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Database of alchemical manuscripts - Mellon Collection

Updated Dec 14 1995.
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1852. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 1.
18 folios. Parchment. 259x165mm. 13th Century [c. 1225.]
Apollonius (Tyanensis?). Ars Notoria, sive Flores aurei.

1853. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 2.
88 folios. Parchment. 245x172mm. 14th Century [c. 1350.]
Alchemical Miscellany, in Latin.
1. Rasis or Aristotle. Lumen luminum perfecti magisterii [the beginning only.]
2. [Anon.] Liber duodecim aquarum.
3. [Anon.] Liber sacerdotum [Extracts.]
4. [Unidentified alchemical procedures.]
5. [Anon.] Quomodo gemmae lustrantur.
6. [Partly identified alchemical procedures.]
7. Avicenna Epistola ad Hasen.
8. [Partly identified alchemical procedures.]
9. Argenteus, Geber or Aristotle. Liber XXX verborum.
10. Geber. Liber deitatis. sive divinitatis.
11. Geber Summa perfectionis magisterii.
12. [Anon.] Liber solis et lunae.
13. [Anon.] Liber de oleis.
14. [Unidentified alchemical procedures.]
15. Roger Bacon (?). [Alchemy.]
16. [Sixteen alchemical procedures.]
17. Rasis or Aristotle. Lumen luminum perfecti magisterii [completed.]
18. [Unidentified alchemical procedures.]
19. Rasis. De aluminibus et salibus. [Extracts.]
20. [12 unidentified alchemical procedures.]
21. [List of alchemical equivalents.]
22. [Alchemical work.]
23. Richard de Fournival. Opus Arturi, or De arte alchemica.
24. [Alchemy.]
25. [Alchemical work in 30 chapters.]

1854. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 3.
86 folios. Parchment. 270x185mm. 14th Century [c. 1350]
Aristoteles. Ethica ad Nicomachum. [In the Latin translation attributed to Robert Grossteste.]

1855. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 4.
70 folios. Parchment. 145x113mm. 14th Century [c. 1385.]
[Anonymous. Medical and Alchemical recipes, in Italian.]

1856. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 5.
136 folios. Parchment. 165x117mm. 15th Century [c. 1400.]
[Alchemical Miscellany, in Latin.]
1. Alchemical verses and recipes.
2. Johannes Tecenensis. Antiphona, with musical setting.
3. Johannes Tecenensis. Probleuma.
4. Arnold of Villanova. Rosarius, or Liber abbreviatus.
5. Johannes Tecenensis. Lumen secretorum, in verse.
6. [Unidentified alchemical procedures.]
7. Johannes [Tecenensis?] Enigmata.
8. Opus magnum ad rubeum.
9. Opus magni secreti.
10. Arnold of Villanova. Theorica et practica.
11. Alchemical poem in 50 rhyming couplets.
12. Ortolanus. Rosarius minor.
13. Candida si rubeo mulier, a rebus in verse.
14. Three short rebuses in verse.
15. [19 unidentified alchemical procedures.]
16. A speculative alchemy with practical commentary.
17. Thomas Capellanus. De essentia essentiarum.
18. Alchemical recipe.
19. Zabrokek Italicus. Benedictum lilium inter spinas.
20. [10 alchemical procedures.]
21. Alanus. Rotatio elementorum.
22. Alanus. Liber alchemisticus.
23. Palmarium Theosophie.
24. Geber. Liber de investigatione perfectionis.
25. John of Rupescissa. Liber lucis, or de confectione veri lapidis philosophorum.
26. Sublimacio philosophorum, a short description.
27. Khalid [Calid] ibn Yazid. Liber trium verborum.
28. Arnold of Villanova. De secretis naturae.
29. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta.

1857. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 6.
17 folios. Paper. 278x214mm. 15th Century [c. 1435.]
[Alchemical Miscellany in Latin and Italian.]
1. Marbod. Liber lapidum preciosorum.
2. 73 miscellaneous procedures and remedies, in Latin.
3. An account od the astronomical positions of the signs of the Zodiac, their qualities, and important days, In Italian.
4. Zael (Thelque). De sigillis in lapidibus sculptis.
5. Michael Scot. A medical recipe, in Latin.
6. Two medical recipes, in Latin.
7. 13 alchemical procedures for colouring, glassmaking and majolica, in Italian.
8. 16 medical and alchemical recipes, in Italian.

1858. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 7.
101 folios. Paper. 208x142mm. 15the Century [c. 1440.]
[Alchemical Miscellany in Latin.]
1. Rasis. Liber utilitatis nature secretorum, a variant version of the text, ascribed in this MS. to Frater Helias, O.F.M.
2. Roger Bacon. Ars Alkymye, De naturis metallorum et transformatione ipsorum.
3. Hermes. Tabula smaragdina.
4. Rasis. Opusculum... in arte alkymie.
5. Rasis (or Arnold of Villanova). Flos lilium, or Epistola Rasis.
6. Hermes or Geber. De opere lapidis. [Ascribed to Rhasis in the text.]
7. Vididerius. Summa clavium totius alchymiae artis.

1859. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 8.
29 folios. Parchment. 155x110mm. 15th Century [c. 1440.]
[Medical Miscellany, in Latin and English.]
1. Ramon Lull. De aquis medicinalibus, or Ars operativa.
2. 20 medical recipes, in Latin and English.
3. Johannes Sandryve. Regimen speciale et conservacio oculorum.
4. 2 medical recipes, in Latin and English.

1860. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 9.
329 folios. Paper. 220x153mm. 15th Century [c. 1440.]
[Medical and alchemical miscellany and herbal, in Latin, Czech, German, transliterated Arabic, and Polish.]

1861. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 10.
59 folios. Parchment. 162x116mm. 15th Century [c. 1450.]
[Alchemical Miscellany, in Latin.]
1. Lilium de spinis evulsum.
2. Gratianus (?). Liber secundus, or Lilium.
3. Arnold of Villanova. Perfectum magisterium.
4. [Drawings of alchemical apparatus.]

1862. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 11.
40 folios. Paper. 133x103mm. 15th Century [c. 1450.]
[Alchemical miscellany.]
1. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie.
2. [Alchemical verses.]
3. Conradus de Hildensee. Versus.

1863. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 12.
319 folios. Paper. 281x205mm. 15th Century [c. 1450.]
Ramon Lull. [Collection of alchemical texts attributed to Raymond Lully, with some additional matter, in Latin.]
1. [A poem and prayer in praise of alchemists.]
2. Lull. Parvum vade mecum [An extract.]
3. [Ramon Lull's epitaph in two versions.]
4. Lull. Testamentum. Theorica.
5. Lull. Epistola accurtacionis lapidis.
6. Lull. Lapidarium.
7. Lull. Testamentum. Practica.
8. Lull. Liber de mercuriis.
9. Lull. Practica medicinalis secunde partis testamenti.
10. Arnold of Villanova. Testamentum.
11. Lull. Lapidarium, or Practica de formacione et compositione lapidum.
12. Lull. Imago mundi.
13. Lull. Testamentum.
14. Lull. Cantilena.
15. Exposicio Cantinene Raymundi Lullii.
16. Materia confusa.
17. [Alchemy.]
18. Lull. Repertorium, or Conclusio summaria.
19. Lull. Investigatio secreti occulti.
20. Robert Greene de Welbe. A fixation of mercury.
21. Lull. Codicillus, or Vade mecum.
22. Lull or Arnold of Villanova. Liber prophetiarum.
23. Lull. Compendium abbreviatum artis magice.
24. Lull. Liber quinte essentie, or Dialogus Monaldi monarchi ac Raymundi.
25. Lull. Codicillus, or Vade mecum [another version].
26. Lull. Ars conversionis, or liber quatuor aquarum.
27. Lull and St. Aegidius. In librum de aquis, or Ars operativa.
28. Lull. Anima ars transmutationis.
29. Lull. Compendium.

1864. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 13.
95 folios. Parchment. 280x177mm. 15th Century [c. 1475.]
Iacobus of Speyer (?). [Iudicium astrologium for 1475, in Latin.]

