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1408. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.1.66. 39 folios. Vellum. 190x130mm. In marbled paper boards ticketed 'ars quaedam, MS. xi'. 15th Century, written in France.
Raymundi Lulli. Ars Demonstratiua.
[f1v, iir have a number of dials with writing in red, blue, green and yellow. The inscriptions are of various kinds: one has the name of virtues and vices, another such words as miseria, ominium, bonitas, magnitudo, eternitas; another, actus, memoria, voluntas, etc. There are many step-shaped diagrams inscribed in various colours.]
On fly leaf 'Ar de fontenay Eurry Rhetor apud doum le Tairier in collegio arsiano'.
On the second leaf is a full page drawing of a man in cloak, plumed hat, and breeches, playing a pipe. On the next leaf, a sphere on a stand, surrounded by pictures of sun, moon, stars and earth. The date 1675 at top. On the verso 'AR. des Mares Eurry', and 'AR. de fontenay eurry'.
[Title] Theatrum mundi seu universi orbis notita ex praecipuarum pertium miraculis.
Sapiens dominabitur astris
mens penetrat coelos
With drawings of spheres, sun, moon and stars, and Zodiacal symbols.
On f3, a diagram of the spheres.
Other very neat diagrams (astronomical) follow.
[English translation of J. Weckerus De Secretis, with an anonymous preface (of the translator?) at the beginning. From the Library of J.O. Halliwell no. 157.]
1411. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.14. Paper. 210x162mm. Three volumes, two printed the last in manuscript folios 60-141.
The Contents of this Book.
Firste an Epistle dedicatorye of the Booke of Armory of Clauius Paradine.
A Discourse vpon the Creste of the Lorde Burghley.
Another Discourse vpon the Philosophers Arte. By Fraunces Thynne.
A notice of the author from Woods Athenae Oxonienses (I.319) is written below, and at the bottom of the page is the name R. Neile.
On the verse is a full-page coloured drawing of the Arms of Lord Burghley.
1. [The Epistle Dedicatory follows, signed in the Author's autograph and occupying 4 folios, dated Bermonsey 2 August 1575.]
2. [On the next page is a full-page coloured drawing of Francis Thynne's arms.]
3. [A discourse upon the Lorde Burghleyghe his Creste.]
4. [Six line stanzas over 15 pages in verse, 'When burning Sunne with gleames of golden light'.]
f 72v A coloured drawing of a King standing on the Sun joining hands with a Queen standing on the Moon. Both hold a spray of flowers which is in the beak of a dove. [Rosarium Philosophorum emblem 2].
The scrolls have text 'Oh mone consent that maryed we may bee'. 'On sonne yt is reasonne that I obey to thee', 'The sprite giues lyfe which doth these two agree'.
5. f73 A Discourse vppon the Philosopher's Armes.
f73v [Coloured drawing of these Arms].
6. Text in verse, 'The sacred booke doth truely tell in speeche of heauenly penne'.
There are sixteen coloured drawings in the poem, mostly of planets in their cars.
f141 List of authors cited.
[MS Ashmole 766 I, is another copy of these same tracts, signed by the author.]
1412. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.36. [CMA 661]. 369 written pages. Paper. 200x152mm.
17th Century.
Libro per certo d'oro, come della contenenza delle sue principali materie, posta nella facciata suguente chi leggera ben tosto uedra. In Venetia riscritto d'originale antico, l'anno di salute M.DC.IV. [Contents on verso of title.]
1. f2 Verace specchio della Pietra de Filosofi dal quale si riceve il compiuto lume di questa nobile scienza.
2. f142 Nobilissimo tesoro de segreti Filosofici.
3. f154-339 Tesoro nobilissimo de segreti Medicinali.
[Table at the end. The Preface says that no. 1 was found among the papers of Giacomantonio Grumo created Marquis by the Duke of Savoy, no. 2 was written by Francesco Vianello, Secretary to the College of the Signoria of Venice.]
1413. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.37. [CMA 363]. 5+7+157 folios. Vellum. 203x137mm. 16th Century stamped leather binding. 15th Century.
[On the fly leaves receipts in English for making red wax, white soap, etc.
These are the chapitres of this book of Alkamye and the first is this.
The grete Elixerie.
The last is Sublimacyon of Arsenyk ccc. li.
Expl. the Calendeer of this book of Alkemye.
f1 [text] Omnipotens et misericors deus uniuersa nobis aduersaria propiciatus exclude etc.
Here begynnyth the great Elixerie.
Take mercurie naturell and medle hym with comune salt etc.
A later hand adds a 'Cytrinacio bona' in English.
On f1 of text is the name 'H. Crampton'.
1. f i List of Authors cited.
2. fiiiv George Ripley's Ordinal Secretorum in Latin verse.
Liber iste clericis monstrat scientiam
liber sed laicis auget iustitiam.
3. f1 Prohemiun Libri I. qui intitulatur orinale secretorum
To the honour of God one in persons three
this boke ys made that laymen shulde yt see.
[It is in seven chapters in English and ends on f75v]
In the yere of christ Mt cccc seventie and seven
this worke beganne honour to god in heven.
4. f1 (new foliation) II Liber Chymicus.
Omnis gratia et sapientia a domino deo... ab initio fuit.
ends on f6r Nos pater et nate cum flamine sancitificate.
5. f6r Capitulum primum essentia lapidis cum praeparatione calcinativa.
Ego iam Yrefacius nomine Benedictus ne ut precursores invidi trufator iudicer.
In 13 chapters and an epilogue.
Mensse Maii per Fretwell 1594 ex libro autentico authoris manu scripto 1390. membrana.
1. f1 A tract of temperatures.
2. f117 Speculum Alchemiae Rogeri Baconis.
3. f137 Rosary. This tretis shewith how ye shall gouverne your fire in all maner of operacions.
f143 [Diagram.]
4. f151 [Various receipts and short tract in Latin.]
5. f1 Hic inc. Epistola transmissa ad papam per Mag. Arnaldum de Villanoua et est uerissima epistola.
6. f7v [Headed 'Bakon']. There is on thyngg alone to hom no strong thyng ys added.
7. f14v Alia Regula (in English).
8. f15v Semita recta. Albertus peribet testimonium.
1416. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.45. [CMA 364]. Vellum of different sizes. Many different tracts. 15th, 13th and 14th Centuries.
I. [Two small leaves, the name Laurence Sadler and the note Empt. Lond. Feb. 24, Anno 1628 is on one.]
II. 15th Cent. 216X146mm.
2. f3 Ask the comyn verkerys that hole ham soo wyse what ys the erthe & what ys the vete. In English and Latin with passages in verse.
Expl. opus d. Johannis snell de Wigmor.
III. [In another hand.]
3. f27 Erat autem quiam rex volens alios arare potentes. [An alchemical parable].
4. f34 Inc. tractatus magri Reginali de Noua Villa [In seven chapters].
IV. Seven leaves. 184x121mm. 13th and 14th Centuries, discoloured.
5. Epistola Aristotelis philosophi quam misit Allexandro.
V. 15th Century. 222x146mm. in same hand as III.
6. f43 Begins imperfectly. Expl. practica Magri Arnoldi de Noua villa.
7. f46 Cum gaudeant uti brevitate moderni [On the transmutation of the 'inferior planets', contains passages in verse.].
Receipts in English.
VI. f121
8. [Symbols of the Metals in red.] in sekyng oute of the sotheness of this craft yt men calles alkemye.
9. f140 Now ys to schoe phylosoferys stonys and the perfytnes of tham.
1417. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.56. [CMA 407]. 150 folios. Paper. 318x215mm. Much soiled. 16th Century.
1. Liber Chymicus continens Epistolam Cosmi de Medices ad Papam.
2. La compositione del lapide Philosophico de abbate Colonese.
3. Testamentum Gebri, multa que ex Lullio.
4. f19 Repertorium Raymundi Lullij.
5. f22 Dialogus inter Hilardum necromanticum et quendam spiritum.
6. f30 Liber Lucis Mercuriorum Raymundi Lullij.
7. f35 Testamentum Gebri.
8. f120 Ex Theorica Testamenti [with diagrams.]
9. f125 Verbum abbreuiatum se Hortum Thesaurorum.
10. f129 Accurtacio Raymundi.
[The rest of the volume consists of notes and extracts. It is a very shabby book].
1418. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.57. [CMA 410 or 494]. 40+22 folios. Paper. 318x209mm. 16th Century.
I. Here b[eginneth] the treatise of the... of olde [phi]losophers gathered.
A myserable desyre and jmpossible pytie of all philosophers.
Ends f61: 'R. Bratherus scripsit'.
On f62 seq are annotations and some diagrams.
II. The makinge of all saltts 1543 le 30 of november. [Collection of receipts.]
1419. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.58. [CMA 360]. 27+10+8 folios. Paper. 330x225mm. With neat diagrams and drawings of apparatus. 16th Century.
1. f1 Raymundus Lullius de Secretis Naturae seu quintae Essentiae. Prol. Monaldi Monachi de Abbathia S. Benedicti Parisius etc.
Contristatus erat vehementer Raymundus.
Ends on f52. Signed W.B. A.D. 1564, Febr. 25.
2. f1 Inc. prologus in tractatum Georgii Ripley canonici qui intitulatur Philorcium alkymistarum. Postquam ego Georgius natione anglicus.
3. f8v Carmen perpulchrum totum opus enucleans.
En philosophantium hac in cantilena
Dane archana concino voce cum amena.
Ends f10r Hec Robertus Green de Welbe.
4. f1 Inc. tractatus intitulus Medulla Alkimiae honorando patri et domino etc. compilatus.
Ends f6r Expl. tract. Medulla Alkimie dictus per G. R[ipley] compilatus a.d. 1476.
1420. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.16.26. [CMA 564]. 22 folios + a printed sheet. Vellum. With many illustrations and borders carefully done in outline. 17th Century, 1623.
1. f1 Praier of the whole Man Spirite Sowle and Body.
2. f2 An admonition. 'A renenerat mynde' a man stepping out of the sphere heavenward, his skin falling off him.
3. f3 Of the Art Notoria and of Idea how farr it may bee understoode. [Various drawings.]
[The most part of the text is anti-papal. Bound in at the end is a large folded broadsheet with a satirical design of the Pope and the emperor Charles. 'This strange Figure hath beene thus drawne and paynted out two hundred yeares afore the byrth of Carolus M. and found in a stone wall, etc.' Then follows a prophecy of Capistranus in English, 'Translated out of the old Dutch coppye in print all most 50 yeares since. And now reprinted 1621'.]
1421. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.1.1. 97 folios. Paper. 209x162mm. In handsome stamped binding. 16th and 17th Century.
[A book of alchemical receipts written mostly in double columns. In German. There are a good many drawings of furnaces, retorts and the like.
In the cover in a later hand, is 'Georg. Haidl Cancellarius. N (?) 5. Abraham Cugel'.
The writing is that of Leonhard Thurneisser of Basel (1530-1596), physician to the Elector of Brandenburg.]
1422. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.1.12. 132 +24 blank folios. Paper. 206x143mm. Late 15th Century.
1. f1 Rogeri Baconis tractatus super librum Secretum Secretorum.
[Several diagrams of the spheres, etc.].
2. f21 Item Capitulum extractum de quodam opere quod fecit iden Fr. Rogerus de ord. min. as mandatum Clementis. Et valet ad exposicionem dictorum et dicendorum in textu.
3. f25 Aristotelis Secretum Secretorum. [incomplete.].
Expl. lib. secreti secretorum Aristolilis ad regem alexandrum qui liber intitulatur liber decem Scienciarum cum quibusdam Declaracionibus Fratris Rogeri Bacum de ordine minorum. Deo gracias.
4. 130v [A 17th Century note on Johannes Erigena.]
5. f131 Hic inc. cronicula de britannia que nunc anglia dicitur et de regibus eiusdem etc.
The preface occupies four leaves. It is signed E. P. [Thomas Vaughan].
Begins 'Il m'est arriue en exposant ce present traite a la censure du public q'une persone destude ma suger� quelques mauuaises opinions quil auoit de mon Autheur Henr. Cornelius Agrippa etc.
The text is headed 'Anima Magica Abscondita. and begins 'On dit en commun Prouerbe, Bastir les Chateaux en lair'.
1424. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.1.58. 110+22+18 folios in three volumes. Paper. 187x140mm. Written in England. 15th Century.
I. Inc. liber Secretorum Philosophorum.
Iste liber quem pre manibus habemus vocatur secretum philosophorum.
II. [22 leaves containing the latter part of a treatise on the fixed Stars, precious stones, Moon and signs of the Zodiac.]
[Imperfect at beginning] 'Pliades dixit Hermes hec stella valde nota est'.
Expl. 1496 Ao domini.
III. 18 leaves. [A collection of receipts, mostly magical, with several diagrams of charms.]
1426. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.2.15. 99 folios. Paper. 225x178mm. 16th and 17th Centuries.
f1 1. Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy in verse, headed 'Nortons Booke proemium Holl. 1355.'
f50 2. Some paragraphs in French 'Dieu en l'essence est eslue de deux elements... Extracta de veteri MSto Gallico par Mr Palmerin'.
f51v 3. Ex Ep. Aristotelis ad Alexandrum magnum.
f53v 4. Title of the Confessio Henri Khunrath, Magdeburg 1596.
f56v 5. The experimentall sciense.
Here followeth the first part of the great worke namely the experiment science of Roger Bacon written to Clemens ye Pope. [unfinished].
f71 6. Confessio H. Khunrath.
f76 7. Pupilla oculi. First understand that the noble Philosopher Avicenna.
f79 8. The Basilik of Pearles.
f81 9. An alchemical Poem in English, badly written and apparently incomplete at each end.
f98 10. Two leaves of cabalistic matter in Latin headed 'Homo toto corde tota anima omnibus viribus etc'.
1427. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.2.16. 144+110 folios in two volumes. Paper. 200x159mm. 15th Century.
1. I. f1 Thomas Charnocke his book. [Recipes.]
2. f2v Aenigma de alchimie in verse dated 1572. 'When vii tymes xxvi.'
3. A collection of alchemical receipts of the 15th Century.
[8 leaves of 16th Century with rough coloured pictures, mostly in the inner margin.]
4. f25 A receipt concerning the sublimation of a toad with a picture.
5. f26 English lines by Charnock.
6. f27 Picture of Phoenix with English writing by Charnock.
7. f28 Shield.
8. f28v De lapide philosophico ceu de phoenice.
