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Foraminifera are microscopic marine amoeboid protists with calcareous tests. Genera Calcarina, Sorites, and Baculogypsina from left to right. Width of view 10 mm.
Columnar basalt of Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.
Flowing basaltic lava flow. Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.
Global collage of sand samples. There is one square centimeter of sand on every sample photo. Sand samples row by row from left to right: 1. Glass sand from Kauai, Hawaii 2. Dune sand from the Gobi Desert 3. Quartz sand with green glauconite from Estonia 4. Volcanic sand with reddish weathered basalt from Maui, Hawaii 5. Biogenic coral sand from Molokai, Hawaii 6. Coral pink sand dunes from Utah 7. Volcanic glass sand from California 8. Garnet sand from Emerald Creek, Idaho 9. Olivine sand from Papakolea, Hawaii.
Sample of slag from Cyprus. This is waste material of copper smelting carried out in Cyprus for centuries. Width of sample 30 cm.
Iron ore consisting of hematite and goethite from Norway. Width of sample 13 cm.
Eclogite. Width of view 18 cm.
Chalcopyrite and magnetite. Width of view 30 mm.
Dolomite. Trollholmsund, Norway.
Psilomelane. Width of view 12 cm.
Phlogopite. Width of sample 14 cm.
Garnet in peridotite. Width of sample 18 cm.
Biotite. Width of sample 11 cm.
Pyroxenite. Width of sample 8 cm.
Anorthosite. Width of sample 13 cm.
Ilmenite (titanium ore) in anorthosite. Width of sample 13 cm.
Phyllite. Width of sample 14 cm.
Corona granulite. Width of sample 13 cm.
Eclogite. Width of sample 9 cm.
Chlorite in dunite. Width of sample 11 cm.
Peridotite. Width of sample 16 cm.
Epidote and quartz. Width of sample 9 cm.
Actinolite, diopside and calcite in skarn. Width of sample 10 cm.
Charnockite. Width of sample 9 cm.
Peridotite. Width of sample 10 cm.
Biotite. Width of sample 13 cm.
Staurolite schist. Width of sample 19 cm.
Kyanite with quartz. Width of sample 11 cm.
Amphibolite with quartz vein. Width of sample 11 cm.
Talc schist (soapstone). Width of sample 14 cm.
Carbonatite. Width of sample 18 cm.
Glimmerite. Phlogopite with calcite. Width of sample 9 cm.
Carbonatite. Calcite, apatite, phlogopite. Width of sample 19 cm.
Iron ore. Width of sample 9 cm.
Phyllite. Width of sample 13 cm.
Graphite. Width of sample 10 cm.
Amphibolite. Width of sample 9 cm.
Garnet biotite pegmatite. Width of sample 13 cm.
Amphibolite with tonalite pegmatite. Width of sample 10 cm.
Dolomite marble. Width of sample 20 cm.
Marble. Width of sample 19 cm.
Garnet mica schist. Width of sample 14 cm.
Chalcopyrite and magnetite. Width of sample 6 cm.
Magnesite and serpentine. Width of sample 24 cm.
Oil shale (variery Kukersite) from Estonia is very rich in fossils (bryozoans, trilobites, brachiopods). The rock is of Ordovician age.
Turbidity sequence is typically composed of many alternating layers of siltstone (very fine sandstone) and mud. Silt settles faster than clay minerals do and therefore every current is composed of two distinct layers (there may be even more). These samples are from a turbidity current from Spain. Width of samples is about 20 cm.
Oil shale from Russia (Jurassic Period). Width of sample is 10 cm.
Chalcopyrite is the most important ore of copper. Width of sample 10 cm.
Black color is given to basalt by pyroxene group mineral augite. Width of sample is 12 cm.
Chrysotile is the most widely used asbestos mineral. The sample is from the Sayan Mountains, Siberia. Width of sample is 8 cm.
Bauxite is the principal ore of aluminum. Width of sample is 8 cm.
Talc is very soft and has a greasy feel. Width of sample is 7 cm.
Anthracite is a shiny black metamorphosed coal. Width of sample is 8 cm.
Conchoidal fracture is very typical to obsidian. Width of the sample is 11 cm.
Schistose metamorphic rock with beautiful crystals of garnet, staurolite and kyanite. Light-colored micaceous mineral is muscovite. Width of sample is 7 cm.
Hematite gives reddish color to a variety of chalcedony that is known as carnelian. Width of sample is 11 cm.
Crystals of beryl are found in pegmatites. Width of the sample is 5 cm.
Xenolith of dunite (olivine-rich rock from the mantle) in basalt. Width of sample from Hawaii is 8 cm.
Dreikanter is a rock polished by wind-blown sand that has three faces. Width of the rock is 7 cm.