1865. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 14.
43 folios. Paper. 215x143mm. 15th Century [c. 1475.]
[Alchemical and Humanistic Miscellany.]
1. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie.
2. Arnold of Villanova. Epistola de sanguine humano ad magistrum Iacobum de Toleto.
3. [Alchemical procedures.]
4. Francesco Petrarca. Epistola ad Marcum Tullium Ciceronem.
5. Pier Paolo Vergerio. Epistola in nomine Ciceronis ad Franciscum Petrarcham.
6. Johannes Obrist. Super confectionem auri potabilis.
7. Nicolaus Claudii. Opus super aurum potabile.

1866. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 15.
99 folios. Paper. 283x184mm. 15th Century [c.1475.]
[Alchemical and medical miscellany, in Latin and German.]
1. Nicolaus. Antidotarium. [Latin and German.]
2. Nicolaus. Prologus in librum de dosibus medicinarum. [Latin.]
3. [Tables of medical weights, in Latin and German.]
4. Nicolaus (?) Quid pro quo. [Latin.]
5. [Definitions, in Latin.]
6. [Alphabetical lists of substances, in Latin, partly with German equivalents.]
7. [Brandy making, and the sixteen virtues of brandy, in German.]
8. [Recipes and procedures, in German.]

1867. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 16.
80 folios. Paper. 212x150mm. 15th Century [c. 1475.]
John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie [Translated into German.]

1868. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 17.
140 folios. Parchment and paper. 288x214mm. 15th Century [c. 1475.]
Ramon Lull. Ars inventiva (veritatis).

1869. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 18.
80 folios. Paper. 142x101mm. 15th Century [1478.]
[Alchemical miscellany, written by Franciscus de Traversagnis.]
1. Hermes. Tabula smaragdina [with prologue and two commentaries.]
2. Liber duodecim aquarum.
3. Liber sacerdotum [extracts.]
4. Aristotle or Rasis. Lumen luminum.
5. Theosophia palmarum.
6. [Alchemy in Latin.]
7. Zosimus or Rosinus. Ad Sarrantantem episcopum, Liber I.
8. [Alchemy in Latin.]
9. Cyprianus. Absolutio facturarum malorum occultorum.

1870. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 19.
159 folios. Paper. 143x102mm. 15th Century [1480.]
[Alchemical miscellany.]
1. Arnold of Villanova. Rosarius [in French.]
2. [Alchemy, in French.]
3. Albertus Magnus. Compositum de compositis [in French.]
4. [Alchemical recipes and procedures, in Latin.]
5. [Alchemical recipes and procedures, in Latin.]
6. Raymundus Gaufridi. Verbum abbreviatum de leone viridi [in Latin.]
7. Ramon Lull. Clavicula [much expanded and translated into French.]
8. Roger Bacon [?] Speculum alchemiae [in Latin.]
9. Nicholas. Summa rosarii [in Latin.]
10. Arnold of Villanova. Novum lumen [in Latin.]
11. [Alchemical procedures in Latin.]
12. Johannes Pauper. Breviloquium [in Latin.]
13. Roman Lull. Epistola accurtationis [in Latin.]
14. John of Rupescissa. Liber Lucis [in Latin.]
15. [Alchemical recipes and procedures, in Latin.]
16. [Procedures for staining glass and making paste gems, in Latin.]
17. [Procedures calling for tin from Cornwall, in Latin.]
18. [Alchemical recipes and procedures said to have been proven by the Duc de Berry, in Latin.]
19. [Medicinal and alchemical recipes and procedures, in Latin.]

1871. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 20.
146 folios. Paper. 140x104mm. 15th and 18th Centuries.
[Alchemical compilation, in Latin and German.]

1872. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 21.
6 paper flyleaves, 40 parchment folios + 12 paper folios. 156x120mm. 15th and 18th Centuries.
[Alchemical miscellany, in Latin and Italian.]
1. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie.
2. [Descriptions of various herbs, in Latin.]
3. [Alchemy in Latin.]
4. [Recipes for making Prussian Blue, in Italian.]

1873. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 22.
36 folios. Parchment. 225x135mm. 15th Century [1495.]
Ioannes Aurelius Augurellus. Sermonum liber.

1874. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 23.
92 folios. Parchment and paper. 303x222mm. 15th Century [c. 1500.]
Alphonsus, Rex Castellae. [Tabulae astronomicae, with brief extracts from Canones in tabulas Alphonsi regis, by Johannes (Dank) de Saxonia, and with a few anonymous additions, all in Latin.]

1875. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 24.
91 folios. Paper. 212x150mm. 16th Century [c. 1505.]
[Alchemical Miscellany, in Italian and Latin.]
1. Christopher of Paris. La somma minore, 1471, [in Italian.]
2. Christopher of Paris. Cithara, or Medolla della SummeTA, 1474, [in Italian.]
3. Christopher of Paris. [Letter to Andrea Ognibene, 1473, in Italian.]
4. Christopher of Paris. [Three alchemical alphabets, in Latin and Italian.]
5. Christopher of Paris. [Unidentified short tract in Italian.]
6. Christopher of Paris. [Letter to Andrea Ognibene, 1473, in Italian.]
7. Christopher of Paris. De consideratione quinte essentie [in Latin.]
8. [Three recipes for making blue pigments, in Latin.]
9. [A procedure for etching a design on an iron surface, in Latin and Italian.]

1876. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 25.
242 folios. Parchment. 402x290mm. 16th Century [c. 1505.]
[Astrological Miscellany, in Latin.]

1877. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 26.
35 folios. Paper. 290x200mm. 16th and 18th Century [c. 1510 and 1775.]
1. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie.
2. Aqua solempnissima, atque mirabilis.
3. George Ripley [?]. Touchant le grand magist�re des sages [Translated from English into French.] [18th Century.]

1878. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 27.
132 folios. Paper. 210x155mm. 16th Century.
1. Alexander Magnus. Luna plena [in Latin.]
2. De lapide ematice [in Latin.]
3. Khalid ibn Yazid. Liber trium verborum [in Latin.]
4. [Alchemical recipe, in Latin, partly in verse.]
5. {Alchemical recipes for various processes, in Latin.]
6. Theodoric. Practica. [in Latin.]
7. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta [in Latin.]
8. [Medical and alchemical recipes, in Latin and German.]
9. Rupertus. Certum augmentum [in German and Latin.]
10. [Alchemical recipes in German and Latin, and partly in cipher.]

1879. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 28.
56 folios. Paper. 148x102mm. 16th Century [c. 1525.]
1. John Dastin. Rosarius philosophorum [with the prologue.]
2. Elementa sunt quattuor... [With a diagram and directions for mixing pigments.]
3. Hermes or Merlin or Rasis. Laudibile sanctum, or Gemma salutaris [a version in 83 (79) verses.]

1880. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 29.
33 folios. Paper. 190x132mm. 16th Century [c. 1525.]
Elias Cortonensis, O. F. M. Lumen luminum [in Latin, with Italian prologue.]

1881. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 30.
348 folios. Paper. 217x146mm. 16th Century [1528.]
[Alchemical Miscellany, possibly written by Niclaus of Sweden.]
1. [Fifteen alchemical procedures, in German.]
2. Pseudo-Peter Kertzenmacher. Alchimie und Bergwerck [in German.]
3. [List of alchemical substances, in German and Latin.]
4. [Alchemy in German.]
5. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie [in German.]
6. [Alchemical and metallurgical procedures, in German and Latin.]
7. Ramon Lull. [Extracts from Experimenta and Testamentum novissimum, in German. Possibly translated by Jobst Trutw�n.]
8. [51 alchemical and metallurgical recipes, in German.]

