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Adam McLean
Ongoing work
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
PON Newsletter Article, Interview with Adam McLean
The Golden Tract
The Golden Tract
The Hermetic Journal
Alchemical Magazines
Alchemical Magazines which have ceased publication
Articles in Chymia
Caduceus: The Hermetic Quarterly
Journal of the Alchemical Society
Current alchemical magazines
Articles in Ambix on Alchemy
Cauda Pavonis
Contents of Cauda Pavonis
Journal of Occult History
General list of articles on alchemy
Lists of articles on alchemy in scholarly journals
Articles in Isis
Articles in Janus
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
Hermetic Journal 1978
Hermetic Journal 1979
Hermetic Journal 1980
Hermetic Journal 1981
Hermetic Journal 1982
Hermetic Journal 1983
Hermetic Journal 1984
Hermetic Journal 1985
Hermetic Journal 1986
Hermetic Journal 1987
Hermetic Journal 1988
Hermetic Journal 1989
Hermetic Journal 1990
Hermetic Journal 1991
Hermetic Journal 1992
Adam McLean's Alchemy Weblog
Adam McLean's Alchemy Weblog
The Allegory of Merlin
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of Astrological, Astronomical and Cosmological images
Alchemy Academy archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
An hundred aphorisms containing the whole body of magic
An hundred aphorisms containing the whole body of magic
Bloomefields Blossoms
Chanons Yeoman Tale
English alchemy books A - B
A Preliminary Treatise
D.A. Freher - Confession
D.A. Freher - Elucidations 1
D.A. Freher - Of the Creation of this 3rd Principle
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter I
John Pordage - Theologia Mystica
Lully experiments
Portraits of Paracelsus
Splendor Solis images
Splendor Solis image 1
Splendor Solis image 10
Splendor Solis image 11
Splendor Solis image 12
Splendor Solis image 13
Splendor Solis image 14
Splendor Solis image 15
Splendor Solis image 16
Splendor Solis image 17
Splendor Solis image 18
Splendor Solis image 19
Splendor Solis image 2
Splendor Solis image 20
Splendor Solis image 21
Splendor Solis image 22
Splendor Solis image 3
Splendor Solis image 4
Splendor Solis image 5
Splendor Solis image 6
Splendor Solis image 7
Splendor Solis image 8
Splendor Solis image 9
The Compound of Alchymie by Sir George Ripley
The Ordinall of Alchimy - Thomas Norton
Voynich manuscript
Voynich manuscript
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript baths
Voynich manuscript herbal section
Voynich manuscript herbal section
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of Astrological, Astronomical and Cosmological images
Adam McLean's Gallery of Astrological, Astronomical and Cosmological images
Adam McLean's Gallery of Astrological, Astronomical and Cosmological images
Adam McLean's Gallery of Astrological, Astronomical and Cosmological images
Adam McLean's Gallery of Astrological, Astronomical and Cosmological images
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 1-20
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 101-120
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 121-140
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 141-160
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 161-180
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 181-200
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 201-220
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 21-40
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 221-240
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 241-260
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 41-60
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 61-80
Alchemical and hermetic emblems 81-100
Alchemical emblems project
Alchemical emblems project
Alchemical emblems project
Alchemical emblems project
Alchemical emblems project
Alchemy research library
Alchemical articles archive
The Alchemy Research Library
Alchemy research library
Alchemy research library
Alchemical material in Czech
Alchemical material in Czech
Alchemical material in French
Alchemical texts of Claude Alexandre Seguier (1656-1725)
Alchemy in France today - Joel Tetard
Bernard Trevisane, La Parole Delaissee
Circulation mineure Urbigerienne
Crasselame French text.
Cyliani - Hermes devoile
Cyrano de Bergerac - Histoire comique des etats et empires du soleil
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Biblioth�que de l'Arsenal
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Bibliotheque Nationale
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Other French Libraries
De la pierre phelosophale
Epitre du feu philosophique
Explication très curieuse des enigmes et figures hierogliphiques -
Eyrenee Philalethe - L'Entree ouverte au Palais ferme du Roi
Jean de Labrune
La Fontaine des Amoureux de Science
Le Chemin du Ciel chymique, par Jacques Tol, nouvellement traduit en fran�ais.
