Photos of Minerals
Cochise College         

Geology Home Page                

Roger Weller, geology instructor

[email protected]
copyright 2006-R.Weller

Mineral Information on:

Chemical Group:   hydroxide

Chemical Formula:   Zn3As2O8.Zn(OH)2

Color:  honey yellow, violet, rose red, green, colorless


Hardness:  3.5       Specific Gravity:    4.34 to 4.35                  Fracture:



Crystal Forms:  Orthorhombic system
     Tends to form small crystals (drusy coatings)

Mineral Associations:  a rare mineral associated with zinc deposits

Identifying Characteristics:


Occurrences:  Greece, France, Chile, Algeria: Tseumb, Africa

Toxicity:      when-swallowed- very high           when inhaled-very high

Additional Information: