Azurite Photos   
Cochise College                                                                                                                
Photos of Minerals
Geology Home Page
Roger Weller, geology instructor               


last edited:  2/15/17    number of photos:  29
Azurite is 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
Mineral information on azurite
Also, visit Photos of Bisbee
Azurite is derived from the Arabic word, azul, meaning sky.

azurite single crystals:  1  2
drusy azurite:  1  2
botryoidal azurite:  1
bright blue azurite:  1
azurite and malachite:  1
azurite from Mexico:  1  23*
azurite from Bisbee, Arizona:  1  2  3  4
azurite from Morenci, Arizona:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
azurite from New Mexico:  1
azurite from China:  1  2  3
azurite from Namibia:  1  2*
azurite from Morocco:  1

Photos are copyright free for non-commercial educational uses.
Just credit photos to R.Weller/Cochise College.
copyright 2017-R.Weller