L'Elucidation ou l'Eclaircissement du Testament de Raymund Lulle
L'etoile flamboyante
L'ouvre Alchimique et la Sainte Messe
Philalethe - Experiences sur la preparation du Mercure des Sages
Regles du Philal�the pour se conduire dans l'�uvre herm�tique
Traite du ciel terrestre
Tripied : du Vitriol Philosophique
Alchemical material in Italian
Chart of Alchemy printed books in Italian
Due lettere sul commercio cabalistico col mondo elementare
Elissa group conference
Conferences on alchemy or related subjects
Alchemy, Magic, Mysticism and Nature in Novalis' Writings
Elissa Congress in Montemonaco and Ascoli Piceno (Italy)
Eug�ne Canseliet - Colloque
Interdisciplinary John Dee Colloquium
John Harle opera Angel Magick
Magical Journeys in Bohemia, 1998
The Iconography of the Fantastic
Girolamo Ruscelli - Proemio ai Secreti nuovi di maravigliosa virtu
Giuseppe Francesco Borri, tra fornelli e Salamandre
I sette capitoli di Eremete
Il 'Fiore de Fiori' di Giovanni di Vasconia
Il Sogno Verde di Bernardo Trevisano
Il vaso alchemico come simbolo dell'anima
L�Elucidazione, o chiarimento del testamento di Raimondo Lullo
Quattro lettere sull�estrazione dei metalli dalle miniere, sul mercurio e la fabbricazione della pietra
Susanna �kermann: Cristina Di Svezia (1626-1689), la Porta Magica ed I Poeti italiani dell�aurea Rosa Croce
Trascriviamo di seguito, le pagine conclusive della � Concordanza de filosofi�, posta in appendice all�edizione del 1599 del �DELLA TRAMUTATIONE METALLICA SOGNI TRE, DI GIO
Alchemical material in Portuguese
Alchemical material in Portuguese
Uma Missa Alqu�mica
Uma Missa Alqu�mica
Alchemical material in Russian
��������� �������
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John Dee - Monas Hieroglyphica in Russian
Steffan Michelschpacher
The Key of Jacob Boehme in Russian
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Alchemical material in Spanish
Carta de Aristeo a su hijo sobre el magisterio hermetico
Ediciones Indigo
Publishers and Bookdealers
Banton Press
Breaking Through - Andre Vandenbroeck
Chthonios Books
J. D. Holmes
Kessinger Publishing
La Table d'Emeraude
Librairie Freecyb
L'Intersigne Bookshop
Middle Earth Bookshop
Phanes Press
Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks
R. A. M. S.
Hans Nintzel memorial page
Recent publications
The Philosophers of Nature
Mujeres y alquimia, y en particular sobre Maria la Judia
Principios de Filaleteo
Reflexiones en torno a un bajorrelieve
Alchemical myths
Alchemical texts
A Chymicall treatise of Arnoldus de Nova Villa
A Short Enquiry concerning the Hermetic Art
A Work of Saturn ~ Johann Isaac Hollandus
Aesch-Mezareph - Main page
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter I
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter II
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter III
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter IV
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter V
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter V
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter V
Aesch-Mezareph Chapter V
Alchemical allegories
Allegory from Ruland
Allegory of John of the Fountain
An adept's allegory to a certain scholar
Campanella's City of the Sun
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
Golden Age Restored
Lumen de lumine
Muller's allegory
The Duenech allegory
The Fountain allegory of Bernard of Treviso
The Globe allegory
The Mystic Tower
The Parabola of Madathanus
Thomas Vaughan's allegory of the Mountain
Alchemical Catechism
Alchemical Manuscripts in Italian Libraries
Database of Alchemical Manuscripts
Alchemical poem by Thomas Rawlin
Alchemical process of Bacstrom
Alchemical texts
Alchemical texts
Alchemy in the English State Papers
Alchymical Cabalistical Vision
An Anonymous Treatise on the Philosophers' Stone
An Alchemical Mass
Aphorisms of Urbigerus
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Preface
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Section I.
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Section II.
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Section III.
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Section IV.
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Section V.
Apollogia Alchymiae - R.W. Councell - Section VI.
Atalanta fugiens
Atalanta fugiens emblems 1 - 5
Atalanta fugiens emblems 11 - 15
Atalanta fugiens emblems 16 - 20
Atalanta fugiens emblems 21 - 25
Atalanta fugiens emblems 26 - 30
Atalanta fugiens emblems 31 - 35
Atalanta fugiens emblems 36 - 40
Atalanta fugiens emblems 41 - 45
Atalanta fugiens emblems 46 - 50
Atalanta fugiens emblems 6 - 10
Aula lucis - Thomas Vaughan
Beroalde de Verville Steganographic preface
Bloomfield's Blossoms
Book of Lambspring
Certain verses of an unknown writer, from Benedict Figulus.
Circulatum Minus of Urbigerus
Coelum philosophorum - Paracelsus
Colours to be observed in the Great Work
Concerning the Material of the Stone
Corpus Hermeticum - John Everard
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 10.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 11.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 12.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 13.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 14.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 15.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 16.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 17.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 3.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 4
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 5.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 6.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 7.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 8.
Corpus Hermeticum - Book 9.
Corpus Hermeticum - Poemander.