[in rhyming quatrains. With 12 marginal pictures.]
III. [15th Century collection of alchemical receipts, with insertions by Charnock.]
9. f66v English poem headed Notabili versus qd Ric Carpenter.
Of spayne take the clere lyzt
The rede gomme that ys so bryzt. [Theatrum Chemicum p 275]
II. 16th Century. On the flyleaf 'Liber GGeorgii Golde'.
Ao Dni 1539 scriptus erat libellus iste vsque as spheram.
10. f82 George Ripley's compendium of alchemy in English verse.
f127v [Diagram of a sphere covered with writing.] Thys Fygure conteynyth all our secretts both gret and small.
f131v Latin colophon 'M. qd. G. 2o die Aug. 1555'.
11. f133v Speculum Elementorum.
III. [15th Century.]
12. f14v 'Incognitus author'.
13. f19 Secretum Gilberti cardinalis.
14. f21 Experimentum profundissimum.
15. f23 Avicenna de origine lapidis (Archanum Avicenne).
16. f25v Bernardus de Gordonia de lapide philosophico.
17. f28v Speculum Bachonis.
18. f33 Another tract de lapide.
19 f38v Saphirus de lapide. Inc. liber intitulatius liber maiorum operum editus a mag. saphiro de diuersis modis etc.
20. f63 Interpretationes vocabulorum Arabicorum.
Hic inc. vocabula et interpretaciones nominum Grecorum et Arabico in arte alkimia.
21. f67 Practica Barnardi.
22. f69v Veri verissimum. [Receipts follow.]
23. f72v Principium rerum.
24. f74 Maria. Alumen de Hyspania.
25. f75 De Sale [in another hand].
26. f77 Inc. liber secretorum de voce Bubacari mahumetis filii. [in 12 chapters].
27. f108-110 Various receipts.
1428. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.2.18. 186 folios. Vellum. 219x146mm. 14th and 15th Century.
1. f15 Codex sinodi turbe philosophorum.
2. f33v Liber secretorum philosophorum in opere alkimie per hali.
3. f36v Inc. tract. de arte alkimie breuis. Testatur ad credendum.
4. f38 Inc. tract. de ouo philosophorum breuissimum deo altissimo laudes.
5. f38 De spiritu occultato in sulphure et arsenico tract. inc.
6. f39 Dixit senior saky filius hamil.
7. f40 Epistola slis ad Munam crescentem.
8. f55 Inc. Geber perfectionis magisterii.
9. f81 Aureum opus. Rosarius mag. Arnaldi de Villa noua quem misit Regi Roberto ...
10. f94v Inc. Ep. Johannis Dastine ad papam Johannem xxii transmissa de alkimia.
11. f95v Inc. tract. de seperacione elementorum mineralibus compendiose editus.
12. f97 Inc. tract. de separacione elementorum a vegetabilibus et animalibus et rectificatione eorum.
13. f105 Inc. lumen luminum liber Rasis philosophi in arte alkimie in quo thesauri secretorum nature occultantur inc. prologus.
14. f118v De natura planetarum et lapidum et herbarum [From the Secretum Secretorum]. [Very neat diagrams of apparatus.]
15 . f121 Inc. liber alphidii philosophi.
16. f124 Liber hermetis trimegisti magni philosophi de alkimia.
17. f125v [Visio Edwardi].
18. f128 Inc. lumen luminum abbreuiatum.
19. f129 Inc. lib. qui clauis sapience Alfonsi nuncupatur de arte alkimica. [f134v, 135 diagram and mystic characters in the text.]
20. f137 Inc. liber perfecti magisterii (qui dicitur Aristotelis.)
21. f145 Inc. liber morieni de arabico in latinum translatus.
22. f151v [The beginning of the Methodius prophecy of which the end is on the flyleaves.]
De creacione celi et terre et de primo miliario breuiter ostendit.
23. f153 Opus Rasis philosophi.
24. f153v Est lapis occultus secreta valle sepultus.
25. f158v Visio Joh. Dastin [15th Cent.]
26. f159v De natura signorum et vij planetarum.
[Then follow a number of short work in different hand. 15th Cent.]
1429. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.2.22. 45 folios. Paper. 219x162mm. Early 16th Century.
1. f1 Epistola Arnaldi de Villa Noua ad Robertum Regem.
2. f6 Hic inc. tract. in quo nominat lapidem philosophorum Intellige ergo dictum
[There follows a number of alchemical receipts, some in English.]
1430. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.2.33. 43 folios. Paper. 219x181mm. 16th Century (1593).
1. f2 The Marrow or pithe of Alchymy.
2. f18 The composition of the philosophers vineger in wh be the properties of our mercury.
3. f21 The concordance between Raimond and Guido upon fermentation. By George Ripley.
4. f24 Verses on the herbe Lunarie. [Printed in Theatrum Chemicum.]
5. f28 Speculum luminum.
Hic inc. secunda pars huius libri que dicitur practica.
In seking owte the sowthenes.
Thus endeth the mirror of lightes
which glades all wightes. Julii 12, 1593. R.L.
A Philosophicall Key or Ocular demonstration opening and decyphering a great deale of the hidden mysteryes of Nature, partly by an experimental Conclusion, as also by an intellectual speculation.
Wrighten as a Declaration unto the distrustfull and suspicious first to manyfest that the Authour flyeth on his owne Wings and then to purify the adulterat breath of spurious reports as well of the ignorant as envious person.
By Rob. Flud. [Fludd] Esq., and Dr of Physick.
f1 Dedication to King Jeames I.
f2 Preface to the Reader, containing letters to the author (10th Aug. 1618) from Greg. Horst and (20 Ap. 1617) from Justin Helt.
f19v A nosce te ipsum to the Calumniator.
f39 [Text] Of the excellency of Wheate.
Belonged to Dr. Dee. His name is on f1.
Arnaldi de Villa Noua liber de alchimia cuius initium est Scito fili quo in hoc libro una cum aliis eiusdem opusculis. Papyro 4to.
1. f1 Arnaldus de Villa Noua.
Inc. tract. arnaldi de villa noua de perfeccione operis alkimie qui quidem vocatur thesaurus secretus operacionum naturalium.
2. f6v Fragmentum egregium philosophicum. Item dicitur rene frigidum.
3. f7v Aquae plurimae. Prima clauis est quod lapis. [Receipt].
4. f9 Iam restat dicere et declarare de quod multis diebus adscondebatur.
f10v For to Gylde ferro. [Receipt].
5. f11 Be it remembryd that alle bodyes as well perfite as imperfite be made fryste of the 4 elements. [Unfinished].
6. 18v De rubeo. [Other receipts follow].
7. f20 Inc. Rosarius philosophie naturalis [per Ortolanum].
8. f31v [Various alchemical receipts in Latin and English].
9. f36 Inc. prol. libri qui dicitur gloria muni uel liber quinque clauium (Arnaldi de Villa Noua).
Completum et scriptum anno 1436 11 die aprilis alide ter etc.
10. f45 [Various receipts in Latin and English].
f1 Prologus Monaldi monarchi consolatoris reymundi magni in librum de secretis nature seu quinte essencie quem compilauit Idem R. as instancia, dicti Monaldi. (Raymundus de quinta essencia).