1882. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 31.
168 folios. Paper. 252x175mm. 16th Century [c. 1540.]
Collection of the writings of Christopher of Paris, in Italian and Latin.]
1. L'Abecedario de la Summetta, and L'Abecedario de la Violetta.
2. [Letter to Andrea Ognibene, 1473.]
3. [Alchemical alphabet, in Latin.]
4. La Summetta, or La Somma minore, 1470.
5. La Cithara, or La Violetta, 1474.
6. Lucidario.
7. L'Abecedario del Lucidario.
8. [Letter to Andrea Ognibene, 1476.]
9. Fra Vielmo. [Letter to Andrea Ognibene, 1476.]
10. [Letter to Andrea Ognibene, 1477.]
11. [Letter in the name of Andrea Ognibene to Christopher of Recaneto, 1470.]

1883. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 32.
119 folios. Paper. 225x162mm. 16th Century [c. 1542.]
1. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie.
2. Rhemigius Burgensis. Quaestio de medio demonstrationis termino.
3. Simone Porzio. De animae immortalitate quaestio.
4. Francesco Petrarca. Dialogus de coniugii claritate.
5. [Alchemy and recipes, in Latin.]
6. [Properties of various fruits and nuts, in Italian verse, and seasons for planting, in Itialn prose.]
7. [Notes on logic, provenance of elements of this manuscript, and a game of divination.]

1884. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 33.
128 folios. Paper. 191x145mm. 16th Century [c. 1550.]
1. [Alchemy, in English.]
2. Jean de Meung. Liber Lapidis mineralis. [Book II only, translated into English by Robert Freelove, 1522.]
3. The Practys of Lyghtes.
4. Roger Bacon or Johannes Sawtre. Radix mundi [translated into English by Robert Freelove, 1550.]
5. Rudianus. Liber trium verborum [translated into English.]
6. Khalid ibn Yazid. Liber secretorum philosophorum [translated into English, 1542.]
7. [Alchemy, in English.]

1885. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 34.
155 folios. Paper. 210x140mm. 16th Century [c. 1550.]
Johannes Baptista F-, compiler.
1. Arnold of Villanova. Perfectum magisterium, or Flos florum.
2. Arnold of Villanova. Questiones tam essentiales quam accidentales.
3. Johannes Baptista F- [Alchemy, in Latin.]
4. Geber. De investigatione magisterii.
5. Geber. Testamentum.
6. Khalid ibn Yazid. Liber trium verborum.
7. Arnold of Villanova. Flos florum.
8. John of Rupescissa. Liber de confectione veri lapidis.
9. Riginio Danielli. Canzone [in Italian.]
10. Liber perfecti magisterii.
11. John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie [extracts.]
12. Vero elisir [in Italian.]
13. Maumet Philosophus. [Alchemy in Latin, here ascribed to Merlin.]
14. [Alchemy in Latin.]
15. [Description of a furnace in Latin.]
16. [Alchemy in Latin and Italian.]
17. Ramon Lull. Epistola accurtationis lapidis.
18. Arnold of Villanova [?]. Epistola ad regem aragonensem.
19. [Alchemical procedures in Latin.]
20. Johannes Damascenus. [Alchemy in Latin.]
21. [Alchemical procedures, in Spanish and Latin.]
22. Arnold of Villanova. Novum lumen.
23. Arnold of Villanova. Rosarius, or Liber abbreviatus.
24. Ortolanus or Ramon Lull. Potestas divitiarum.
25. Hermes. Tabula smaragdina [followed by the Commentary of Ortolanus.]
26. Johannes Nannius of Viterbo. Lapis minor.
27. Antonius de Abbatia. Epistola verissima.
28. Lapis volgare [in Italian.]
29. Lapis hispanus [in Spanish.]
30. [Alchemical procedures in Latin.]

1886. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 35.
259 folios. Paper. 205x145mm. 16th Century [c. 1550.]
Johannes Baptista F-, compiler.
1. Experimenta extracta de libris medicorum et philosophorum.
2. Laudibile sanctum, or Gemma salutaris [an extract with verses in Italian.]
3. [Alchemical procedures in Latin.]
4. Revelatio magisterii quinte essentie.
5. [Alchemical procedures in Latin and Italian.]
6. [Alchemical verses in Italian and Latin.]
7. John of Rupescissa. Liber de confectione veri lapidis.
8. Arnold of Villanova. De perfectione operis alkimie.
9. [Alchemical verses in Italian.]
10. [Alchemy and medicine, in Latin and Italian.]
11. Lapis volgare [in Italian.]
12. Lapis hispanus [in Spanish.]
13. [Alchemical procedures and medical recipes, in Latin, Italian and Spanish.]
14. [An Italian poem.]

1887. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 36.
265 folios. Paper. 205x150mm. 16th Century [c. 1550.]
Johannes Baptista F-, compiler.
1. [Drawing of alchemical apparatus.]
2. [Poems in Italian.]
3. [Verses in Italian.]
4. [Lamentations in verse, in Italian.]
5. [Notes on subjects treated by various writers on alchemy, in Latin.]
6. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta [extracts.]
7. Johannes Nannius of Viterbo. Opus lapidis minoris.
8. Daniel Justinopolitanus (Rigino Danielli). Canzone.
9. Nicolaus Valanrius. Sphera Pithagore.
10. Johannes Damascenus. [Alchemy in Latin.]
11. Johannes Baptista F-. [Alchemy.]
12. Arnold of Villanova. Questiones tam essentiales quam accidentales.
13. [Alchemical procedures in Latin.]
14. Geber. Epistola.
15. Lapis [in Italian.]
16. Thomas Aquinas. Liber perfecti magisterii.
17. Lapis hispanus [in Spanish.]
18. Lapis hispanus [another procedure in Spanish.]
19. Rosinus. [Alchemy in Latin.]
20. Alphidius. Libellus isagogicus.
21. Liber perfecti magisterii.
22. Ramon Lull. Epistola accurtationis lapidis.
23. [Alchemical procedures in Latin.]
24. Antonius de Abbattia. Epistola verissima.
25. [Alchemical procedures.]
26. John of Rupescissa. Liber lucis.
27. Consilium conjugii.
28. Ortolanus. [Commentary on Hermes, Tabula Smaragdina.]
29. Arnold of Villanova. Novum lumen.
30. Arnold of Villanova. Perfectum magisterium.
31. Arnold of Villanova [?]. Epistola as regem aragonensem.
32. [Alchemy in Italian.]
33. Arnold of Villanova. De perfectione operis alkimie.
34. Khalid ibn Yazid. Liber trium verborum.
35. Arnold of Villanova. Flos florum.

1888. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 37.
48 folios. Paper. 212x150mm. 16th Century [1556.]
John of Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie [anonymously translated into English and slightly abbreviated, with some short recipes in English.]

1889. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 38.
87 folios. Parchment and paper. 105x85mm. 16th Century [1557.]
Caspar Harttung vom Hoff. Dase Vade mecum [in German and Latin.]

1890. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 39.
186 folios. Paper. 199x142mm. 16th Century [1560.]
Ramon Lull. Testamentum [Theorica only?] [translated into Latin.]

1891. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 40.
152 folios. Paper. 197x155mm. 16th Century [1562.]
[An untitled Kunstb�chlein, in German and Latin.

1892. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 41.
Paper scroll. 5855x540mm. 16th Century [c. 1570.]
George Ripley's Scrowle.
[With an English version of the Visio Mystica of Arnold of Villanova.]

1893. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 42.
153 folios. Paper. 147x100mm. 16th Century [1572.]
Ioannes Fornerius Montalbanensis. De lapide philosophorum libellus ex antiquorum codicibus compilatus 1572 [including Hermes, Tabula smaragdina in Greek and Latin.]

1894. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 43.
7 folios. Paper. 205x150mm. 16th Century [c. 1575.]
1. [Alchemy in Latin.]
2. Hermes, Merlin or Rasis. Laudabile sanctum [extracts.]
3. [Alchemical procedures in Latin and English.]
4. [Alchemical verses in English.]

1895. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 44.
148 folios. Paper. 175x145mm. 17th Century [c. 1600.]
Andreas Oberlender. Ein kunstlich undt gerecht Probier B�chlein, 1532.