Corpus Hermeticum - The First Book
Crasselame - The Light coming out of the Darkness
Crasselame Bibliography
Eckartshausen's Prayers
English alchemical verse
English alchemical verse
Everburning Lights of Trithemius
Extract from
Alchymie et le Songe Verde
Francis Bacon - Experiments touching Sulphur and Mercury
Francis Bacon - The Making of Gold
Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work
Geber's Discovery of Secrets
Glauber A Short Book of Dialogues
Golden Chain of Homer
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon Appendix
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon I
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon II
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon III
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon IV
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon IX
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon V
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon VI
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon VII
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon VIII
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon X
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon XI
Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon XII
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 4
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 4
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 5
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 6
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 7
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 8
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter 9
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter I
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter I
Joannes Agricola - Treatise on Gold - Chapter I
John French - The Art of Distillation
John French - The Art of Distillation Book I
John French - The Art of Distillation Book I
John French - The Art of Distillation Book II
John French - The Art of Distillation Book III
John French - The Art of Distillation Book IV
John French - The Art of Distillation Book V
John French - The Art of Distillation Book VI
John French's preface to his Art of Distillation
Letter to the True Disciples of Hermes
Literary works influenced by alchemy
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Andrew Dallmeyer - 'Gold' An alchemical adventure.
Ben Jonson - Mercury Vindicated
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist Act I
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist Act II
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist Act III
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist Act IV
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist Act V
Chaucer - The Canon Yeoman's Tale
Goethe's Faust
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Poems of John Donne with alchemical references
Reginald Scot on alchemy
William Blake - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Marsilio Ficino on the alchemical art
Mary the Prophetess
Names of the Philosophers' Stone
On the Philadelphian Gold
On the Philosophers' Stone
Oswald Croll. Preface of Signatures.
Paracelsus - The Aurora of the philosophers
Paracelsus - The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers
Paracelsus - The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists
Petrus Bonus - A form and method of perfecting base metals
Phantom alchemical plants of Quersitanus
Place in Space
Pontanus - The Secret Fire
Pontanus - Epistle on the mineral fire
Robert Fludd - Mosaical Philosophy
Robert Fludd - Mosaical Philosophy
Robert Fludd - Mosaical Philosophy
Robert Fludd - Mosaical Philosophy
Roger Bacon - Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony
Ara Foederis Theraphici
Chymical Wedding - First Day
Chymical Wedding - Second Day
Chymical Wedding - Third Day
Chymical Wedding - Fourth Day
Chymical Wedding - Fifth Day
Chymical Wedding - Sixth Day
Chymical Wedding - Seventh Day
Confessio Fraternitatis
Consideratio Brevis
Fama fraternitatis
Golden and Rosy Cross
Maier - Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross
Rosie Crucian Prayer to God
Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians
Vaughan's Preface to the Rosicrucian Manifestos
Ruland - On the Prima Materia
Simon Forman - Of the Division of Chaos
Summary of the Rosary of Arnold de Villa Nova
Table of alchemical equipment and operations by Athanasius Kircher
The Adventures of an Unknown Philosopher
Alchemical transcriptions project
Aurum potabile
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - Dedication
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - Fermentation
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - Mixed Stone
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - The Animal Stone
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - The Mineral Stone
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - The Preamble
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - Transparent Stone
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - Transparent Stone
Samuel Norton - The Key of Alchemy - Transparent Stone
The Work of Dionisius Zacharias
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature
The Crowning of Nature - Commentary
The Crowning of Nature - Introduction
The Crowning of Nature - Manuscripts
The 'Donum Dei'
The Glory of Light
The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
Yarker's Introduction to the Golden Tractate
The Hermetic Arcanum
The Hermetic Musaeum
A Tract of Great Price
An Open Entrance -Philalethes
Book of Alze
Jean de Meung - The Remonstrance of Nature
Michael Maier - A Subtle Allegory
Philalethes - Three Treatises
Philalethes - Brief Guide to the Celestial Ruby
Philalethes - Fount of Chemical Truth
Philalethes - Metamorphosis of Metals
The Glory of the World - Part 1
The Glory of the World - Part 2
The Glory of the World - Part 3
The Glory of the World - Part 4
The Golden Tract
The Only True Way
The Testament of Cremer
The Waterstone of the Wise
The Waterstone of the Wise - Appendix
The Waterstone of the Wise - Part I
The Waterstone of the Wise - Part II
The Waterstone of the Wise - Part III
The Waterstone of the Wise - Part IV
Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine
The Hermetic Triumph
Hermetic Triumph - A Discourse between Eudoxus and Pyrophilus
Hermetic Triumph - Ancient War of the Knights
Hermetic Triumph - General Explication of the Emblem
Hermetic Triumph - Preface
Hermetic Triumph - The Ancient War of the Knights
Hermetic Triumph - To the Reader
The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa
The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa
The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa
The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa
The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa
The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa - Introduction
The Letter of a philosopher
The Mirror of Alchemy
The Ripley Scroll
The Rosary of the Philosophers
Rosarium philosophorum
Description of Rosarium illustrations
Illustration 1 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 10 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 11 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 12 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 13 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 14 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 15 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 16 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 17 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 18 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 19 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 2 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 20 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 3 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 4 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 5 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 6 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 7 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 8 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 9 from the Rosarium philosophorum
Rosarium Philosophorum (part 1)
Rosarium Philosophorum (part 2)
Rosarium Philosophorum (part 3)
Rosarium Philosophorum (part 4)
Rosarium Philosophorum (part 5)
The Secret Book of Artephius
The Six Keys of Eudoxus
The Stone of the Philosophers by Edward Kelly
The Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy
The three alchemical flasks of Oldfield
The Tomb of Semiramis.