[Diagrams on f10, f50 'figura doctrine in practica faciendi sulphura', f88v (furnace)].
f99 Anima Artis transmutatorie
[Ends] f120v 'Regnante Rege Roberto anno ab Incarn. domini millesimo ccc xximo'.
f122 Diagram of volvel in seven layers, marked with letters of the alphabet in red and blue.
f123 Diagram 'Tabula in confectione Perlarum'.
f123v Diagram 'Tabula perfectionis'.
f124v Diagram 'Figure significationis'.
f125 Diagram.
f125v Diagram 'Tabula de Mixtione Principiorum'.
1434. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.3.39. 80 folios. Paper. 241x178mm. In an Italian hand. 16th Century.
[On the flyleaf]: 'Iste est liber de esse angelico qui est valde et cognoscendus in breuitate... Raymundus Lullius ars eius.'
[On verso of flyleaf]: 'Opusculum de baptismo composuit presbiter simon pharendus rector S. Marie de muratis paduane diocesis impressum venetiis per Ginelmum Galum'.
On the next leaves are notes and tables of contents, and a rough sketch of the man riding towards a castle.
f5v Yhesus. Maria . Raymundus. In isto tractatu ostenitur quomodo possimus gloriosissimum deum dominum nostrum contemplari per x modos.
[Many diagrams, and copious list of quaestiones].
1435. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.4.20. 100 folios. Paper. 12.5x8.25. In autograph of Dr John Dee. 16th Century.
Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae (externae) Mortlacensis D. Joh. Dee, ao. 1583, 6 Sept.
[MS Harley 1879, is another autograph copy, and in MSS. Add. 35213 is another catalogue, perhaps of an earlier date, also written by Dee].
1436. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.4.39. 280 folios. Paper. 311x203mm. Several tracts in different hands bound together. 16th and 17th Centuries.
I. [16th Cent] Norton's ordinall of alchemy.
II. [16th Cent] [Headed in another hand 'Is. Holland, Theat. Chym. 3. p.418']. Thou must understand my sonne that in this art.
III. [16th Cent.] The exposycyon of the boke of Geber and raymond translatyd out of the tuscane.
129 propositions of geber and lullie necessary for the vnderstand these bokes well.
The Exposition, which follows, is said to be that of Bracherus.
'Matheus Butler est meus posessor'.
IV. Prooemium Libri Experimentorum Joannis Trithemij. Experimentorum mirabilium.
V. Ten leaves with drawings of bottles containing allegorical figures, probably illustrative of the following tract, which has no title, and begins: 'I have had the scyence of this arte only of the inspiration of God' [In eleven chapters, imperfect.]
[Another tract] 'In the name of God here begynneth the full conclusion, etc. Our secrete water philosophicall'.
VI. [16th Cent.] Prefixed is 'In the name of Christ it is begunne on his daie 1571'.
1. The boke of the diffinitions of Raymonde Lully philosopher of mayyorke an aldreman of paryse dwellyng in a strete called secan the moneth of Januarie a.d. 1307.
2. A boke of the arte fusorie etc. [in 17 chapters].
1437. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.5.13. 6+819 pages. Paper. 381x241mm. In several hands. 17th Century.
Prefixed is an account of the contents of the manuscript of Roger Bacon's works preserved at Trinity College, Dublin (No. 381 in Abbott's Catalogue).
1. Epistola ad Clementem papam 4tum.
Quae et summa fr. Rogeri Bacon et opus tertium, siue praeambulum ad opus majus et minus alias vocatur.
Ex MS. Cottoniano.
2. Compendium Studii Theologiae. Ex MS. Cotton.
3. Operis Majoris ex MS. Dublinensi.
4. De utilitate Astronomiae.
5. De multiplicatione specierum siue de scientia experimentali.
6. De morali philosophia.
The Cottonian MS. from which these transcripts were made (mostly by Jacob Casaubon, is Tiberius C.V., once the property of John Dee.
1438. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.5.31. 37+1 folios. Paper. 352x254mm. Many rough drawings of chemical apparatus. 15th Century.
1. f1 [An alchemical tract.]
[Rubric]: 'All the wisdom in the worlde cometh of our lorde gode Ihesu cryste, etc'.
[A 16th Century note says that George Ripla [Pipley] is the author].
2. f8 Liber turbe philosophorum.
Capitulo primo. The sotell part is juste mater of all mettalles.
3. f12v Gemma salutaris.
4. f17v Here begynneth a compendeose abstrace of alkamy drawen oute of latyne, etc. [In 7 chapters].
5. f27 Ripley's Twelve Gates.
Arnaldus de Villa Nova de compositione Lapidis Philosophorum.
1. f1 I. Inc. questiones tam essentiales quam accidentales Mag. Arnaldi de Villa noua, declarate Revdo Archiepo. Rauenne ab eodem petite super compositione Lapidis, que inc. O venerande pater. que quidem sunt ualde operis declaratiue.
2. f1 II. Inc. Rosa nouella mag. Arnaldi de Villa noua.
3. f13v Bonifacio Octauo, Sacrosancte Romane Ecclesie summo pontifici Mr Alamanus Boemus ad pedes tue sanctitatis.
4. f22v Epistola Mag. Rainaldi de Villa noua.
5. f1 III. Inc. liber qui intitulatur via uniuersalis M[agistr]i Arnaldi de Villa noua Et primo de preparatione mercurii crudi.
[A series of short works by Roger Bacon, Morienus, Johannis Vienensis, Albertus, Hermes, Rasis, and Hortulanus, together with a number of recipes. Belonged to John Dee.]
1. f1-3 Bacon, in epistola ad Clementem papam.
3. f4-32 Morienus in ro[sario] libro 19.
11. f57-82 Semita recta Alkymie Alberti.
17. f95v-100 Bacon de lapide.
18. f100v-118 Hermes libro 7.
20. f119-123 Flores Rasis libro 3.
22. f131 -137 Avicenna.
23. f137v Jeber libro 15.
24. f140v Johannes de erroribus.
25. f147 Hermes libro 17.
26. f167 Johannes Salerni.
27. f185 Auicenna libro 20.
28. f188 Practica Rasis.
29. f192v Receptum Alberti.
30. f197 Documenta Ortholani.
31. f204v Magnum opus hermetis libro 23.
1441. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.1. Paper. Various sizes, mostly about 216x152mm. 15th and 16th Centuries.
I. [A notebook of about 100 folios.]
Notae Roberti Fludd. [The contents are chiefly alchemical, and are in Latin, French and English.]
II. [Late 15th Cent.]
f1 Inc. prologus in libro qui vocatur Rosarium philosophorum.
Laus sit deo patri qui dat sapientiam.
f1v Hic inc. quidam tractatus ex libris antiquorum philosophorm collectus.
[Ends imperfectly on f42v.]
f44 III. [16th Cent. 1531].
An alchemical poem in French, with marginal analysis by a later hand in Latin.
f66v Parabolla.
f92 [Receipt with astrological signs].
f92v [Notes from Aristotle].
Balade philozophique le coeur malade fait qui sy ficque.
f95 IV. Simon Forman's Dream in six-line stanzas.
When phebus wyth hys golden carte.
V. [20 folios 16th Cent.] A tract headed 'De Solutione Corporum'. Tota Chymia verstaur in solutione et Coagulatione.
VI. [26 folios. 16th Cent.] Verse in four-line stanzas.
Of seven degrees to heaven which may be called seaven heavens in earthe
I wolde I were in heaven.
