Ryook Phyoo
A Fortean Bibliography
After examining numerous listings of used books for sale and finding many erroneous references to Fort's works, I am providing the following list of various editions of the books and stories by Charles Hoy Fort to help identify what has been published.
Mr. X
Many Parts
X, ed. "Many Parts." Fortean Studies, (London), 1994 (v. 1): 8-49.
Many Parts: Remnants of an Autobiography by Charles Hoy Fort.1998-99. Edited, annotated,
and introduction by X.
The Outcast Manufacturers
New York: B.W. Dodge & Co., (March 31) 1909. Hardback.
Pearson's Magazine, New York, (American edition).
Washington, D.C.: Printed Heritage Preservation Society, 1988. Foreword by Leonard Leshuk. Reprint of 1909 edition with revised texts from Pearson's Magazine. Softbound.
The Outcast Manufacturers: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book. 2000. Edited and
introduction by X.
The Book of the Damned
New York: Horace Liveright, (December 1) 1919. Hardback.
Le Livre des Damnés. Paris: Editions des Deux Rives, 1955. First French translation.
Le Livre des Damnés. Paris: Editions "Le Terrain Vague," 1967. Edited by Eric Losfeld; translated and introduced by Robert Benayoun; forward by Tiffany Thayer. Second French edition. Paperback.
New York: Ace Books, 1967-73. Preface by Donald A. Wollheim. Paperback.
El Libro de los Condenados. Barcelona: Rumeu, 1970. Translated by "Domingo Santos," (Pere Domingo Mutiñó). Spanish translation. Paperback.
Il Libro dei Dannati. Milan: Armenia, 1973. Translated by Antonio Bellomi; preface by Gianni V. Settimo. First Italian translation. Paperback.
London: Abacus Books, 1973-74. Paperback.
El Libro de los Condenados. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Dronte, (November 4),1974. Translated and introduction by "Domingo Santos," (Pere Domingo Mutiñó). [Reprint of the Rumeu edition of 1970?] Spanish translation. Paperback.
New York: Garland Publishing, 1975. Reprint of Ace edition. Hardback.
El Libro de los Condenados. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Dronte, (August) 1977. Translated and introduction by "Domingo Santos," (Pere Domingo Mutiñó). Reprint of their 1974 edition. Spanish translation. Paperback.
London: Sphere Books, 1979. Paperback.
Le Livre des Damnés. Geneva: Famot, 1983. Reprint of the Edition des Deux Rives, 1955, edition, with illustrations. Printed in Barcelona. French translation. Hardcover.
Il Libro dei Dannati. Milan: Armenia, 1985. Translated by Antonio Bellomi; preface by Gianni V. Settimo. Second edition of the Italian translation, (apparently only a reprint of the first edition). Paperback.
Le Livre des Damnés. Paris: Editions NéO, (May 17) 1989; (ISBN: 2730405275). Translated by Robert Benayoun; forward by Tiffany Thayer; introduction by Jacques Bergier. French translation. Paperback.
El Libro de los Condenados. Buenos Aires: CS Ediciones, 1992. [Possible reprint of the Rumeu edition of 1970 or Ediciones Dronte of 1974?] Spanish language.
London: John Brown Publishing, 1995; (ISBN: 1870870530). First revised edition. Edited by X; introduction by Robert J.M. Rickard; index by Steve Moore. Paperback.
Das Buch der Verdammten. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins, 1995. Translated by Jürgen
Langowski; introduction by John Michell. First German edition. Hardback.
Le Livre des Damnés. Courbevoie, France: Durante Editeur, (January 1), 1996; (ISBN : 2912400171). [Reprint of the Editions NéO edition of 1989?] French translation. Paperback.
Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1999; (ISBN: 1573926833). Text copied from the Holt edition with an introduction by Fort extracted from the Holt edition's introduction. Catalog information indicates an index, but this edition has no index. Paperback.
The Book of the Damned: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book. 1999. Edited, annotated,
and introduction by X.
Il Libro dei Dannati. Milan: Armenia, 2001. Translated by Antonio Bellomi;
preface by Gianni V. Settimo. Third edition of Italian translation, (apparently only a reprint of the first edition). Paperback.
