Roger Weller, geology instructor
[email protected]
copyright 2006-R.Weller
Information on:
Chemical Group:
silicate (feldspathoid)
Chemical Formula:
Color: azure blue, but also white or pink
Streak: white
Hardness: 6
Specific Gravity: 2.3
Cleavage: (110) poor Luster: vitreous
Crystal Forms: Isometric system
forms small dodecahedron crystals, but usually massive
Mineral Associations: Can be formed by the alteration of nepheline by halite (NaCl)
Sodalite is also considered to be a feldspathoid.
Identifying Characteristics:
Uses: jewelry and carvings
Occurrences: found in nepheline syenite type rocks; Bancroft, Ontario,
Best location is Princess Sodalite Mine, 2 miles east
of Bancroft
Additional Information: sodalite is on Ontario's emblem