1442. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.5. 196+5 folios. Paper. With many blank leaves. 16th Century.
[Belonged to John Dee.]
1. Tancredus Hispanus de preparatione spirituum et Corporum. f1v.
2. [Some receipts with preliminary discourse.]
3. [Liber fiducie. see O.8.25 no 6.].
4. Inc. liber marie sororis Tolomei. Et liber Assudii Philosophi [Al. Clauis Alphedii. f18.
5. Chalit filius Ysid de. f27.
6. Fuga leporis. Et quoniam Geber paleas immiscuit. f31v.
7. Tractatus de separatione quatuor Elementorum. Est lapis unus et medicina una. f47.
8. Speculum veritatis. f51.
9. Multiplicatio Elixeris albi vel Rubei. Quando vis multiplicare lapidem. f55.
10. Practica. [Recipe]. f56.
11. Liber Hermetis de transmutatione mecurii in Solem et Lunam. f57.
12. Opus quod dedit virgilius philosophus maximiano imperator. f59v.
13. Practica Arnaldi de nova villa. Projectis igitur. f60.
14. Virtutes et compositiones 4or lapium quas Aristoteles Alexandro magno misit. [unfinished] f63.
15. Tractatus Experientea vocatus. Analdi ut inquit Northon alias Baconis Multipharie multisque modis. f66.
16. Lapis Aquillae Iohannis de port claudorum. f74.
17. Compendium utile seu Rosarius dictus secundum Tollitanum philosophum maximum. f88.
18. Ortolanus. Omnia corpora. f107.
19. Tract. excellens et notatu dignus. f109.
20. Sequitur quidam tract. Hermetis de lapido philosophico. f111.
21. Visio Edwardi. f115.
22. Practice vera Alchimiae per Mag. Ortolanum Parisiis probata 1358 (quam Joh. Dumbelii de Anglia excerpsit de libris prefati magistri quam brevissime potui ex mandato Illmi pricipis Canonici de Walkensteyn diuina pouidentia Treverens. Archiep. a.d.1386) f119.
23. Tractatus de lapide minerali per separationem quatuor elementorum a Mercurio sublimato. f128v.
24. Dialogus inter Hilardum necromanticum et quendam spiritum. f132v.
25. Testamentum Gebri summa philosophi (al. S. Thomas de Aquino. Inc. tract. de calcibus diuersorum materialium ex quibus sales subtilissimi extrahuntur). f 134.
26. Verbus abbreuiatum seu hortus Thesaurorum. f140.
27. Accurtation Ray[mundi] de Tartaro et vino philosophorum etc. f144.
28. Mundus Philosophus de Adrop. et nigro nigrius nigro. f149.
Rx. sericum.
29. Commentarius in tabulam smaragdinam Hermetis. f150.
30. Visio extracta ex turba. f153.
31. Flores operis solaris ac lunaris incerto authore. f156.
32. Liber perfecti magisterii sec. Rasim philosophum. f160.
33. Tract. bonus et utilis. f167.
34. Iste est bonus tractatus quamuis intellectu difficilis. f170.
35. Haec est positio generalis multiplicationis. f172.
36. Sequitur optimus tract. et notatu dignus. f174.
37. Hic sequitur prol. super declaratione lapidis Philosophorum. f176.
38. Practica Rhasis. f178.
39. Opus Trinitatis. f182.
40. Dialogus inter magistrum et discipulum. f186.
Hic inc. tract. Alckemiae compositur per Arn. de noua Villa [Note by Dee?].
41. Carmen perpulchrum totum upos nucleans. f192.
[ends f196] [The name Egidius de Vadis follows.]
1. Tractatus eiusdem fr. Rogeri Bakon de utili regimine senum et seniorum. f1.
2. [De rerum gradibus]. Omnis forma inherens recipit intentionem. f20.
3. Tractatulus de erroribus medicorum sec. eundem fr. Rogerum Bakon. f22.
4. Item alius tractatus eiusdem fr. Rogeri Bakon extractus de sexta parte compendii studii theologie de verbo ad verbum quem librum fecit ad instanciam... Clementis etc. Tract. de sciencia experimentali per fr. Rog. Bakon. f39v.
5. Primus liber de consideracione 5e essencie omnium rerum transmutabilium. f45v.
6. [de lapide philosophorum] Quesiuisti quis trium lapidum nobilior. f95v.
7. [Originally the fist part of this book] Inc. liber quem composuit fr. Rogerus Bacon de ordine minorum de retardacione accidenticum senectutis. f106.
1444. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.24. 109 folios. Paper. 181x146mm. 15th and 16th Centuries.
1. [A tract of which only 6 lines remain, with a drawing of a toad.]
2. f1v Documentum cuiusdam spiritus tradium mag. Scoto de virtute Buffonis. [drawing of Toad in margin.]
3. f3v Lactantius de phenice ad lectorem.
4. f16v Aristoteles de Pomo.
5. f25 Liber ouidii qui mutacione sue uite siue de Vetula inscribitur.
6. f44 De lapide philosophico ceu de phenice. [With eleven marginal pictures.]
7. f48v Epistola cuidam philosophastro missa super philosophici lapidis enucleatione in qua quidem dicti lapidis preparatio propalatur.
8. f53 Claudianus de phenice ceu hermetis aue.
9. f56 Plinius de phenice. Libro x. cap. folio.
10. f58 Joannis Aurelii Augurelli Chrysopoeiae liber primus.
11. f107 De insitionibus arborum. Columella.
1445. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.25. 165+5 folios. Paper and Vellum. 206x152mm. 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries.
I. [In the hand of Aegidius de Wes.]
1. f i Egidii du Wes alias de vadis ad philosophie filios caratatiua monico.
2. f1 Visio mistica Arnaldi de Villanoua. [The name Thomas Knyvet at top.]
3. f4 Tractatulus doctus. J. Daustini.
4. f9v Aristoteles de mineralibus.
5. f12 Georgius Riplay. Prol. Salutem. Rogasti me amantissime frater.
6. f14v Liber perfecti magisterii sec. Rasim.
7. f20v Liber fiducie qui est nonus de septuaginta.
8. f22 Liber septuagesimus.
9. f24 Liber Regis.
10. f26 Liber trium uerborum.
11. f28 Liber xxx uerborum.
12. f32 Liber de naturis colorum.
13. f33 Liber coniunccionum.
14. f35v Liber administracionum.
15. f38v Liber Saturni qui est 7us de 70ta.
16. f40v Liber luminum Aristotelis.
II. Vellum, 30 folios, late 13th Century.
Inc. Liber Rebis.
[Followed by 30 other short alchemical writings. On f68 is the Liber xii aquarum.]
III. Paper, in de Wes's hand.
1. f72 Inc. liber Solis sec Hermetem.
2. f75v Liber Saturni et aluminum Rasis.
3. f81 Liber aquarum qui est de 70ta.
4. f85 Liber duo spirituum Rasis.
5. f93v Liber de vasis fornacibus.
6. f98v Experimenta ad testimonium artis.
7. 105v Liber de septem qui est decimus de 70ta.
IV. Vellum, 30 folios. 13th and14th Centuries.
1. f109 Inc. lumen luminum liber Rasis philos. in arte elkemia in quo thesauri secretorum nature occultantur.
