Alchemy Academy archive February 2003 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY : Looking for some alchemy books From: Mike Dickman Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 'Wasserstein der Weisen' is available in a bilingual facsimile edition from Gutenberg Reprints... Takea look at: http://www.contrepoints.com/gutenberg/accueil.html Hope this helps, Mike Dickman Subject: ACADEMY : Looking for some alchemy books Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 From : Johann Plattner Dear Joern, > -- Max Retschalg, "Von der Urmaterie zum Urkraft-Elixier" (1926) preferably > in German, but any language welcome. it is fully contained in "Moderne Alchemisten, Alchemie im 20. Jahrhundert - Sammlung alchemistischer Texte", published by AAGW - ARCHIV FUER ALTES GEDANKENGUT UND WISSEN, H. Frietsch-Verlag, Sinzheim (streng limitierte und nummerierte Auflage, 500 St�ck). Kindly, Johann Plattner Subject: ACADEMY: Speculum metallorum X-Attachments: G:\speculum_metallorum1.jpg; From: Adam McLean Date: 11 Feb 2003 Has anyone seen or know of the manuscript by Martin Sturtz 'Speculum metallorum' of 1575, which I believe is in the Austrain National Library in Vienna ? It has some very fine illustrations some of which link the formation of the metals in the earth to various spiritual themes. Any information on this item would be very much appreciated. I attach one of the illustrations. Adam McLean ![]() Subject: ACADEMY: Speculum metallorum From: Guy Ogilvy Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 Many, possibly all, of the illustrations in the Speculum Metallorum were, I believe, taken from the unpublished manuscript of the Mining Book of Schwaz or Schwazer Bergbuch (c. 1556), which contains 120 colour miniatures. A recent facsimile edition was published by Adeva, Vienna with a commentary by Erich Egg, which discusses the Speculum Metallorum. Check out this web page for further information: http://www.finns-books.com/schwaz.htm Guy Ogilvy Subject: ACADEMY : A few more questions about Maier's Atalanta From: Gleb Butuzov Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 Dear colleagues, I would be much grateful to anybody, who could help me to clarify the following questions: 1.. Who is Battus, mentioned in Discourse XXII? 2.. Who is Pontanus, mentioned together with latin poet Ausonius in Discourse XXXIII? 3.. Who is Buchannan and his "Book of Sphere" from Discourse XLV? 4.. What is known about "Divining Fountain named Cassietis" from the Discourse XLVI? Thank you in advance and best regards. Gleb Butuzov. Subject: ACADEMY : A few more questions about Maier's Atalanta Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 From: Rafal T. Prinke Dear Gleb, Here are some answers: > 1.. Who is Battus, mentioned in Discourse XXII? A shepherd who saw how Hermes stole Apollo's cattle and told others about it, for which he was turned into stone. Ovid's Metamorphoses: http://www.globusz.com/ebooks/Ovid/00000029.htm There was another Battus, founder of Cyrene, but this is not this one, apparently. > 2.. Who is Pontanus, mentioned together with latin poet Ausonius in > Discourse XXXIII? Ioannes Iovianus Pontanus (1426-1503) vir doctus, poeta, politicus, natus anno 1426 in Umbria, obit anno 1503 Neapoli De amore coniugali, published 1505. > 3.. Who is Buchannan and his "Book of Sphere" from Discourse XLV? George Buchanan (1506/7-1582), great Scottish Latin poet and historian. The work in question is "De Sphaera", inspired by the famous work of Joannes de Sacrobosco of the same title, and defending the Ptolemaic wordl-view against that of Copernicus. Georgii Buchanani Scoti Franciscanus et Fratres. Elegiarum liber 1, Silvarum liber 1, Hendecasyllabon liber 1, Epigrammaton libri III, De Sphaera fragmentum. G[eneva], 1584. His portrait is here: http://www.clanstirling.org/Main/lib/photos/GeorgeBuchanan-1840sPrint.html > 4.. What is known about "Divining Fountain named Cassietis" from the > Discourse XLVI? It should be Fons Castalius or Castalian Fountain - near Delphi. Pylgrims seeking advice from Pythia first went there for purification. Best regards, Rafal Subject: ACADEMY : Gohory's La Fontaine Perilleuse Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 From : Pat Aakhus Could anyone please direct me to the text of the medieval French poem "La Fontaine Perilleuse?" Apparently Jacques Gohory made commentaries on the poem, which he considered an alchemical allegory. I'm working on alchemical motives in Chretien de Troyes work, in which a perilous fountain is a central image. Many thanks Pat Aakhus Subject: ACADEMY : Question on Postel Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 From: Rafal T. Prinke Is anyone acquainted with the Guillaume Postel corpus of studies by Francois Secret and her disciples? I would be grateful for suggesting the places where I could find more detailed analysis of Postel's use of the pseudonym/nickname "Cosmopolite". I know the 1981 monograph by Marion Kuntz but she only mentions it in passing. The recent volume of papers presented to Francois Secret (Documents oubli�s sur l'alchimie..., Droz 2001) contains: Jean-Fran�ois Maillard, "Postel le cosmopolite : quelques documents nouveaux" but I am not sure it is what I am looking for. Best regards, Rafal Subject: ACADEMY : Sophia figure in alchemy Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 From: David Borgmeyer Mr. McLean and Colleagues, I am currently writing a dissertation that explores the function of the personified, feminine figure of Sophia (Sapientia, Divine Wisdom) in pre-revolutionary Russian art, literature, and culture. Frankly, I am not a specialist in alchemy or related esoteric fields. I am working on background material to trace trajectories of the transmission of ideas about Sophia from Western Europe, and possible connections with alchemy intrigue me. I know that Wisdom was an important (or at least relevant) concept, but I am having a difficult time locating scholarship that deals specifically 1) with the figure of Sophia (which surprises me, given my impression of the penchant of alchemy for metaphorical and allegorical discursive techniques), 2) with representations of femininity more generally in alchemy, and 3) with alchemy in Russia. Could anyone offer some bibliographic suggestions, preferably of works in English, Russian, or French? Gratefully Yours, David Borgmeyer Subject: ACADEMY : Sophia figure in alchemy Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 From: Peter Grund Dear David, >3) with alchemy in Russia. Perhaps the following book might be of interest to you: Ryan, W. F. 1999. "The Bathhouse at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia." Stroud: Sutton Publishing. All the best, Peter Grund |