Scheelite  Photos      

Cochise College                                                                            
Photos of Minerals
Geology Home Page
Roger Weller, geology instructor                       

[email protected]


last edited:  2/28/18  number of photos:  14
Scheelite is CaWO4
Mineral information on scheelite

Scheelite is known for its fluorescence.  Prospecting for scheelite is often at night
using a portable ultraviolet light.  Scheelite is an ore of Tungsten.  In the Huachuca
mountains located in Cochise County, Arizona there is a canyon named after this


scheelite crystals:  1  2  3  4  56*
scheelite, massive:  1  2  3  4  5  6
gray scheelite crystals:  1  2

Photos are copyright free for non-commercial educational uses.
Just credit photos to R.Weller/Cochise College.
copyright 2018-R.Weller