2. f131 Escarus. Quid sit elkimia.
3. f133 Inc. Interrogationes Regis Khalid et responsiones morieni de omnibus in quibus tota efficacia magisterii hermetis constare probatur.
V. Vellum and paper. 30 folios. 15th and 16th Centuries, by de Wes.
1. f141v Inc. liber Alfidii philosophi.
2. f148 Chalid.
3. f149v Sequitur tractatulus quidem extractus de qudam libro galico intit. Roman rose Composito per mag. Joh. de Meun, etc.
4. f150v Tract. Rosini ad Euthesiam.
5. f161v Carmina Rasis.
6. f163 Excellentissima lapidis philosophici descripcio. Ignis et azoc.
7. f163v [Two chapters extracted from G. Ripley.]
8. f165v Liber cerationis.
9. Liber quintationum.
1446. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.28. Vol. I. 24 folios, Vol. II. 24 folios. Paper. Several volumes, mostly about 8x6. 16th Century.
I. Liber experimentorum Raymundi Lullii mihi Roma transmissus anno 1564. Johannes Dee.
II. 1. Liber Lucis Mercuriorum Raymundi Lullii.
2. Liber magnae Medicinae eiusdem.
III and IV are two volumes of alchemical notes and receipts in English and Latin of about 50 folios each.
1447. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.29. Paper and vellum. 14th to 16th Centuries.
[Astrological and magical tracts.]
1448. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.8.32. 141 folios. Paper 213x140mm. 15th Century.
f1 'Richard Atkins his book'. [There are many notes by Thomas Charnock].
I. 1. Inc. Anima Artis transmutatorie Raymundi. f1.
2. In uirtute sancte Trinitatis, etc Cum ego Reymunus Lully. f4v.
3. Aqua mirabiliter facta. f9.
4. Opus Burdegalie. f9v.
5. Cedula declaratiua fr. Rogeri Bacom. f10.
6. De aquis mineralibus. f12.
[on f39] '1563. Thomas Charnocke his book practisser in philosophi bourne at feversham in Kent and marryed in Stockeland in Sommersetshere by me learninge and fortune.
xv yeres truely I practyssed this science and I was neuer the rycher by too pence but rather an c. marke the worsse yet here after I trust to fyll my pursse and healpe my sellffe and ye poore at nede ffor sso gods worde dothe me beade and who sso lyve a godly lyff doth indevovere God gyveth him this science for his succoure. quoth Charnocke.
7. Accipe libram I uitriolis romani f39v.
8. A book thought by Charnock to be Raymund de quintessentia Lib. II. f45.
9. Opus regale. f97v.
10. Ars transmutatorie M. Raymundi Lully. f108.
11. Practica Raymundi (?) f112v.
12. Ars memorativa. f120.
II. 1. Anima artis transmutatorie Raymundi. f129.
2. Inc. consideraciones operis minoris er declaraciones principiorum ac tabularum figure de S. f134.
3. De Aquis [mostly erased.]
4. Avis Hermetis. Extrahe serpentem a cauerna sua. 141v.
[This book is from Burton Abbey].
1. Tractatus Joannis Dastin. Cum gauderent uti breuitate. f1.
2. Totam nostrum scienciam quam ex libris antiquorum abbreuiauimus. f15.
3. De uirtute cuiusdam herbe que vocatur lunaria uel martogon. f17v.
4. [Miscellaneous receipts.] f21v.
5. Practice Raymundi lully. Alkymia est una pars. f23.
6. Liber fenicis. Tractatus compositus super lapidem philos. f39.
7. de Mineralibus. f46.
8. Regule philosophie. f49v.
9. Tractatus J. de Rupescissa. Consideraui tribulaciones sacrosancte Romane ecclesie. f51.
10. Epistola accurtacionis lapidis Benedicto Mag. Reymundi Lulii. f55v.
11. Eiusdem Primus liber de consideracione quinte essencie. f60.
12 Dieta Contra Peste [in verse]. f91.
13. This is the makyng of Balme artificial aftyr they way off John Osborne. f92.
14. Inc. liber de Mercuriis seu de elixeriis Mercuriorum. f96.
[It is the Testamentum Raymundi (translated into Latin in 1443 at St Bartholomew's Priory in London) ending with the Cantilena.]
Liber de Arte memoratiua siue notoria.
Written by Simon Forman.
[p106] 'Finis orationum per Simonem Forman 1600, 28 Junii hora p.m. at 8'.
1451. Cambridge, Trinity College MS. O.9.19. 45 folios. Paper. 244x143mm. 16th and 17th Centuries.
[An alchemical notebook. The name of the subject is written at the top of each leaf.]
1452. Cambridge, St. John's College MS. G. 14. 221+7 folios. Vellum and paper. 203x140mm. 15th Century (1479).
1. f1 Notabilia Artis Alchemicae.
2. f6 Inc. liber marie sorois moysi. [Marginal drawing of Miriam in turban-like headdress and wimple.]
3. f10v Visio Johannis dastin de dono gracie. [Drawing of man in doctor's robes.]
4. f16v Et inc. visio Edwardi scretarii philosophie. [Drawing of man in doctor's robes.]
5. f26 Inc. liber qui dicitur lilium alkemie de ordine procedendo. [Drawing of lily in pot. Drawing of man in furred gown.]
6. f96v Inc. liber turbe philosophorum de secretis secretorum qui dicitur Codex ueritatis inferioris astronomie.
[Drawing of doctor teaching eight pupils. Drawings of Pictagoras, Aristeus, Leucippus, Democrites, Albemazar, Marcos rex grecorum, Arthurus.]
1453. Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College MS. 181 [C.M.A. 1027] 260 folios. Vellum and paper. 219x133mm. 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries.
I. 13th Cent.
2. p19-32 Tractatus Alkimie. Cum animatuerterem nobilem scientiam apud latinos penitus denegatam.
II. Vellum. 14th Cent.
3. Inc. Summa Geberi.
III. Paper. 15th Cent.
[Continuation of Geber. Ends on p139.]
4. p141 Opus domini Bonefacii pape 4ti in arte alkimie.
5. p154 Tractatus Emeriti de Monte Forti de regimine olei, aquae, terrae, etc.
6. p157 Inc. in nomine domini brevis exposicio summe tocius libri mineralis.
7. p189 Inc. breve breviarium fr. Rogeri Bacon.
8. p209 Expositio dictorum Hermetis in alkimia per Martinum Ortulanum.
9. p213 [Tract without title.]
10. p219 [Another alchemical tract.]
11. p233 Rosarium Artis Alkimice.
12. p261 Clauis minoris sapiencie...
13. p273 [Tract without title.]
14. p305 Cum gaudeant uit bree moderni.
15. p329 Lilium artis alkimice.
16. p339 Rosarium ... expertus Joh. Dawstyn nuncupatus.
17. p371 Capitulum Hermetis.
18. p374 Questiones Kalid.
19. p380 Flores secretorum Rasis de regimine 4or naturarum.
20. p383 Interrogaciones Vthecie as mariam.
21. p384 Exposicio Epistole Clementis.
22. p385 Secretum democriti super corpus spiritum et animam.
23. p388 Senior Mereri.
24. p389 Auicenna de origine lapidis ait.
25. p390 Documenta Mireris.
26. p393 Secreta secretorum in opere solaris et lunaris gebar.