The War of the Knights
The words of Father Aristeus to his son.
The Work of Dickinson
The works of Sir George Ripley
Thomas Vaughan - Coelum Terrae
Triumphal Chariot of Basil Valentine
Turba Philosophorum
Turba Philosophorum
Urbigerus - frontispiece engraving
Various pieces of Nicolas Flamel
Flamel's Summary of Philosophy
Flammel's Hieroglyphics
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter I
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter II
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter III
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter IV
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter V
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter VI
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter VII
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter VIII
Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter VIII
Testament of Flamel
Various Pieces on the Emerald Tablet
A Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Everard's Commentary on Emerald Tablet
Glory of the World
Hortulanus Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
Salmon's Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
Synesius' Epilogue on the Emerald Tablet.
Tabula Smaragdina from the Geheime figuren
Verse on the Threefold Sophic Fire
Various alchemical texts
Valentin Weigel - Astrology Theologised
Valentin Weigel - Astrology Theologised
Works of Sendivogius
Letters 1-10 of Sendivogius
Letters 11-20 of Sendivogius
Letters 21-30 of Sendivogius
Letters 31-40 of Sendivogius
Letters 41-55 of Sendivogius
Sendivogius - The New Chemical Light
Sendivogius -The New Chemical Light
Sendivogius - The New Chemical Light
The Hieroglyphical Seal - Sendivogius
Alchemical texts
A short work of George Ripley
Aenigma Philosophicum
Alchemical Aenigmas by Thomas Charnock
Anonymous Alchemical Poems
Charnock's Breviary of Alchemy
Dialogue Between a Father and his Son
Discription of the Stone
Experience and Philosophy
George Ripley
George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward
George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward unfolded
Hermes Bird
Hunting of the Greene Lyon
John Dastin's Dream
John Gower concerning the Philosopher's Stone
Liber Patris Sapientiae
Pearce the Black Monke on the Elixir
Philalethes exposition of Ripley's Vision
Ripley's Treatise of Mercury and the Philosophers' Stone
Ripley's Treatise of Mercury and the Philosophers' Stone
Ripley's Treatise of Mercury and the Philosophers' Stone
Ripley's Twelve Gates
Ripley's Eighth Gate
Ripley's Eleventh Gate
Ripley's Fifth Gate
Ripley's First Gate
Ripley's Fourth Gate
Ripley's Ninth Gate
Ripley's Recapitulation of the Twelve Gates
Ripley's Second Gate
Ripley's Seventh Gate
Ripley's Sixth Gate
Ripley's Tenth Gate
Ripley's Third Gate
Ripley's Twelfth Gate
Testament of John Dee to John Gwynn
The Bosom Book of Sir George Ripley
The Hermet's Tale
The Magistry
The Mistery of Alchymists
The Worke of Richard Carpenter
Thomas Robinson on the Philosopher's Stone
Verses from the Ripley Scrowle
Alchemical texts
Alchemical texts
Alchemical Transmutation
Alchemy Academy archive
Alchemy Academy archive
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
Alchemy in Art
Alchemy in Art
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Alchemy in Art
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Hans Weiditz
Alchemy in Art
David Scott
David Scott
J. Zoffany
Jan Steen
Jan Steen
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Jan van der Straet
Joseph Wright of Derby
Sir William Fettes Douglas
Egyptian symbols for the metals
Egyptian symbols for the metals
Imagery - paintings
Portraits of Paracelsus
The Alchemy Web site
The Alchemy Web site
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
The mystical heart diagrams of Paul Kaym
Titlepages to Robert Fludd's books
Fludd - Anatomiae amphitheatrum
Fludd - Integrum morborum mysterium
Fludd - Philosophia Moysaica
Fludd - Philosophia sacra... Meteorologia cosmica
Fludd - Pulsus
Fludd - Summum bonum
Fludd - Tractatus theologo-philosophicus
Fludd - Utriusque cosmi historia:
Fludd - Utriusque cosmi historia:
Fludd - Utriusque cosmi historia:
Woodcuts from Nazari
Alchemy in Art
Alchemy and Art e-mail group archive
External And Internal In Ge Hong�s Alchemy
Rafal T. Prinke - The Wroclaw codex of the Magical Calendar
Alchemy in Finland
An hundred aphorisms containing the whole body of magic
Burt Humburg - On the Color Changes in the "Great Work"
Rafal T. Prinke - Lampado trado
Christina of Sweden, the Porta Magica and the Italian poets of the Golden and Rosy Cross
Doctor Robert Fludd
J.B. van Helmont biography
Rafal T. Prinke - Michael Sendivogius and Christian Rosenkreutz
Ron Heisler - Michael Maier and England
Ron Heisler - Robert Fludd: A Picture in Need of Expansion
