Roger Weller, geology instructor
[email protected]
copyright 2006-R.Weller
Information on:
Chemical Group: native
Chemical Formula:
C (carbon)
Color: colorless, pink, yellow, blue, brown, black, red
Streak: too hard
Hardness: 10
Specific Gravity: 3.50
Tenacity: brittle
transparent to opaque (black)
Luster: adamantine
Cleavage: octahedral, 4 directions
Crystal Forms and Habits:
Isometric system
The most common crystal form is and octahedron, often with
rounded surfaces.
Diamonds may also crystallize as cubes or tetrahedrons.
Mineral Associations: ultrabasic igneous rocks (kimberlites)
Identifying Characteristics:
Uses: gemstones, abrasives
Occurrences: South Africa, Siberia, Australia
Toxicity: when-swallowed- low
when inhaled- moderate
Additional Information: diamond that is not gem quality is called bort.