1896. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 45.
238 folios. Paper. 162x95mm. 17th Century [c. 1610.]
[Unidentified alchemical work in German.]
[Illustrated with 12 large pen drawings.
f45v A human faced Luna crest, dark at the inside, transits a circle formed by 5 alternately light and dark rings.
f46r Geometric symbolism. A circle of five rings alternately light and dark.
f50r 'Philosophisch Balneum' distillation apparatus.
f50v A multilevel furnace.
f51r A cylindrical furnace.
f74v-75r A distillation process moves from water bath in recatangular block furnace to a pear-shaped colling receptacle, then on to a barrel, and a final receptacle at ground level.
f75v A circle of six alternately white and black bordering rings is transited by a human faced Luna crest, between whose tips is an orb topped by a pointed cross.
f97r A word and circle chart on four levels. 'Taffel Lvnae Taffel Veneris'.
f109r Tailpiece of a fashioned pelican.
f228r God's Spiritual Hierarchy in Creation, a folding chart for eleven double ringed basic circles.
f229r Geometric and astrological symbolism.
f230r 'Der Philosophen Himel', depicted primarly with inscribed legends on internal bands, eleven of them concentric.

1897. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 46.
70 folios. Paper. 197x160mm. 17th Century [c. 1610.]
Thomas Norton. The Ordinal of Alchemy [with Latin verse prologue.]
[MS. written and bound for Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland.]

1898. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 47.
156 folios. Paper. 124x74mm. 17th Century [c. 1610.]
1. Michael Sendivogius. Novum lumen chymicum & Parabola [translated into German.]
2. De lapide philosophico et eius praeparatione [in German.]
3. [Alchemical recipes in German.]
4. Via veritatis [in German.]

1899. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 48.
86 folios. Paper. 336x230mm. 17th Century.
Michael Maier. Atalanta running, that is, New Chymicall Emblems relating to the Secrets of Nature [anonymously translated into English, not before 1618.]
[Blank spaces left for the emblems and musical pieces.]

1900. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 49.
145 folios. Paper. 195x152mm. 17th Century [c. 1620.]
1. Artephius. Liber secretus.
2. Antimonij preparatio [and other procedures, in Latin, with an English translation intercalated.]
3. Archbishop of Raymes. XXXI Questions Essential and XI Questions Accidental asked of Master Gwilliam de Cenes.
4. Johannes Bumbele [s?] de Anglia. Stella complectionis.

1901. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 50.
50 folios. Paper. 146x100mm. 17th Century [c. 1620.]
Johann Grasshof [Grasseus, Chortalasseus, Condeesyanus]. [Holograph alchemical notebook in Latin and German, with a later inserted leaf in English.]
f19r-30r [12 coloured illustrations of the 'Donum Dei' series.]
f30v-33v, f36f [Coloured drawings of furnaces and apparatus.]
f41r [Coloured drawing of a crowned female figure bestride two fountains.]

1902. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 51.
30 folios. Paper. 165x113mm. 17th Century [c. 1625.]
1. De arte distillatoria.
f5r-29v [26 pen drawn illustrations of various methods and apparatus for distillation. Based largely on Biringucci De la Pirotechnia libri x, Venice, 1540.]
2. Ramon Lull. Ars Magica, or Compendium quintae essentiae. [Extract probably the third chapter only.]

1903. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 52.
17 folios. Parchment. 215x145mm. 17th Century [c. 1625.]
1. Donum Dei [in Italian.]
f1-12 [Illustrated with series of 12 coloured drawings.]
2. Rigino Danielli. Canzone.
3. [Alchemical recipes, in Italian.]

1904. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 53.
420 folios. Paper. 307x200mm. 17th Century [c. 1625.]
[Alchemical miscellany consisting mainly of recipes and procdures.]

1905. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 54.
96 folios. Paper. 325x225mm. 17th Century [c. 1625.]
1. [Series of 12 coloured illustrations of the Donum Dei series, with labels in Latin.]
2. Della transmutatione metallica.
3. [Extracts from Marsilio Ficino, Rosinus, and Arnold of Villanova, copied from Auriferae artis, and Theatrum chemicum, in Latin.]
4. [Alchemy, in Italian.]

1906. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 55.
123 folios. Paper. 318x197mm. 17th Century [c. 1630.]
John Dastin. Speculum philosophiae; Liber mixtionum.
[Illustrated with two coloured drawings. The first, is of an angel presenting an open book to a philosopher, a youthful nimbed male deity below standing in a pool of water holding the sun and moon in his outstretched hands, plants growing around the pool with sun or gold symbols as flowers. The second, shows the Sun shining from the heavens on a mountain on the slopes of which are seen the symbols of gold and silver as well as zodiacal animals and a human figure ascending and carrying a pitcher, while birds fly in the surrounding air.]

1907. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 56.
101 folios. Paper. 195x133mm. 17th Century [c. 1640.]
Michael Maier, Tripus aureus, hoc est, tres tractatus chymici selectissimi.
1. Basilius Valentinus. Practica.
2. Thomas Norton, The ordinall of alchemy [translated into Latin verse.]
3. John Cremer. Testamentum.
[Illustrated with 20 coloured drawings.]

1908. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 57.
102 folios. Paper. 192x153mm. 17th and 18th Centuries [c. 1650 -1710.]
1. [Short group of alchemical recipes.]
2. Fasciculus chimicus [with title page and dedication dated 1620, possibly from a printed book.]
3. [f7-73 sixty five coloured illustrations of the Crowning of Nature, without explanatory text.]
4. Artephius. Liber secretus.
5. Philipp M�ller. De mercurio.
6. Christophorus Van[n]. [Notes on alchemical processes, one dated Rome, 1702.]

1909. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 58.
44 folios. Paper. 208x145mm. 17th Century [c. 1650.]
[Alchemical treatise in Italian, describing procedures for making gold employed by members of the Neapolitan nobility.]

1910. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 59.
134 folios. Paper. 167x100mm. 17th Century [c. 1650.]
Oeuvre tr�s v�ritable et esprouv�e convertissant la lune et le mercure en vray or � toutes les espreuves [and otther alchemical procedures, in French and Latin.]

1911. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 60.
127 folios. Paper. 160x95mm. 17th Century [c. 1650.]
Philosophia secreta vere naturalis.

1912. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 61.
10 folios. Paper. 180x130mm. 17th Century [c. 1650.]
Johann Isaac Hollandus. De lapide vegetabili ex vino [an extract in English.]

1913. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 62.
158 folios. Paper. 97x142mm. 17th Century [1651-1655.]
1. Lapis philosophorum, seu tinctura phisica [in Latin, followed by an English version.]
2. [Alchemical recipes, procedures and extracts, in English and Latin.]
3. [Astrology.]
4. Walter Charleton [Notes extracted from his book.]
5. [Alchemical and medical recipes, and aphorisms.]
6. George Rives, goldsmith. Account of the making of gold from lead at Bath by a certain Mervin in 1651.]
7. Dr Start. [Notes taken from his experiments, and other matter.]
8. Letter of a divine philosopher.

1914. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 63.
69 folios. Paper. 310x190mm. 17th Century [c. 1660.]
1. [Alchemical procedures.]
2. The secret of secretts.
3. Sir John Barkly. Secret practices of experiments, in three books.
4. A discourse of the minerall stone.
5. [Notes taken from conversation with Sir John Barkly, March 1581.]
6. Samuel Norton. [Abbreviated works.]
7. [Notes from a manuscript formerly in the King's Library, St James's.]
8. William Herbert [?]. [An extract from his works.]
9. D. Curer. [Notes from an old manuscript of his works.]
10. Roger Bacon. On the oil of antimony.
11. [Medical recipes, compiled 1658?]
12. [Abstract from Polemann and Helmont on the sulphur of the philosophers.]
13. [Medical recipes.]

1915. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 64.
93 folios. Parchment. 240x170mm. 17th Century [c. 1660.]
Samuel Norton. [Nine of Norton's works, anonymously translated into French.]
[Illustrated with 18 coloured illustrations corresponding approximately but not exactly with the printed Latin edition, Frankfurt, 1630.]