Rafal T. Prinke - Early Symbolism of the Rosy Cross
Rafal T. Prinke - Hermetic Heraldry
Rafal T. Prinke - Hunting the Blacke Toade
Rafal T. Prinke - Mantegna's Prints in Tarot History
Rafal T. Prinke - The Great Work in the Theatre of the World
Rafal T. Prinke - The Jagged Sword and Polish Rosicrucians
Susanna Akerman: A medieval forerunner to the crest of J. V. Andreae
An Artificial Synthesis Of Gold? You Be The Judge - Mark House
Extracting The Seed Of Gold - Mark House
Golden Moments - Nick Kollerstrom
Identifying some first steps of Alchemical Initiation
Mark House - Newton And Flamel On Star Regulus Of Antimony And Iron
Mark Stavish - Alchemy, It's Not Just for the Middle Ages Anymore
Mark Stavish - Practical Plant Alchemy -- Part One
Mark Stavish - Practical Plant Alchemy -- Part Three
Mark Stavish - Practical Plant Alchemy -- Part Two
Most Excellent Excerpts
Proportions for Martial Regulus mixes - Mark House
Purple Gold - Nick Kollerstrom
Salt Volatilization Experiment
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
The Metal-Planet Affinities
A Commentary on the Rosarium Philosophorum
A source for Robert Fludd's sevenfold rose
A Threefold Alchemical Journey Through the Book of Lambspring
An experiment to grow a tree of silver
An Introduction to the Tamil Siddhas - Layne Little
Animal Symbolism in alchemy
Avaiyar's Vinayagar Agaval
Bacstrom's Rosicrucian society
Bhogar's 7000 translated by Layne Little
Bhogar's 7000 translated by Layne Little
Bhogar's 7000 translated by Layne Little
Bhogar's 7000 translated by Layne Little
Capillary Dynamolysis
Commentary on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Emblematic Meditation
Hermetic Symbolism in a Masonic Engraving
Hermeticism and the Golden Fleece - Joseph Caezza
Kabbalistic Cosmology
Labarinto and the Tarrochi of Mantegna
Mark Stavish - An Interview with Jean Dubuis
Mark Stavish - Portae Lucis Method of Jean Dubuis
Notes on the 'Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine'
Quantum Consciousness
Reflections on the Poetry of Ramalingar - Layne Little
Secret Fire: The Relationship Between Kundalini, Kabbalah, and Alchemy
Some notes on the work of Louis Kervran
Tarocchi of Mantegna
The Alchemical Vessel as Symbol of the Soul
The Bad Teinach Altarpiece
The Birds in Alchemy by Adam McLean
The Inner Geometry of Alchemical Emblems
The Virga Aurea - Seventy-two magical and other related alphabets
Who Were the Alchemists? - Joseph Caezza
Isabella and Richard Ingalese by Tim Scot
Burmese Alchemy
Burmese Alchemy
Chinese alchemy
Science and magic in Ge Hong's "Baopu-zi nei pian
Coloured alchemical emblems
Policy regarding use of my images
Contemporary artists influenced by alchemy
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Alchemical artwork of Paul LeBlanc
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Carousel/Alchemy - Kurt Godwin
Kurt Godwin alchemical paintings
Kurt Godwin alchemical paintings
Heretical Diagrams
Natalia Gerasimenko - Paintings
Rick Grimes - Paintings
Rick Grimes - Portrait of Frater Albertus
Rick Grimes - The Initiation of Truth
Rick Grimes - The Revelation of Masters
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
Series of paintings - Robert Ellaby
E-mail groups on alchemy
Other discussion forums on alchemy and related subjects
Practical alchemy e-mail archives
Practical alchemy archives - Absinthe
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Practical alchemy archives - Antimony Glass
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Archive of the second alchemy forum
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First Alchemy Forum archives
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Aelia Laelia Crispis
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Animal alchemy
Armand Barbault
Arthurian symbolism and alchemy
Astrology and alchemy
Bosch and alchemy
Caduceus and Religion
David Hudson - The white powder gold
Differences between Alchemy and Magic
Female Alchemists
Gender in Alchemy
Historical alchemy related sites in the Czech Republic
Hudson Lecture
Image and Will in alchemy
Islamic Alchemy
Practical alchemy
Relevance of Alchemy
The Golem
The Symbolism of the Rose in Alchemy
Use of Blood in Alchemy
The Alchemy Academic Forum
The Alchemy Academic Forum 101-150
The Alchemy Academic Forum 1-50
The Alchemy Academic Forum 151-200
The Alchemy Academic Forum 201-250
The Alchemy Academic Forum 251-300
The Alchemy Academic Forum 301-350
The Alchemy Academic Forum 351-400
The Alchemy Academic Forum 51-100
Practical alchemy archives - Blowing beakers
Practical alchemy archives - Blowing beakers
Practical alchemy archives - Blowing beakers
Practical alchemy archives - Blowing beakers
Practical alchemy archives - Fement before or after?
