Manuscripts of the 'Key of Solomon' In Czech and GermanBack to Solomonic manuscripts page.Czech version Wellcome Institute MS. 4663. 113pages. Octavo. 19th cent. [c. 1810] [Clavicula Salononis, in an abbreviated form in Czech.] [Some leaves are torn out at the end: a title page seems to be wanting. Illustrated with rough pen-drawn magical diagrams, figures, sigils, etc. in colours, headings etc, in red. Written in German script. An uncommon version of the Clavicula Solomonis, with many magical prayers, etc., but less than the usual number of figures, sigils, signatures of angels, etc.] [Inside the upper cover �Anthon Prochaska aus Wessriis [Weseritz?] No. 97'.] p3 [Rough pen drawing of woman holding bone and scythe.] p4-5 [Table of planetary hours.] p28-29 [Large coloured diagram of 29 mansions of moon 24 hours of the solar day.] p98-119 [17 diagrams some in watercolours.] German version MS. Ferguson 142. 63 folios. 181x115mm. 17th Century. [The 'Key of Solomon' in German incomplete but including the pentacles of the planets.] f1 Grund und Aussfuhr Magische Processe von denen Metallischen Pentaculis. f2 Das I Capitel. Zu welcher Stunde nach der Praeparation aller dinge man soll das Exercitium der Kunst zu Perfection bringen. [17 numbered paragraphs.] f4v Das II Cap: Auff was art und Weisse sich der Meister dieser Kunst soll verhalten und anstellen. f6 Das III Cap: Von denen Badern, und wie man, die machen soll. f9v Das IV Cap: Von der feder, Dinte und anderen zu der Kunst gehorigen Farben. f10 Das V Cap: Von der Schwalben und der Raben=Federn. f11 Das VI Cap: Von den Phite der Fleder Mauss der Taube und ander Tiere. f12 Das VII Cap: Von denen Medailles oder Pentaculen. f16 das VIII Cap: Von denen geweiheten Pentaculis oder Medaillen und von Isver Materia. f20-61 [43 line drawn pentacle diagrams coloured according to planetary attributions. 7 Saturn-brown, 7 Jupiter-light blue, 6 Mars- Red, 7 Sun-yellow, 4 Venus-green, 6 Mercury-violet purple, 6 Moon-greyish white.] f62-63 [Two line drawings of pentacle geometric forms unfinished.] |