines. X". C...........69
Hydraulic gravel elevators. 32. 98. 99,
Hydraulic mining methods...........30-32
Hydraulic mining at the Chestatee mine
101-106 Crawford mine
92-95 in the Dahlonega district ...........108-110
at the Iledwig mine. .114 Mills mine..96-101 Parker mine.54, 55
Portis mine.....45
Sam Christian
mine ........52
Yonah mine. .. .70 Hydraulic pumping engine at the Findley
mine .................................109
Idaho (Franklin) mine, Ala..............89
Idaho mining district, Ala...........SS. 89
Idler CAIta or Monarch) mine, X. C. .37. 69
Idler-Mine ore zone .....................20
Illustrations, list of...................... 6
Influence of diabase dikes on ore-bodies,
16, 63. 120 Ingram (Crawford) mine, X". C....54, 91-95
Irma mine, Md..........................71
Isenhour mine, X". C.....................00
Island Creek mine, X. C.................52
Ivy mine, Ga.............................SO
Jack Brown mine, Ga...................84
Jacks Hill mine, X. C...............45, 40
Jackson county, X. C. placer mining in..70
Jacquish, Mr., referred to...............106
James Moore mine, Ala..................S6
Jamestown (Vein Mountain) mine,
X. C...............................31, 69
Jarrett mine, Ga,....................78, 70
Jefferson, Thos., cited...................26
Jesse Cox mine, X'. C....................57
Joel Reed mine, X. C....................60
Johnston mine, Va.......................73
Jones (Keystone) mine, X'. C.............47
Josephine mine, Ga......................SO
Joshua Hendv Machine Works, referred
to .....................................98
Kearney mine, X*. C....................43
Kemp Mountain mining district. Ala.....S7
Keystone (Jones) mine. X". C.............47
Kiggins mine, Va.......................73
Kin Mori mine, Ga......................SI
King mine, Ala.........................86
Kings Mountain gold belt...............13
Kings Mountain (Catawba) mine, X. ('..
18. 35, 06. 07. OS
Kirkley mine, S. 0.......................77
Knight, Mr., referred to.................87
Knott mine, S. C........................78
Knuckelsville, Ga., early mining population of ................................20
Lalor (Allen) mine, X. C.............47. 48
Lancaster county, S. C, mines in........77
Latham (Chester) mine, Ga......'........82
Laughlin (Herring) mine, X. C...........47
Laurel mine, Ala........................SO
Lawrence mine, Ga......................SO
Leach mine, S. C........................77
Lee mine, Ala...... ....................80
Lehmann, G. W., cited..................50
Leopold mine, Va........................72
Letter of Transmittal................... S
Lewis mine, X". C........................03
Lidner, P. G., referred to...........38. 147
Lieber, O. II., cited......13, 32, 37. 77. 126
Lightfoot mine, Va......................76
Lincoln county, Ga., mines in........84. 85
Lincoln county, X. C, occurrence of gold
in .....'.................................6S
Lindsay mine, X. C..................45. 46
List of illustrations...................... 6
Little mine, Ga..........................81
Little Fritz (Culpj mine, X. C............50
Locke, A. G., referred to...............Iu0
Lockhart mine, Ga......21, 24. 80, 115. 110
Loftin mine, X. C.......................47
London mine, Va........................70
Long nunc, X". C........................63
Long Creek mine, X. C..............06. 07
Longstreet placer mine, Ga..............79
Loud mine, Ga..........................79
Louisa county, Va., gold mines in...73, 74 pyrite mines .. .73. 74
Louisa mine, Va.........................74
Lowder mine, X. C......................54
Luce mine, Va.......................14. 74
Lucky Joe mine. Ala.....................SO
Lumpkin county, Ga., mines in......SO. 81
Lumsden mine, Ga......................7S
Macon county, X". C, occurrence of gold
in .....................................70
Magazine (or Parker) Branch placer-mine.
X. C.................................101
Magruder mine, Ga......................85
Mammoth mine, Ga.....................SO
Mann mine, X'. C........................43
Mann-Arrington mine, X. C......15. 43. 45
Map of Xorth Carolina, showing distribution of gold deposits...................44
Map of Gold Hill mining district, showing
distribution of veins...................59
Map, showing location of mines and plant.
Haile mine ...........................127
Map. showing plan of Capps mine.......65
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Page of 172 Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines
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