Practical alchemy archives - Fennel Plant Stone
Practical alchemy archives - Lab Equipment
Practical alchemy archives - Neutralising acetic acid
Practical alchemy archives - Philosophic Mercury
Practical alchemy archives - Primum Ens of Melissa
Practical alchemy archives - Various individual postings
Practical alchemy archives - Volatile Sulphur
Practical alchemy archives - Definition of Iliaster
Practical alchemy archives - High-temperature distillation
Scholarly e-mail groups on alchemy
Scholarly e-mail groups on alchemy
Alchemy Research notes e-mail archive
Alchemy Research Notes archives - July 1998
Alchemy Research Notes archives - July 1998
Alchemy Texts e-mail archive
Alchemy texts archives - Alchemy in Reconquista Spain
Alchemy texts archives - Ezra Pound poem on alchemy
Alchemy texts archives - Mutus Liber manuscript
Alchemy texts archives - Alchemical tradition in Spain
Alchemy texts archives - Alchemy and Shri Yantra
Alchemy texts archives - Ars Notaria
Alchemy texts archives - Comte de Saint Germain
Alchemy texts archives - Cyliani The Secret Fire
Alchemy texts archives - Ergotism
Alchemy texts archives - Fulcanelli
Alchemy texts archives - Gnosis and Alchemy
Alchemy texts archives - Henry Corbin
Alchemy texts archives - Historical periods
Alchemy texts archives - Hypnerotomachia Poliphilo
Alchemy texts archives - Kleopatra
Alchemy texts archives - Kybalion
Alchemy texts archives - Lapidus
Alchemy texts archives - Newton and Alchemy
Alchemy texts archives - Philosophy and Alchemy
Alchemy texts archives - Rudolf II
Alchemy texts archives - The Comte de St Germain manuscript
Alchemy texts archives - The Comte de St Germain manuscript
Alchemy texts archives - Thomas South's Hermetick Poem
Alchemy texts archives - Zozimos
Alchemy texts archives - Raleigh's School of Night
Alchemy texts archives - The 'Herbarium' of Paracelsus
Alchemy texts archives - The Petri Murien books
Study Course on Inner alchemy and symbolism
The alchemy academy.
German Section of alchemy web site
Aphorismi Urbigeriani
Aus dem rechten Wege zu der hermetischen Kunst
Basil Valentine - Von der grossen Heimlichkeit der Welt
Basil Valentine Von der Meisterschafft der sieben Planeten ...
Die Zwölf Schlüssel des Basilius Valentinus
Dr. Ch. A. Becker: Das Aceton, der geheime Weingeist der Adepten
Ein kurtzer Tractat/ genandt Summarium Philosophicum,
Fama Fraternitatis
Hermaphroditisches Sonn-und-Monds-Kind
Hermes Trismegists wahrer alter Naturweg
Max Retschlag: Die Alchimie und ihr großes Meisterwerk der Stein der Weisen
Turba philosophorum
Glaive of Mars
Indian alchemy
The Alchemy Reference Library
Alchemy related true type fonts
Biographies of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Ph.D theses on alchemy
Ph.D theses on alchemy
Ph.D theses on alchemy
Ph.D theses on alchemy
Scholarly articles on alchemy
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Alchemical Compendia
Bibliotheca chemica curiosa
Bibliotheque des philosophes chimiques
De alchemia 1541
De Alchimia 1550
Deutsches theatrum chemicum
Hermetisches A.B.C.
Hermetisches Museum 1782
Musaeum Hermeticum 1625 edition
Musaeum Hermeticum 1678 edition
Neue alchymistische Bibliothek
Theatrum Chemicum
Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum
Alchemy reading list
Database of alchemical books
Database of alchemical books
Database of Alchemical Manuscripts
Alchemical manuscripts in the British Library
Alchemical Manuscripts in the British Library
Alchemical Manuscripts in the British Library
Alchemical Manuscripts in the British Library
Alchemical Manuscripts in the British Library
Alchemical Manuscripts in the British Library
Alchemical manuscripts in the Vatican Library
Alnwick Castle
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Austrian Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Austrian National Library
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Belgian Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Bodleian - Ashmole
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Bodleian - Others
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Bodleian - Rawlinson
Database of alchemical manuscripts - British Library - Additional
Database of alchemical manuscripts - British Library - Harley
Database of alchemical manuscripts - British Library - Others
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Budapest
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Cambridge
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Czech Republic Libraries
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Database of alchemical manuscripts - German Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Israel Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Italian Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Leiden
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Mellon Collection
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Nat. Lib. of Wales
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Other USA Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Scottish Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Spanish Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Swiss Libraries
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Trinity - Dublin
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Verginelli-Rota
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Wellcome Institute
Ferguson Manuscripts 1 - 50
Ferguson Manuscripts 101 - 150
Ferguson Manuscripts 151 - 200
Ferguson Manuscripts 201 - 250
Ferguson Manuscripts 251 - 300
Ferguson Manuscripts 300 - 338
Ferguson Manuscripts 51 - 100
The King's Library, Copenhagen
French books on alchemy in print
German books on alchemy in print
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Information about alchemical books and manuscripts
Libraries and Special Collections of Alchemical Books and Manuscripts
Comparison of Collections
Ferguson Collection
The Masonic Collection at the University of Poznan.