1916. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 65.
143 folios. Paper. 139x95mm. 17th Century [1644-1664.]
[B. L.?] Sioler. Les Oeuvres de Sioler, M�decin spagyrique.
f2r [Illustrated with a complex emblematic drawing in coloured inks, containing alchemical signs, columns, shrubs growing in pots, Latin quotations partly from scripture.]
[The text is illustrated with a number of curious emblematic drawings, naively executed, consisting of alchemical emblems in which winged, angelic figures often occur, as well as drawings of apparatus.]

1917. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 66.
102 folios. Paper. 211x156mm. 17th Century [1671, 1688]
Antonio Lazzarone. Chymiae nobilitas.

1918. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 67.
189 folios. Paper. 167x135mm. 17th Century
[Alchemical and medical Miscellany, in French, Italian and Latin.]
1. Voyage du terrestre Apollon [in French, Italian and Latin verse and prose.]
2. L'Image vive du monde [French verse.]
3. Jean Saunier. Oeuvre � son fils [in French as translated by Gabriel de Castaigne.]
4. Gabriel de Castaigne. Petit traict� touchant l'oeuvre de Jean Saulnier [in French.]
5. Jean Saulnier. L'Or calcin� [in French.]
6. Annotations et corrections sur l'op�ration pr�c�dente [in French.]
7. Jean Saulnier. Quelques pr�parations du sel [in French.]
8. Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella. Remarques sur les abeilles [translated into French by Claude Cotereau.]
9. Olivier de Serres. Remarques sur les abeilles [in French.]
10. Pere Mexia. Remarques sur les abeilles [translated into French by Claude Graget.]
11. Fran�ois Ranchin. Remarques sur le manne [in French.]
12. Jacques Du Bois, called Sylvius. Remarques sur la manne [translated into French by Andr� Caille.]
13. Remarques sur le miel [in French.]
14. Johann Isaac Hollandus. Op�ration sur le vin [in French, an abridgment of L'Oeuvre v�g�table, Book I.]
15. Johann Isaac Hollandus. Op�ration sur le Ch�lidoine [in French, an abridgment of L'Oeuvre v�g�table, Book II.]
16. Nicolas Pierre Henri Montfaucon de Villars (?). Teinture �prouv�e [in French.]
17. [Recipes for salt , in French.]

1919. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 68.
161 folios. Paper. 290x190mm. 17th Century [1676.]
[A collection of alchemical and other writings of Paracelsus, in German.]

1920. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 69.
72 folios. Paper. 153x108mm. 17th Century [1689 ?]
Eirenaeus Philaletha Cosmopolita. Secrets reveal'd.

1921. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 70.
83 folios. Paper. 274x212mm. 17th Century [1692.]
Musaeum hermeticum reformatum [compiled by Georg Hellmerich?]
1. Basilius Valentinus. Porta sophica, sive duodecim claves [in Latin.]
2. Marcellus Palingenius. [Alchemical invocation in Latin verse.]
3. George Ripley. Liber duodecim portarum [the prologue only, in Latin.]
4. Hermes. Tabula smaragdina [in Latin.]
5. Basilius Valentinus. Practica cum duodecim clavibus [in Latin.]
6. Lambsprinck. De lapide philosophico libellus [in Latin.]
7. [Michael Maier and others. Emblematical alchemical paintings without text.]
8. Riginio Danielli. Canzone [in Italian.]
[Most of the coloured illustrations in this manuscript are drawn from the 1678 edition of Musaeum Hermeticum.]

1922. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 71.
114 folios. Paper. 265x195mm. 17th Century [1696 and 1702] with later additions about 1900.
[Alchemical Miscellany in French, Latin and English, partly signed by J.C.D.B. in 1696.]
1. Explication de l'oeuvre de Philal�the [copied 1702.]
2. Musica philosophorum sur l'air, O Sainte S�bastiane pr�paration du cinabre sur m�me ton.
3. La Premi�re (seconde, troisi�me) collone [alchemy in French.]
4. La Pr�paration du sel pour la m�decine, ou l'alkahest de Paracelse.
5. Georgius Aurach de Argentina. Preciosissimum donum dei [with series of 11 coloured illustrations.]
6. Georgius Aurach de Argentina. Hortus divitiarum.
7. Artephius intrepr�t� et expliqu�.
8. Paracelsus. Un secret.
9. Sieur de Tessel. Chimie en th�orie et pratique, 1671.
10. L'Ouvrage secret de la philosophie d'Hermes.
11. William Alexander Aytoun. [Notes and translations in English from various sources including the present manuscript.]

1923. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 72.
99 folios. Parchment. 340x433mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
Calendarium naturale magicum perpetuum. [In Latin, Hebrew and Greek.]

1924. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 73.
146 folios. Paper. 106x75mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
La Chrisologie chymique, divis�e en deux livres.
[With large number of pen drawn illustrations of alchemical apparatus.]

1925. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 74.
212 folios. Paper and Parchment. 396x261mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.] with 19th Century illustrations.
Livre de la tr�s Sainte Trinit� [A version in French of Das Buch von der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit.]
[With 14 coloured illustrations, made in 1875.]

1926. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 75.
59 folios. Paper. 178x112mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
[Medical and alchemical recipes and procedures, in French and Latin.]

1927. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 76.
282 folios. Paper. 338x230mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
[Collection of alchemical works of Pierre Jean Fabre, anonymously translated into English.]
1. Propugnaculum alchymiae, the Defence of alchymy.
2. The first (second, third, fourth) booke of universall wisdome.
3. Hercules piochymicus.
4. Myrothecium spagyricum, or A chymicall dispensatory.

1928. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 77.
390 folios. Paper. 335x230mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
Nicolas de Locques [A collection of his works in French.]
1. Les m�ccaniques de la philosophie naturelle.
2. De la corporification des esprits et volatilisation des corps.
3. Des magist�res et quintessences.
4. Trait� de la metamorfose chimique.
5. Le cahos des sages.
6. Du souphre des filosofes.
7. Livre de teintures souphres ou �mes des m�taux.
8. De la m�dicine universelle, 1666.
9. La chiragogie.
10. Des tours de mains, 1667.
11. De l'alchimie, ou de la pr�paration des sels et des sucres.
12. La pyrotecnie.

1929. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 78.
6 separate parts. Paper. Various formats. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
[Isaac Newton, holograph. Reading notes and excerpts on alchemy, in Latin and English.]
1. [Address leaf of letter sent to Newton, and notes in Latin from Theorica by Ramon Lull.]
2. [Single folio with list of 30 alchemical operations.]
3. [2 folios. 45 headings of alchemical operations with notes of printed sources.]
4. [4 folios. List of alchemical procedures.]
5. [2 folios, containing reading notes in Latin on the 'Rod of Mercury' from Ripley's Medulla and Bloomfield.]
6. [2 folios. 'Observationes' on alchemical procedures.]

1930. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 79.
4 folios. Paper. 193x147mm. 18th Century [c. 1700.]
[Isaac Newton, holograph. Reading notes and excerpts on alchemy, in English and Latin.]

1931. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 80.
192 folios. Paper. 96x153mm. 18th Century [1702.]
William Yarworth. Processus mysterii magni [in English and Latin.]

1932. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 81.
239 folios. Paper. 193x115, with some folios in other formats. 18th Century
Arcana divina et compendium cum clavibus Philosophischen Realit�ten und Experimenten [in German and Latin.]
[Compiled about 1743 by F.F. Weichenhaan, partly from materials written about 1705 by Anna Susanna Lieber.

1933. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 82.
146 folios. Paper. 222x172mm. 18th Century [c. 1710.]
Interruption du sommeil cabalistique, ou le d�voilement des tableaux mystiques de l'antiquit�.

1934. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 83.
36 folios. Paper. 234x180mm. 18th Century [c. 1710.]
Solidonius Philosophus Barnaudus Philosophus et Medicus monspel.
[Series of 18 coloured illustrations.]

1935. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 84.
218 folios. Paper. 284x220mm. 18th Century [c. 1720.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in French.]
1. Eirenaeus Philaletha (?). Trait� de l'oeuvre des philosophes.
2. Eirenaeus Philaletha (?). Pratique de la voye humide pour faire la pierre.
3. Johann Grasshof. Le petit et le grand paysan.