O Livro dos Danados. Sao Paulo: Hemus S.A., [n.d.]. Portuguese translation.
O Livro dos Danados. Porto, Portugal: Via Optima, September, 2000; (ISBN: 9729360138). Portuguese translation by Luis Torres Fontes; preface by Donald A. Wollheim; introduction by Tiffany Thayer; index adapted from Henry Schlanger. Paperback.
PocketPCpress, January 2001; (ISBN: B000059SB2). Microsoft Reader e-book. The text for this edition was plagiarized from this web-site. Instead of buying this book, the same text is available free, in several formats, from Blackmask Online.
Blackmask, 2001. An e-book, in several formats, was made available from plagiarized texts from this web-site, and the publisher has withdrawn these editions.
Dover, 2002; (ISBN 0486421333). Dover has apparently copied the text from its hardcover edition of The Complete Books of Charles Fort into a paperback edition.
Blackmask, 2003. An e-book, in several formats, based upon the texts from this web-site is available free from Blackmask Online. Edited by J.B. Hare.
New Lands
New York: Boni and Liveright, (October 8) 1923. Introduction by Booth Tarkington. Hardback.
New York: Ace Books, (July) 1968 - 1973. Paperback.
Länder bortom verkligheten. Täby, Sweden: Larson, 1971. First Swedish translation by Roland Adlerberth.
London: Sphere Books, 1974. Paperback.
New York: Garland Publishing, 1975; (ASIN: 0824014138). Reprint of Ace edition. Hardback.
London: John Brown Publishing, 1996; (ISBN: 187087062X). First revised edition. Edited by X; introduction by Jerome Clark; index by Steve Moore. Paperback.
Neuland. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins, 1996. Translated by Jürgen Langowski; foreword by Ulrich Magin. First German edition. Hardback.
New Lands: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book. 1998-2004. Edited, annotated, and
introduction by X.
New York: Claude Kendall, (February 9) 1931. Introduction by Tiffany Thayer; illustrated by
Alexander King. Hardback.
London: Victor Gollancz, 1931. British edition. Hardback.
Astounding Stories, (New York). "Part One," April 1934, 146-55; "Part Two," May 1934, 119-127; "Part Three," June 1934, 133-42; "Part Four," July 1934, 134-49; "Part Five," August 1934,
141-52; "Part Six," September 1934 (v. 14 no. 1), 137-49;. "Part 7," October 1934, 143-50;
"Part 8," November 1934, 143-50.
New York: Ace Books, (1964-72?). Paperback.
New York: Garland Publishing, 1975. Reprint of Ace edition. Hardback.
Lo! Le Nouveau Livre des Damnés. Paris: Editions Pierre Belfond, (January 20) 1981; (ISBN: 2714413536). Translated by Jean-Pierre Laügt; introduction by Jean-Pierre Deloux. First French translation. Paperback.
London: John Brown Publishing, 1996; (ISBN: 1870870891). First revised edition. Edited by X; introduction by John Michell; index by Steve Moore. Paperback.
Da! Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins, 1997. Translated by Jürgen Langowski; foreword by Ulrich Magin. First German edition. Hardback.
Lo! Le Nouveau Livre des Damnés. Courbevoie, France: Durante Editeur, (January 1), 1998; (ISBN: 2912400023). Reprint of the Editions Pierre Belfond edition of 1981. French language. Paperback.
Lo!: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book. 1998-1999. Edited, annotated, and introduction by
Wild Talents
New York: Claude H. Kendall, (June 6) 1932. Hardback.
New York: Ace Books, (196?-72). Paperback.
New York: Garland Publishing, 1975; (ASIN: 0824014146). Reprint of Ace edition. Hardback.
London: John Brown Publishing, 1998; (ISBN: 1870870298). First revised edition. Edited by X; introduction by Michel Meurger; index by Steve Moore. Paperback.
Wilde Talente. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins, 1998; (ISBN: 5861502186). Translated by Jürgen Langowski; foreword by Ulrich Magin. First German edition. Hardback.