27. p402 O venerande pater, etc.
28. p404 Aqua vite.
29. p408 Declaratio lapidis philosophorum per Auicennam filio suo.
30. p410 Practica philosophorum Rasis.
31. p422 Documenta Pictagore.
32. p425 Turba philosophorum.
33. p433 [Detached paragraphs and recipes, with a few sketches of apparatus.]
34. p503 [Vellum] Thesaurus pauperum. [Ends imperfectly at p518.]
1454. Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College MS. 200 [C.M.A. 1103] 107 folios. Vellum. 198x140mm. 14th Century.
7. p170 Liber secretorum.
8. p184 Liber 30 uerborum.
9. p190 Inc. libellus qui intitulatur clauis scientie minoris...
1455. Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College MS. 399 [C.M.A. 1207] Paper. Small 4to. 16th Century.
1. [30 folios] Regia via ad Methemata; seu Cosmographia.
2. [55 folios] The boke wherein ys conteined the most secret treasure called Alchamy, maide by Mr George Riplay, Munke of Bridlington, divided into 12 chapters, with his recapitulation and other many profitable experiments and sentences of philosophers. [Imperfect.]
3. Cours de Chymie. 'Il ny a rien si trivial ny parole qui soit plus ordinaire dans la bouche du commun du monde que le proverbe que porte que la nouveaute plait.'
1456. Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College MS. 413 [C.M.A. 1154] 16+75+36+36 folios. Vellum. Various formats. 12th and 15th Century.
III. 14th and 15th Cent.
2. f2 [Alchemical tract - Liber Aureus?]
In nomine d. n. I. C. ad instanciam multorum circa hanc artem studere uolencium quibus deficit copia librorum hic libellus edatur.
3. f22 Tractatus de Azuro.
4. f28 [Chemical recipes.]
IV. 15th Cent.
1. f1-31 Secretum Philosophorum. Iste liber quem pre manibus habemus vocatur secretum philosophorum.
[Contains a number of roughly drawn diagrams of chemical apparatus.]
1457. Cambridge, University Library MS. Dd. iv. 45. 35 folios. Paper and parchment. Small 4to. 15th and16th Century.
1. [6 pages paper] 'Arnaldus de Nova Villa.'
[Begins]: '[M]ateria lapidis est res vilis pretii ubicunque reperitur.'
2. [4 pages paper] 'Declaratio Lapidis Philosophorum per Avicennam Filio suo.'
3. [7 pages paper] [Anonymous tract beginning: 'Hic incipit tractatus optimus in quo exponit et apte declarat Plinius philosophus quis sit lapis Philosophicus.']
4. [2 pages paper] [On the same subject 'per Albertum', beginning: 'Aqua Mercurius et oleum sulphuris'.]
5. [22 pages papper] [A Collection of Dicta of Hermes, Aristotle, and others, on the subject of Alchemy, but the treatise itself does not extend into the last three pages.]
6. [18 pages] [A preface and four chapters, beginning 'Lapis Aquile cum natura preciosissimus..'. At end: 'Explicit tractatus magistri Johannis de Porta Claudorum...']
7. [18 pages of small quarto in parchment of the 15th Century.] 'Expicit tractatus de Serpente sub compendio breviloquii Holketti.'
1458. Cambridge, University Library MS. Dd. v. 44. 40 folios. Paper. 8vo. 17th Century.
[A catalogue of a scientific library of works on common Law, Medicine, Surgery, Alchemy, Magic and Botany.]
[On the first leaf is written] : 'Hic Catalogus consummatus erit super undecim diem Septembris in anno Domini 1633 per me Johannem Derkin servum ad tres illos magistros, primum as Stephanum Potte, tum ad Laurentium Sadler, qui nunc horum librorum in hoc Catalogo est possessor.'
1459. Cambridge, University Library MS. Dd. vi. 10. 141 pages. Paper. 4to. 17th Century.
[Work on the weapon salve, with reference to Fludd.]
'Magica Disputatio seu Inquisitio de Ungento Armario in quo probatur operationem fieri per magiam naturalem et non per Caco-Magiam. Autore Marco Bellwood Med. Doctore Londini [1635]'
[On the opposite side of the title-page is an Approbatio attested by Joan. Frear, Tho. Cadiman, Robert Floyd, Piers Roche.]
1460. Cambridge, University Library MS. Ee. i. 13. 150 folios. Paper. 8vo. 15th Century.
10. f141v-148 [A treatise, with receipts, in Alchemy, in English.]
11. f148-150 On preparing the Philosophers' Stone. [On f140 are drawings of different descriptions of furnaces and retorts.]
[In the same handwriting as Camb. Univ. Lib. Dd. iv. 45.]
1461. Cambridge, University Library MS. Ff. ii. 23. 32 folios originally. Parchment. Folio. [A few folios now wanting.] 16th Century (1545).
'The Compende of Alkymye, by George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington.'
[There is a diagram on a large folded leaf. Much damaged in places with some folios missing.]
[This differs considerably from the version printed in Ashmole Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum.]
[In the handwriting of Thomas Knyvet.]
1462. Cambridge, University Library MS. Ff. iv. 12. 354 folios. Paper. Small Folio. 16th Century (1528-29).
[This and the following volume were written by Robert Green of Welbe.]
1. f1-24v 'Epistola Fratris Bernardi Trevirensis.'
2. f24v-33 [An Epistle without address or signature.]
3. f34-39 [A mystical tract. Begins 'Audi auribus cordis que dico..']
4. f39-45 'Rosarium Johannis.' [Printed as R. Bacon's Speculum Alchemiae, in Manget Bib. Chem. Cur. vol. I, p613.]
5. f46-55 'Summa Rosarii composita a quodam Comite Nicholao nomine.'
6. f55-63v 'Novum Lumen Arnoldi de Villa Nova'. [Printed in Manget, Bib. Chem. Cur. Vol.I p676.]
7. f63v-71v 'Breviloquium Johannis Pauperis.'
8. f71v-86 'Avicenna de re tecta.'
9. f86r-86v 'Responsio Inventoris Juvenilis as Peregrinum.'
10. f87-102 'Notule Auree.'
11. f102v-105 'Monteni Philosophi Differentie.'
12. f105v-109 'Zenon Philosophus.'
13. f109v-112v 'Visio Mistica Arnoldi de Villa Nova de librao septem sigillis signato.'
14. f112v-118v 'Liber solis secundum Hermetem in Lapide Philosophorum.' [Commentary on Hermes by Galienus Alfakinus.]
15. f118v-121v 'Liber Saturni.'
16. 121v-189 'Liber Turbe.' [Very nearly corresponds with version of the Turba in Manget.]
17. f190-193v 'De Alkymia' [Begins: 'Alkymia est ars ministralis...']
18. f193v-194v 'Diversitas sententiarum de Yxir.'
19. f194v-195v 'Nomina quam plurima Marcurii Philosophorum.'
20. f195v-199v 'Archanum Avicenne de origine lapidis.'
21. f199v-204 'Excerptum ex Libro Guidonis de Monte.'
22. f204-218 'Magistri Johannis Hispaniensis Speculum Elementorum'. [Otherwise called 'Tractatus de perfecta et infallibili Medicina arte Alkimie.']
23. f218-226v 'Liber diversorum tractatuum.'
24. f227-249 'Albertus in Compositum de Composito.' [Printed in Theatrum Chemicum, Vol. IV. p825.]