1936. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 85.
238 folios. Paper. 286x212mm. 18th Century
[Cabbalistic miscellany, in French and Latin.]
1. Clavicules de Salomon [translated from Hebrew into French by Pierre Morissonnaux.]
2. Livre contenant plusieurs beaux et rares secrets.

1937. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 86.
219 folios. Paper. 203x153mm. 18th Century [c. 1720, the drawings added c. 1740.]
Salomon Trissmosin.
La toison d'or, and La splendeur du soleil.
[21 full page coloured illustrations from the Splendor Solis series.]

1938. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 87.
60 folios. Paper. 283x206mm. 18th Century [c. 1725.]
[Alchemical miscellany in Latin.]
1. Thesaurus mundi. [Compare with MS. Sloane 1316.]
2. Doctrinae filii. [With series of drawings of process in flasks, possibly Donum Dei series.]
3. Speculum veritatis vere artis. [Series of coloured illustrations of 'Vallis novi' series.]

1939. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 88.
54 folios. Paper. 280x195mm. 18th Century [c. 1725.]
Arcana divina [In German and Latin.]
[Illustrated with folding pen and wash drawing showing in the upper centre of a cloudy sky the Sn, whose rays are seen to be aimed especially at three double burnign lenses set on pedestals, the two on each side act upon glass vessels set on tables, while the other in the centre, supported by two angelic figures burns material in a plate.]
[From the Julius Kohn Collection.]

1940. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 89.
16 folios. Paper. 197x155mm. 18th Century [c. 1725.]
Basilius Valentinus. A revelation of secret manualls of Frater Bazilius Valentinus [In English. Excerpted from The Last Will and Testament of Basil Valentine, London, 1657.]

1941. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 90.
95 folios. Paper. 145x95mm. 18th Century [c. 1725.]
Antonio Neri. Compendio de molti rari secreti [Extracts from L'Arte vetraria.]

1942. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 91.
106 folios. Paper. 170x102mm. 18th Century [c. 1725.]
David de Planis Campy. L'ouverture de l'escolle de philosophie transmutatoire m�tallique.

1943. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 92.
46 folios. Paper. 148x182mm. 18th Century [c. 1730.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in German and Latin.]
1. [Alchemical recipes and processes, in German with some headings in Latin.]
2. Paracelsus. [Recipes involving antimony, dated 1595.]
3. Benedikt (?) Paulus of Osterburg. [An augmentation of gold and silver, in German.]
4. B. Wachsmuth. Die rechte Tinctur aller Metallen [in German with occasional phrases in Latin.]
5. [Alchemical recipes, in German with occasional phrases in Latin.]

1944. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 93.
144 folios. Paper. 183x142mm. 18th Century [c. 1730.]
[Alchemical processes and recipes, in English, French and Latin.]
[Supposedly attributed to Sir Kenelm Digby.]
[With four illustrations in brown ink of alchemical apparatus.]

1945. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 94.
107 folios. Paper. 138x178mm. 18th Century [c. 1735.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in German.]
1. [Alchemy, in verse, with a prose commentary. With series of 13 allegorical illustrations, similar to the Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Mondskind, Mainz, 1752. See also Mellon MSS. 108, 132 and 133. Mellon catalogue suggests the text may be an expanded German version of 'Preciosissimum Donum Dei'.]
2. [An index of chemical symbols and medicinal weights.]
3. [Sigillum Hermetis and other procedures.]
4. [Alchemical verses.]

1946. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 95.
62 folios. Paper. 229x163mm. 18th Century [1736.]
Antoine Fizes. Recueil des le�ons de Chimie.

1947. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 96.
27 folios. Paper. 250x183mm. 18th Century [1736.]
Jean Saunier [or Saignier]. Magni lapidis naturalis philosophia, sive testamentum [translated into French.]

1948. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 97.
183 folios. Paper. 210x165mm. 18th Century [c. 1740.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in German, French, and Latin.]
1. [Alchemical catechism on minerals, in German.]
2. Michael Pezel. Ein sonderbar Werck ex Theophrasto Redivivo [and other works in German.]
3. [Alchemical verses in German.]
4. [2 recipes in German.]
5. Alexander Seton. [Letter to his brother Daniel on the philosopher's stone, in German.]
6. Bernhardt Gangolff. [Letters and recipes, in German.]
7. [An antimony process in German.]
8. Ramon Lull. Clavicula [abbreviated in German and Latin.]
9. Ramon Lull. Annotationes [in German and Latin.]
10. Ramon Lull. Handgriff [in German.]
11. [Alchemical and medical procedures and recipes, in German.]
12. Alexander Seton. Processus, or letter on the phiilosopher's stone [in German.]
13. [Alchemical and medicinal recipes, proverbs, and a riddle in verse [in German.]
14. Paracelsus. Dialogus discipuli et magistri de electo immaturo [in German and Latin.]
15. [Various. A riddle in verse; alchemical, medicinal, and household recipes, in German.]
16. [Recipes and notes on property management, silkworms, inks, etc., in French and German.]
17. Jacob Labfort [Description of an artesian well and its equipment, in German.]
18. [Description of a porcelain oven at Erfurt, in German.]

1949. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 98.
74 folios. Paper. 145x85mm. 18th Century [c. 1745.]
1. L'aurore naissante [A French text, possibly related to the 'Aurora consurgens'. With 14 symbolic pen drawn illustrations.]
2. Jacob Toll. Le chemin du ciel chymique [translated into French from Coelum chemicum, probably by Alexandre Toussaint de Limojon de Saint Disdier.]

1950. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 99.
84 folios. Paper. 226x160mm. 18th Century [c. 1745.]
P. M. de Respour. Rares exp�riences sur les esprits min�raux pour la pr�paration et transmutation des corps m�taliques... par Monsieur de Respour.

1951. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 100.
64 folios. Paper. 190x127mm. 18th Century [c 1750, with additions 1762, 1779.]
[Alchemical miscellany in French and Latin.]
1. Nicolas Flamel. [Alchemy, in French with some Latin. Illustrated with 20 drawings of alchemical symbols.]
2. Zodiaque des philosophes.
3. Madame de M�� (?). Observations en forme de lettre � Monsieur...
4. [Virtues of and remedies derived from the herb 'G�n�py'.]
5. Dhenin Rouz�. [A remedy in French, with other anonymous remedies.]
6. [Travel notes in French, dated 1779.]
7. [Reading notes in French on Philaletha, Flamel, and other writers, dated 1762.
8. Observations sur le Rossoli.
9. [A fragment of an alchemical operation.]
f2r [Full page coloured drawing of a coat of arms surrounded by alchemical emblematic figures.]

1952. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 101.
196 folios. Paper. 193x132mm. 18th Century [c. 1750.]
1. Il maestro della sacra arte ermetica.
2. Paolo Francesco d'Arso. Trattato, or Canto [Alchemy in verse.]
3. [Seven alchemical poems in Italian.]
4. [A short alchemical procedure and a brief discussion of earlier alchemical procedures.]
5. De lapide philosophorum veritate [in Italian.]
6. Filo d'Ariadne [in Italian, with a letter from Peregrino Grimaldi on the alchemical process.]

1953. 3Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 102.
32 folios. Paper. 310x207mm. 18th Century [c. 1750.]
1. [Homilies in Latin and German on knowledge, largely extracted from the scriptures.]
2. Thesaurus thesaurorum et secretum secrettissimum [in Latin, with series of watercoloured illustrations. See MS. Wellcome 4775.]
3. Lapidis philosophorum verus processus mei magistri colendissimi piae memoriae [consisting of drawings with slight text.]

1954. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 103.
223 folios. Paper. 195x126mm. 18th Century [c. 1750.]
Abraham Juif, Prince, Pr�tre, L�vite, Astrologue (et) Philosophe... Livre des Figures hi�roglyphiques..
[Series of 13 watercolour illustrations inserted on parchment.]

