Cochise College          Photos of Minerals

                          Geology Home Page                

                          Roger Weller, geology instructor

                          [email protected]
                                  copyright 2006-R.Weller

Mineral Information on:

Chemical Group:    silicate  (plagioclase feldspar)

Chemical Formula:   
NaAlSi3O8  Albite is the sodium end member of the plagioclase feldspars. 
     Albite ranges from 90% to 100%
NaAlSi3O8 and 10% to 0% CaAl2Si2O8.

Color: white; sometimes, pale blue, pale gray, pale red, pale green or green                     

Streak:  uncolored        Luster:  vitreous, pearly        Tenacity:  brittle


Hardness:  6 to 6.5             Specific Gravity:  2.60 to 2.62                  

Fracture:   uneven to conchoidal       Transparency:  translucent to transparent

Cleavage:  (001) perfect and (010) slightly less


Crystal Forms: Triclinic system
     Crystals often tabular; sometimes elongated.
     Commonly shows polysynthetic (plagioclase) twinning.

Mineral habits:  massive, granular, lamellar (with curved surfaces) 
Mineral Associations:  found in granite, syenite, diorite

Identifying Characteristics:  white color, plagioclase twinning


Occurrences:  Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Colorado

Toxicity:      when-swallowed- moderate              when inhaled- high

Additional Information:  The name albite comes from albus, meaning white.