The Veriginelli-Rota Collection of alchemical books and manuscripts
Young Collection
Light Reading
List of authors of alchemical books
Modern books on alchemy
Modern books on alchemy
Modern books on alchemy
Modern books on alchemy
Modern books on alchemy
Provisional bibliography of English Bohemists
Solomonic Manuscripts
Ars Notoria manuscripts
Key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Sepher Raziel manuscripts
Statistics on alchemical publication
Chart of Alchemy printed books in Dutch
Chart of Alchemy printed books in English
Chart of Alchemy printed books in French
Chart of Alchemy printed books in German
Chart of Alchemy printed books in Latin
Chart of all Alchemy printed books
Inner Alchemy
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Hermetic/alchemical meditation
Inner alchemy e-mail archive
Inner alchemy archives - "Little Bang theory"
Inner alchemy archives - Aion
Inner alchemy archives - Alchemy and dreams
Inner alchemy archives - Alchemy and its effects
Inner alchemy archives - Black Sun
Inner alchemy archives - Bridal Chamber
Inner alchemy archives - Catalyst
Inner alchemy archives - Christ and Satan as Brothers
Inner alchemy archives - Cyliani
Inner alchemy archives - Dom Pernety's Zodiac
Inner alchemy archives - Exodus
Inner alchemy archives - Fixing the volatile
Inner alchemy archives - Flamel's Music
Inner alchemy archives - Four Elements
Inner alchemy archives - Gerhardt Dorn
Inner alchemy archives - Hermaphrodite
Inner alchemy archives - Homunculus
Inner alchemy archives - Inner Interpretation
Inner alchemy archives - Is Inner work practical ?
Inner alchemy archives - Jung
Inner alchemy archives - Kabbalah
Inner alchemy archives - Meditation on lab processes
Inner alchemy archives - Music and harmony
Inner alchemy archives - Origins of alchemy
Inner alchemy archives - Ourobouros
Inner alchemy archives - Philosopher's Stone
Inner alchemy archives - Philosophical Death
Inner alchemy archives - Serpents
Inner alchemy archives - Tantra Yoga as Alchemy
Inner alchemy archives - The Golem
Introduction to alchemy
Alchemical Timelines
Timeline of alchemists
Timeline of events in the history of alchemy
Alchemy and depth psychology
Alchemy and Mysticism
Alchemy as a proto-chemistry
Alchemy as metaphysics
Alchemy in the History of Ideas
Alchemy in the History of Ideas
Frequently asked questions about alchemy
Introduction to alchemy
Introduction to alchemical symbolism
Quotations about alchemy
Islamic Alchemy in the context of Islamic Science
Alchemy in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah
Alchemy in Islamic Times
Alchemy in Islamic Times
Arab Medical Schools
Arabic (or Islamic) Influence On the Historical Development of Medicine
Averroes As A Physician
Cosmetics in Ancient Egypt
History of Islamic Science - The time of abu-l-wafa
History of Islamic Science - The time of abu-l-wafa
History of Islamic Science - The time of abu-l-wafa
History of Islamic Science 1
History of Islamic Science 2
Medicine In Old Egypt
Mummification in Ancient Egypt
Perfumes in Ancient Egypt
Portraits of Twelve Muslim Scientists in Various Fields
Technical Arts Related To Alchemy in Old Egypt
Technical Arts Related To Alchemy in Old Egypt
Technical Arts Related To Alchemy in Old Egypt
Technical Arts Related To Alchemy in Old Egypt
Technical Arts Related To Alchemy in Old Egypt
the time of al-razi
the time of al-razi
Timeline of Islamic Scientists
Japanese Section
Japanese translation Corpus Hermeticum - Pimander
Japanese translation Emerald Tablet
Japanese translation Petrus Bonus
Mailing list for alchemy and hermetic books
Practical Alchemy
Alchemical processes
Alchemical substances
Alchemical Symbols
Alchemical Symbols - Acids
Alchemical Symbols - Equipment
Alchemical Symbols - General
Alchemical Symbols - Mineral substances
Alchemical Symbols - Processes
Alchemical Symbols - The Elements and Principles
Alchemical Symbols - Weights and Measures
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Bibliography
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Chapter 8.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Conclusion
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Dedication
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Foreword
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Foreword
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - I. Chapter 1.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - I. Chapter 2.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - I. Chapter 3.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - I. Chapter 4.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - I. Chapter 5.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 1.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 2.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 3.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 4.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 5.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 6.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 7.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 9.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 9.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - II. Chapter 9.