1955. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 104.
18 folios. Paper. 205-210 x 125-130mm 18th Century [c. 1750.]
Livre de la science herm�tique, ou le grand oeuvre.
[Illustrated with series of 18 watercolours, which combine aspects of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ with traditional hermetic symbolism.]

1956. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 105.
179 folios. Paper. 163x93mm. 18th Century [c. 1750.]
Johannes Daniel Hanewinckel. [Medicinal and alchemical recipes, in Latin and German.]

1957. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 106.
92 folios. Paper. 255x195mm. 18th Century [c. 1750.]
Johann Isaac Hollandus. [Die Hand der Philosophen, Opus Saturni, and Opera Vegetabilia, together with a Philosophischer Tractat ascribed to Sendivogius, all translated into Italian from the edition printed in German at Frankfurt, 1667.]

1958. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 107.
16 folios. Paper. 174x110mm. 18th Century [1756.]

1959. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 108.
140 folios. Paper and parchment. 312x197mm. 18th Century [c. 1758.]
[Alchemical miscellany in German, Dutch and Latin, probably compiled by Jan Pieter Rathlaan.]
1. [Two alchemical poems in German.]
2. [Alchemy in German, partly in verse. Illustrated with series of 16 coloured figures, similar to that in the Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Mondskind. See also Mellon MSS. 94, 132 and 133.]
3. Hoorn. [Alchemy in Dutch, as taught to the compiler.]
4. Johannes Arcasius, O.S.B. [Alchemy in German.]
5. Die gantze haermaetische Arbe�d [series of 12 miniature oil paintings of a symbolic pictorial alchemy.]
6. [Alchemy in Dutch. With drawings of apparatus on parchment.]
7. Jan Pieter and Cornelia Rathlaan. [A contract in Dutch between them and Baron von Tholl for sharing alchemical secrets.]
8. Baron von Tholl. [Alchemical procedures in Dutch.]
9. [Alchemy in Dutch, with drawings of apparatus.]
10. [Recipe in Dutch.]
11. Calendar der Phylosophen [in German.]
12. Baron von Tholl. [Alchemical recipes and procedures in Dutch.]
13. Johann Heinrich Pott. [Alchemical procedures in Dutch as communicated to the compiler in correspondence.]
14. C. or J.O. von Hellwig. [Alchemy in Dutch.]
15. Waasenberg. [Alchemical procedures in Dutch.]
16. Dritter pitagorischer Sinodus von der verborgener Weissheit [illustrated with 18 paintings on parchment folios, some paralleling images from the Rosarium Philosophorum series.]

1960. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 109.
142 folios. Paper. 313x195mm. 18th Century [c. 1760.]
1. Le veau d'or.
2. Le rosaire des philosophes. ['Rosarium Philosophorum.']
3. W.R. Experimentum verae confectionis philosophorum lapidis [in Latin, partly extracted from Geber and Eirenaeus Philalethes.]

1961. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 110.
838 folios bound in two volumes. Paper. 233x183mm. 18th Century [c. 1760.]
[Alchemical and Rosicrucian compendium in German, Low-German, Latin and Hebrew, with additions in German and Dutch.]
[Illustrated with many coloured drawings, 29 forming a series of flasks, while others are said in the catalogue to be linked with the Donum Dei series. The image of the green lion devouring the sun from the Rosarium Philosophorum appears on folio 132r, while f220r has the image of the three headed dragon in the flask, from the Splendor Solis sequence.]

1962. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 111.
242 folios. Paper. 169x110mm. 18th Century [c. 1760.]
Le Philosophe chimique d�masqu�. [Written in the form of letters to a distinguished personage.]

1963. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 112.
Two volumes. 98 pages +14 folios and 213 pages +21 folios. Paper. 220x140mm. 18th Century [c. 1765.]
Nicolas de Locques. Chaos of the Sages [anonymously translated into English, with much additional matter, partly in French and Latin.]

1964. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 113.
Two volumes. 141 folios and 128 folios. Paper. 191x153mm. 18th Century [1768-9.]
Joseph Black, M.D. A course of one hundred and twenty-seven lectures on chemistry, transcribed by Tucker Harris, Edinburgh.

1965. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 114.
412 folios. Paper. 232x180mm. 18th Century [c. 1770.]
1. Johann Daniel Mylius (?). The fourth (and fifth) part of the preface of gold [anonymously translated into English.]
2. Johann Daniel Mylius. Basilica chymica, books I-III [anonymously translated into English.]
3. Johann Daniel Mylius. Basilica philosophica: preface to the third book, books I-III [anonymously translated into English.]
4. Michael Maier. Viatorium, that is a discourse of the seven planets [anonymously translated into English.]
5. Basilius Valentinus. Haliography [anonymously translated into English.]

1966. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 115.
389 folios. Paper. 310x202mm. 18th Century [c. 1770.]
Dictionnaire alchymique.
[This MS. is possibly associated with Dom Anthonie Joseph Pernety, who published Dictionnaire mytho-herm�tique at Paris, 1754.]

1967. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 116.
124 folios. Paper. 311x196mm. 18th Century [c. 1770.]
Basilius Valentinus. F�nf letze B�cher, oder Testament.
[Armorial bookplate of Count Chorinsky.]

1968. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 117.
203 folios. Paper. 228x177mm. 18th Century [1772]
Hieronymous David Gaubius. Annotationes ex praelectionibus chemicis.
[Transcription of lectures of Gaubius, Professor of chemistry at Leiden University. This manuscript is uniform with Mellon MS. 118.]

1969. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 118.
4 volumes. 1168 folios. Paper. 233x179mm. 18th Century [1773-4]
Joseph Black, M.D. A course of one hundred and eighteen lectures on chemistry delivered in the University of Edinburgh.

1970. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 119.
50 folios + 8 inserted leaves. Paper. 196x152mm. 18th Century [1774.]
Abraham Eleazar. Uraltes chymisches Werk [transcribed by Jacobus Bernardus Franciscus Eckhart.]
[Partial transcription from Uraltes chymisches Werk, Leipsig, 1760 (second edition), with the illustrations copied in pen.]

1971. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 120.
120 pages. Paper. 205x163mm. 18th Century [c. 1775.]
[Alchemy, in German and Latin.]

1972. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 121.
33 folios. Paper. 435x184mm. 18th Century [c. 1775.]
Thesaurus thesaurorum. [in Latin with a few words in French.]
[Belonged to Baron de Toussainct.]
[ff11r-32r 30 numbered drawings which are often divided into two, the upper part having a flask upon a furnace, while the lower has a symbolic representation of the partitcula process intended.]
[The text is related to Tr�sor des tr�sors, found in Biblioth�que l'Arsenal MS. 975, and the illustrations relate to the Donum Dei series.]
[Interspersed among the 'flask series' in this manuscript are 12 of the hermaphrodite figures from the Rosarium Philosophorum series.]

1973. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 122.
8 folios. Paper. 165x90mm. 18th Century [1759.]
Joseph Moritz von Brachfeld. Excerpta de praeparatione lapidis philosophorum [in German and Latin.]
[Extracts from a work said to have been published at Eisenach in 1759.]

1974. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 123.
2 vols. 102 + 102 folios. Paper. 209x176mm. 18th Century [c. 1780.]
Of Chemistry. [Series of lectures or essays possibly intended by the author John Blackburne (a botanist) for publication.

1975. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 124.
8 folios. Paper. 218x170mm. 18th Century [c. 1780.]
Trait� pour l'�claircissement sur la pierre philosophale.

1976. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 125.
294 folios. Paper. 222x183mm. 18th Century [c. 1780.]
Joseph Black, M.D. A course of lectures on chemistry [lectures 1-39 only.]

1977. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 126.
176 folios. Paper. 283x230mm. 18th Century [c. 1780.]
Ramon Lull. Testamentum, Compendium animae transmutationis artis metallorum, Vade mecum, Alphabetum, Cantilena, and Elucidatio testamenti [translated anonymously into French with dedication by Ludolf Verdeman.]

1978. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 127.
71 folios. Paper. 320x203mm. 18th Century [c. 1780.]
Georg von Welling. 'The rise and origin of common salt' [an extract from Opus mago-cabalisticum et theosophicum, part I, anonymously translated into English.]
[This is continued in Mellon MS. 128.]