25. f249-267v 'Bacon de operibus secretis nature et artis et nullitate magice.'
26. f267v-271 'Speculum Alkymie.' [Possibly by Roger Bacon.]
27. f271-294v 'Tres Epistole ad Johannem Parisiensem Magistri Rogeri Bacon.'
28. f294v-298v 'Editio super Geberem de 3bus ordinibus Medicine a Rogero Bacon.'
29. f298v-303v 'Speculum Secretorum Magistri Rogeri Bacon.'
30. f304-306v 'Cedula declarativa Magistri Rogeri Bacon.'
31. f306v-311 'Compendium Alkymie Secundum eundem Magistrum Rogerum Bacon; ut estimatur.'
32. f311-319 'Epistola de Spiritu occulto.'
33. f319-326 'Tractatus Magistri Rogeri Bacon Expositorius enigmatum Alkymie.'
34. f326-333 'Tractatus de quibusdam aquis Alkimicis', inventus in antiquo exemplari compilacionis fratris Rogeri Bacon.'
35. f333-344 'Breviloquium Holketti de Serpente.' [See Camb. Univ. Lib. MS. Dd. iv. 45, item 7.]
36. 344-354v 'Expositiones Status Josephe.'
1463. Cambridge, University Library MS. Ff. iv.13. 356 folios. Paper. Small Folio. 16th Century (1528-29).
[This and the preceding volume were written by Robert Green of Welbe.]
1. f1-5v 'Epistola Johannis Dastini de Lapide Philosophorum ad dominum Stapultonum Cardinalem.'
2. f5v-21v 'Liber Haly filii Yazith de secretis Philosophorum in opere Alkimico.' [in 20 chapters.]
3. f21v-106v 'Liber decem sententiarum Alkaurani, vel Capitulorum decem, sive liber qui dicitur lumen luminum.'
4. f106v-131v 'Liber secretorum Hermetis.'
5. f131v-190 'Paradigma metaphoricum Johannis Mohen de Lapide Philosophico.' [Similar to that printed in Theatrum Chemicum, Vol. iv. p941.
6. f191-273v 'Platonis Libri Tres.' [These are books II-IV of 'Platonis Quartorum cum Commento...', printed in Theatrum Chemicum Vol IV. p.101.
7. f273v-294 'Lilium inter spinas.'
8. f295-303 'Planta Arborem.'
9. f303v-308v 'Lumen Intelligencie.'
10. f308v-317 'Secreta Secretorum' of Geber.
11. f317v [Short extract without any reference.]
12. f318-325 'Flores secretorum Rasis.'
13. f325v-331 'Senior Mireri de lapide Philosophorum.'
14. f331-341v 'Opus Johannis Tecten.'
15. f341v-342 'Versus Rosarii Phebi.'
16. f343. [Elegiac poem on the Phoenix.]
1464. Cambridge, University Library MS. Ff. vi. 50. 216 folios. Paper and parchment. 12mo. 15th Century.
1. f1-16 'Tractatus Magistri Johannis Viennensis de perfecta et Infallibili arte Alkimie qui dicitur speculum Elementorum'.
2. f16-39 'Liber Radicum Rasis de Alkymia.'
3. f39v-44v 'Flores Secretorum Rasis de Regimine quatuor Naturarum.' [See Camb. Univ. Lib. Ff. iv. 13, item 12.]
4. f44v-46v 'Interrogaciones Uthesie ad Mariam.'
5. f46v-47r 'Expositio epistole Clementis.'
6. f47r-51v 'Secretum Democriti super corpus spiritum et animam.'
7. f51v-55r 'Avicenna de Origine Lapidis.'
8. f55v-59v 'Documenta Mireris.'
9. f59v-67r 'Capitulum Hermetes.'
10. f67v-80v 'Questiones Kalid Regis ad Morienum Romanum.'
11. f80v-89v 'Aqua vite Perhennis pro omnibus egritudinibus cujuslibet corporis imperfecti.'
12. f89v-92v 'Archanum Avicenne. Super declarationem Lapides Philosophorum.' [See Camb. Univ. Lib. Dd. iv. 45.]
13. f93-97 'Practica Philosophorum.'
14. f98-110 'Turba Philosophorum.' [Differs from that in Manget, Bib. Chem. Cur.]
15. f111-140 'Alberti Magni Recta Semita.'
16. f140-145v 'Liber de Aquis Albis et Rubris.'
17. f145v-148r 'Liber de 12 Aquis.'
18. f148v-165 'Documenta Pictagore.'
19. f165-213 'Rosarium' Phebi. [Ascribed in margin to Johannes Damascenus.]
20. f213v-215 [Drawings of various furnaces.]
1465. Cambridge, University Library MS. Gg. i. 8. 24+68+6 folios. Paper. Small 4to. 17th Century.
1. [24 folios] 'Naturall philosophy, or a Description of the world and of the severall creatures therein contained.' [Author Daniel Widdowes, alias Woodhouse, printed in 1631.]
2. [68 folios] [The emblems of the Crowning of Nature, with explatatory text.]
3. [6 folios] 'Thesaurus Thesaurorum. Sive Medicina Aurea.'
'A manuscript concerning the Philosophers' Elixir or their medicine both for Humane and Metalline bodies. Incerti Authoris.'
1466. Cambridge, University Library MS. Ii. iii. 17. 137 folios. Parchment. Small Folio. 15th Century.
[A collection of tracts and recipes in alchemy and astrology. From original defects of the material as well as from dirt the first two leaves are nearly illegible. Among the tracts are some by Theodoric, Avicenna, and Rhasis. The volume is incomplete at the end. An old title of the volume is given at the beginning 'Rosarium Medicum'.]
1467. Cambridge, University Library MS. Kk. vi. 30. 141 folios. Paper. Small 4to. 15th and 16th Centuries.
1. f1-35 [Various tracts, written continuously, generally without titles. In English. To some parts the names Johannes Frynge and Rector de Wymenton Canonicus are attached. Begins: 'In sekyng oute of the sothenes of this craft that men callen Alkemye'. There are many rude drawings of furnaces and retorts interspersed.]
2. f36-42v [Incomplete fragments of the Turba Philosophorum, the Notibilia Philosophorum, and the 7 termes, Alphabet, etc, of Alchemy, in English.]
3. f42v-46 [A fragment of George Ripley's Compendium of Alchemy.]
4. f47-50 [Medical receipts and Astrological notes of nativities in the years 1483-1504.]
5. f51-62 [Medical and Alchemical tracts, the first being 'A Compendyos Abstract of Alkamy, drawyn out of Latyn'. The name Ramundus, de Lapide, appears on f60.
6. f63 'Scienta ad extrahendum 5tam essentiam de Antimonio, i.e. Marcisita Plumbea.'
7. f63v-69 'Magisterium Lucis Johannis de Rupescissa.'
8. f71-86 'Principia Practicalia.'
9. f87-103 'Breve Breviarium', R[ogeri] B[acon].
10. f103v-109 [Various alchemical tracts, among which are Secretum secretorum, Pretium impretiabile, etc.]
11. f111-117 Speculativa Arnoldi de Villa Nova.
12. f118-125 Practica Magistri Arnoldi de Villa Nova.
1468. Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum. MS. 276. Paper roll. 6710x570mm. First half of 16th Century.