John Reid's Course on Practical Alchemy - Introduction
Model of an alchemical laboratory
Perpetual fires, luminous substances and Phosphorus
Perpetual fires, luminous substances and Phosphorus
Alchemical fire in a flask
Balduin's 'Phosphorus'
Glow from glow-worms
Rosicrucian Thoughts on the Ever-Burning Lamps of the Ancients.
The Bologna Phosphorus
The preparation of Phosphorus
Plants Containing the Planetary Metals
PON Seminars -- Index for PON Seminars 1992
PON Seminars -- A Simple Stone of Eternity
PON Seminars -- Background Info
PON Seminars -- Caraway Stone
PON Seminars -- Distillation of the Animated Mercury - Jean Dubuis
PON Seminars -- Energies in Alchemy & Qabala
PON Seminars -- Foreword by Anthony M. House
PON Seminars -- Mendeleiev Table of Elements
PON Seminars -- Parting Thoughts of Jean Dubuis
PON Seminars -- Questions about the Secret Fire
PON Seminars -- Safety Info
PON Seminars -- Stone of Eternity - more about the Plant Work - Horsetail and Hexane
PON Seminars -- The Becoming of Man
PON Seminars -- The Black Suns
PON Seminars -- The Elements of Crystals - Jean Dubuis
PON Seminars -- The Secret Fire - Jean Dubuis
PON Seminars -- Theory - Rules for the Work in the Alchemical Laboratory
PON Seminars -- Theory - The Butter of Antimony
PON Seminars -- Theory - The Metallic Work
Safety in alchemical experiments
The extraction of Antimony from its ore
The extraction of Antimony from its ore
Prints - Series
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Alchemical and hermetic prints 1-20
Recent additions to the alchemy web site
Solinus Saltzthal
Synesius - True Book.
The Alchemy Web Site
The Alchemy Web site
People who have contributed to the Alchemy Web site
The Alchemy Web site
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Alchemical and chemical symbols used by Scheele
Alchemical and chemical symbols used by Scheele
Alchemical and chemical symbols used by Scheele
Alchemical Music
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 1
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 10
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 11
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 12
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 13
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 14
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 15
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 16
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 17
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 18
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 2
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 3
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 4
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 5
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 6
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 7
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 8
Music from Atalanta fugiens emblem 9
Alchemical symbolism
Descriptions of sequences of alchemical emblems
12 Keys of Basil Valentine
Atalanta fugiens
Book of Lambspring
Honorius Marinier
Kelly - Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy
MS. Ferguson 271
Mylius 'Philosophia Reformata' series
Orthelius series
Pandora series
Petrus Bonus
Pretiosissimum Donum Dei
Rosarium Philosophorum series
Solidonius Series
Splendor solis
Lists of sequences of alchemical emblems
Book of Lambspring
Book of Lambspring
Book of Lambspring
Book of Lambspring
Figure 2 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 3 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 4 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 5 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 6 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 7 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 8 from Book of Lambspring
Figure 9 from Book of Lambspring
Figure10 from Book of Lambspring
Figure11 from Book of Lambspring
Figure12 from Book of Lambspring
Figure13 from Book of Lambspring
Figure14 from Book of Lambspring
Figure15 from Book of Lambspring
Mylius version of the Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 1 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 10 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 11 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 12 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 13 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 14 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 15 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 16 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 17 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 18 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 19 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 2 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 20 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 3 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 4 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 5 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 6 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 7 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 8 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Illustration 9 from the Mylius Rosarium philosophorum
Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine
Eighth key of Basil Valentine
Eleventh key of Basil Valentine
Fifth key of Basil Valentine
First key of Basil Valentine
Fourth key of Basil Valentine
Ninth key of Basil Valentine
Second key of Basil Valentine
Seventh key of Basil Valentine
Sixth key of Basil Valentine
Tenth key of Basil Valentine
Third key of Basil Valentine
Twelfth key of Basil Valentine
Alchemical symbols
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Various alchemical texts
Alchemical symbols used in 17th century
Apparatus from Book of Crates
Chemical symbols used by Dalton
Database of alchemical emblems
Database of alchemical iconology in printed books
Depictions of early pharmacies
Egyptian symbols for the metals
Enochian Chess - Pieces
Enochian Chess - Pawns
Images from Greek alchemical manuscripts
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Images of alchemical apparatus
Indian alchemical apparatus
Indian alchemical apparatus
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
The Alchemy Web site
Alchemy and spagyria conference
Groups and Societies devoted to alchemy
Paracelsus College Australia
Modern Rosicrucian groups
Planetary Spagyric Elixirs and Tinctures
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Related and linked WWW sites
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
Portraits of alchemists and hermetic philosophers
The Alchemy Web site
The Alchemy Web site
The Alchemy Web site
The Alchemy Web site
Cabala mineralis manuscript
Cabala mineralis manuscript
Illustrations from the Aurora consurgens
Alchemical graphics
Description of figures from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Illustration from the Aurora consurgens
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Nicolas Flamel - The Figures of Abraham the Jew
Vladislav Zadrobilek
Joseph Caezza - Interview with Vladislav Zadrobilek