Wild Talents: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book. 1998-1999. Edited, annotated, and
introduction by X.
Collected Works
The Books of Charles Fort. New York: Henry Holt & Co., (May 5) 1941-1959. Comprised of The Book of the Damned, New Lands, Lo! and Wild Talents. Edited with an introduction by Tiffany Thayer; index by Henry Schlanger. Hardback.
The Complete Books of Charles Fort. New York: Dover, 1974-(2003); (ISBN: 0486230945). Introduction by Damon
Knight. Reprint of Holt edition with a new introduction. Hardback.
Short Stories
"Jed's Big Scheme," Argosy, May 1905.
"Ignatius Cassidy in a Greenhouse," New York Evening Post, May 6, 1905.
"A Cattleship Mystery Solved," New York Evening Post, May 27, 1905.
"With the Assistance of Fryhuysen," Popular Magazine, June 1905.
"When the Museum Took Boarders," New York Herald, July 16, 1905.
"The Marooned Campers," Popular Magazine, August 1905.
"Twenty Campers," Popular Magazine, September 1905.
"How Uncle Sam Lost Sixty-four Dollars," Black Cat, September 1905.
"Mystery in the Museum," New York Herald, November 12, 1905.
"I Meddled," Popular Magazine, December 1905.
"How Sentiment Was Discouraged in Sim," Tom Watson's, January 1906.
"Not Like Mother's," Smith's, February 1906.
"Glencliff's Mysterious Burglar," Smith's, March 1906.
"A Radical Corpuscle," Tom Watson's, March 1906.
"Those That Are Joined Together," Tom Watson's, April 1906.
"A Floral Hold-Up," Argosy, May 1906.
"Fryhuysen's Colony," Smith's, May 1906.
"Ructions," Tom Watson's, May 1906.
"Mrs. Bonticue and Another Landlord," Tom Watson's, June 1906.
"The Discomfiture of Uncle McFuddy," Broadway, June 1906.
"In a Newspaper Office," Smith's, July 1906.
"The Rival Janitors," Broadway, August 1906.
"The Fat Lady Who Climbed Fences," Tom Watson's, August 1906.
"And Now the Old Scow May Slant As It Pleases," Smith's, October 1906.
"A Great Human Principle," Tom Watson's, October 1906.
"Christmas Waifs," Smith's, January 1907.
"Mickey and the `Collegemen,'" Smith's, February 1907.
"Had To Go Somewhere," 1910, February 1910.
Moskowitz, Sam. "Charles Fort: A Radical Corpuscle." Newark, New Jersey: Sam Moskowitz,
(August) 1976. Paperback.
"The Giant, The Insect, and the Philanthropic-looking Old Gentleman." INFO Journal, (January
Charles Hoy Fort's Short Stories. Wolfe Island, Ontario: X, (January) 1995. Edited by X; includes: "The
Short Stories of Charles Fort," by Sam Moskowitz. Paperback.
Charles Hoy Fort's Short Stories. 1998-1999. Edited and introduction by X. Hypertext edition.
The Short Stories of Charles Hoy Fort.. (January 17) 2000. Edited and introduction by X.
Rocket eBook edition.
Biographies and Compilations
Bennett, Colin. Politics of the Imagination: The Life, Work and Ideas of Charles Fort. Manchester: Headpress, 2002; (ISBN: 1900486202). Foreword by John Keel.
Knight, Damon. Charles Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday & Co., 1970. Introduction by R. Buckminster Fuller. [Also published in Britain by Gollancz.] Hardback.
Kaplan, Louis. Witzenschaftliche Weltbetrachtungen: Das verdammte Universum des Charles Fort. Berlin: Gatza Verlag, 1991; (ISBN: 3928262041). German language.
Kaplan, Louis. The Damned Universe of Charles Fort. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 1993; (ISBN: 0936756527). English translation of Witzenschaftlich Weltbetrachtungen. Paperback.
Ulrich Magin. Der Ritt auf dem Kometen über Charles Fort. Frankfurt am Main:
Zweitausendeins, 1997; (ISBN: 3861501929). German language. Hardback.
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