1979. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 128.
51 folios. Paper. 321x197mm. 18th Century [c. 1780.]
Georg von Welling. The rise, properties and use of sulphur, and of mercury [extracts from Opus mago-cabalisticum et theosophicum, parts II-III, anonymously translated into English.]
[This is a continuation of Mellon MS. 127.]

1980. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 129.
94 folios. Paper. 180x127mm. 18th Century [c. 1785.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in French and Latin.]
1. Basilius Valentinus. Des choses naturelles et surnaturelles [translated anonymously into French.]
2. Drouin (?). Extrait sommaire de ce que j'ai jug� de plus consid�rable dans... Basile Valentin.
3. Extrait d'un article de la haligraphie attribu�e � Basile Valentin.
4. Le salade philosophique.
5. Heinrich Khunrath. Le symbole [translation anonymously into French of (possibly) part of Confessio de Chao Physico-Chemicorum Catholico, published 1598?]
6. Drouin (?) Examen du syst�me de Philalethe.
7. George Ripley. Le manuel [translated from English into French after an edition printed at London, 1683?]
8. Drouin. Des voies s�che et humide.
9. Drouin. R�flexions sur quelques passages de G. Ripley en son Viaticum.

1981. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 130.
120 folios. Paper. Various formats. 18th Century [c. 1785.]
Publius Ovidus Naso. Le grand Olympe, [a translation into French verse of the moralizing, mystical version in Latin of Ovid's Metamorphoses by Thomas Waleys, with a prose commentary, both ascribed in the text to Pierrec Vicot, 1430.]

1982. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 131.
105 folios. Paper. 161x108mm. 18th Century [c. 1790.]
1. Federico Gualdi. Philosophia hermetica [in Italian verse.]
[Illustrated with 13 pen and watercolour circular drawings.]
2. Marcus Eugenius Bonacina. Compendiolum de praeparatione auri potabilis veri. [Composed at Austerlitz in 1616 according to the dedicatory epistle directed to Laszlo Wellen, an imperial counsellor and chamberlain to Archduke Maximilian.]
[Illustrated with 10 emblematic figures, divided into two sets of five.]

1983. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 132.
133 folios. Paper. 195x150mm. 18th Century [c. 1790.]
Das Buch der Weissheit zum langen Leben und vollkommenen Reichthum [in German and Latin.]
[Illustrated with elaborate frontispiece and tailpiece, together with a series of 13 emblematic coloured drawings, based on the series of engravings in Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Mondskind, Mainz, 1752.]
[See Mellon MSS. 94, 108 and 133.]

1984. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 133.
182 folios. Paper. 183x108mm. 18th Century [c. 1790.]
Das geheime Buch der Weissheit zum langen Leben und vollkommenen Reichtum [in German and Latin.]
[Illustrated with a series of 13 emblematic coloured drawings, based on the series of engravings in Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Mondskind, Mainz, 1752.]
[See Mellon MSS. 94, 108 and 132.]

1985. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 134.
64 folios. Paper. 189x150mm. 18th Century [1796.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in Latin, German, Hebrew, Greek, Dutch and English, chiefly concerned with Hermes, Tabula Smaragdina, written by S. Bacstrom.]

1986. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 135.
286 folios. Paper. 212x180mm. 18th Century [1797.]
Compass der Weisen.

1987. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 136.
66 folios. Paper. 208x174mm. 18th Century [1798.]
Johann Arndt. Das zweyte Silentium Dei in des K�nigs Salomonis des Weisen paradiesseschen Lustgarten [written by Gottfried Klaussen (?) in German and Latin.]
[With four pen illustrations.]
[The prologue to this text, dated 1599, was published in Paradiesg�rtlein aller christlichen Tugenden, 1612, and later reprinted in Vier B�cher vom wahren Christenthum, 1733.]

1988. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 137.
32 folios. Paper. 209x160mm. 18th Century [c. 1800.]
Basset Jones. Liber chymicus. [Copied directly from the edition printed at Oxford, 1648.]

1989. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 138.
85 folios. Paper. 181x111mm. 18th Century [c. 1800.]
Dr. J (?). K��ck. Hermetischer Roosen Crantz R+C+ [Roseae Crucis] f�r mich selbsten, oder Kleine Hand Bibliotec., Thesaurus Incantatus.
[Consists of extracts from works of Bernardus Trevisanus, Aula Lucis, Denis Zacaire, Eugenius Philalethes, Lauer, Lull, Helvetius, Johannes de Monte Raphaim, Basilius Valentinus, Joannes Pontanus, Ludovicus de Comitibus, Michael Maier, Michael Sendivogius. With a few illustrations which seem to be taken from these works.]

1990. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 139.
69 folios. Paper. 221x168mm. 18th Century [c. 1800.]
1. [Pharmaceutical and alchemical recipes, in German with alphabetical index at end.]
2. Friedrich Helbach. Olivetum, das ist Kunstbuch [a printed book], Frankfurt, 1605.

1991. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 140.
184 pages. Paper. 230x162mm. 19th Century [1801.]
Georg von Welling. Philosophy of the Universe, or a general system of chemical, metaphysical, and mathematical knowledge [translated into English from Opus mago-cabblisticum et theosophicum, part I, by Francis Barrett.]

1992. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 141.
34 folios. Paper. 209x165mm. 19th Century [1805.]
[Alchemical miscellany, in English, German and French, by S. Bacstrom.]

1993. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 142.
103 folios. Paper. 245x178mm. 19th Century [1809.]
Loius Isidore Nachet. Cours �l�mentaire de chimie.

1994. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 143.
198 folios. Paper. 190x133mm. 19th Century [1828 -1837.]
[Lecture notes of courses in physics and chemistry taught at Toulouse by Professor Boisgiraud in 1828, and historical extracts from other sources written in 1835-1837, in French.]

1995. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 144.
259 folios. Paper. 310x196mm. 19th Century [1840-42.]
[Alchemical miscellany in French, written by 'Victor'.]
1. Jodocus Greverius (?). Particulier herm�tique.
2. Johann Isaac Hollandus. Trait� d'ouvrages min�rauz.
3. Philalete d�voil�; Pantaleon d�voil�; Abraham jiuf d�voil�.
4. Proc�d� v�ridique communiqu� par un soldat, 1646.
5. Paracelse d�voil�.
6. Le grand oeuvre, ou pierre physique des philosophes.
7. Johann Isaac Hollandus. L'oeuvre philosophique du vitriol.
8. L'oeuvres de la pierre sur la F�r�mie.
9. Des r�gules vulgaires et philosophiques.
10. Trait� des nombreuses exp�riences faites sur le vitriol.
11. Basilus Valentinus. Le char triomphal de l'antimoine; Trait� des min�raux; Troisi�me (et quatri�me) livre du testament; Les secrets particuliers; Les tours de main; Manifestation ou �claircissement de secrets cach�s.

1996. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 145.
168 folios. Paper. 361x226mm. 19th Century [1849.]
1. J.G. Toeltius. Coelum reservatum chymicum [translated into English by F.H (?), together with fifty-for Secret Keys to the understanding of the work.]
2. Concerning divine magic, or Cabbalistic mysteries, an anonymous translation from a German original.]
[Illustrations in the text.]

1997. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 146.
12 folios. Parchment. 148x95mm. 19th Century [c. 1900.]
Nicolas Flamel. Le sommaire philosophique [in verse.]
[Illustrated with 3 miniatures.]

1998. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 147.
52 folios. Paper. 220x180mm. 19th Century
Michael Maier. De la quadrature du cercle physique, c'est � dire de l'or [anonymously translated into French from De circulp physicao quadrato, Oppenheim, 1616.]

1999. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 148.
457 folios. Paper unbound. 246x200mm. 20th Century [1918.]
Arthur Edward Waite. The works of Thomas Vaughan.

2000. Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 149.
55 folios. Paper. 260x200mm. 20th Century [1922.]
Arthur Edward Waite. Raymond Lully, illuminated doctor, alchemist and Christian mystic.