Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz, by Isya Joseph, [1919], at
Fasting is one of the religious observances. It is kept for three successive days in the month of December, when they profess to commemorate the death of Yezid. Some observe also the forty days' fast in the spring of the year, when the Eastern Christians celebrate the memory of Christ's abstinence from food at the time of his temptation in the wilderness. One person in a family may fast for the rest. During this period fasters abstain from animal food. The chief
šeiḫ fasts rigidly one month in the year, eating only once in twenty-four hours and immediately after sunset.
Prayer is not considered a religious duty. They never pray; they do not even have a form of prayer, and acknowledge that they do not pray. It is said that when Šeiḫ ‘Adî came from Mecca, he told his followers in one of his sermons: "God commanded me to tell you that there is no need of prayer; believe in the power of Melek Ṭâ’ûs and ye shall be saved." They have, however, what is called morning recital, which the devout among them mutters in Kurdish as he rises up from his bed. It is as follows:
"Chand-il-manhatie sobayaka rošh halatie. Hatna mesarmen dou jaladie, meskino raba. Beda šade šada dina mize eik Allah melek šeih-sin Habib Allah maḳlub al-mergie ṣalaḥ maḳlub w-mergie al-jem's, ṣalaḥ Al-bani ma-ieh al-jem’sieh wal jot ḳuobaieh Kwa-šamsi Tauris wal-Fahra-Dinn, washeikho Pir. Kawata deira sor, hanpouteka deira chankulie wa-Kabri Zaman wa-ahro douni, Amin." 4
"How often two executioners came upon me as the morning sun arose. O poor man, stand up and bear witness! Witness for my religion. God is one; the angel Šeiḫ ‘Adî and upon his congregation; upon the great shack and the shack of šeiḫ Tauris and Faḫr ad-Din and to every šeiḫ and pir, and the power of Deir Zor and Deir Chankalie (two Christian monasteries), and the grave of time (mysterious power), and the Last Day."
181:4 Ibid, p. 313.