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Information about printers of alchemical books
Dawks, London.
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1680 Johann Joachim BECHER., Magnalia Natur�: Or, the Philosophers Stone lately expos'd..., Dawks, London: printed for Tho. Dawks, sold also by La. Curtiss, 1680.
1683 Lazarus ERCKER., Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature,..., , London: for the author by T. Dawks, 1683.
1686 Johann Joachim BECHER., Magnalia natur�: or, the truth of the philosophers-stone..., , London: T. Dawks, [1686].
1686 Lazarus ERCKER., Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature,..., , London: for the author by T. Dawks, 1686.
1689 Fran�ois SAINT ANDR�., Chymical disceptations: or, discourses upon acid and alkali...., , London: For Tho. Dawks, and Benj. Allport, 1689.
1696 William SALMON., Pharmacopoei� Londinensis. Or, the new London dispensatory. In..., , London: printed by I. Dawks, for T. Basset, R. Chiswell, M. Wotton, G. Conyers, and I. Dawks, 1696.
1709 George STARKEY [Eiren�us Philoponus Philaletha]., A true light of alchemy. Containing, I. A..., , London: printed by I. Dawks for the author, 1709.