Mailing list / Newsletter
Apart from running the web site I publish a number of books on alchemy and hermetic philosophy. The classic Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks series which was established in 1979, some items of which are now extremely rare, the Hermetic Studies series begun in 1997 which has a number of coloured books, and other books. I also have published a number of CD-Roms devoted to the Alchemy web site, the back issues of the Hermetic Journal, and four CD-Roms with coloured alchemical images. I also now produce a large number of coloured prints and artwork on hermetic themes, and have seven study courses on alchemy presently available on CD-Rom.
This newsletter will keep you up to date on my new publications and also on developments on the web site and my other alchemy related activities. It is sent out three or four times a year, and gives notice of new publications, sometimes offering special discounts.
If you would like to be on the mailing list to receive information in advance about these activities, then please enter your details below.